Sencha Web Application Manager On-Premise Installation

Sencha provides a delivery model that allows you to install and operate Sencha Web Application Manager via your in-house server and computing infrastructure. This model utilizes your organization’s native computing resources and only requires a licensed or purchased copy of Sencha Web Application Manager.

This manual provides a workflow that will guide you through the following tasks:

  • Pre-installation of Sencha Web Application Manager
  • Installing Sencha Web Application Manager
  • Post-installation tasks

Architecture Overview

The on-premise version of Sencha Web Application Manager consists of 2 applications:

  • Sencha Web Application Manager API Server

    Sencha Web Application Manager API Server runs on top of an IIS server and accepts JSON RPC requests from users. The API Installer mounts Sencha Web Application Manager Dashboard as a separate web application on your target IIS Server.

  • Sencha Web Application Manager Worker

    Sencha Web Application Manager Worker is the on-premise service that handles complex background server tasks, such as:

    • Delivering Push Notifications
    • Geolocation lookups
    • Email delivery
    • Data imports

    This is a high level list of tasks. Sencha Web Application Manager Worker performs many other tasks beyond the above list.

Connecting the API Server to the Worker

Sencha Web Application Manager API Server and Sencha Web Application Manager Worker are connected via a MSMQ Private Transactional Queue. This allows for a wide variety of system architecture solutions. You may increase the number of running workers in order to scale up your Sencha Web Application Manager Server. The MSMQ built-in dispatcher will then automatically distribute messages between running Workers.

The easiest method of deploying Sencha Web Application Manager is to install all of the software on one machine. That said, Sencha Web Application Manager API Server and Sencha Web Application Manager Worker can be installed on different machines within your local network without limitation.

Pre-installation steps

Sencha Web Application Manager Server runs on top of Windows Server 2012. In order to install Sencha Web Application Manager, your system must have specific roles and features enabled. Configuration changes will also need to be made to IIS and SQL Server. These steps are all covered below.

Required Roles

Web Server (IIS)

Sencha Web Application Manager API Server runs on IIS.

IIS should be installed with most Application Development options checked.

Required Features

.NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework 4.5 Features

Sencha Web Application Manager API Server is built using the .NET Framework.

Message Queuing

Sencha Web Application Manager uses Message Queuing (MSMQ) for distribution of tasks.

Configuration Changes

After installation of the required Roles and Features, you will need to make several configuration changes, covered below.

Internet Information Services (IIS)

After IIS has been installed, Sencha Web Application Manager requires that local handlers and modules are unlocked.

This can be achieved by modifying IIS settings directly, or configuring via the command line:

%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe unlock config -section:system.webServer/handlers

    %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe unlock config -section:system.webServer/modules

The above commands will need to be run through an elevated Command Prompt (run as an Administrator).

Microsoft SQL Server

Sencha Web Application Manager utilizes Microsoft SQL Server for its primary data storage.

Ensure your instance of SQL Server is configured to allow both SQL Server and Windows Authentication modes.

It is recommended to create a SQL user account specifically for Sencha Web Application Manager. Please note that Enforce password expiration should not be checked against the new user, otherwise this will cause Sencha Web Application Manager to fail upon expiration of the SQL user’s password.

This SQL account needs to be granted a minimum server role of dbcreator, with a defined password that adheres to SQL Server’s password policy.

Lastly, you need to ensure that the TCP/IP protocol is enabled for SQL Server, and a port is specified. This can be done through the SQL Server Configuration Manager. You may need to restart the SQL Server service after making these changes.

MSMQ Private Transactional Queue

After Message Queuing (MSMQ) has been installed, you need to create a MSMQ Private Transactional Queue. This will be used as a communication channel between the API Server and Worker.

  • Open Computer Management from Administrative Tools

  • Go to Services and Applications -> Message Queuing -> Private Queues

  • Create a new Private Queue and give it a suitable name, for example Sencha. Ensure the Transactional option is checked.

  • Click OK to add the new Private Queue.

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

If the SQL Server instance is on a different machine than the Web Application Manager Server, you need to make some configuration changes to Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) on the server hosting SQL Server.

  • Open Component Services from Administrative Tools
  • Go to Computers -> My Computer -> Distributed Transaction Coordinator
  • Right-click Local DTC, select Properties, and configure the Security settings to match the below

Windows Firewall

If Windows Firewall is enabled on the server, ports 8000 and 8080 both need to be open. This assumes that the Dashboard and API Server are being operated on those ports in your environment.

First, open Windows Firewall with Advanced Security from Administrative Tools, and add a new Inbound Rule, selecting Port as the type of rule:

Specify a comma-separated list of port numbers that need to be opened on the Windows Firewall, for example 8000, 8080:

Allow the inbound connections on these ports:

Select when this rule should apply (which types of network):

Finally, define a name for this new rule:

API Server Installation

To start the Sencha Web Application Manager API Server installation, run SenchaManagerApiServer_Setup.msi on the target machine.

Note: This should be the machine that was pre-configured as mentioned above (see “Pre-installation steps”).

