Docs Help

Terms, Icons, and Labels

Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias (or xtype if the class extends Ext.Component). The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of applicable classes for quick reference.

Access Levels

Framework classes or their members may be specified as private or protected. Else, the class / member is public. Public, protected, and private are access descriptors used to convey how and when the class or class member should be used.

Member Types

Member Syntax

Below is an example class member that we can disect to show the syntax of a class member (the lookupComponent method as viewed from the Ext.button.Button class in this case).

lookupComponent ( item ) : Ext.Component

Called when a raw config object is added to this container either during initialization of the items config, or when new items are added), or {@link #insert inserted.

This method converts the passed object into an instanced child component.

This may be overridden in subclasses when special processing needs to be applied to child creation.


item :  Object

The config object being added.


The component to be added.

Let's look at each part of the member row:

Member Flags

The API documentation uses a number of flags to further commnicate the class member's function and intent. The label may be represented by a text label, an abbreviation, or an icon.

Class Icons

- Indicates a framework class

- A singleton framework class. *See the singleton flag for more information

- A component-type framework class (any class within the Ext JS framework that extends Ext.Component)

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Member Icons

- Indicates a class member of type config

- Indicates a class member of type property

- Indicates a class member of type method

- Indicates a class member of type event

- Indicates a class member of type theme variable

- Indicates a class member of type theme mixin

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Class Member Quick-Nav Menu

Just below the class name on an API doc page is a row of buttons corresponding to the types of members owned by the current class. Each button shows a count of members by type (this count is updated as filters are applied). Clicking the button will navigate you to that member section. Hovering over the member-type button will reveal a popup menu of all members of that type for quick navigation.

Getter and Setter Methods

Getting and setter methods that correlate to a class config option will show up in the methods section as well as in the configs section of both the API doc and the member-type menus just beneath the config they work with. The getter and setter method documentation will be found in the config row for easy reference.

History Bar

Your page history is kept in localstorage and displayed (using the available real estate) just below the top title bar. By default, the only search results shown are the pages matching the product / version you're currently viewing. You can expand what is displayed by clicking on the button on the right-hand side of the history bar and choosing the "All" radio option. This will show all recent pages in the history bar for all products / versions.

Within the history config menu you will also see a listing of your recent page visits. The results are filtered by the "Current Product / Version" and "All" radio options. Clicking on the button will clear the history bar as well as the history kept in local storage.

If "All" is selected in the history config menu the checkbox option for "Show product details in the history bar" will be enabled. When checked, the product/version for each historic page will show alongside the page name in the history bar. Hovering the cursor over the page names in the history bar will also show the product/version as a tooltip.

Search and Filters

Both API docs and guides can be searched for using the search field at the top of the page.

On API doc pages there is also a filter input field that filters the member rows using the filter string. In addition to filtering by string you can filter the class members by access level, inheritance, and read only. This is done using the checkboxes at the top of the page.

The checkbox at the bottom of the API class navigation tree filters the class list to include or exclude private classes.

Clicking on an empty search field will show your last 10 searches for quick navigation.

API Doc Class Metadata

Each API doc page (with the exception of Javascript primitives pages) has a menu view of metadata relating to that class. This metadata view will have one or more of the following:

Expanding and Collapsing Examples and Class Members

Runnable examples (Fiddles) are expanded on a page by default. You can collapse and expand example code blocks individually using the arrow on the top-left of the code block. You can also toggle the collapse state of all examples using the toggle button on the top-right of the page. The toggle-all state will be remembered between page loads.

Class members are collapsed on a page by default. You can expand and collapse members using the arrow icon on the left of the member row or globally using the expand / collapse all toggle button top-right.

Desktop -vs- Mobile View

Viewing the docs on narrower screens or browsers will result in a view optimized for a smaller form factor. The primary differences between the desktop and "mobile" view are:

Viewing the Class Source

The class source can be viewed by clicking on the class name at the top of an API doc page. The source for class members can be viewed by clicking on the "view source" link on the right-hand side of the member row.

History :

Ext JS 6.5.0 - Classic Toolkit


No members found using the current filters


Required Configs

columns : Ext.grid.column.Column[] / Object
required req

An array of Ext.grid.column.Column definition objects which define all columns that appear in this grid. Each column definition provides the header text for the column, and a definition of where the data for that column comes from.

This can also be a configuration object for a Ext.grid.header.Container which may override certain default configurations if necessary. For example, the special layout may be overridden to use a simpler layout, or one can set default values shared by all columns:

columns: {
    items: [
            text: "Column A",
            dataIndex: "field_A"
            text: "Column B",
            dataIndex: "field_B"
    defaults: {
        flex: 1

getColumns ( inResult, hiddenAncestor ) : Ext.grid.column.Column[]

Returns an array of all columns which exist in the grid's View, visible or not. This goes down to the leaf column header level, and does not return grouped headers which contain sub headers.

It includes hidden headers even though they are not rendered. This is for collection of menu items for the column hide/show menu.

Headers which have a hidden ancestor have a hiddenAncestor: true property injected so that descendants are known to be hidden without interrogating that header's ownerCt axis for a hidden ancestor.

See also Ext.grid.header.Container#getVisibleGridColumns


inResult :  Object

hiddenAncestor :  Object



columns An array of columns. Returns an empty array if no columns are found.

store : / String / Object
bindable bind required req

The data source to which the grid / tree is bound. Acceptable values for this property are:

  • any class / subclass
  • an ID of a store
  • a config object. When passing a config you can specify the store type by alias. Passing a config object with a store type will dynamically create a new store of that type when the grid / tree is instantiated.

For example:

Ext.define('', {
    extend: '',
    alias: 'store.customerstore',
    fields: ['name']

    xtype: 'gridpanel',
    renderTo: document.body,
    store: {
        type: 'customerstore',
        data: [{
            name: 'Foo'
    columns: [{
        text: 'Name',
        dataIndex: 'name'


Returns the store associated with this Panel.


The store

setStore ( [store] )

A convenience method that fires event-reconfigure with the store param. To set the store AND change columns, use the reconfigure method.


store : (optional)

The new store.

Optional Configs

actions : Object
bindable bind

An object containing properties which define named Ext.Action for this container and any descendant components.

An Action encapsulates a shareable, reusable set of properties which define a "clickable" UI component such as a Ext.button.Button or, or panel header tool, or an Ext.grid.column.Action

An Action, or more conveniently, the name of an action prefixed with '@' may be used as a config object for creating child components which use a handler config property to reference a Controller method to invoke when the component is clicked.

The property name is the action name, which may then be used as a child item configuration in an items configuration in any descendant component such as a toolbar or a menu, or in a tools configuration of a Panel.

The property value is a configuration object for any clickable component.

See the Ext.Action class for an example of reusable Actions.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.2.0

getActions : Object

Returns the value of actions



setActions (actions)

Sets the value of actions


actions :  Object

activeChildTabIndex : Number

DOM tabIndex attribute to set on the active Focusable child of this container when using the "Roaming tabindex" technique.

Defaults to:


activeCounter : Number
bindable bind private pri

An incrementing numeric counter indicating activation index for use by the zIndexManager to sort its stack.

Defaults to:


getActiveCounter : Number

Returns the value of activeCounter



setActiveCounter (activeCounter)

Sets the value of activeCounter


activeCounter :  Number

activeItem : String / Number
bindable bind

A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the container's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first item in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time (like Ext.layout.container.Card and Ext.layout.container.Fit).

Available since: 2.3.0

setActiveItem ( item ) : Ext.Component

Sets a component as the active layout item. This only applies when using a Ext.layout.container.Card layout.

var card1 = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {itemId: 'card-1'});
var card2 = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {itemId: 'card-2'});
var panel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
    layout: 'card',
    items: [card1, card2]
// These are all equivalent


item :  Ext.Component/Number/String

The component, component id, itemId, or index of component.



the activated component or false when nothing activated. False is returned also when trying to activate an already active item.

alignOnScroll : Boolean

By default, when the alignTo method is called, a floating component will scroll to keep aligned with the anchoring element if the anchoring element is part of the scroll.

If this is not necessary, and the alignTo is a one-off operation then set this config to false.

Defaults to:


alignTarget : String

A Component or Element by which to position this component according to the defaultAlign. Defaults to the owning Container.

Only applicable if this component is cfg-floating

Used upon first show.

Defaults to:


allowDeselect : Boolean

True to allow deselecting a record. This config is forwarded to Ext.selection.Model#allowDeselect.

Defaults to:


allowFocusingDisabledChildren : Boolean

Set this to true to enable focusing disabled child items via keyboard.

Defaults to:


alwaysOnTop : Boolean / Number
bindable bind

A flag indicating that this component should be on the top of the z-index stack for use by the zIndexManager to sort its stack.

This may be a positive number to prioritize the ordering of multiple visible always on top components.

This may be set to a negative number to prioritize a component to the bottom of the z-index stack.

Defaults to:


getAlwaysOnTop : Boolean / Number

Returns the value of alwaysOnTop


Boolean / Number

setAlwaysOnTop (alwaysOnTop)

Sets the value of alwaysOnTop


alwaysOnTop :  Boolean / Number

anchor : String

This configuration option is to be applied to child items of a container managed by an Ext.layout.container.Anchor.

This value is what tells the layout how an item should be anchored to the container. items added to an AnchorLayout accept an anchoring-specific config property of anchor which is a string containing two values: the horizontal anchor value and the vertical anchor value (for example, '100% 50%'). The following types of anchor values are supported:

  • Percentage : Any value between 1 and 100, expressed as a percentage.

    The first anchor is the percentage width that the item should take up within the container, and the second is the percentage height. For example:

    // two values specified
    anchor: '100% 50%' // render item complete width of the container and
                       // 1/2 height of the container
    // one value specified
    anchor: '100%'     // the width value; the height will default to auto
  • Offsets : Any positive or negative integer value.

    This is a raw adjustment where the first anchor is the offset from the right edge of the container, and the second is the offset from the bottom edge. For example:

    // two values specified
    anchor: '-50 -100' // render item the complete width of the container
                       // minus 50 pixels and
                       // the complete height minus 100 pixels.
    // one value specified
    anchor: '-50'      // anchor value is assumed to be the right offset value
                       // bottom offset will default to 0
  • Sides : Valid values are right (or r) and bottom (or b).

    Either the container must have a fixed size or an anchorSize config value defined at render time in order for these to have any effect.

  • Mixed :

    Anchor values can also be mixed as needed. For example, to render the width offset from the container right edge by 50 pixels and 75% of the container's height use:

    anchor:   '-50 75%'

anchorSize : Number / Object

Defines the anchoring size of container. Either a number to define the width of the container or an object with width and height fields.

animateShadow : Boolean

true to animate the shadow along with the component while the component is animating. By default the shadow is hidden while the component is animating

Defaults to:


animCollapse : Boolean / Number

true to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the animation (defaults to true if the Ext.fx.Anim class is available, otherwise false). May also be specified as the animation duration in milliseconds.

Defaults to:


ariaAttributes : Object
bindable bind

An object containing ARIA attributes to be set on this Component's ARIA element. Use this to set the attributes that cannot be determined by the Component's state, such as aria-live, aria-flowto, etc.

Note that this config is only meaningful at the Component rendering time, and setting it after that will do nothing.

Defaults to:


getAriaAttributes : Object

Returns the value of ariaAttributes



setAriaAttributes (ariaAttributes)

Sets the value of ariaAttributes


ariaAttributes :  Object

ariaDescribedBy : String

DOM selector for a child element that is to be used as description for this Component, set in aria-describedby attribute. The selector works the same way as ariaLabelledBy.

ariaLabel : String

ARIA label for this Component. It is best to use ariaLabelledBy option instead, because screen readers prefer aria-labelledby attribute to aria-label. ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy config options are mutually exclusive.

ariaLabelledBy : String

DOM selector for a child element that is to be used as label for this Component, set in aria-labelledby attribute. If the selector is by id, the label element can be any existing element, not necessarily a child of the main Component element.

ariaLabelledBy and ariaLabel config options are mutually exclusive, and ariaLabelledBy has the higher precedence.

autoDestroy : Boolean

If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else destruction must be handled manually.

Defaults to:


Available since: 2.3.0

autoEl : String / Object

A tag name or Ext.dom.Helper spec used to create the Element which will encapsulate this Component.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to 'div'. The more complex Sencha classes use a more complex DOM structure specified by their own cfg-renderTpls.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components encapsulated by different DOM elements. Example usage:

    xtype: 'component',
    autoEl: {
        tag: 'img',
        src: ''
}, {
    xtype: 'component',
    autoEl: {
        tag: 'blockquote',
        html: 'autoEl is cool!'
}, {
    xtype: 'container',
    autoEl: 'ul',
    cls: 'ux-unordered-list',
    items: {
        xtype: 'component',
        autoEl: 'li',
        html: 'First list item'

Available since: 2.3.0

autoLoad : Boolean

Use true to load the store as soon as this component is fully constructed. It is best to initiate the store load this way to allow this component and potentially its plugins (such as Ext.grid.filters.Filters) to be ready to load.

Defaults to:


autoRender : Boolean / String / HTMLElement / Ext.dom.Element

This config is intended mainly for non-cfg-floating Components which may or may not be shown. Instead of using renderTo in the configuration, and rendering upon construction, this allows a Component to render itself upon first show. If cfg-floating is true, the value of this config is omitted as if it is true.

Specify as true to have this Component render to the document body upon first show.

Specify as an element, or the ID of an element to have this Component render to a specific element upon first show.

Defaults to:


autoScroll : Boolean
deprecated dep bindable bind

true to use overflow:'auto' on the components layout element and show scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing content.

This should not be combined with overflowX or overflowY.

Defaults to:


Deprecated since version 5.1.0
Use scrollable instead

autoShow : Boolean

true to automatically show the component upon creation. This config option may only be used for cfg-floating components or components that use autoRender.

Defaults to:


Available since: 2.3.0

baseCls : String

The base CSS class to apply to this component's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component.

Defaults to:


bbar : Object / Object[]

Convenience config. Short for 'Bottom Bar'.

bbar: [
  { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'bottom',
    items: [
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

Defaults to:


bind : Object / String
bindable bind

Setting this config option adds or removes data bindings for other configs. For example, to bind the title config:

 var panel = Ext.create({
     xtype: 'panel',
     bind: {
         title: 'Hello {}'

To dynamically add bindings:

     title: 'Greetings {}!'

