Docs Help

Terms, Icons, and Labels

Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias (or xtype if the class extends Ext.Component). The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of applicable classes for quick reference.

Access Levels

Framework classes or their members may be specified as private or protected. Else, the class / member is public. Public, protected, and private are access descriptors used to convey how and when the class or class member should be used.

Member Types

Member Syntax

Below is an example class member that we can disect to show the syntax of a class member (the lookupComponent method as viewed from the Ext.button.Button class in this case).

lookupComponent ( item ) : Ext.Component

Called when a raw config object is added to this container either during initialization of the items config, or when new items are added), or {@link #insert inserted.

This method converts the passed object into an instanced child component.

This may be overridden in subclasses when special processing needs to be applied to child creation.


item :  Object

The config object being added.


The component to be added.

Let's look at each part of the member row:

Member Flags

The API documentation uses a number of flags to further commnicate the class member's function and intent. The label may be represented by a text label, an abbreviation, or an icon.

Class Icons

- Indicates a framework class

- A singleton framework class. *See the singleton flag for more information

- A component-type framework class (any class within the Ext JS framework that extends Ext.Component)

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Member Icons

- Indicates a class member of type config

- Indicates a class member of type property

- Indicates a class member of type method

- Indicates a class member of type event

- Indicates a class member of type theme variable

- Indicates a class member of type theme mixin

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Class Member Quick-Nav Menu

Just below the class name on an API doc page is a row of buttons corresponding to the types of members owned by the current class. Each button shows a count of members by type (this count is updated as filters are applied). Clicking the button will navigate you to that member section. Hovering over the member-type button will reveal a popup menu of all members of that type for quick navigation.

Getter and Setter Methods

Getting and setter methods that correlate to a class config option will show up in the methods section as well as in the configs section of both the API doc and the member-type menus just beneath the config they work with. The getter and setter method documentation will be found in the config row for easy reference.

History Bar

Your page history is kept in localstorage and displayed (using the available real estate) just below the top title bar. By default, the only search results shown are the pages matching the product / version you're currently viewing. You can expand what is displayed by clicking on the button on the right-hand side of the history bar and choosing the "All" radio option. This will show all recent pages in the history bar for all products / versions.

Within the history config menu you will also see a listing of your recent page visits. The results are filtered by the "Current Product / Version" and "All" radio options. Clicking on the button will clear the history bar as well as the history kept in local storage.

If "All" is selected in the history config menu the checkbox option for "Show product details in the history bar" will be enabled. When checked, the product/version for each historic page will show alongside the page name in the history bar. Hovering the cursor over the page names in the history bar will also show the product/version as a tooltip.

Search and Filters

Both API docs and guides can be searched for using the search field at the top of the page.

On API doc pages there is also a filter input field that filters the member rows using the filter string. In addition to filtering by string you can filter the class members by access level and inheritance. This is done using the checkboxes at the top of the page. Note that filtering out private members also filters the API class navigation tree.

Clicking on an empty search field will show your last 10 searches for quick navigation.

API Doc Class Metadata

Each API doc page (with the exception of Javascript primitives pages) has a menu view of metadata relating to that class. This metadata view will have one or more of the following:

Expanding and Collapsing Examples and Class Members

Runnable examples (Fiddles) are expanded on a page by default. You can collapse and expand example code blocks individually using the arrow on the top-left of the code block. You can also toggle the collapse state of all examples using the toggle button on the top-right of the page. The toggle-all state will be remembered between page loads.

Class members are collapsed on a page by default. You can expand and collapse members using the arrow icon on the left of the member row or globally using the expand / collapse all toggle button top-right.

Desktop -vs- Mobile View

Viewing the docs on narrower screens or browsers will result in a view optimized for a smaller form factor. The primary differences between the desktop and "mobile" view are:

Viewing the Class Source

The class source can be viewed by clicking on the class name at the top of an API doc page. The source for class members can be viewed by clicking on the "view source" link on the right-hand side of the member row.