On the first step, you need to provide a file system path in which Sencha Web Application Manager API Server should be installed.

Then the same for Sencha Web Application Manager Dashboard.

After that you need to specify database connection settings. If you want the installer to create your target database for you, check the “Create database” checkbox.

Next, provide the Messaging Queue connection string.

Then, the default server address for inner role communication is displayed. Alter this if needed.

Input your IIS Server settings for Sencha Web Application Manager API Server.

Note: For the API Server URL, this is the URL that is to be reachable by end users, so this needs to either be an IP address or domain name based URL.

Finally, define settings for Sencha Web Application Manager Dashboard.

Note: For the Dashboard URL, this is the URL that is to be reachable by end users of the Dashboard, so this needs to either be an IP address or domain name based URL.

Click Install to carry out the installation using the provided settings.

Finalizing your Settings

After the Sencha Web Application Manager API Server is successfully installed, a web browser window will be displayed and you will be prompted to finalize the installation. Enter the Database you specified during installation and the installer will create your Sencha Web Application Manager Schema.

Next, you will need to define new credentials and define an Organization Code. This email address and associated password will be used for logging in to the Sencha Web Application Manager organization as an Administrator.

The Organization Code can simply be your company name, for example sencha, or a domain-like syntax such as

Finally, the installer will prompt you to define configuration settings.

For the API Server and Dashboard URLs, these are the URLs that need to be reachable by end users, so this needs to either be an IP address or domain name based URL, as shown below.

Sencha Web Application Manager requires a file storage path on the server, where report exports are created.
In this example, a folder was created under C:\Sencha\FileStorage\. The Local System account needs Write permissions to this folder.

Click Next, and you should get a notification to say the process has completed successfully.

Worker Installation

To begin installing Sencha Web Application Manager Worker, run SenchaManagerWorker_Setup.msi on your target machine.

Note: This should be the machine that was pre-configured as mentioned above (see “Pre-installation tasks”).

On the first step, you will need to provide a file system path in which Sencha Web Application Manager Worker should be installed.

Next, specify your database connection settings.

On the next installation step you need to provide the installer with the Messaging Queue connection string.

Finally, the installer prompts you to input your SMTP Server settings. Setting up Sencha Web Application Manager to use an SMTP server allows for the sending of notifications to end users when new accounts are added for them, or for password reset emails etc.

Please note that you only need to enable SSL if you are connecting to an SSL encrypted endpoint (usually port 465). If you are connecting to an SMTP endpoint that works through TLS (usually port 587), you don’t need to enable SSL during the Worker installation.

Click Install to carry out the installation using the provided settings.

Post-installation steps

This guide has walked through the process of setting up an on-premise instance of Sencha Web Application Manager.

There are some further configuration items that may be required for your on-premise installation. These are described in the sections below.

MSMQ Private Transactional Queue Permissions

The MSMQ queue created earlier may need extra security permissions defined on it, to allow the Sencha Web Application Manager Worker Service to access messages in the queue.

By default, the Sencha Web Application Manager Worker Service runs under the Local System account, so view the properties of the queue you created earlier, select the Security tab and grant Full Control permissions to the SYSTEM user.

Sencha Web Application Manager Worker

Sencha Web Application Manager Worker will be added as a Windows service. It is set to startup automatically, with a delay, which means it will start automatically after each restart of the server, but with a 2 minute delay (default on Windows Server). This helps to ensure all other services are available before the Worker service starts.

You may want to consider customizing the service recovery options, which can be done by double-clicking on the service in the Services list, selecting the Recovery tab and customizing the applicable settings.

To assist in debugging and tracking of errors, the Sencha Web Application Manager Worker outputs logs to the logs folder in the installation path.

Logs are kept for 7 days, with logs from the current day always stored in the current.log file. Logs from previous days are automatically archived in to other log files in the same folder, such as archive.0.log.

Securing data in transit using HTTPS

When rolling out a production instance of Sencha Web Application Manager, it is strongly recommended to set the API Server and Dashboard to communicate over an HTTPS connection, to ensure security of Web Application Manager data in transit between your network and a user’s device.

This involves setting up IIS to use an SSL certificate, which can be configured within the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Database Backups

It is important to ensure the Sencha Web Application Manager database in SQL Server is backed up on a regular basis, to help mitigate data loss in the event of an unexpected server failure.


To test the installation and ensure everything works successfully, launch the Sencha Web Application Manager Dashboard through the URL that was specified during the install process, for example http://ServerName:8080/.

Login to the Sencha Web Application Manager Dashboard using the credentials specified during the install process.
You should be able to login to the Dashboard and see an overview of your new Web Application Manager Organization.

You can then get the Sencha Web Application Manager clients to access your on-premise environment by configuring it to use your custom server, instead of the Sencha-hosted environment. For example, on Windows desktop, the client allows you to select either the Sencha server, or provide your own custom server URL.

Enter your server’s URL, along with the Organization Code.

Then finally, login using your credentials for that Organization.

You should then be able to login and access your assigned applications.

Last updated