To remove bindings:

     title: null

The bind expressions are presented to The ViewModel instance is determined by lookupViewModel.

Note: If bind is passed as a string, it will use the Ext.Component#property-defaultBindProperty for the binding.

Defaults to:


getBind : Object / String

Returns the value of bind


Object / String

setBind (bind)

Sets the value of bind


bind :  Object / String

bodyBorder : Boolean

A shortcut to add or remove the border on the body of a panel. In the classic theme this only applies to a panel which has the frame configuration set to true.

Available since: 2.3.0

bodyCls : String / String[]

A CSS class, space-delimited string of classes, or array of classes to be applied to the panel's body element. The following examples are all valid:

bodyCls: 'foo'
bodyCls: 'foo bar'
bodyCls: ['foo', 'bar']

bodyPadding : Number / String

A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string describing padding.

Defaults to:


bodyStyle : String / Object / Function
bindable bind

Custom CSS styles to be applied to the panel's body element, which can be supplied as a valid CSS style string, an object containing style property name/value pairs or a function that returns such a string or object. For example, these two formats are interpreted to be equivalent:

bodyStyle: 'background:#ffc; padding:10px;'

bodyStyle: {
    background: '#ffc',
    padding: '10px'

Available since: 2.3.0

setBodyStyle ( style, value ) : Ext.panel.Panel
chainable ch

Sets the body style according to the passed parameters.


style :  Mixed

A full style specification string, or object, or the name of a style property to set.

value :  String

If the first param was a style property name, the style property value.




border : Boolean
bindable bind

Specify as false to render the Panel with zero width borders.

Leaving the value as true uses the selected theme's Ext.panel.Panel#$panel-border-width

Defaults to false when using or extending Neptune.

Note: is ignored when frame is set to true.

Defaults to:


setBorder ( border, targetEl )


border :  String/Number

The border, see border. If a falsey value is passed

targetEl :  Object

bubbleEvents : String[]

An array of events that, when fired, should be bubbled to any parent container. See Ext.util.Observable#enableBubble.

Available since: 3.4.0

bufferedRenderer : Boolean

Buffered rendering is enabled by default.

Configure as false to disable buffered rendering. See Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

buttonAlign : String

The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right', 'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right' for buttons/fbar, 'left' for other toolbar types).

NOTE: The preferred way to specify toolbars is to use the dockedItems config. Instead of buttonAlign you would add the layout: { pack: 'start' | 'center' | 'end' } option to the dockedItem config.

buttons : Object[]

Convenience config used for adding buttons docked to the bottom of the panel. This is a synonym for the fbar config.

buttons: [
  { text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'bottom',
    ui: 'footer',
    defaults: {
        minWidth: 200
    items: [
        { xtype: 'component', flex: 1 },
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

The minButtonWidth is used as the default minWidth for each of the buttons in the buttons toolbar.

Defaults to:


childEls : Object / String[] / Object[]
bindable bind

The canonical form of childEls is an object keyed by child's property name with values that are objects with the following properties.

  • itemId - The id to combine with the Component's id that is the id of the child element.
  • id - The id of the child element.
  • leaf - Set to true to ignore content when scanning for childEls. This should be set on things like the generated content for an Ext.view.View.
  • select: A selector that will be passed to Ext.dom.Element#method-select.
  • selectNode: A selector that will be passed to Ext.dom.Element#method-selectNode.

For example:

 childEls: {
     button: true,
     buttonText: 'text',
     buttonImage: {
         itemId: 'image'

The above is translated into the following complete form:

 childEls: {
     button: {
         name: 'button',
         itemId: 'button'
     buttonText: {
         name: 'buttonText',
         itemId: 'text'
     buttonImage: {
         name: 'buttonImage',
         itemId: 'image'

The above can be provided as an array like so:

 childEls: [
     { name: 'buttonText', itemId: 'text' },
     { name: 'buttonImage', itemId: 'image' }

For example, a Component which renders a title and body text:

Expand Code
Code Run
Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

Note: childEls in the renderTpl must be referenced in a data-ref attribute. Notice in the above example that the "title" childEl is set in the renderTpl using data-ref="title".

When using select, the property will be an instance of Ext.CompositeElement. In all other cases, the property will be an Ext.dom.Element or null if not found.

Care should be taken when using select or selectNode to find child elements. The following issues should be considered:

  • Performance: using selectors can be 10x slower than id lookup.
  • Over-selecting: selectors are applied after the DOM elements for all children have been rendered, so selectors can match elements from child components (including nested versions of the same component) accidentally.

This above issues are most important when using select since it returns multiple elements.

Defaults to:

    frameTable: {
        frame: true
    frameTL: {
        frame: 'tl'
    frameTC: {
        frame: 'tc'
    frameTR: {
        frame: 'tr'
    frameML: {
        frame: 'ml'
    frameBody: {
        frame: 'mc'
    frameMR: {
        frame: 'mr'
    frameBL: {
        frame: 'bl'
    frameBC: {
        frame: 'bc'
    frameBR: {
        frame: 'br'

getChildEls : Object / String[] / Object[]

Returns the value of childEls


Object / String[] / Object[]

setChildEls (childEls)

Sets the value of childEls


childEls :  Object / String[] / Object[]

closable : Boolean
bindable bind

True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and disallow closing the window.

By default, when close is requested by clicking the close button in the header, the method-close method will be called. This will destroy the Panel and its content meaning that it may not be reused.

To make closing a Panel hide the Panel so that it may be reused, set closeAction to 'hide'.

Defaults to:


getClosable : Boolean

Returns the value of closable



setClosable (closable)

Sets the value of closable


closable :  Boolean

closeAction : String

The action to take when the close header tool is clicked:

Note: This behavior has changed! setting does affect the method-close method which will invoke the appropriate closeAction.

Defaults to:


closeToolText : String

Text to be announced by screen readers when the close Ext.panel.Tool is focused. Will also be set as the close tool's tooltip text.

Note: Applicable when the panel is closable: true

Defaults to:

'Close panel'

cls : String / String[]

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element. The value can be a string, a list of strings separated by spaces, or an array of strings. This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

Defaults to:


Available since: 1.1.0

collapsed : Boolean
bindable bind

true to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded.

Defaults to:


getCollapsed Boolean/String

Returns the current collapsed state of the panel.



False when not collapsed, otherwise the value of collapseDirection.

setCollapsed ( collapsed )

Collapses or expands the panel.


collapsed :  Boolean

true to collapse the panel, false to expand it.

collapsedCls : String

A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed.

Defaults to:


collapseDirection : String

The direction to collapse the Panel when the toggle button is clicked.

Defaults to the cfg-headerPosition

Important: This config is ignored for collapsible Panels which are direct child items of a Ext.layout.container.Border.

Specify as 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right'.

collapseFirst : Boolean

true to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of) any other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last.

Defaults to:


collapseMode : String

Important: this config is only effective for collapsible Panels which are direct child items of a Ext.layout.container.Border.

When not a direct child item of a Ext.layout.container.Border, then the Panel's header remains visible, and the body is collapsed to zero dimensions. If the Panel has no header, then a new header (orientated correctly depending on the collapseDirection) will be inserted to show a the title and a re- expand tool.

When a child item of a Ext.layout.container.Border, this config has three possible values:

  • undefined - When collapsed, a placeholder Ext.panel.Header is injected into the layout to represent the Panel and to provide a UI with a Tool to allow the user to re-expand the Panel.

  • "header" - The Panel collapses to leave its header visible as when not inside a Ext.layout.container.Border.

  • "mini" - The Panel collapses without a visible header.

collapseToolText : String

Text to be announced by screen readers when collapse Ext.panel.Tool is focused. Will also be set as the collapse tool's tooltip text.

Note: Applicable when the panel is collapsible: true

Defaults to:

'Collapse panel'

collapsible : Boolean

True to make the panel collapsible and have an expand/collapse toggle Tool added into the header tool button area. False to keep the panel sized either statically, or by an owning layout manager, with no toggle Tool. When a panel is used in a Ext.layout.container.Border, the floatable option can influence the behavior of collapsing. See collapseMode and collapseDirection

Defaults to:


columnLines : Boolean

Adds column line styling

Defaults to:


columnWidth : Number

Defines the column width inside Ext.layout.container.Column.

The columnWidth property is always evaluated as a percentage and must be a decimal value greater than 0 and less than 1 (e.g., .25). See the description at the top of Ext.layout.container.Column for additional usage details when combining width and columnWidth configs within the layout.

componentCls : String

CSS Class to be added to a components root level element to give distinction to it via styling.

componentLayout : String / Object
bindable bind

The sizing and positioning of a Component's internal Elements is the responsibility of the Component's layout manager which sizes a Component's internal structure in response to the Component being sized.

Generally, developers will not use this configuration as all provided Components which need their internal elements sizing (Such as Ext.form.field.Base) come with their own componentLayout managers.

The Ext.layout.container.Auto will be used on instances of the base Ext.Component class which simply sizes the Component's encapsulating element to the height and width specified in the setSize method.

Defaults to:


setComponentLayout ( layout )
private pri


layout :  Object

constrain : Boolean

True to constrain the panel within its containing element, false to allow it to fall outside of its containing element. By default floating components such as Windows will be rendered to document.body. To render and constrain the window within another element specify renderTo. Optionally the header only can be constrained using constrainHeader.

Defaults to:


constrainHeader : Boolean

True to constrain the panel header within its containing element (allowing the panel body to fall outside of its containing element) or false to allow the header to fall outside its containing element. Optionally the entire panel can be constrained using constrain.

Defaults to:


constraintInsets : Object / String

An object or a string (in TRBL order) specifying insets from the configured constrain region within which this component must be constrained when positioning or sizing. example:

constraintInsets: '10 10 10 10' // Constrain with 10px insets from parent

constrainTo : Ext.util.Region / Ext.dom.Element

A Ext.util.Region (or an element from which a Region measurement will be read) which is used to constrain the component. Only applies when the component is floating.

contentEl : String

Specify an existing HTML element, or the id of an existing HTML element to use as the content for this component.

This config option is used to take an existing HTML element and place it in the layout element of a new component (it simply moves the specified DOM element after the Component is rendered to use as the content.


The specified HTML element is appended to the layout element of the component after any configured HTML has been inserted, and so the document will not contain this element at the time the event-render event is fired.

The specified HTML element used will not participate in any layout scheme that the Component may use. It is just HTML. Layouts operate on child items.

Add either the x-hidden or the x-hidden-display CSS class to prevent a brief flicker of the content before it is rendered to the panel.

Available since: 3.4.0

controller : String / Object /
bindable bind

A string alias, a configuration object or an instance of a ViewController for this container. Sample usage:

Ext.define('MyApp.UserController', {
    alias: 'controller.user'

Ext.define('UserContainer', {
    extend: 'Ext.container.container',
    controller: 'user'
// Or
Ext.define('UserContainer', {
    extend: 'Ext.container.container',
    controller: {
        type: 'user',
        someConfig: true

// Can also instance at runtime
var ctrl = new MyApp.UserController();
var view = new UserContainer({
    controller: ctrl

Defaults to:



Returns the instance associated with this component via the controller config or setController method.


Returns this component's ViewController or null if one was not configured

setController (controller)

Sets the value of controller


controller :  String / Object /

data : Object
bindable bind

The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to update the content area of the Component.

Defaults to:


Available since: 3.4.0

getData : Object

Returns the value of data



setData (data)

Sets the value of data


data :  Object

defaultAlign : String

The default Ext.dom.Element#getAlignToXY anchor position value for this component relative to its alignTarget (which defaults to its owning Container).

Only applicable if this component is cfg-floating

Used upon first show.

Defaults to:


defaultButton : String

Reference name of the component to act as the default button for this Panel. Default button is activated by pressing Enter key while focus is contained within the Panel's defaultButtonTarget.

The most obvious use for defaultButton is submitting a form:

 var loginWindow = new Ext.window.Window({
     autoShow: true,
     width: 300,
     layout: 'form',
     title: 'Enter login information',
     referenceHolder: true,
     defaultFocus: 'textfield',
     defaultButton: 'okButton',

     items: [{
         xtype: 'textfield',
         fieldLabel: 'User name'
     }, {
         xtype: 'textfield',
         fieldLabel: 'Password'

     buttons: [{
         reference: 'okButton',
         text: 'Login',
         handler: function() {
             Ext.Msg.alert('Submit', 'Your login is being processed');

defaultButtonTarget : String

Name of the element that will be the target of defaultButton keydown listener. The default element is Panel body, which means that pressing Enter key while focus is on docked items will not fire defaultButton action.

If you want defaultButton action to fire in docked items, set this config to "el".

defaultDockWeights : Object

This object holds the default weights applied to dockedItems that have no weight. These start with a weight of 1, to allow negative weights to insert before top items and are odd numbers so that even weights can be used to get between different dock orders.

To make default docking order match border layout, do this:

 Ext.panel.Panel.prototype.defaultDockWeights = { top: 1, bottom: 3, left: 5, right: 7 };

Changing these defaults as above or individually on this object will effect all Panels. To change the defaults on a single panel, you should replace the entire object:

 initComponent: function () {
     // NOTE: Don't change members of defaultDockWeights since the object is shared.
     this.defaultDockWeights = { top: 1, bottom: 3, left: 5, right: 7 };


To change only one of the default values, you do this:

 initComponent: function () {
     // NOTE: Don't change members of defaultDockWeights since the object is shared.
     this.defaultDockWeights = Ext.applyIf({ top: 10 }, this.defaultDockWeights);


Defaults to:

    top: {
        render: 1,
        visual: 1
    left: {
        render: 3,
        visual: 5
    right: {
        render: 5,
        visual: 7
    bottom: {
        render: 7,
        visual: 3

defaultFocus : String

Specifies a child Component to receive focus when this Container's method-focus method is called. Should be a valid Ext.ComponentQuery selector.


Finds the configured default focus item. See defaultFocus.

defaultListenerScope : Boolean
bindable bind

If true, this component will be the default scope (this pointer) for events specified with string names so that the scope can be dynamically resolved. The component will automatically become the defaultListenerScope if a controller is specified.

See the introductory docs for Ext.container.Container for some sample usages.