Sencha Web Application Manager 6.0.0


Sencha Web Application Manager Public Admin API Docs

Smd service

Smd service provides a definition for a variety of available services, and documents what parameters are expected, how to call the services, and what to expect in return.


get(roles, description) Provides an open definition of available web services

rolesarrayArray of user roles to extract SMD for
descriptionboolean, default: falseIf set to true, additional documentation will be appended
returnsobjectJSON formatted description of available web services

Auth service

Auth service provides methods to perform authentication related actions like signup, signin, get public organization information, reset password, etc


forgotPassword(email) Performs a reset of user password by sending reset token to user's email

emailstring, requiredEmail address
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

getAuthToken() Creates a short-lived (60s) one-time auth token that can be passed freely on to a third-party for SSO ability.

returnsstringAuth token

getOrganizationAuthInfo(code, deviceId, clientUIVersion) Provides a public information about specified organization

codestring, requiredOrganization code
deviceIdstringDevice Id
clientUIVersioninteger, default: -1Current version of UI Params on client
returnsobjectJSON formatted list of organization params, such as: AuthType, Code, Name, Saml, UIParameters

getResetPasswordInfo(token) Provides a reset password information for specified reset token

tokenstring, requiredReset token
returnsobjectEmail address for specified reset token; JSON formatted array of users with foresaid email

resendValidateEmail(token, email) Resends user validation email either by specifying Email Validation Token or Email Address

tokenstringEmail Validation Token
emailstringEmail Address
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

resetPassword(token, password, orgs) Performs passwort reset (for specific orgs if certain param is presented)

tokenstring, requiredReset token
passwordstring, requiredNew password
orgsarrayArray of organization ids
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

signin(email, password, organizationCode, deviceId) Performs login into the system

emailstring, requiredUser Email
passwordstring, requiredUser Password
organizationCodestring, requiredOrganization code
deviceIdstringDevice Id. If this param is empty, administrator login will be performed
returnsobjectJSON formatted object which contains AccessToken, Session expiration time, organization and user objects in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

signout(allSessions) Performs singout of the system

allSessionsboolean, default: falseIf set to true, all the user sessions will be expired
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

signup(email, password, firstName, lastName, confirmTOS) First step of admin sign up; Sends the Email Validation Token to specified Email address

emailstring, requiredEmail
passwordstring, requiredPassword
firstNamestring, requiredFirst Name
lastNamestring, requiredLast Name
confirmTOSboolean, requiredSet it to true to confirm accepting Sencha Space's Terms of Service
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

signup2(token) Second step of admin Sign Up; Performs validation of specified token

tokenstring, requiredToken
returnsobjectUser email if success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

signup3(token, organizationCode, country, marketoCookie, region) Third step of admin Sign Up; Allows to specify organization code admin wants to use

tokenstring, requiredEmail Validation Token
organizationCodestring, requiredOrganization Code
countrystring, requiredCountry
marketoCookiestringMarketo cookie value
returnsobjectJSON formatted object which contains AccessToken, Session expiration time, organization and user objects in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

validateEmail(token) Performs validation of user's Email address

tokenstring, requiredToken
returnsbooleanTrue if success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

User service

User service provides a functional to manage users within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


delete(id) Deletes specific User

idinteger, requiredUser Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

deleteAll(except) Performs deletion of all org Users (except specified)

exceptarraySpecify an array of User Ids you want to keep in your org
returnsarrayAn array of User Ids which have left in organization

fetch(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Users

filterstringFilter to apply to User LastName, FirstName or Email
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

get(id, organizationCode) Fetches User Object with additional data appended: GroupsCount, AppsCount

idintegerUser Id
organizationCodestringOrganization Code
returnsobjectUser object

getRoles(id) Fetches User Roles

idintegerUser Id
returnsobjectArray of Role objects

getByEmail(email) Fetches User Object by Email with additional data appended: GroupsCount, AppsCount

emailstring, requiredUser Email
returnsobjectUser object

getDevices(id) Fetches user Devices

idinteger, requiredUser Id
returnsarrayA list of user Devices

getDevicesCount(id) Returns a number of user Devices

idinteger, requiredUser Id
returnsintegerA list of user Devices

getMessages() Fetches Messages for current User

returnsarrayList of user Messages

invite(email, firstName, lastName, title, avatar, company, department) Invites new user to Organization

emailstring, requiredUser Email
firstNamestringUser FirstName
lastNamestringUser LastName
titlestringUser Title
avatarstringUser Avatar
companystringUser Company
departmentstringUser Department
returnsintegerId of created User object, JSON formatted error otherwise


valuesarray, required

setBlocked(id, blocked) Performs blocking of User

idinteger, requiredUser Id
blockedboolean, requiredTrue/False
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

setDeleted(id, deleted) Performs "soft" deletion of User

idinteger, requiredUser Id
deletedboolean, default: trueTrue/False
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

update(id, email, firstName, lastName, title, avatar, password, changePasswordForAllOrgs, company, department) Updates current or specific User

idintegerUser Id
emailstringNew User Email
firstNamestringNew User FirstName
lastNamestringNew User LastName
titlestringNew User Title
avatarstringNew User Avatar
passwordstringNew User Pasword
changePasswordForAllOrgsboolean, default: falseSet it to True if you want to change password in all orgs for that user
companystringUser Company
departmentstringUser Department
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

