Developer’s Guide

Sencha Web Application Manager provides a number of APIs that allow applications to have many new capabilities when running inside of Sencha Web Application Client. When designing your applications make sure your applications will degrade gracefully when not running inside of Sencha Web Application Client.

To start using Sencha Web Application Client’s APIs you simply need to include this script tag in the head of the HTML page of your application.

<script src=""></script>

If your application is a Sencha Touch application using Sencha Cmd and the Micro loader, make sure to include space.js after the microloader:

<!-- The line below must be kept intact for Sencha Command to build your application -->
 <script id="microloader" type="text/javascript" src="touch/microloader/development.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

To know if your application is currently running inside of Sencha Web Application Client, check:

if(Ext.isSpace) {
    // Space Specific 

} else {
    // Fallback 

Ext.isSpace will be true only when inside of Sencha Web Application Client.

You must wait until Sencha Web Application Client has fully initialized the webview the application is running in before making any Sencha Web Application Client API calls. Ext.onSpaceReady returns a promise that fulfills when Sencha Web Application Client is ready:


    // Sencha Web Application Client APIs


onSpaceReady also supports directly passing a callback:


    // Sencha Web Application Client APIs.


If you mix callback- and promise-style invocation, the callback becomes the first function in a promise handler chain, and any functions attached in promise style are added to the chain in sequence. If you pass another callback directly to Ext.onSpaceReady later, it creates a new promise chain that runs after any previous promise chains are finished:

function myCallback() {
    console.log("chain 1, callback");

function myPromise() {
    console.log("chain 1, promise");

function mySecondCallback() {
    console.log("chain 2, callback");

var promise = Ext.onSpaceReady(myCallback); // creates one promise chain
Ext.onSpaceReady(mySecondCallback);         // creates another promise chain
promise.then(myPromise);                    // attaches to the first chain

// "chain 1, callback"
// "chain 1, promise"
// "chain 2, callback"

In all cases, the callback(s) will not execute if the application is not running inside of Sencha Web Application Client. If Sencha Web Application Client is already ready when Ext.onSpaceReady is called, then the passed function calls immediately.

Last updated