NOTE: This value can only be reliably set at construction time. Setting it after that time may not correctly rewire all of the potentially effected listeners.

Defaults to:


getDefaultListenerScope : Boolean

Returns the value of defaultListenerScope



setDefaultListenerScope (defaultListenerScope)

Sets the value of defaultListenerScope


defaultListenerScope :  Boolean

defaults : Object / Function

This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items whether added through the cfg-items config or via the method-add or insert methods.

Defaults are applied to both config objects and instantiated components conditionally so as not to override existing properties in the item (see Ext#applyIf).

If the defaults option is specified as a function, then the function will be called using this Container as the scope (this reference) and passing the added item as the first parameter. Any resulting object from that call is then applied to the item as default properties.

For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of contained Ext.panel.Panel items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}.


defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container
    scrollable: true
items: [
    // default will not be applied here, panel1 will be scrollable: false
        xtype: 'panel',
        id: 'panel1',
        scrollable: false
    // this component will have scrollable: true
    new Ext.panel.Panel({
        id: 'panel2'

Available since: 2.3.0

defaultType : String

The default Ext.Component of child Components to create in this Container when a child item is specified as a raw configuration object, rather than as an instantiated Component.

Defaults to:


Available since: 2.3.0

deferRowRender : Boolean

Configure as true to enable deferred row rendering.

This allows the View to execute a refresh quickly, with the update of the row structure deferred so that layouts with GridPanels appear, and lay out more quickly.

Defaults to:


detachOnRemove : Boolean

True to move any component to the detachedBody when the component is removed from this container. This option is only applicable when the component is not destroyed while being removed, see autoDestroy and method-remove. If this option is set to false, the DOM of the component will remain in the current place until it is explicitly moved.

Defaults to:


disabled : Boolean
bindable bind

true to disable the component.

Defaults to:


Available since: 2.3.0

setDisabled ( disabled )
chainable ch

Enable or disable the component.


disabled :  Boolean

true to disable.

disabledCls : String

CSS class to add when the Component is disabled.

Defaults to:


disableSelection : Boolean

True to disable selection model.

Defaults to:


dock : 'top' / 'bottom' / 'left' / 'right'
bindable bind

The side of the Ext.panel.Panel where this component is to be docked when specified in the panel's dockedItems config.

Possible values are:

  • top
  • bottom
  • left
  • right

setDock ( dock ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Sets the dock position of this component in its parent panel. Note that this only has effect if this item is part of the dockedItems collection of a parent that has a DockLayout (note that any Panel has a DockLayout by default)


dock :  Object

The dock position.




dockedItems : Object / Object[]

A component or series of components to be added as docked items to this panel. The docked items can be docked to either the top, right, left or bottom of a panel. This is typically used for things like toolbars or tab bars:

var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype: 'toolbar',
        dock: 'top',
        items: [{
            text: 'Docked to the top'

Defaults to:


getDockedItems ( selector, beforeBody ) : Ext.Component[]

Retrieves an array of all currently docked Components.

For example to find a toolbar that has been docked at top:



selector :  String

A Ext.ComponentQuery selector string to filter the returned items.

beforeBody :  Boolean

An optional flag to limit the set of items to only those before the body (true) or after the body (false). All components are returned by default.



The array of docked components meeting the specified criteria.

draggable : Boolean / Object

Specify as true to make a cfg-floating Component draggable using the Component's encapsulating element as the drag handle.

This may also be specified as a config object for the Ext.util.ComponentDragger which is instantiated to perform dragging.

For example to create a Component which may only be dragged around using a certain internal element as the drag handle, use the delegate option:

new Ext.Component({
    constrain: true,
    floating: true,
    style: {
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        border: '1px solid black'
    html: '<h1 style="cursor:move">The title</h1><p>The content</p>',
    draggable: {
        delegate: 'h1'

NOTE: The private Ext.panel.DD class is used instead of ComponentDragger when simpleDrag is false (default). In this case you may pass a config for Ext.dd.DragSource.

See also dd.

Defaults to:


emptyText : String

Default text (HTML tags are accepted) to display in the Panel body when the Store is empty. When specified, and the Store is empty, the text will be rendered inside a DIV with the CSS class "x-grid-empty". The emptyText will not display until the first load of the associated store by default. If you want the text to be displayed prior to the first store load use the deferEmptyText config in the viewConfig config.

enableColumnHide : Boolean

False to disable column hiding within this grid.

Defaults to:


enableColumnMove : Boolean

False to disable column dragging within this grid.

Defaults to:


enableColumnResize : Boolean

False to disable column resizing within this grid.

Defaults to:


enableLocking : Boolean

Configure as true to enable locking support for this grid. Alternatively, locking will also be automatically enabled if any of the columns in the columns configuration contain a locked config option.

A locking grid is processed in a special way. The configuration options are cloned and two grids are created to be the locked (left) side and the normal (right) side. This Panel becomes merely a Ext.container.Container which arranges both in an Ext.layout.container.HBox layout.

Plugins may be targeted at either locked, or unlocked grid, or, both, in which case the plugin is cloned and used on both sides.

Plugins may also be targeted at the containing locking Panel.

This is configured by specifying a lockableScope property in your plugin which may have the following values:

  • "both" (the default) - The plugin is added to both grids
  • "top" - The plugin is added to the containing Panel
  • "locked" - The plugin is added to the locked (left) grid
  • "normal" - The plugin is added to the normal (right) grid

If both is specified, then each copy of the plugin gains a property lockingPartner which references its sibling on the other side so that they can synchronize operations is necessary.

Features may also be configured with lockableScope and may target the locked grid, the normal grid or both grids. Features also get a lockingPartner reference injected.

Defaults to:


expandToolText : String

Text to be announced by screen readers when expand Ext.panel.Tool is focused. Will also be set as the expand tool's tooltip text.

Note: Applicable when the panel is collapsible: true

Defaults to:

'Expand panel'

fbar : Object / Object[]

Convenience config used for adding items to the bottom of the panel. Short for Footer Bar.

fbar: [
  { type: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'bottom',
    ui: 'footer',
    defaults: {
        minWidth: 200
    items: [
        { xtype: 'component', flex: 1 },
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

The minButtonWidth is used as the default minWidth for each of the buttons in the fbar.

Defaults to:


features : Ext.grid.feature.Feature[] / Object[] / Ext.enums.Feature[]

An array of grid Features to be added to this grid. Can also be just a single feature instead of array.

Features config behaves much like plugins. A feature can be added by either directly referencing the instance:

features: [Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary', {groupHeaderTpl: 'Subject: {name}'})],

By using config object with ftype:

features: [{ftype: 'groupingsummary', groupHeaderTpl: 'Subject: {name}'}],

Or with just a ftype:

features: ['grouping', 'groupingsummary'],

See Ext.enums.Feature for list of all ftypes.

fixed : Boolean

Configure as true to have this Component fixed at its X, Y coordinates in the browser viewport, immune to scrolling the document.

Defaults to:


flex : Number
bindable bind

Flex may be applied to child items of a box layout (Ext.layout.container.VBox or Ext.layout.container.HBox). Each child item with a flex property will fill space (horizontally in hbox, vertically in vbox) according to that item's relative flex value compared to the sum of all items with a flex value specified.

Any child items that have either a flex of 0 or undefined will not be 'flexed' (the initial size will not be changed).

setFlex ( flex )
private pri

Sets the flex property of this component. Only applicable when this component is an item of a box layout


flex :  Number

floatable : Boolean

Important: This config is only effective for collapsible Panels which are direct child items of a Ext.layout.container.Border.

true to allow clicking a collapsed Panel's placeholder to display the Panel floated above the layout, false to force the user to fully expand a collapsed region by clicking the expand button to see it again.

Defaults to:


floating : Boolean

Specify as true to float the Component outside of the document flow using CSS absolute positioning.

Components such as Ext.window.Windows and are floating by default.

Floating Components that are programmatically rendered will register themselves with the global Ext.WindowManager

Floating Components as child items of a Container

A floating Component may be used as a child item of a Container. This just allows the floating Component to seek a ZIndexManager by examining the ownerCt chain.

When configured as floating, Components acquire, at render time, a Ext.ZIndexManager which manages a stack of related floating Components. The ZIndexManager sorts its stack according to an incrementing access counter and the alwaysOnTop config when the Component's toFront method is called.

The ZIndexManager is found by traversing up the ownerCt chain to find an ancestor which itself is floating. This is so that descendant floating Components of floating Containers (Such as a ComboBox dropdown within a Window) can have its zIndex managed relative to any siblings, but always above that floating ancestor Container.

If no floating ancestor is found, a floating Component registers itself with the default Ext.WindowManager.

Floating components do not participate in the Container's layout. Because of this, they are not rendered until you explicitly method-show them.

After rendering, the ownerCt reference is deleted, and the floatParent property is set to the found floating ancestor Container. If no floating ancestor Container was found the floatParent property will not be set.

Defaults to:


focusableContainer : Boolean

Enable or disable navigation with arrow keys for this FocusableContainer. This option may be useful with nested FocusableContainers, when only the root container should handle keyboard events.

Defaults to:


focusCls : String

CSS class that will be added to focused component's focusClsEl, and removed when component blurs.

Defaults to:


focusOnToFront : Boolean

Specifies whether the floated component should be automatically focused when it is brought to the front.

Defaults to:


forceFit : Boolean

True to force the columns to fit into the available width. Headers are first sized according to configuration, whether that be a specific width, or flex. Then they are all proportionally changed in width so that the entire content width is used. For more accurate control, it is more optimal to specify a flex setting on the columns that are to be stretched & explicit widths on columns that are not.

formBind : Boolean

When inside FormPanel, any component configured with formBind: true will be enabled/disabled depending on the validity state of the form. See Ext.form.Panel for more information and example.

Defaults to:


frame : Boolean

True to apply a frame to the panel.

Note: frame: true overrides border:false

Defaults to:


frameHeader : Boolean

True to apply a frame to the panel panels header (if 'frame' is true).

Defaults to:


glyph : Number / String
bindable bind

A numeric unicode character code to use as the icon. The default font-family for glyphs can be set globally using glyphFontFamily application config or the Ext.setGlyphFontFamily() method. It is initially set to 'Pictos'.

The following shows how to set the glyph using the font icons provided in the SDK (assuming the font-family has been configured globally):

// assumes the glyphFontFamily is "Pictos"
glyph: 'x48'       // the "home" icon (H character)

// assumes the glyphFontFamily is "Pictos"
glyph: 72          // The "home" icon (H character)

// assumes the glyphFontFamily is "Pictos"
glyph: 'H'         // the "home" icon

Alternatively, this config option accepts a string with the charCode and font-family separated by the @ symbol.

// using Font Awesome
glyph: 'xf015@FontAwesome'     // the "home" icon

// using Pictos
glyph: 'H@Pictos'              // the "home" icon

Depending on the theme you're using, you may need include the font icon packages in your application in order to use the icons included in the SDK. For more information see:

Defaults to:


getGlyph : Number / String

Returns the value of glyph


Number / String

setGlyph (glyph)

Sets the value of glyph


glyph :  Number / String

header : Boolean / Object

Pass as false to prevent a Header from being created and shown.

Pass as a config object (optionally containing an xtype) to custom-configure this Panel's header.

See Ext.panel.Header for all the options that may be specified here.

A Ext.panel.Header is a Ext.container.Container which contains the Panel's title and tools. You may also configure the Panel's header option with its own child items which go before the tools

By default the panel title is inserted after items configured in this config, but before any tools. To insert the title at any point in the full array, specify the titlePosition config:

new Ext.panel.Panel({
    title: 'Test',
    tools: [{
        type: 'refresh'
    }, {
        type: 'help'
    titlePosition: 2 // Title will come AFTER the two tools

getHeader Ext.panel.Header

Gets the Ext.panel.Header for this panel.



headerBorders : Boolean
bindable bind

To show no borders around grid headers, configure this as false.

Defaults to:


getHeaderBorders : Boolean

Returns the value of headerBorders



setHeaderBorders (headerBorders)

Sets the value of headerBorders


headerBorders :  Boolean

headerOverCls : String

Optional CSS class to apply to the header element on mouseover

headerPosition : 'top' / 'bottom' / 'left' / 'right'
bindable bind

Specify as 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right'.

Defaults to:


getHeaderPosition : 'top' / 'bottom' / 'left' / 'right'

Returns the value of headerPosition


'top' / 'bottom' / 'left' / 'right'

setHeaderPosition (headerPosition)

Sets the value of headerPosition


headerPosition :  'top' / 'bottom' / 'left' / 'right'

height : Number / String
bindable bind

The height of this component. A numeric value will be interpreted as the number of pixels; a string value will be treated as a CSS value with units.

getHeight Number

Gets the current height of the component's underlying element.



setHeight ( height ) : Ext.Component

Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.


height :  Number

The new height to set. This may be one of:

  • A Number specifying the new height in pixels.
  • A String used to set the CSS height style.
  • undefined to leave the height unchanged.
  • null to clear the height.




hidden : Boolean
bindable bind

true to hide the component.

Defaults to:


Available since: 2.3.0

setHidden ( hidden ) : Ext.Component

Sets the hidden state of this component. This is basically the same as setVisible but the boolean parameter has the opposite meaning.


hidden :  Boolean



hideCollapseTool : Boolean

true to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when collapsible == true, false to display it.

Defaults to:


hideHeaders : Boolean
bindable bind

By default, visibility of headers is managed automatically based upon whether there is textual content to display. This configuration is only necessary if you want to disable automatic header visibility management.

If no columns have a text config (for example in the case of a Ext.tree.Panel with no columns specified), and no columns have child columns then headers are hidden.

If this status changes - if the column set ever goes from none having text, to one having text or vice versa), then the visibility of headers will be recalculated.

Configure as true to hide column headers. Configure as false to show column headers even if none of them have text.

Defaults to:


getHideHeaders : Boolean

Returns the value of hideHeaders



setHideHeaders (hideHeaders)

Sets the value of hideHeaders


hideHeaders :  Boolean

hideMode : String

A String which specifies how this Component's encapsulating DOM element will be hidden. Values may be:

  • 'display' : The Component will be hidden using the display: none style.
  • 'visibility' : The Component will be hidden using the visibility: hidden style.
  • 'offsets' : The Component will be hidden by absolutely positioning it out of the visible area of the document. This is useful when a hidden Component must maintain measurable dimensions. Hiding using display results in a Component having zero dimensions.