Group service

Group service provides a functional to manage user groups within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


create(name, description) Creates a new Group

namestring, requiredGroup Name
descriptionstringGroup Description
returnsintegerId of created Group object, JSON formatted error otherwise

delete(id) Deletes a Group

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

deleteAll(except) Performs deletion of all org Groups (except specified)

exceptarraySpecify an array of Group Ids you want to keep in your org
returnsarrayAn array of Group Ids which have left in organization

fetch(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Groups

filterstringFilter to apply to Group name
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

get(id) Fetches all the Group data

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
returnsobjectJSON formatted Group object which also contains Apps and Users count

update(id, name, description) Performs Group updating

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
namestringNew Group Name
descriptionstringNew Group Description
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

App service

App service provides a functional to manage Apps within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


create(name, url, icon, description, intents, ordinal, landingPage, hidden) Creates a new Application

namestring, requiredName
urlstring, requiredUrl address
iconstringUrl path to icon
descriptionstringApp description
intentsarrayApp intents
ordinalinteger, default: -1Set it to True to mark app as ordinal
landingPageboolean, default: falseApp landing page
hiddenboolean, default: falseApp visibility setting for clients
returnsintegerId of created Application object, JSON formatted error otherwise

delete(id) Deletes the Application

idinteger, requiredApp Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

deleteAll(except) Performs deletion of all org Applications (except specified)

exceptarraySpecify an array of App Ids you want to keep in your org
returnsarrayAn array of App Ids which have left in organization

fetch(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Applications

filterstringFilter to apply to App name or App description
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

get(id) Fetches all the Application data

idinteger, requiredApp Id
returnsobjectJSON formatted Application object which also contains Groups and Users count

update(id, name, url, icon, description, intents, ordinal, landingPage, hidden) Performs Application updating

idinteger, requiredApp Id
namestringNew name
urlstringNew url
iconstringNew path to icon
descriptionstringNew description
intentsarrayNew value for Intents
ordinalintegerNew value for Ordinal
landingPagebooleanNew value for Landing page
hiddenbooleanApp visibility setting for clients
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

mine() Provides a full list of user's applications. Additional information for each app is also available: Deployed Version, Invoking app list, Policies, Vpn, Badge

returnsarrayJSON formatted array of applications with additional information

getInvokableApps(id) Provides a list of invokable apps for specified Application

idinteger, requiredApp Id
returnsarrayList of App Ids

setInvokableApps(id, accessToAll, mode, apps) Updates list of invokable apps for specified application

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
accessToAllboolean, requiredSet this param to True if you want to grant access to all apps
modestring, default: 'multi'Application select mode, can be either 'multy' or 'all'
appsarrayApplication Ids to select. If mode is 'multy' specify a list of apps you want to grant access to, otherwise specify apps you want to exclude from granting access to
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

setDeleted(id, deleted) Performs "soft" deletion of application

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
deletedboolean, default: trueTrue/False
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise


valuesarray, required

Org service

Org service provides a functional to manage your Organization in Sencha Web Application Manager


broadcast(message) Performs a broadcasting to all organization devices

messagestring, requiredMessage to broadcast

fetch() Fetches all the Organization information

returnsarrayJSON formatted organization object which contains number of Users, Groups and Apps

get() Fetches Organization object

returnsobjectJSON formatted Organization object

update(name, authType, saml, contact, uiParameters, ldap, pnSettings, emailTemplates)