Defaults to:


Available since: 1.1.0

html : String / Object
bindable bind

An HTML fragment, or a Ext.dom.Helper specification to use as the layout element content. The HTML content is added after the component is rendered, so the document will not contain this HTML at the time the event-render event is fired. This content is inserted into the body before any configured contentEl is appended.

Defaults to:


Available since: 3.4.0

setHtml ( htmlOrData, [loadScripts], [callback], [scriptScope] )

Update the content area of a component.

Available since: 3.4.0


htmlOrData :  String/Object

If this component has been configured with a template via the tpl config then it will use this argument as data to populate the template. If this component was not configured with a template, the components content area will be updated via Ext.Element update.

loadScripts :  Boolean (optional)

Only legitimate when using the html configuration. Causes embedded script tags to be executed. Inline source will be executed with this Component as the scope (this reference).

Defaults to: false

callback :  Function (optional)

Only legitimate when using the html configuration. Callback to execute when scripts have finished loading.

scriptScope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which to execute inline script elements content. Scripts with a src attribute cannot be executed with this scope.

Defaults to: `this`

icon : String
bindable bind

Path to an image to use as an icon.

For instructions on how you can use icon fonts including those distributed in the SDK see iconCls.

Defaults to:


getIcon : String

Returns the value of icon



setIcon (icon)

Sets the value of icon


icon :  String

iconAlign : 'top' / 'right' / 'bottom' / 'left'
bindable bind

The side of the title to render the icon.

Defaults to:


getIconAlign : 'top' / 'right' / 'bottom' / 'left'

Returns the value of iconAlign


'top' / 'right' / 'bottom' / 'left'

setIconAlign (iconAlign)

Sets the value of iconAlign


iconAlign :  'top' / 'right' / 'bottom' / 'left'

iconCls : String
bindable bind

One or more space separated CSS classes to be applied to the icon element. The CSS rule(s) applied should specify a background image to be used as the icon.

An example of specifying a custom icon class would be something like:

// specify the property in the config for the class:
iconCls: 'my-home-icon'

// css rule specifying the background image to be used as the icon image:
.my-home-icon {
    background-image: url(../images/my-home-icon.gif) !important;

In addition to specifying your own classes, you can use the font icons provided in the SDK using the following syntax:

// using Font Awesome
iconCls: 'x-fa fa-home'

// using Pictos
iconCls: 'pictos pictos-home'

Depending on the theme you're using, you may need include the font icon packages in your application in order to use the icons included in the SDK. For more information see:

Defaults to:


getIconCls : String

Returns the value of iconCls



setIconCls (iconCls)

Sets the value of iconCls


iconCls :  String

id : String

The unique id of this component instance.

Use of this config should be considered carefully as this value must be unique across all existing components. Components created with an id may be accessed globally using Ext.getCmp.

Instead of using assigned ids, consider a reference config and a ViewController to respond to events and perform processing upon this Component.

Alternatively, itemId and Ext.ComponentQuery can be used to perform selector-based searching for Components analogous to DOM querying. The Ext.container.Container class contains several helpful shortcut methods to query its descendant Components by selector.

Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component. This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements using this component's id as the parent.

Defaults to an auto-assigned id.

Note: Valid identifiers start with a letter or underscore and are followed by (optional) additional letters, underscores, digits or hyphens.

Available since: 1.1.0

getId String

Retrieves the id of this component. Will auto-generate an id if one has not already been set.



inactiveChildTabIndex : Number

DOM tabIndex attribute to set on inactive Focusable children of this container when using the "Roaming tabindex" technique. This value rarely needs to be changed from its default.

Defaults to:


itemId : String

The unique id of this component instance within its container. See also the reference config.

An itemId can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component when no object reference is available. Instead of using an id with getCmp, use itemId with getComponent which will retrieve itemId's or id's. Since itemId's are an index to the container's internal collection, the itemId is scoped locally to the container -- avoiding potential conflicts with Ext.ComponentManager, which requires a unique id value.

var c = new Ext.panel.Panel({ //
    height: 300,
    renderTo: document.body,
    layout: 'auto',
    items: [{
        itemId: 'p1',
        title: 'Panel 1',
        height: 150
        itemId: 'p2',
        title: 'Panel 2',
        height: 150

p1 = c.getComponent('p1'); // not the same as Ext.getCmp()
p2 = p1.ownerCt.getComponent('p2'); // reference via a sibling

Also see id, Ext.container.Container#query, Ext.container.Container#down and Ext.container.Container#child.

Note: Valid identifiers start with a letter or underscore and are followed by (optional) additional letters, underscores, digits or hyphens.

Note: to access the container of an item see ownerCt.

Available since: 3.4.0

getItemId String

Returns the value of itemId assigned to this component, or when that is not set, returns the value of id.



items : Object / Object[]

A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container

Unless configured with a layout, a Container simply renders child Components serially into its encapsulating element and performs no sizing or positioning upon them.


// specifying a single item
items: {...},
layout: 'fit',    // The single items is sized to fit

// specifying multiple items
items: [{...}, {...}],
layout: 'hbox', // The items are arranged horizontally

Each item may be:

If a configuration object is specified, the actual type of Component to be instantiated my be indicated by using the xtype option.

Every Component class has its own xtype.

If an xtype is not explicitly specified, the cfg-defaultType for the Container is used, which by default is usually panel.


Ext uses lazy rendering. Child Components will only be rendered should it become necessary. Items are automatically laid out when they are first shown (no sizing is done while hidden), or in response to a method-updateLayout call.

Do not specify contentEl or html with items.

Defaults to:


Available since: 2.3.0

keyMap : Object
bindable bind

An object containing handlers for keyboard events. The property names of this object are the key name and any modifiers. The values of the properties are the descriptors of how to handle each event.

The handler descriptor can be simply the handler function (either the literal function or the method name), or it can be an object with these properties:

  • handler: The function or its name to call to handle the event.
  • scope: The this pointer context (can be "this" or "controller").
  • event: An optional override of the key event to which to listen.

Important: Calls to setKeyMap do not replace the entire keyMap but instead update the provided mappings. That is, unless null is passed as the value of the keyMap which will clear the keyMap of all entries.

Defaults to:



scope : String

The default scope to apply to key handlers which do not specify a scope. This is processed the same way as the scope of cfg-listeners. It defaults to the "controller", but using 'this' means that an instance method will be used.

getKeyMap : Object

Returns the value of keyMap



setKeyMap (keyMap)

Sets the value of keyMap


keyMap :  Object

keyMapEnabled : Boolean
bindable bind

Enables or disables processing keys in the keyMap. This value starts as null and if it is null when initKeyMap is called, it will automatically be set to true. Since initKeyMap is called by Ext.Component at the proper time, this is not something application code normally handles.

Defaults to:


getKeyMapEnabled : Boolean

Returns the value of keyMapEnabled



setKeyMapEnabled (keyMapEnabled)

Sets the value of keyMapEnabled


keyMapEnabled :  Boolean

keyMapTarget : String
protected pro

The name of the member that should be used to listen for keydown/keypress events. This is intended to be controlled at the class level not per instance.

Defaults to:


layout : Ext.enums.Layout / Object
bindable bind

Important: In order for child items to be correctly sized and positioned, typically a layout manager must be specified through the layout configuration option.

The sizing and positioning of child cfg-items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you have in mind. For example:

If the layout configuration is not explicitly specified for a general purpose container (e.g. Container or Panel) the Ext.layout.container.Auto will be used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the Container (no sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation).

layout may be specified as either as an Object or as a String:

Specify as an Object

Example usage:

layout: {
    type: 'vbox',
    align: 'left'
  • type

    The layout type to be used for this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.container.Auto will be created and used.

    Valid layout type values are listed in Ext.enums.Layout.

  • Layout specific configuration properties

    Additional layout specific configuration properties may also be specified. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified.

Specify as a String

Example usage:

layout: 'vbox'
  • layout

    The layout type to be used for this container (see Ext.enums.Layout for list of valid values).

    Additional layout specific configuration properties. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the layout specified.

Configuring the default layout type

If a certain Container class has a default layout (For example a Ext.toolbar.Toolbar with a default Box layout), then to simply configure the default layout, use an object, but without the type property:

xtype: 'toolbar',
layout: {
    pack: 'center'

Defaults to:


Available since: 2.3.0

getLayout Ext.layout.container.Container

Returns the Ext.layout.container.Container instance currently associated with this Container. If a layout has not been instantiated yet, that is done first



The layout

setLayout ( configuration )

Reconfigures the initially configured layout.

NOTE: this method cannot be used to change the "type" of layout after the component has been rendered to the DOM. After rendering, this method can only modify the existing layout's configuration properties. The reason for this restriction is that many container layouts insert special wrapping elements into the dom, and the framework does not currently support dynamically changing these elements once rendered.


configuration :  Object

object for the layout

lbar : Object / Object[]

Convenience config. Short for 'Left Bar' (left-docked, vertical toolbar).

lbar: [
  { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'left',
    items: [
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

Defaults to:


leadingBufferZone : Number

TableViews are buffer rendered in 5.x and above which means that only the visible subset of data rows are rendered into the DOM. These are removed and added as scrolling demands.

This configures the number of extra rows to render on the leading side of scrolling outside the numFromEdge buffer as scrolling proceeds.

Defaults to:


liquidLayout : Boolean

Components that achieve their internal layout results using solely CSS with no JS intervention must set this to true. This allows the component to opt out of the layout run when used inside certain container layouts such as Ext.layout.container.Form and Ext.layout.container.Auto resulting in a performance gain. The following components currently use liquid layout (liquidLayout: true):

It is important to keep in mind that components using liquidLayout do not fire the following events:

In addition liquidLayout components do not call the following template methods:

Any component that needs to fire these events or to have these methods called during its life cycle needs to set liquidLayout to false. The following example demonstrates how to enable the resize event for a Ext.form.field.TextArea:

Expand Code
Code Run
var win = Ext.create({
xtype: 'window',

Use caution when setting liquidLayout to false as it carries a performance penalty since it means the layout system must perform expensive DOM reads to determine the Component's size.

Defaults to:


listeners : Object
bindable bind

A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the addListener example for attaching multiple handlers at once.

DOM events from Ext JS Ext.Component

While some Ext JS Component classes export selected DOM events (e.g. "click", "mouseover" etc), this is usually only done when extra value can be added. For example the Ext.view.View's itemclick event passing the node clicked on. To access DOM events directly from a child element of a Component, we need to specify the element option to identify the Component property to add a DOM listener to:

new Ext.panel.Panel({
    width: 400,
    height: 200,
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype: 'toolbar'
    listeners: {
        click: {
            element: 'el', //bind to the underlying el property on the panel
            fn: function(){ console.log('click el'); }
        dblclick: {
            element: 'body', //bind to the underlying body property on the panel
            fn: function(){ console.log('dblclick body'); }

setListeners ( listeners )

An alias for addListener. In versions prior to 5.1, listeners had a generated setter which could be called to add listeners. In 5.1 the listeners config is not processed using the config system and has no generated setter, so this method is provided for backward compatibility. The preferred way of adding listeners is to use the on method.


listeners :  Object

The listeners

liveDrag : Boolean

True to drag the component itself. Else a lightweight version of the component will be shown (using the component's ghost() method).

Note: This config is only relevant when used with dragging implemented via Ext.util.ComponentDragger.

Defaults to:


loader : Ext.ComponentLoader / Object

A configuration object or an instance of a Ext.ComponentLoader to load remote content for this Component.

Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
    loader: {
        url: 'content.html',
        autoLoad: true
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()

getLoader Ext.ComponentLoader

Gets the Ext.ComponentLoader for this Component.



The loader instance, null if it doesn't exist.

lockedGridConfig : Object

Any special configuration options for the locked part of the grid

lockedViewConfig : Object

A view configuration to be applied to the locked side of the grid. Any conflicting configurations between lockedViewConfig and viewConfig will be overwritten by the lockedViewConfig.

lockText : String

The text to display on the column menu to lock a column.

Defaults to:


manageHeight : Boolean

When true, the dock component layout writes height information to the panel's DOM elements based on its shrink wrap height calculation. This ensures that the browser respects the calculated height. When false, the dock component layout will not write heights on the panel or its body element. In some simple layout cases, not writing the heights to the DOM may be desired because this allows the browser to respond to direct DOM manipulations (like animations).

Defaults to:


margin : Number / String
bindable bind

Specifies the margin for this component. The margin can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

setMargin ( margin )

Sets the margin on the target element.


margin :  Number/String

The margin to set. See the margin config.

maskDefaults : Object

Default LoadMask configuration for method-setLoading.

maskElement : String

The name of the element property in this Panel to mask when masked by a LoadMask.

Defaults to "el" to indicate that any LoadMask should be rendered into this Panel's encapsulating element.

This could be configured to be "body" so that only the body is masked and toolbars and the header are still mouse-accessible.

Defaults to:


matchCls : String

The matched string css classe.

Defaults to:


maxHeight : Number
bindable bind

The maximum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

Defaults to:


getMaxHeight : Number

Returns the value of maxHeight



setMaxHeight (maxHeight)

Sets the value of maxHeight


maxHeight :  Number

maxWidth : Number
bindable bind

The maximum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

Defaults to:


getMaxWidth : Number

Returns the value of maxWidth



setMaxWidth (maxWidth)

Sets the value of maxWidth


maxWidth :  Number

minButtonWidth : Number

Minimum width of all footer toolbar buttons in pixels. If set, this will be used as the default value for the Ext.button.Button#minWidth config of each Button added to the footer toolbar via the fbar or buttons configurations. It will be ignored for buttons that have a minWidth configured some other way, e.g. in their own config object or via the defaults of their parent container.

Defaults to:


minHeight : Number
bindable bind

The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its height to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

Defaults to:


getMinHeight : Number

Returns the value of minHeight



setMinHeight (minHeight)

Sets the value of minHeight


minHeight :  Number

minWidth : Number
bindable bind

The minimum value in pixels which this Component will set its width to.

Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

Defaults to:


getMinWidth : Number

Returns the value of minWidth



setMinWidth (minWidth)

Sets the value of minWidth


minWidth :  Number

modal : Boolean

True to make the floated component modal and mask everything behind it when displayed, false to display it without restricting access to other UI elements.

Defaults to:


modelValidation : Boolean

This config enables binding to your This is only processed by form fields (e.g., Ext.form.field.Text) at present, but this setting is inherited and so can be set on a parent container.

When set to true by a component or not set by a component but inherited from an ancestor container, records are used to automatically bind validation results for any form field to which a value is bound.

While this config can be set arbitrarily high in the component hierarchy, doing so can create a lot overhead if most of your form fields do not actually rely on validators in your data model.

Using this setting for a form that is bound to an might look like this:

     xtype: 'panel',
     modelValidation: true,
     items: [{
         xtype: 'textfield',
         bind: '{theUser.firstName}'
         xtype: 'textfield',
         bind: '{theUser.lastName}'
         xtype: 'textfield',
         bind: '{theUser.phoneNumber}'
         xtype: 'textfield',
         bind: '{}'

Notice that "validation" is a pseudo-association defined for all entities. See for further details.

multiColumnSort : Boolean

Configure as true to have columns remember their sorted state after other columns have been clicked upon to sort.

As subsequent columns are clicked upon, they become the new primary sort key.

The maximum number of sorters allowed in a Store is configurable via its underlying data collection. See Ext.util.Collection#multiSortLimit

Defaults to:


multiSelect : Boolean
deprecated dep

True to enable 'MULTI' selection mode on selection model.

Defaults to:


Deprecated since version 4.1.1
Use Ext.selection.Model#mode 'MULTI' instead.

nameable : Boolean

Set to true for this component's name property to be tracked by its containing nameHolder.

Defaults to:


nameHolder : Boolean

When true child components are tracked by their name property and can be retrieved using the lookupName method.

Defaults to:


normalGridConfig : Object

Any special configuration options for the normal part of the grid

normalViewConfig : Object

A view configuration to be applied to the normal/unlocked side of the grid. Any conflicting configurations between normalViewConfig and viewConfig will be overwritten by the normalViewConfig.

numFromEdge : Number

This configures the zone which causes new rows to be appended to the view. As soon as the edge of the rendered grid is this number of rows from the edge of the viewport, the view is moved.

Defaults to:


overCls : String

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element when the mouse moves over the Element, and removed when the mouse moves out. This can be useful for adding customized 'active' or 'hover' styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

Defaults to:


Available since: 2.3.0

overflowX : String
deprecated dep

Possible values are:

  • 'auto' to enable automatic horizontal scrollbar (Style overflow-x: 'auto').
  • 'scroll' to always enable horizontal scrollbar (Style overflow-x: 'scroll').

The default is overflow-x: 'hidden'. This should not be combined with autoScroll.

Deprecated since version 5.1.0
Use scrollable instead

overflowY : String
deprecated dep

Possible values are:

  • 'auto' to enable automatic vertical scrollbar (Style overflow-y: 'auto').
  • 'scroll' to always enable vertical scrollbar (Style overflow-y: 'scroll').

The default is overflow-y: 'hidden'. This should not be combined with autoScroll.

Deprecated since version 5.1.0
Use scrollable instead

overlapHeader : Boolean

True to overlap the header in a panel over the framing of the panel itself. This is needed when frame:true (and is done automatically for you). Otherwise it is undefined. If you manually add rounded corners to a panel header which does not have frame:true, this will need to be set to true.

padding : Number / String

Specifies the padding for this component. The padding can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10' (top, right, bottom, left).

placeholder : Ext.Component / Object

Important: This config is only effective for collapsible Panels which are direct child items of a Ext.layout.container.Border when not using the 'header' collapseMode.

Optional. A Component (or config object for a Component) to show in place of this Panel when this Panel is collapsed by a Ext.layout.container.Border. Defaults to a generated Ext.panel.Header containing a Ext.panel.Tool to re-expand the Panel.

placeholderCollapseHideMode : Number

The mode for hiding collapsed panels when using collapseMode "placeholder".

Defaults to:


plugins : Array / Ext.enums.Plugin / Object / Ext.plugin.Abstract

This config describes one or more plugin config objects used to create plugin instances for this component.

Plugins are a way to bundle and reuse custom functionality. Plugins should extend Ext.plugin.Abstract but technically the only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference to its owner. Once a plugin is created, the owner will call the init method, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on its owner as needed to provide its functionality.

This config's value can take several different forms.

The value can be a single string with the plugin's Ext.enums.Plugin:

plugins: 'cellediting',

It can also be an array of plugin aliases:

plugins: [ 'cellediting', 'gridviewdragdrop' ],

An array can also contain elements that are config objects with a ptype property holding the type alias:

 plugins: ['gridviewdragdrop', {
     ptype: 'cellediting',
     clicksToEdit: 1

A final form (new in version 6.5) is the keyed-object form:

 plugins: {
     gridviewdragdrop: true,
     cellediting: {
         clicksToEdit: 1

In this last form, the keys are id's as well as the default type alias.

Available since: 2.3.0

private pri

Returns an array of current fully constructed plugin instances.

preventHeader : Boolean
deprecated dep

Defaults to:


Deprecated since version 4.1.0
Use header instead. Prevent a Header from being created and shown.

publishes : String / String[] / Object
bindable bind

One or more names of config properties that this component should publish to its ViewModel. Generally speaking, only properties defined in a class config block (including ancestor config blocks and mixins) are eligible for publishing to the viewModel. Some components override this and publish their most useful configs by default.

Note: We'll discuss publishing properties not found in the config block below.

Values determined to be invalid by component (often form fields and model validations) will not be published to the ViewModel.

This config uses the cfg-reference to determine the name of the data object to place in the ViewModel. If reference is not set then this config is ignored.

By using this config and cfg-reference you can bind configs between components. For example:

     items: [{
         xtype: 'textfield',
         reference: 'somefield',  // component's name in the ViewModel
         publishes: 'value' // value is not published by default
         xtype: 'displayfield',
         bind: 'You have entered "{somefield.value}"'

Classes must provide this config as an Object:

 Ext.define('', {
     publishes: {
         foo: true,
         bar: true

This is required for the config system to properly merge values from derived classes.

For instances this value can be specified as a value as show above or an array or object as follows:

     xtype: 'textfield',
     reference: 'somefield',
     publishes: [

 // This achieves the same result as the above array form.
     xtype: 'textfield',
     reference: 'somefield',
     publishes: {
         value: true,
         rawValue: true,
         dirty: true

In some cases, users may want to publish a property to the viewModel that is not found in a class config block. In these situations, you may utilize publishState if the property has a setter method. Let's use setFieldLabel as an example:

  setFieldLabel: function(fieldLabel) {
      this.publishState('fieldLabel', fieldLabel);

With the above chunk of code, fieldLabel may now be published to the viewModel.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

getPublishes : String / String[] / Object

Returns the value of publishes


String / String[] / Object

setPublishes (publishes)

Sets the value of publishes


publishes :  String / String[] / Object

rbar : Object / Object[]

Convenience config. Short for 'Right Bar' (right-docked, vertical toolbar).

rbar: [
  { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'right',
    items: [
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

Defaults to:


record : Ext.grid.CellContext / / Number
bindable bind

The focused cell, model or index. Typically used with binding.

If bound to a record (such as a selection), the first cell will be focused.

Defaults to:


setRecord (record)

Sets the value of record


record :  Ext.grid.CellContext / / Number

reference : String

Specifies a name for this component inside its component hierarchy. This name must be unique within its view or its See the documentation in Ext.container.Container for more information about references.

Note: Valid identifiers start with a letter or underscore and are followed by zero or more additional letters, underscores or digits. References are case sensitive.

Defaults to:


referenceHolder : Boolean

If true, this container will be marked as being a point in the hierarchy where references to items with a specified reference config will be held. The container will automatically become a referenceHolder if a controller is specified.

See the introductory docs for Ext.container.Container for more information about references & reference holders.

Defaults to:


region : "north" / "south" / "east" / "west" / "center"

Defines the region inside Ext.layout.container.Border.

Possible values:

  • north - Positions component at top.
  • south - Positions component at bottom.
  • east - Positions component at right.
  • west - Positions component at left.
  • center - Positions component at the remaining space. There must be a component with region: "center" in every border layout.

Defaults to:


getRegion ( [contentBox], [local] ) : Ext.util.Region

Returns a region object that defines the area of this element.


contentBox :  Boolean (optional)

If true a box for the content of the element is returned.

local :  Boolean (optional)

If true the element's left and top relative to its offsetParent are returned instead of page x/y.



A Region containing "top, left, bottom, right" properties.

renderConfig : Object

renderConfig wraps configs that do not get applied until after the component is rendered. Unlike normal config system properties, renderConfigs use a special setter method to store values on the instance instead of running the apply and update methods if it is called before the component is rendered. Then, after the component has been rendered, these values are processed by the normal apply and update method for the config.

This means that calling the get method for the config prior to render will return whatever raw value has been set, while calling the getter after render will return the value after processing by the config's apply method. If this distinction needs to be made, it is the caller's responsibility to check for the rendered state and handle such intermediate config values.

renderData : Object

The data used by renderTpl in addition to the following property values of the component:

  • id
  • ui
  • uiCls
  • baseCls
  • componentCls
  • frame

See renderSelectors and cfg-childEls for usage examples.

renderSelectors : Object
deprecated dep

An object containing properties specifying CSS selectors which identify child elements created by the render process.

After the Component's internal structure is rendered according to the renderTpl, this object is iterated through, and the found Elements are added as properties to the Component using the renderSelector property name.

For example, a Component which renders a title and description into its element:

 Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
     renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
     renderTpl: [
         '<h1 class="title">{title}</h1>',
     renderData: {
         title: "Error",
         desc: "Something went wrong"
     renderSelectors: {
         titleEl: 'h1.title',
         descEl: 'p'
     listeners: {
         afterrender: function(cmp){
             // After rendering the component will have a titleEl and descEl properties
             cmp.titleEl.setStyle({color: "red"});

The use of renderSelectors is deprecated (for performance reasons). The above code should be refactored into something like this:

 Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
     renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
     renderTpl: [
         '<h1 class="title" id="{id}-titleEl" data-ref="titleEl">{title}</h1>',
         '<p id="{id}-descEl" data-ref="descEl">{desc}</p>'
     renderData: {
         title: "Error",
         desc: "Something went wrong"
     childEls: [

To use childEls yet retain the use of selectors (which remains as expensive as renderSelectors):

 Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
     renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
     renderTpl: [
         '<h1 class="title">{title}</h1>',
     renderData: {
         title: "Error",
         desc: "Something went wrong"
     childEls: {
         titleEl: { selectNode: 'h1.title' },
         descEl: { selectNode: 'p' }

Deprecated since version 5.0
Use cfg-childEls instead.

renderTo : String / HTMLElement / Ext.dom.Element

Specify the id of the element, a DOM element or an existing Element that this component will be rendered into.


Do not use this option if the Component is to be a child item of a Ext.container.Container. It is the responsibility of the Ext.container.Container's layout manager to render and manage its child items.

When using this config, a call to render() is not required.

See also: method-render.

Available since: 2.3.0

renderTpl : Ext.XTemplate / String / String[]
protected pro

An Ext.XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this Component's encapsulating Element.

You do not normally need to specify this. For the base classes Ext.Component and Ext.container.Container, this defaults to null which means that they will be initially rendered with no internal structure; they render their Element empty. The more specialized classes with complex DOM structures provide their own template definitions.

This is intended to allow the developer to create application-specific utility Components with customized internal structure.

Upon rendering, any created child elements may be automatically imported into object properties using the renderSelectors and cfg-childEls options.

Defaults to:


reserveScrollbar : Boolean

Set this to true to always leave a scrollbar sized space at the end of the grid content when fitting content into the width of the grid.

If the grid's record count fluctuates enough to hide and show the scrollbar regularly, this setting avoids the multiple layouts associated with switching from scrollbar present to scrollbar not present.

Defaults to:


resetFocusPosition : Boolean

When true, FocusableContainer will reset last focused position whenever focus leaves the container. Subsequent tabbing into the container will always focus the first eligible child item.

When false, subsequent tabbing into the container will focus the child item that was last focused before.

Defaults to:


resizable : Boolean / Object

Specify as true to apply a Ext.resizer.Resizer to this Component after rendering.

May also be specified as a config object to be passed to the constructor of Ext.resizer.Resizer to override any defaults. By default the Component passes its minimum and maximum size, and uses Ext.resizer.Resizer#dynamic: false

resizeHandles : String

A valid Ext.resizer.Resizer handles config string. Only applies when resizable = true.

Defaults to:


rowLines : Boolean

False to remove row line styling

Defaults to:


rowViewModel : String / Object

The type or a config object specifying the type of the ViewModel to instantiate when creating ViewModels for records to which Ext.grid.column.Widget, and widgets in a Ext.grid.plugin.RowWidget row bind.

saveDelay : Number

A buffer to be applied if many state events are fired within a short period.

Defaults to:


scroll : String / Boolean
deprecated dep

Scrollers configuration. Valid values are 'both', 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. True implies 'both'. False implies 'none'.

Deprecated since version 5.1.0
Use scrollable instead

scrollable : Boolean / String / Object
bindable bind

Configuration options to make this Component scrollable. Acceptable values are:

  • true to enable auto scrolling.
  • false (or null) to disable scrolling - this is the default.
  • x or horizontal to enable horizontal scrolling only
  • y or vertical to enable vertical scrolling only

Also accepts a configuration object for a Ext.scroll.Scroller if if advanced configuration is needed.

The getter for this config returns the Ext.scroll.Scroller instance. You can use the Scroller API to read or manipulate the scroll position:

// scrolls the component to 5 on the x axis and 10 on the y axis
component.getScrollable().scrollTo(5, 10);

Defaults to:


getScrollable : Boolean / String / Object

Returns the value of scrollable


Boolean / String / Object

setScrollable (scrollable)

Sets the value of scrollable


scrollable :  Boolean / String / Object

sealedColumns : Boolean

True to constrain column dragging so that a column cannot be dragged in or out of it's current group. Only relevant while enableColumnMove is enabled.

Defaults to:


selection :
bindable bind

The selected model. Typically used with binding.

Defaults to:



Returns the grid's selection. See Ext.selection.Model#getSelection. Returns an array of the currently selected records.