UserGroup service

UserGroup service provides a functional to manage your users within specific groups


create(id, groups) Maps a list of groups to specific user

idinteger, requiredUser Id
groupsarray, requiredList of Group Ids
returnsarrayList of Group Ids

createAll(id, except) Maps all the organization groups to specific user

idinteger, requiredUser Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of Group Ids you want leave unmapped
returnsarrayList of unmapped groups

delete(id, groups) Deletes the mapping between specific User and list of Groups

idinteger, requiredUser Id
groupsarray, requiredList of Group Ids
returnsarrayList of Group Ids

deleteAll(id, except) Deletes the mapping between specific User and all Groups in organization

idinteger, requiredUser Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of Groups you want to keep mapping for
returnsarrayArray of User Groups that have left after unmapping

fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, excluded) Fetches a sorted limited list of User Groups

idinteger, requiredUser Id
filterstringFilter to apply to Group Name
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
excludedboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch groups where user is not involved
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

GroupUser service

GroupUser service provides a functional to manage your users within specific groups


create(id, users) Maps a list of users to specific group

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
usersarray, requiredList of User Ids
returnsarrayList of User Ids

createAll(id, except) Maps all the organization users to specific group

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of User Ids you want leave unmapped
returnsarrayList of unmapped users

delete(id, users) Deletes the mapping between specific Group and list of Users

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
usersarray, requiredList of User Ids
returnsarrayList of User Ids

deleteAll(id, except) Deletes the mapping between specific Group and all Users in organization

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of Users you want to keep mapping for
returnsarrayArray of Group Users that have left after unmapping

fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, excluded) Fetches a sorted limited list of Group Users

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
filterstringFilter to apply to User Firstname, Lastname or Email
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
excludedboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch users that are not involved in specific group
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

UserApp service

UserApp service provides a functional to manage your Apps for specific users


fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, includeAccessibleApps) Fetches a sorted limited list of User Applications

idinteger, requiredUser Id
filterstringFilter to apply to Application Name or Description
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
includeAccessibleAppsboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch all apps user has access to (via Organization and Groups access settings)
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

AppUser service

AppUser service provides a functional to manage Application Users


fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, includeAllUsers) Fetches a sorted limited list of Application Users

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
filterstringFilter to apply to User First Name, Last Name or Email
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
includeAllUsersboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch all users that has access to the app (via Organization and Groups access settings)
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

GroupApp service

GroupApp service provides a functional to manage your Apps within specific groups


create(id, apps) Maps a list of apps to specific group

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
appsarray, requiredList of App Ids
returnsarrayList of Apps Ids

createAll(id, except) Maps all the organization apps to specific group

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of App Ids you want leave unmapped
returnsarrayList of unmapped apps

delete(id, apps) Deletes the mapping between specific Group and list of Apps

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
appsarray, requiredList of App Ids
returnsarrayList of App Ids

deleteAll(id, except) Deletes the mapping between specific Group and all Apps in organization

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of Apps you want to keep mapping for
returnsarrayArray of Group Applications that have left after unmapping

fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, excluded) Fetches a sorted limited list of Group Applications

idinteger, requiredGroup Id
filterstringFilter to apply to App name or description
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
excludedboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch applications that are not presented in specific group
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

AppGroup service

AppGroup service provides a functional to manage your Apps within specific groups


create(id, groups) Maps a list of groups to specific app

idinteger, requiredApp Id
groupsarray, requiredList of Group Ids
returnsarrayList of Group Ids

createAll(id, except) Maps all the organization groups to specific app

idinteger, requiredApp Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of Group Ids you want leave unmapped
returnsarrayList of unmapped groups

delete(id, groups) Deletes the mapping between specific App and list of Groups

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
groupsarray, requiredList of Group Ids
returnsarrayList of Group Ids

deleteAll(id, except) Deletes the mapping between specific App and all Groups in organization

idinteger, requiredApp Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of Groups you want to keep mapping for
returnsarrayArray of Application Groups that have left after unmapping

fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, excluded) Fetches a sorted limited list of Application Groups

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
filterstringFilter to apply to Group name
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
excludedboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch groups where application is not involved
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

Session service

Session service provides a functional to manage your user's sessions


fetch(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of User Sessions

filterstringFilter to apply to Session User FirstName, LastName or Email
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

kill(id) Kills specific Session

idinteger, requiredSession Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

setActive(active) Changes Session State

activeboolean, default: trueIf set to True, current session will be marked as 'Active', otherwise 'Idle'

setDevice(id, clientVersion, make, model, os, osVersion, ipAddress, name, notificationsToken) Attaches Device to current session

idstring, requiredDevice Unique Id
clientVersionstring, requiredDevice Client Version
makestring, requiredDevice Make
modelstring, requiredDevice Model
osstring, requiredDevice OS
osVersionstring, requiredDevice OS Version
ipAddressstring, requiredDevice IP address
namestringDevice Name
notificationsTokenstringDevice Notification Token
returnsbooleanA JSON formatted object, which contains: success and deviceId (if the operation was successful).