The selected records

setSelection ( selection )

Sets the value of the selection.


selection :

selModel : Ext.selection.Model / Object / String

A Ext.selection.Model instance or config object, or the selection model class's alias string.

In latter case its type property determines to which type of selection model this config is applied.

Defaults to:


selType : String
deprecated dep

An xtype of selection model to use. This is used to create selection model if just a config object or nothing at all given in selModel config.

Deprecated since version 5.1.0
Use the selModels `type` property. Or, if no other configs are required, use the string form of selModel.

session : Boolean / Object /
bindable bind

If provided this creates a new Session instance for this component. If this is a Container, this will then be inherited by all child components.

To create a new session you can specify true:

     xtype: 'viewport',
     session: true,

     items: [{

Alternatively, a config object can be provided:

     xtype: 'viewport',
     session: {

     items: [{

Defaults to:


getSession : Boolean / Object /

Returns the value of session


Boolean / Object /

setSession (session)

Sets the value of session


session :  Boolean / Object /

shadow : String / Boolean

Specifies whether the floating component should be given a shadow. Set to true to automatically create an Ext.Shadow, or a string indicating the shadow's display Ext.Shadow#mode. Set to false to disable the shadow.

Defaults to:


shadowOffset : Number

Number of pixels to offset the shadow.

shareableName : Boolean

Set to true to allow this component's name to be shared by other items in the same nameHolder. Such items will be returned in an array from lookupName.

Defaults to:


shim : Boolean

true to enable an iframe shim for this Component to keep windowed objects from showing through.

shrinkWrap : Number

The possible values for shrinkWrap are:

  • 0 (or false): Neither width nor height depend on content.
  • 1: Width depends on content (shrink wraps), but height does not.
  • 2: Height depends on content (shrink wraps), but width does not.
  • 3 (or true): Both width and height depend on content (shrink wrap).

In CSS terms, shrink-wrap width is analogous to an inline-block element as opposed to a block-level element.

Panels (subclasses and instances)

By default, when a panel is configured to shrink wrap in a given dimension, only the panel's "content" (items and html content inside the panel body) contributes to its size, and the content of docked items is ignored. Optionally you can use the shrinkWrapDock config to allow docked items to contribute to the panel's size as well. For example, if shrinkWrap and shrinkWrapDock are both set to true, the width of the panel would be the width of the panel's content and the panel's header text.

Defaults to:


shrinkWrapDock : Boolean / Number

Allows for this panel to include the dockedItems when trying to determine the overall size of the panel. This option is only applicable when this panel is also shrink wrapping in the same dimensions. See Ext.Panel#shrinkWrap for an explanation of the configuration options.

Defaults to:


simpleDrag : Boolean

When cfg-draggable is true, Specify this as true to cause the draggable config to work the same as it does in Ext.window.Window. This Panel just becomes movable. No DragDrop instances receive any notifications. For example:

Expand Code
Code Run
var win = Ext.create('widget.window', {
height: 300,

Defaults to:


simpleSelect : Boolean
deprecated dep

True to enable 'SIMPLE' selection mode on selection model.

Defaults to:


Deprecated since version 4.1.1
Use Ext.selection.Model#mode 'SIMPLE' instead.

sortableColumns : Boolean

False to disable column sorting via clicking the header and via the Sorting menu items.

Defaults to:


split : Boolean / Object

Configure as true to place a resizing Ext.resizer.Splitter between the locked and unlocked columns. May also be a configuration object for the Splitter.

Defaults to:


stateEvents : String[]

An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this object to save its state. stateEvents defaults to the stateEvents associated with the component you are using. Any events you statically set will be appended to that list. stateEvents may be any type of event supported by this object, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']).

See stateful for an explanation of saving and restoring object state. By default the following stateEvents are added:

stateful : Boolean / Object
bindable bind

A flag which causes the object to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup. The object must have a stateId for state to be managed.

Auto-generated ids are not guaranteed to be stable across page loads and cannot be relied upon to save and restore the same state for a object.

For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of Ext.state.Provider which overrides the set and get methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, Ext.state.CookieProvider is available.

To set the state provider for the current page:

Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({ expires: new Date(new Date().getTime()+(10006060247)), //7 days from now }));

A stateful object attempts to save state when one of the events listed in the stateEvents configuration fires.

To save state, a stateful object first serializes its state by calling getState.

The Component base class implements getState to save its width and height within the state only if they were initially configured, and have changed from the configured value.

The Panel class saves its collapsed state in addition to that.

The Grid class saves its column state and store state (sorters and filters and grouper) in addition to its superclass state.

If there is more application state to be save, the developer must provide an implementation which first calls the superclass method to inherit the above behaviour, and then injects new properties into the returned object.

The value yielded by getState is passed to Ext.state.Manager#set which uses the configured Ext.state.Provider to save the object keyed by the stateId.

During construction, a stateful object attempts to restore its state by calling Ext.state.Manager#get passing the stateId

The resulting object is passed to applyState*. The default implementation of applyState simply copies properties into the object, but a developer may override this to support restoration of more complex application state.

You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the beforestaterestore, staterestore, beforestatesave and statesave events. In some simple cases, passing an object for the stateful config may suffice. If an object is provided, the properties of that object are used to include or exclude stateful properties returned by getState. For example:

 stateful: {
     height: false, // never persist the height
     width: true    // always persist the width

The above is roughly equivalent to the following:

 getState: function () {
     var state = this.callParent();

     delete state.height;
     state.width = this.width;

     return state;

Defaults to:


getStateful : Boolean / Object

Returns the value of stateful


Boolean / Object

setStateful (stateful)

Sets the value of stateful


stateful :  Boolean / Object

stateId : String

The unique id for this object to use for state management purposes.

See stateful for an explanation of saving and restoring state.

getStateId String
private pri

Gets the state id for this object.



The 'stateId' or the implicit 'id' specified by component configuration.

style : String / Object
bindable bind

A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to Ext.dom.Element#applyStyles.

new Ext.panel.Panel({
    title: 'Some Title',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    width: 400, height: 300,
    layout: 'form',
    items: [{
        xtype: 'textarea',
        style: {
            width: '95%',
            marginBottom: '10px'
    new Ext.button.Button({
        text: 'Send',
        minWidth: '100',
        style: {
            marginBottom: '10px'

Available since: 1.1.0

setStyle ( property, [value] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Sets the style for this Component's primary element.

Styles should be a valid DOM element style property. Valid style property names (along with the supported CSS version for each)

var name = Ext.create({
    xtype: 'component',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    html: 'Phineas Flynn'

// two-param syntax
name.setStyle('color', 'white');

// single-param syntax
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    backgroundColor: 'gray',
    padding: '10px'


property :  String/Object

The style property to be set, or an object of multiple styles.

value :  String (optional)

The value to apply to the given property, or null if an object was passed.




subGridXType : String

The xtype of the subgrid to specify. If this is not specified lockable will determine the subgrid xtype to create by the following rule. Use the superclasses xtype if the superclass is NOT tablepanel, otherwise use the xtype itself.

suspendLayout : Boolean

If true, suspend calls to updateLayout. Useful when batching multiple adds to a container and not passing them as multiple arguments or an array.

Defaults to:


syncRowHeight : Boolean

Synchronize rowHeight between the normal and locked grid view. This is turned on by default. If your grid is guaranteed to have rows of all the same height, you should set this to false to optimize performance.

Defaults to:


tabGuard : Boolean
private pri

When set to true, two elements are added to the container's element. These are the tabGuardBeforeEl and tabGuardAfterEl.

Available since: 6.0.0

tabIndex : Number
bindable bind

DOM tabIndex attribute for this component's focusEl.

getTabIndex Number

Return the actual tabIndex for this Focusable.



tabIndex attribute value

setTabIndex ( newTabIndex )

Set the tabIndex property for this Focusable. If the focusEl is available, set tabIndex attribute on it, too.


newTabIndex :  Number

new tabIndex to set

tbar : Object / Object[]

Convenience config. Short for 'Top Bar'.

tbar: [
  { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

is equivalent to

dockedItems: [{
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    dock: 'top',
    items: [
        { xtype: 'button', text: 'Button 1' }

Defaults to:


title : String / Object
bindable bind

The title text or config object for the Ext.panel.Title component. When a title is specified, the Ext.panel.Header will automatically be created and displayed unless header is set to false.

Defaults to:


getTitle : String / Object

Returns the value of title


String / Object

setTitle ( title )

Sets the title of this panel.


title :  String

The new title

titleAlign : 'left' / 'center' / 'right'
bindable bind

The alignment of the title text within the available space between the icon and the tools.

Defaults to:


getTitleAlign : 'left' / 'center' / 'right'

Returns the value of titleAlign


'left' / 'center' / 'right'

setTitleAlign (titleAlign)

Sets the value of titleAlign


titleAlign :  'left' / 'center' / 'right'

titleCollapse : Boolean

true to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false) to allow it only by clicking to tool button). When a panel is used in a Ext.layout.container.Border, the floatable option can influence the behavior of collapsing.

Defaults to:


titleRotation : 'default' / 0 / 1 / 2
bindable bind

The rotation of the header's title text. Can be one of the following values:

  • 'default' - use the default rotation, depending on the dock position of the header
  • 0 - no rotation
  • 1 - rotate 90deg clockwise
  • 2 - rotate 90deg counter-clockwise

The default behavior of this config depends on the dock position of the header:

  • 'top' or 'bottom' - 0
  • 'right' - 1
  • 'left' - 1

Defaults to:


getTitleRotation : 'default' / 0 / 1 / 2

Returns the value of titleRotation


'default' / 0 / 1 / 2

setTitleRotation (titleRotation)

Sets the value of titleRotation


titleRotation :  'default' / 0 / 1 / 2

toFrontOnShow : Boolean

True to automatically call toFront when the method-show method is called on an already visible, floating component.

Defaults to:


tools : Object[] / Ext.panel.Tool[]

An array of Ext.panel.Tool configs/instances to be added to the header tool area. The tools are stored as child components of the header container. They can be accessed using down and {#query}, as well as the other component methods. The toggle tool is automatically created if collapsible is set to true.

Note that, apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these tools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding handlers that implement the necessary behavior.

Example usage:

    tooltip: 'Refresh form Data',
    // hidden:true,
    handler: function(event, toolEl, panelHeader) {
        // refresh logic
    tooltip: 'Get Help',
    callback: function(panel, tool, event) {
        // show help here

The difference between handler and callback is the signature. For details on the distinction, see Ext.panel.Tool.

touchAction : Object
bindable bind

Emulates the behavior of the CSS touch-action property in a cross-browser compatible manner.

Keys in this object are touch action names, and values are false to disable a touch action or true to enable it. Accepted keys are:

  • panX
  • panY
  • pinchZoom
  • doubleTapZoom

All touch actions are enabled (true) by default, so it is usually only necessary to specify which touch actions to disable. For example, the following disables only horizontal scrolling and pinch-to-zoom on the component's main element:

touchAction: {
    panX: false,
    pinchZoom: false

Touch actions can be specified on child elements using the child element name, for example:

// disables horizontal scrolling on the main element, and double-tap-zoom
// on the child element named "body"
touchAction: {
    panY: false
    body: {
        doubleTapZoom: false

The primary motivation for setting the touch-action of an element is to prevent the browser's default handling of a gesture such as pinch-to-zoom, or drag-to-scroll, so that the application can implement its own handling of that gesture on the element. Suppose, for example, a component has a custom drag handler on its element and wishes to prevent horizontal scrolling of its container while it is being dragged:

Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
    touchAction: {
        panX: false
    listeners: {
        drag: function(e) {
            // implement drag logic

Defaults to:


getTouchAction : Object

Returns the value of touchAction



setTouchAction (touchAction)

Sets the value of touchAction


touchAction :  Object

tpl : Ext.XTemplate / Ext.Template / String / String[]

An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode configurations.

Available since: 3.4.0

getTpl ( name )
private pri


name :  Object

tplWriteMode : String

The Ext.(X)Template method to use when updating the content area of the Component. See Ext.XTemplate#overwrite for information on default mode.

Defaults to:


Available since: 3.4.0

trailingBufferZone : Number

TableViews are buffer rendered in 5.x and above which means that only the visible subset of data rows are rendered into the DOM. These are removed and added as scrolling demands.

This configures the number of extra rows to render on the trailing side of scrolling outside the numFromEdge buffer as scrolling proceeds.

Defaults to:


twoWayBindable : String / String[] / Object
bindable bind

This object holds a map of config properties that will update their binding as they are modified. For example, value is a key added by form fields. The form of this config is the same as publishes.

This config is defined so that updaters are not created and added for all bound properties since most cannot be modified by the end-user and hence are not appropriate for two-way binding.

Defaults to:


getTwoWayBindable : String / String[] / Object

Returns the value of twoWayBindable


String / String[] / Object

setTwoWayBindable (twoWayBindable)

Sets the value of twoWayBindable


twoWayBindable :  String / String[] / Object

ui : String
bindable bind

A UI style for a component.

Defaults to:


setUI ( ui )

Sets the UI for the component. This will remove any existing UIs on the component. It will also loop through any uiCls set on the component and rename them so they include the new UI.


ui :  String

The new UI for the component.

uiCls : String[]
private pri

An array of of classNames which are currently applied to this component.

Defaults to:


unlockText : String

The text to display on the column menu to unlock a column.

Defaults to:


userCls : String / String[]
bindable bind

One or more CSS classes to add to the component's primary element. This config is intended solely for use by the component instantiator (the "user"), not by derived classes.

For example:

 items: [{
     xtype: 'button',
     userCls: 'my-button'

Defaults to:


getUserCls : String / String[]

Returns the value of userCls


String / String[]

setUserCls (userCls)

Sets the value of userCls


userCls :  String / String[]

variableRowHeight : Boolean
deprecated dep

Defaults to:


Deprecated since version 5.0.0
Use Ext.grid.column.Column#variableRowHeight instead. Configure as `true` if the row heights are not all the same height as the first row.

view : Ext.view.Table

The Ext.view.Table used by the grid. Use viewConfig to just supply some config options to view (instead of creating an entire View instance).

getView Ext.view.Table

Gets the view for this panel.



viewConfig : Object

A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for Ext.view.Table can be specified here. This option is ignored if view is specified.

viewModel : String / Object /
bindable bind

The ViewModel is a data provider for this component and its children. The data contained in the ViewModel is typically used by adding bind configs to the components that want present or edit this data.