Stats service

Stats service provides different types of system reports


totals(visits, users, groups, apps, devices) Fetches total numbers of Visits, Users, Groups, Apps and Devices in the system

visitsboolean, default: falseWhether or not include Visits number to output
usersboolean, default: falseWhether or not include Users number to output
groupsboolean, default: falseWhether or not include Groups number to output
appsboolean, default: falseWhether or not include Apps number to output
devicesboolean, default: falseWhether or not include Devices number to output
returnsobjectJSON formatted object which contains data above

usersLogins(dateStart, dateEnd, dataPointCount) Fetches stats of number of user logins to the system

dateStartstring, requiredStart Date
dateEndstring, requiredEnd Date
dataPointCountinteger, requiredNumber of data points
returnsarrayAn array of data point objects, each consists of Key and Logins fields

usersActivity(dateStart, dateEnd, dataPointCount) Fetches stats for users Activity

dateStartstring, requiredStart Date
dateEndstring, requiredEnd Date
dataPointCountinteger, requiredNumber of data points
returnsarrayAn array of data point objects, each consists of Key and Logins fields

devicesCreated(dateStart, dateEnd, dataPointCount) Fetches stats of Device creations

dateStartstring, requiredStart Date
dateEndstring, requiredEnd Date
dataPointCountinteger, requiredNumber of data points
returnsarrayAn array of data point objects, each consists of Interval and Users fields

usersCreated(dateStart, dateEnd, dataPointCount) Fetches stats of User creations

dateStartstring, requiredStart Date
dateEndstring, requiredEnd Date
dataPointCountinteger, requiredNumber of data points
returnsarrayAn array of data point objects, each consists of Interval and Users fields

getUserFilters(dateStart, dateEnd) Fetches User filter options

dateStartstring, requiredStart Date
dateEndstring, requiredEnd Date
returnsobjectJSON formatted object which contains information above

getAppFilters(dateStart, dateEnd) Fetches Bookmark filter options

dateStartstring, requiredStart Date
dateEndstring, requiredEnd Date
returnsobjectJSON formatted object which contains information above

getDeviceFilters(dateStart, dateEnd) Fetches Device filter options grouped by Platforms, PlatformVersions, ClientVersions, DeviceOwnerships

dateStartstring, requiredStart Date
dateEndstring, requiredEnd Date
returnsobjectJSON formatted object which contains information above

lastSeen(dateStart, dateEnd, dataPointCount, platform, platformVersion, deviceOwnership) Fetches Last Seen stats (DeviceActivity data)

dateStartstringStart Date
dateEndstringEnd Date
dataPointCountinteger, default: 6Number of data points
platformstringFilter for platform
platformVersionstringFilter for platform version
deviceOwnershipstringFilter for device ownership
returnsarrayAn array of data point objects, each consists of Interval and Count fields

platformDistribution(dateStart, dateEnd, platform, platformVersion, deviceOwnership) Fetches Device Platform Distribution stats

dateStartstringStart Date
dateEndstringEnd Date
platformstringFilter for platform
platformVersionstringFilter for platform version
deviceOwnershipstringFilter for device ownership
returnsarrayAn array of objects, each consists of name and value fields

appLaunches(dateStart, dateEnd, dataPointCount, platform, platformVersion, deviceOwnership, id, userId) Fetches App Launches by devices stats

dateStartstringStart Date
dateEndstringEnd Date
dataPointCountinteger, default: 10Number of data points
platformstringFilter for platform
platformVersionstringFilter for platform version
deviceOwnershipstringFilter for device ownership
idintegerApplication Id
userIdintegerFilter for user
returnsarrayAn array of Launches values, single value for each datapoint

getAppLaunches(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Applications launches (groupped by app)

filterobjectRequest Filter, JSON formatted object which could contain such filters for device object: dateStart, dateEnd, userId, active, platform, platformVersion, deviceOwnership
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

getAppLaunchesByUser(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Applications launches (groupped by user)

filterobjectRequest Filter, JSON formatted object which could contain such filters for device object: dateStart, dateEnd, userId, active, platform, platformVersion, deviceOwnership
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

inAppEventsDistribution(id, limit, dateStart, dateEnd) Fetches In-App Events Distribution stats

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
limitinteger, default: 10Limit
dateStartstringStart Date
dateEndstringEnd Date
returnsarrayAn array of objects, each consists of name and value fields

Device service

Device service provides a functional to manage your user's devices


fetch(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Devices

filterjtokenRequest Filter, could be either a string to apply to Device name, or JSON formatted object which could contain such filters: dateStart, dateEnd, userId, active, platform, platformVersion, deviceOwnership, name, inactiveDays (int), access
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

get(id) Fetches Device Object with additional data appended: LastActive, LastSession, User

idinteger, requiredDevice Id
returnsobjectDevice object

authorize(id, authorized) Performs authorization/deauthorization of Device

idinteger, requiredDevice Id
authorizedboolean, requiredTrue/False
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

setDeleted(id, deleted) Performs "soft" deletion of Device

idinteger, requiredDevice Id
deletedboolean, requiredTrue/False
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

setOwnership(id, ownership) Updates Device ownership

idinteger, requiredDevice Id
ownershipstring, requiredOwnership, could be either: 'Unknown', 'Employee' or 'Corporate'
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

wipe(id) Wipes device

idinteger, requiredDevice Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

OrgSecurityPolicy service

OrgSecurityPolicy service provides a functional to manage security settings of your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


getPolicies() Fetches Security Policy Rules and Values for Organization

returnsarrayJSON formatted object with Policies

update(policies) Performs an update of Organization security Policies

policiesobject, requiredJSON formatted object which contains {Policy Rule Id : Security Policy Value} pairs, like {24:'policyValue'}
returnsbooleanTrue if success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

UserSecurityPolicy service

UserSecurityPolicy service provides a functional to manage security settings of specific user in your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


getPolicies(id) Fetches Security Policy Rules and Values for specific User

idinteger, requiredUser Id
returnsarrayJSON formatted object with Policies

update(id, policies) Performs an update of User security Policies

idinteger, requiredUser Id
policiesobject, requiredJSON formatted object which contains {Policy Rule Id : Security Policy Value} pairs, like {24:'policyValue'}
returnsbooleanTrue if success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

fetchPolicies(id) Fetches Signed Security Policy Values for specific User

idintegerUser Id
returnsarrayList of Policy Values

AppSecurityPolicy service

AppSecurityPolicy service provides a functional to manage security settings of specific application in your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


getPolicies(id, except) Fetches Security Policy Rules and Values for specific App

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
exceptarrayArray of Security Policy Names to exclude from output
returnsarrayJSON formatted object with Policies

update(id, policies) Performs an update of Application security Policies

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
policiesobject, requiredJSON formatted object which contains {Policy Rule Id : Security Policy Value} pairs, like {24:'policyValue'}
returnsbooleanTrue if success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

fetchPolicies(id) Fetches Security Policy Values for specific Application

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
returnsarrayList of Policy Values

InvokableApp service

InvokableApp service provides a functional to manage invoke settings for specific application in your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Invokable Apps for specific Application

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
filterstringFilter to apply to App name or description
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

Subscription service

Subscription service provide a functional to manage your Sencha Web Application Manager Subscription and Billing settings


update(planId, card)


fetchHistory(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited Billing history

filterjtokenRequest Filter, JSON formatted object which could contain such filters: dateStart, dateEnd
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

get() Returns current subscription

returnsobjectJSON formatted Subscription object

Vpn service

Vpn service provides a functional to manage VPNs within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


create(name, authUrl, apps) Creates a VPN and maps it to specific Apps

namestring, requiredVPN Name
authUrlstring, requiredVPN Auth Url
appsarrayList of App Ids
returnsintegerVPN Id in case of success, JSON formatted error otherwise

delete(id) Deletes specific VPN

idinteger, requiredVPN Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

deleteAll(except) Performs deletion of all org VPNs (except specified)

exceptarraySpecify an array of VPN Ids you want to keep in your org
returnsarrayAn array of VPN Ids which have left in organization

fetch(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of VPNs

filterstringFilter to apply to VPN Name
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

get(id) Fetches VPN Object with additional data appended: Apps

idinteger, requiredVPN Id
returnsobjectVPN object with Apps appended

update(id, name, authUrl, apps) Updates VPN object

idinteger, requiredVPN Id
namestringNew VPN Name
authUrlstringNew VPN Auth Url
appsarrayNew VPN List of Apps
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