When set, the ViewModel is created and links to any inherited viewModel instance from an ancestor container as the "parent". The ViewModel hierarchy, once established, only supports creation or destruction of children. The parent of a ViewModel cannot be changed on the fly.

If this is a root-level ViewModel, the data model connection is made to this component's associated This is determined by calling getInheritedSession.

Defaults to:


getViewModel : String / Object /

Returns the value of viewModel


String / Object /

setViewModel (viewModel)

Sets the value of viewModel


viewModel :  String / Object /

viewType : String
protected pro

An xtype of view to use. This is automatically set to 'tableview' by Ext.grid.Panel and to 'treeview' by Ext.tree.Panel.

Defaults to:


weight : Number

A value to control how Components are laid out in a Ext.layout.container.Border layout or as docked items.

In a Border layout, this can control how the regions (not the center) region lay out if the west or east take full height or if the north or south region take full width. Also look at the Ext.layout.container.Border#regionWeights on the Border layout. An example to show how you can take control of this is:

Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
    layout      : 'border',
    defaultType : 'panel',
    items       : [
            region : 'north',
            title  : 'North',
            height : 100
            region : 'south',
            title  : 'South',
            height : 100,
            weight : -25
            region : 'west',
            title  : 'West',
            width  : 200,
            weight : 15
            region : 'east',
            title  : 'East',
            width  : 200
            region : 'center',
            title  : 'center'

If docked items, the weight will order how the items are laid out. Here is an example to put a Ext.toolbar.Toolbar above a Ext.panel.Panel's header:

Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
    renderTo    : document.body,
    width       : 300,
    height      : 300,
    title       : 'Panel',
    html        : 'Panel Body',
    dockedItems : [
            xtype : 'toolbar',
            items : [
                    text : 'Save'
            xtype  : 'toolbar',
            weight : -10,
            items  : [
                    text : 'Remove'

Defaults to:


width : Number / String
bindable bind

The width of this component. A numeric value will be interpreted as the number of pixels; a string value will be treated as a CSS value with units.

getWidth Number

Gets the current width of the component's underlying element.



setWidth ( width ) : Ext.Component

Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.


width :  Number

The new width to set. This may be one of:

  • A Number specifying the new width in pixels.
  • A String used to set the CSS width style.
  • undefined to leave the width unchanged.
  • null to clear the width.




xtype : Ext.enums.Widget

Note: Only applies to Ext.Component derived classes when used as a config in Ext.define.

This property provides a shorter alternative to creating objects than using a full class name. Using xtype is the most common way to define component instances, especially in a container. For example, the items in a form containing text fields could be created explicitly like so:

 items: [
     Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
         fieldLabel: 'Foo'
     Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
         fieldLabel: 'Bar'
     Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Number', {
         fieldLabel: 'Num'

But by using xtype, the above becomes:

 items: [
         xtype: 'textfield',
         fieldLabel: 'Foo'
         xtype: 'textfield',
         fieldLabel: 'Bar'
         xtype: 'numberfield',
         fieldLabel: 'Num'

When the xtype is common to many items, Ext.container.Container#defaultType is another way to specify the xtype for all items that don't have an explicit xtype:

 defaultType: 'textfield',
 items: [
     { fieldLabel: 'Foo' },
     { fieldLabel: 'Bar' },
     { fieldLabel: 'Num', xtype: 'numberfield' }

Each member of the items array is now just a "configuration object". These objects are used to create and configure component instances. A configuration object can be manually used to instantiate a component using Ext#widget:

 var text1 = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
     fieldLabel: 'Foo'

 // or alternatively:

 var text1 = Ext.widget({
     xtype: 'textfield',
     fieldLabel: 'Foo'

This conversion of configuration objects into instantiated components is done when a container is created as part of its {Ext.container.AbstractContainer#initComponent} process. As part of the same process, the items array is converted from its raw array form into a Ext.util.MixedCollection instance.

You can define your own xtype on a custom Ext.Component by specifying the xtype property in Ext#define. For example:

Ext.define('MyApp.PressMeButton', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    xtype: 'pressmebutton',
    text: 'Press Me'

Care should be taken when naming an xtype in a custom component because there is a single, shared scope for all xtypes. Third part components should consider using a prefix to avoid collisions.

Ext.define('Foo.form.CoolButton', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    xtype: 'ux-coolbutton',
    text: 'Cool!'

See Ext.enums.Widget for list of all available xtypes.

Available since: 2.3.0


Instance Properties

private pri

Defaults to:


$configPrefixed : Boolean
private pri

The value true causes config values to be stored on instances using a property name prefixed with an underscore ("_") character. A value of false stores config values as properties using their exact name (no prefix).

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

$configStrict : Boolean
private pri

The value true instructs the initConfig method to only honor values for properties declared in the config block of a class. When false, properties that are not declared in a config block will be placed on the instance.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

private pri

Matches options property names within a listeners specification object - property names which are never used as event names.

Defaults to:

    scope: 1,
    delay: 1,
    buffer: 1,
    onFrame: 1,
    single: 1,
    args: 1,
    destroyable: 1,
    priority: 1,
    order: 1

private pri

We don't want the base destructor to clear the prototype because our destroyObservable handler must be called the very last. It will take care of the prototype after completing Observable destruction sequence.

Defaults to:


private pri

Defaults to:

    defaults: true,
    strict: false

_isLayoutRoot : Boolean
protected pro

Setting this property to true causes the isLayoutRoot method to return true and stop the search for the top-most component for a layout.

Defaults to:


_renderState : Number
readonly ro private pri

This property holds one of the following values during the render process:

  • 0 - The component is not rendered.
  • 1 - The component has fired beforerender and is about to call beforeRender. The component has just started rendering.
  • 2 - The component has finished the beforeRender process and is about to call onRender. This is when rendering is set to true.
  • 3 - The component has started onRender. This is when rendered is set to true.
  • 4 - The component has finished its afterrender process.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

actionables : Array
readonly ro

An array of objects which register themselves with a grid panel using registerActionable which are consulted upon entry into actionable mode.

These must implement the following methods:

  • activateCell Called when actionable mode is requested upon a cell. A Ext.grid.CellContext object is passed. If that cell is actionable by the terms of the callee, the callee should return true if it ascertains that the cell is actionable, and that it now contains focusable elements which may be tabbed to.
  • activateRow Called when the user enters actionable mode in a row. The row DOM is passed. Actionables should take any action they need to prime the row for cell activation which happens as users TAB from cell to cell.

Defaults to:

topGrid ? topGrid.actionables : []

private pri

Defaults to:


ariaEl : String
readonly ro private pri

The name of the Component property that holds a reference to the Element that serves as that Component's ARIA element. This property will be replaced with the actual Element reference after rendering.

Most of the simple Components will have their main element as ariaEl.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.0.0

ariaRenderAttributes : Object
private pri

Instance specific ARIA attributes to render into Component's ariaEl. This object is only used during rendering, and is discarded afterwards.

ariaRole : String
readonly ro

ARIA role for this Component, defaults to no role. With no role, no other ARIA attributes are set.

autoGenId : Boolean
private pri

true indicates an id was auto-generated rather than provided by configuration.

Defaults to:


body : Ext.dom.Element
readonly ro

The Panel's body Ext.dom.Element which may be used to contain HTML content. The content may be specified in the html config, or it may be loaded using the loader config. Read-only.

If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then the Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.

If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See layout then the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control of the Panel's Layout.

private pri

Defaults to:

Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-box'

private pri

Case sensitive mode.

Defaults to:


clearPropertiesOnDestroy : Boolean / "async"
protected pro

Setting this property to false will prevent nulling object references on a Class instance after destruction. Setting this to "async" will delay the clearing for approx 50ms.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.2.0

clearPrototypeOnDestroy : Boolean
private pri

Setting this property to true will result in setting the object's prototype to null after the destruction sequence is fully completed. After that, most attempts at calling methods on the object instance will result in "method not defined" exception. This can be very helpful with tracking down otherwise hard to find bugs like runaway Ajax requests, timed functions not cleared on destruction, etc.

Note that this option can only work in browsers that support Object.setPrototypeOf method, and is only available in debugging mode.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.2.0

componentLayoutCounter : Number
private pri

The number of component layout calls made on this object.

Defaults to:


containsFocus : Boolean
readonly ro

true if this currently focused element is within this Component's or Container's hierarchy. This property is set separately from hasFocus, and can be true when hasFocus is false.


  • Text field with input element focused would be: focusable: true, hasFocus: true, containsFocus: true

  • Date field with drop-down picker currently focused would be: focusable: true, hasFocus: false, containsFocus: true

  • Form Panel with a child input field currently focused would be: focusable: false, hasFocus: false, containsFocus: true

See also hasFocus.

Defaults to:


contentPaddingProperty : String

The name of the padding property that is used by the layout to manage padding. See managePadding

Defaults to:


private pri

The current index matched.

Defaults to:


dd : Ext.dd.DragSource / Ext.util.ComponentDragger
private pri

Only present if this Panel has been configured with cfg-draggable true.

Simple dragging

If this Panel is configured cfg-simpleDrag true (the default is false), this property will reference an instance of Ext.util.ComponentDragger (A subclass of Ext.dd.DragTracker) which handles moving the Panel's DOM Element, and constraining according to the constrain and constrainHeader .

This object fires various events during its lifecycle and during a drag operation.

Complex dragging interacting with other DragDrop instances

By default, this property in a cfg-draggable Panel will contain an instance of Ext.dd.DragSource which handles dragging the Panel.

The developer must provide implementations of the abstract methods of Ext.dd.DragSource in order to supply behaviour for each stage of the drag/drop process.

See also cfg-draggable.

Defaults to:

new Ext.panel.DD(me, Ext.isBoolean(me.draggable) ? null : me.draggable)

defaultBindProperty : String
protected pro

This property is used to determine the property of a bind config that is just the value. For example, if defaultBindProperty="value", then this shorthand bind config:

 bind: '{name}'

Is equivalent to this object form:

 bind: {
     value: '{name}'

The defaultBindProperty is set to "value" for form fields and to "store" for grids and trees.

Defaults to:


private pri

Defaults to:


destroyed : Boolean
protected pro

This property is set to true after the destroy method is called.

Defaults to:


private pri

Values to decide which side of the body element docked items must go This overides any weight. A left/top will always sort before a right/bottom regardless of any weight value. Weights sort at either side of the "body" dividing point.

Defaults to:

    top: -1,
    left: -1,
    right: 1,
    bottom: 1

private pri

Initial suspended call count. Incremented when suspendEvents is called, decremented when resumeEvents is called.

Defaults to:


floating : Boolean
readonly ro private pri

The value true indicates that this Component is floating.

floatingItems : Ext.util.MixedCollection

The MixedCollection containing all the floating child items of this container. Will be undefined if there are no floating child items.

Available since: 4.1.0

floatParent : Ext.container.Container
readonly ro

Only present for cfg-floating Components which were inserted as child items of Containers.

There are other similar relationships such as the Ext.button.Button which activates a menu, or the which activated a submenu, or the Ext.grid.column.Column which activated the column menu.

These differences are abstracted away by the up method.

Floating Components that are programmatically rendered will not have a floatParent property.

See cfg-floating and zIndexManager

focusable : Boolean
readonly ro

true for keyboard interactive Components or Widgets, false otherwise. For Containers, this property reflects interactiveness of the Container itself, not its children. See isFocusable.

Note: It is not enough to set this property to true to make a component keyboard interactive. You also need to make sure that the component's focusEl is reachable via Tab key (tabbable). See also tabIndex.

Defaults to:


focusableContainerEl : String / Ext.dom.Element

The name of the element that FocusableContainer should bind its keyboard handler to. Similar to ariaEl, this name is resolved to the Ext.dom.Element instance after rendering.

Defaults to:


focusClsEl : Ext.dom.Element

The element that will have the focusCls applied when component's focusEl is focused.

focusEl : Ext.dom.Element

The element that will be focused when focus method is called on this component. Usually this is the same element that receives focus via mouse clicks, taps, and pressing Tab key.

Defaults to:


frameSize : Object
readonly ro

Indicates the width of any framing elements which were added within the encapsulating element to provide graphical, rounded borders. See the frame config. This property is null if the component is not framed.

This is an object containing the frame width in pixels for all four sides of the Component containing the following properties:

Defaults to:



top : Number

The width of the top framing element in pixels.

Defaults to: 0

right : Number

The width of the right framing element in pixels.

Defaults to: 0

bottom : Number

The width of the bottom framing element in pixels.

Defaults to: 0

left : Number

The width of the left framing element in pixels.

Defaults to: 0

width : Number

The total width of the left and right framing elements in pixels.

Defaults to: 0

height : Number

The total height of the top and right bottom elements in pixels.

Defaults to: 0

hasFocus : Boolean
readonly ro

true if this component's focusEl is focused. See also containsFocus.

Defaults to:


hasListeners : Object
readonly ro

This object holds a key for any event that has a listener. The listener may be set directly on the instance, or on its class or a super class (via observe) or on the The values of this object are truthy (a non-zero number) and falsy (0 or undefined). They do not represent an exact count of listeners. The value for an event is truthy if the event must be fired and is falsy if there is no need to fire the event.

The intended use of this property is to avoid the expense of fireEvent calls when there are no listeners. This can be particularly helpful when one would otherwise have to call fireEvent hundreds or thousands of times. It is used like this:

 if ( {
     this.fireEvent('foo', this, arg1);

hasView : Boolean

True to indicate that a view has been injected into the panel.

Defaults to:


private pri

Number of dock 'left' and 'right' items.

Defaults to:


private pri

Defaults to:


protected pro

Template method to do any Focusable related initialization that does not involve event listeners creation.

Defaults to:


initialConfig : Object
readonly ro

The config object passed to the constructor during Component creation.

Defaults to:


isComponent : Boolean

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Component, or subclass thereof.

Defaults to:


isConfiguring : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This property is set to true during the call to initConfig.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

isContainer : Boolean

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Container, or subclass thereof.

Defaults to:


isFirstInstance : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This property is set to true if this instance is the first of its class.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

isInstance : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This value is true and is used to identify plain objects from instances of a defined class.

Defaults to:


isObservable : Boolean

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Observable, or subclass thereof.