VpnApp service

VpnApp service provides a functional to manage your VPNs for specific applications


create(id, apps) Maps a list of apps to specific vpn

idinteger, requiredVPN Id
appsarray, requiredList of App Ids
returnsarrayList of App Ids

createAll(id, except) Maps all the organization Apps to specific Vpn

idinteger, requiredVPN Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of App Ids you want leave unmapped
returnsarrayList of unmapped apps

delete(id, apps) Deletes the mapping between specific VPN and list of Apps

idinteger, requiredVPN Id
appsarray, requiredList of App Ids
returnsarrayList of App Ids

deleteAll(id, except) Delete the mapping between specific VPN and all Apps in organization

idinteger, requiredUser Id
exceptarraySpecify an array of Apps you want to keep mapping for
returnsarrayArray of Apps that have left after unmapping

fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, excluded) Fetches a sorted limited list of VPN Apps

idinteger, requiredVPN Id
filterjtokenFilter to apply to App Name or Description
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
excludedboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch applications where specific VPN is not attached
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

DataTransfer service

DataTransfer service provides a functional to import/export different types of entities within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


importUsersAndGroupsFromCSV(positionEmail, positionFirstName, positionLastName, positionGroupName) Performs Users and Groups import from CSV input file; Input file should be appended to RPC POST request

positionEmailinteger, requiredPosition of Email Address in file record
positionFirstNameintegerPosition of First Name in file record
positionLastNameintegerPosition of Last Name in file record
positionGroupNameintegerPosition of Group Name in file record
returnsobjectTrue if success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

importUsersAndGroupsFromLDIF(attributeNameEmail, attributeNameFirstName, attributeNameLastName, attributeNameGroupName) Performs Users and Groups import from LDIF input file; Input file should be appended to RPC POST request

attributeNameEmailstring, requiredName of attribute in record which will be considered as Email address
attributeNameFirstNamestringName of attribute in record which will be considered as First Name
attributeNameLastNamestringName of attribute in record which will be considered as Last Name
attributeNameGroupNamestringName of attribute in record which will be considered as Group Name
returnsobjectTrue if success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

getLastJobStatus() Provides status of last Data Transfer Job

returnsobjectJSON formatted Data Transfer Job object

exportEventsAsCSV(dateStart, dateEnd, separator, includeHeaders) Schedules export of Audit Data

dateStartstringStart Date
dateEndstringEnd Date
separatorstring, default: ','Separator for fields in record
includeHeadersboolean, default: trueIf set to true field names would be appended to export
returnsobjectTrue if success, JSON formatted exception otherwise; Output file will be available after export job execution

fetchExportJobs(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Audit Data export jobs

sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

Push service

Push service provides a functional to send push notifications to application users within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


notification(bookmarkId, userEmail, data, badge, alert) Sends a push notification to application User/Users

bookmarkIdinteger, requiredApplication Id
userEmailstringUser Email
datastringPayload data
returnsobjectJSON formatted object which contains notifications that have been sent, error otherwise

Badge service

Badge service provides a functional to manage application Badges within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


update(bookmarkId, value, deviceId) Updates an application Badge

bookmarkIdinteger, requiredApplication Id
valuestring, requiredNew Badge Value
deviceIdstringDevice Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

UserRole service

UserRole service provides a functional to manage UserRoles within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


create(name, permissions) Creates a new User Role

namestring, requiredUser Role Name
permissionsinteger, requiredPermission list for new role, which is calculated by bitwise-inclusive-OR of needed permissions, which could be: UserPermissions = 0, InventoryRead = 1, InventoryModify = 2, AnalyticsRead = 4, SettingsRead = 8, SettingsModify = 16, BillingRead = 32, BillingModify = 64, RolesModify = 128,
returnsintegerId of created Role object, JSON formatted error otherwise

delete(id) Deletes a User Role

idinteger, requiredRole Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

deleteAll(except) Performs deletion of all org Roles (except specified)

exceptarraySpecify an array of Role Ids you want to keep in your org
returnsarrayAn array of Role Ids which have left in organization

fetch(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Roles

filterstringFilter to apply to Role name
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

update(id, name, permissions) Updates existing User Role

idinteger, requiredRole Id
namestringNew Role Name
permissionsintegerNew Role Permisions
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

UserUserRole service

UserUserRole service provides a functional to manage User UserRoles within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


create(id, roles) Maps a list of Roles to specific user

idinteger, requiredUser Id
rolesarray, requiredList of Role Ids
returnsarrayList of Role Ids

delete(id, roles) Deletes the mapping between specific User and list of Roles

idinteger, requiredUser Id
rolesarray, requiredList of Role Ids
returnsarrayList of Role Ids

fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, excluded) Fetches a sorted limited list of User Roles

idinteger, requiredUser Id
filterstringFilter to apply to Role Name
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
excludedboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch roles user in not granted with
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

UserRoleUser service

UserRoleUser service provides a functional to manage UserRole Users within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


create(id, users) Maps a list of users to specific role

idinteger, requiredRole Id
usersarray, requiredList of User Ids
returnsarrayList of User Ids

delete(id, users) Deletes the mapping between specific Role and list of Users

idinteger, requiredRole Id
usersarray, requiredList of User Ids
returnsarrayList of User Ids

fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor, excluded) Fetches a sorted limited list of Role users

idinteger, requiredRole Id
filterstringFilter to apply to User LastName, FirstName or Email
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
excludedboolean, default: falseSet to True in order to fetch users that are not granted with specific role
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

Version service

Version service provides a functional to manage application Versions within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


fetch(id, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of App Versions

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
filterstringFilter to apply to Version Name
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

create(id, name, pathToArchive, pathToDeployedApp) Creates a new Version either by specifying remote path to app archive, remote path to deployed app or attach app archive to current RPC POST request

idinteger, requiredApplication Id
namestring, requiredVersion Name
pathToArchivestringRemote Path to App archive
pathToDeployedAppstringRemote Path to Deployed App
returnsobjectVersion object in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

delete(id) Deletes a Version

idinteger, requiredVersion Id
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

update(id, name, pathToArchive, pathToDeployedApp) Updates existing Version

idinteger, requiredVersion Id
namestringNew Version Name
pathToArchivestringNew Version Remote Path to App archive
pathToDeployedAppstringNew Version Remote Path to Deployed App
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

setDeployed(id, deploy) Performs Version deploying/undeploying

idinteger, requiredVersion Id
deployboolean, default: trueTrue/False
returnsbooleanTrue in case of success, JSON formatted exception otherwise

get(id) Fetches Version object

idinteger, requiredVersion Id
returnsobjectJSON formatted Version object

InAppEvent service

InAppEvent service provides a functional to manage in-application events within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


fetch(id, userId, filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of In-Application events

idintegerApplication Id
userIdintegerUser Id (takes precedence over filter.userId)
filterjtokenRequest Filter, JSON formatted object which could contain such filters: dateStart, dateEnd, userId, deviceId, userAlternateId, userEmail, deviceUniqueId, deviceName, devicePlatform, devicePlatformVersion, ipAddress, category, action, label, valueMin, valueMax
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

BookmarkAccess service

BookmarkAccess service provides a functional to manage application access logs within your Sencha Web Application Manager Organization


fetch(filter, sortBy, sortDirection, limit, direction, cursor) Fetches a sorted limited list of Bookmark Accesses

filterjtokenRequest Filter, JSON formatted object which could contain such filters: dateStart, dateEnd, userId, deviceId, userEmail, deviceUniqueId, deviceName, devicePlatform, devicePlatformVersion, query, appId
sortBystringField in result to sort by
sortDirectionstringSort direction, could be either 'asc' or 'desc'
limitinteger, default: 20Limit of output items
directionstring, default: 'after'Direction of fetching items relatively to cursor, could be either 'after' or 'before'
cursorinteger, default: 0Request cursor
returnsobjectA JSON formatted object, which contains: startCursor, endCursor, total (number of items), items

Sencha Web Application Manager 6.0.0

Ext JS
Sencha Test
Sencha Themer
IDE Plugins
Sencha Inspector
Sencha Fiddle

Sencha Test

2.0.0 EA 1.0.3



Sencha Themer

Sencha Themer


5.x EA 4.x 3.x

IDE Plugins

IDE Plugins

Sencha Inspector

Sencha Inspector

Sencha Fiddle

Sencha Fiddle