Defaults to:


isPanel : Boolean

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Panel, or subclass thereof.

Defaults to:


layoutCounter : Number
private pri

The number of container layout calls made on this object.

Defaults to:


private pri

Defaults to:


maskOnDisable : Boolean

This is an internal flag that you use when creating custom components. By default this is set to true which means that every component gets a mask when it's disabled. Components like FieldContainer, FieldSet, Field, Button, Tab override this property to false since they want to implement custom disable logic.

Defaults to:


private pri

The matched positions from the most recent search

Defaults to:


protected pro

Called when focus moves within this Component's hierarchy

Defaults to:



e :  Ext.event.Event

event :  Ext.event.Event

The underlying DOM event.

target :  HTMLElement

The element gaining focus.

relatedTarget :  HTMLElement

The element losing focus.

toComponent :  Ext.Component

The Component gaining focus.

fromComponent :  Ext.Component

The Component losing focus.

optimizedColumnMove : Boolean

If you are writing a grid plugin or a {Ext.grid.feature.Feature Feature} which creates a column-based structure which needs a view refresh when columns are moved, then set this property in the grid.

An example is the built in Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary Feature. This creates summary rows, and the summary columns must be in the same order as the data columns. This plugin sets the optimizedColumnMove to `false.

ownerCt : Ext.container.Container
readonly ro

This Component's owner Ext.container.Container (is set automatically when this Component is added to a Container).

Important. This is not a universal upwards navigation pointer. It indicates the Container which owns and manages this Component if any. There are other similar relationships such as the Ext.button.Button which activates a menu, or the which activated a submenu, or the Ext.grid.column.Column which activated the column menu.

These differences are abstracted away by the up method.

Note: to access items within the Container see itemId.

Available since: 2.3.0

ownerGrid : Ext.panel.Table
readonly ro private pri

A reference to the top-level owning grid component.

This is a reference to this GridPanel if this GridPanel is not part of a locked grid arrangement.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

private pri

Regular expression mode.

Defaults to:


rendered : Boolean
readonly ro

Indicates whether or not the component has been rendered.

Defaults to:


Available since: 1.1.0

private pri

Defaults to:

Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'body'

private pri

Defaults to:

Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'scroll-scroller'

private pri

Used to determine where to go down to find views this is here to support locking.

Defaults to:


scrollFlags : Object
readonly ro private pri

An object property which provides unified information as to which dimensions are scrollable based upon the scrollable settings (And for views of trees and grids, the owning panel's scroll setting).

Note that if you set overflow styles using the style config or bodyStyle config, this object does not include that information. Use scrollable if you need to access these flags.

This object has the following properties:

Defaults to:

    auto: {
        // x:auto, y:auto
        auto: {
            overflowX: 'auto',
            overflowY: 'auto',
            x: true,
            y: true,
            both: true
        // x:auto, y:false
        'false': {
            overflowX: 'auto',
            overflowY: 'hidden',
            x: true,
            y: false,
            both: false
        // x:auto, y:scroll
        scroll: {
            overflowX: 'auto',
            overflowY: 'scroll',
            x: true,
            y: true,
            both: true
    'false': {
        // x:false, y:auto
        auto: {
            overflowX: 'hidden',
            overflowY: 'auto',
            x: false,
            y: true,
            both: false
        // x:false, y:false
        'false': {
            overflowX: 'hidden',
            overflowY: 'hidden',
            x: false,
            y: false,
            both: false
        // x:false, y:scroll
        scroll: {
            overflowX: 'hidden',
            overflowY: 'scroll',
            x: false,
            y: true,
            both: false
    scroll: {
        // x:scroll, y:auto
        auto: {
            overflowX: 'scroll',
            overflowY: 'auto',
            x: true,
            y: true,
            both: true
        // x:scroll, y:false
        'false': {
            overflowX: 'scroll',
            overflowY: 'hidden',
            x: true,
            y: false,
            both: false
        // x:scroll, y:scroll
        scroll: {
            overflowX: 'scroll',
            overflowY: 'scroll',
            x: true,
            y: true,
            both: true
    none: {
        overflowX: '',
        overflowY: '',
        x: false,
        y: false,
        both: false


x : Boolean

true if this Component is scrollable horizontally - style setting may be 'auto' or 'scroll'.

y : Boolean

true if this Component is scrollable vertically - style setting may be 'auto' or 'scroll'.

both : Boolean

true if this Component is scrollable both horizontally and vertically.

overflowX : String

The overflow-x style setting, 'auto' or 'scroll' or ''.

overflowY : String

The overflow-y style setting, 'auto' or 'scroll' or ''.

private pri

The generated regular expression used for searching.

Defaults to:


private pri

search value initialization

Defaults to:


self : Ext.Class
protected pro

Get the reference to the current class from which this object was instantiated. Unlike Ext.Base#statics, this.self is scope-dependent and it's meant to be used for dynamic inheritance. See Ext.Base#statics for a detailed comparison

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'

    constructor: function() {
        alert(this.self.speciesName); // dependent on 'this'

    clone: function() {
        return new this.self();

Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
    extend: 'My.Cat',
    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'         // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'

var cat = new My.Cat();                     // alerts 'Cat'
var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard();     // alerts 'Snow Leopard'

var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));             // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'

Defaults to:


synthetic : Boolean
private pri

This property is true if the component was created internally by the framework and is not explicitly user-defined. This is set for such things as Splitter instances managed by border and box layouts.

Defaults to:


tabGuardAfterEl : Ext.dom.Element
private pri

This element reference is generated when tabGuard is true. This element is generated after all dockedItems in the DOM.

Available since: 6.0.0

tabGuardAfterIndex : Number
private pri

The tabIndex attribute value to assign to the "after" tab guard element. Default is undefined for automatic detection from the DOM.

Available since: 6.2.0

tabGuardBeforeEl : Ext.dom.Element
private pri

This element reference is generated when tabGuard is true. This element is generated before all dockedItems in the DOM.

Available since: 6.0.0

tabGuardBeforeIndex : Number
private pri

The tabIndex attribute value to assign to the "before" tab guard element. Default is undefined for automatic detection from the DOM.

Available since: 6.2.0

tabGuardElements : Object
private pri

Read only object containing property names for tab guard elements, keyed by position.

Defaults to:

    before: 'tabGuardBeforeEl',
    after: 'tabGuardAfterEl'

Available since: 6.2.0

tabGuardTpl : String / String[] / Ext.XTemplate
private pri

This template is used to generate the tabGuard elements. It is used once per element (see tabGuardBeforeEl and tabGuardAfterEl).

Defaults to:

// We use span instead of div because of IE bug/misfeature: it will focus
// block elements upon clicking or calling node.focus() regardless of
// tabIndex attribute. It doesn't do that with inline elements, hence span.
'<span id="{id}-{tabGuardEl}" data-ref="{tabGuardEl}" aria-hidden="true"' + ' class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-guard ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-guard-{tabGuardPosition}"' + ' style="width:0px;height:0px;">' + '</span>'

Available since: 6.0.0

validRefRe : RegExp
private pri

Regular expression used for validating reference values.

Defaults to:


zIndexManager : Ext.ZIndexManager
readonly ro

Only present for floating Components after they have been rendered.

A reference to the ZIndexManager which is managing this Component's z-index.

The Ext.ZIndexManager maintains a stack of floating Component z-indices, and also provides a single modal mask which is insert just beneath the topmost visible modal floating Component.

Floating Components may be brought to the front or sent to the back of the z-index stack.

This defaults to the global Ext.WindowManager for floating Components that are programatically rendered.

For floating Components that are added to a Container, the ZIndexManager is acquired from the first ancestor Container found that is floating. If no floating ancestor is found, the global Ext.WindowManager is used.

See Ext.Component#cfg-floating and zIndexParent

zIndexParent : Ext.container.Container
readonly ro

Only present for Ext.Component#cfg-floating Components which were inserted as child items of Containers, and which have a floating Container in their containment ancestry.

For Ext.Component#cfg-floating Components which are child items of a Container, the zIndexParent will be a floating ancestor Container which is responsible for the base z-index value of all its floating descendants. It provides a Ext.ZIndexManager which provides z-indexing services for all its descendant floating Components.

Floating Components that are programmatically rendered will not have a zIndexParent property.

For example, the dropdown Ext.view.BoundList of a ComboBox which is in a Window will have the Window as its zIndexParent, and will always show above that Window, wherever the Window is placed in the z-index stack.

See Ext.Component#cfg-floating and zIndexManager

Static Properties

static sta private pri

Defaults to:



Instance Methods

_addDeclaredListeners ( listeners ) : Boolean
private pri

Adds declarative listeners as nested arrays of listener objects.


listeners :  Array



true if any listeners were added

private pri

Sets up a reference on our current reference holder.

add ( component ) : Ext.Component[]/Ext.Component

Adds Ext.Component(s) to this Container.



If the Container is already rendered when add is called, it will render the newly added Component into its content area.

If the Container was configured with a size-managing layout manager, the Container will recalculate its internal layout at this time too.

Note that the default layout manager simply renders child Components sequentially into the content area and thereafter performs no sizing.

If adding multiple new child Components, pass them as an array to the add method, so that only one layout recalculation is performed.

tb = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar({
    renderTo: document.body
});  // toolbar is rendered
// add multiple items.
// default type for Toolbar is 'button')
tb.add([{text:'Button 1'}, {text:'Button 2'}]);

To inject components between existing ones, use the insert method.


Components directly managed by the BorderLayout layout manager may not be removed or added. See the Notes for Ext.layout.container.Border for more details.

Available since: 2.3.0


component :  Ext.Component[]/Object[]/Ext.Component.../Object...

Either one or more Components to add or an Array of Components to add. See cfg-items for additional information.



The Components that were added.

addBindableUpdater ( property )
private pri

Ensures that the given property (if it is a Config System config) has a proper "updater" method on this instance to sync changes to the config.

Available since: 5.0.0


property :  String

The name of the config property.

addBodyCls ( cls ) : Ext.panel.Panel
chainable ch

Adds a CSS class to the body element. If not rendered, the class will be added when the panel is rendered.


cls :  String/String[]

The class to add




addChildEl ( childEl )
private pri

Add a childEl specific to this instance. This must be called before render.

Available since: 6.0.0


childEl :  Object

addClass ( cls ) : Ext.Component
deprecated dep

Adds a CSS class to the top level element representing this component.

Available since: 2.3.0


cls :  String/String[]

The CSS class name to add.



Returns the Component to allow method chaining.

Deprecated since version 4.1
Use addCls instead.

addCls ( cls ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Adds a CSS class to the top level element representing this component.


cls :  String/String[]

The CSS class name to add.



Returns the Component to allow method chaining.

addClsWithUI ( classes, [skip] )

Adds a cls to the uiCls array, which will also call addUIClsToElement and adds to all elements of this component.


classes :  String/String[]

A string or an array of strings to add to the uiCls.

skip :  Boolean (optional)

true to skip adding it to the class and do it later (via the return).

addDelegatedListener ( eventName, fn, scope, options, order, caller, manager )
private pri

Adds a listeners with the "delegate" event option. Users should not invoke this method directly. Use the "delegate" event option of addListener instead.


eventName :  Object

fn :  Object

scope :  Object

options :  Object

order :  Object

caller :  Object

manager :  Object

addDeprecations ( deprecations )
private pri

This method applies a versioned, deprecation declaration to this class. This is typically called by the deprecated config.


deprecations :  Object

addDocked ( items, [pos] ) : Ext.Component[]

Adds docked item(s) to the container.


items :  Object/Object[]

The Component or array of components to add. The components must include a 'dock' parameter on each component to indicate where it should be docked ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left').

pos :  Number (optional)

The index at which the Component will be added



The added components.

addListener ( eventName, [fn], [scope], [options], [order] ) : Object
chainable ch

The on method is shorthand for addListener.

Appends an event handler to this object. For example:

myGridPanel.on("itemclick", this.onItemClick, this);

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:

    cellclick: this.onCellClick,
    select: this.onSelect,
    viewready: this.onViewReady,
    scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution

One can also specify options for each event handler separately:

    cellclick: {fn: this.onCellClick, scope: this, single: true},
    viewready: {fn: panel.onViewReady, scope: panel}

Names of methods in a specified scope may also be used:

    cellclick: {fn: 'onCellClick', scope: this, single: true},
    viewready: {fn: 'onViewReady', scope: panel}


eventName :  String/Object

The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names.

fn :  Function/String (optional)

The method the event invokes or the name of the method within the specified scope. Will be called with arguments given to Ext.util.Observable#fireEvent plus the options parameter described below.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing handler configuration.

Note: The options object will also be passed as the last argument to every event handler.

This object may contain any of the following properties:

scope :  Object

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

delay :  Number

The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.

single :  Boolean

True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.

buffer :  Number

Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an Ext.util.DelayedTask delayed by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original handler is not invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.

onFrame :  Number

Causes the handler to be scheduled to run at the next animation frame event. If the event fires again before that time, the handler is not rescheduled - the handler will only be called once when the next animation frame is fired, with the last set of arguments passed.

target :  Ext.util.Observable

Only call the handler if the event was fired on the target Observable, not if the event was bubbled up from a child Observable.

element :  String

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.Component. The name of a Component property which references an Ext.dom.Element to add a listener to.

This option is useful during Component construction to add DOM event listeners to elements of Ext.Component which will exist only after the Component is rendered.

For example, to add a click listener to a Panel's body:

  var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
      title: 'The title',
      listeners: {
          click: this.handlePanelClick,
          element: 'body'

In order to remove listeners attached using the element, you'll need to reference the element itself as seen below.


delegate :  String (optional)

A simple selector to filter the event target or look for a descendant of the target.

The "delegate" option is only available on Ext.dom.Element instances (or when attaching a listener to a Ext.dom.Element via a Component using the element option).

See the delegate example below.

capture :  Boolean (optional)

When set to true, the listener is fired in the capture phase of the event propagation sequence, instead of the default bubble phase.

The capture option is only available on Ext.dom.Element instances (or when attaching a listener to a Ext.dom.Element via a Component using the element option).

stopPropagation :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call stopPropagation on the event object before firing the handler.

preventDefault :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call preventDefault on the event object before firing the handler.

stopEvent :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call stopEvent on the event object before firing the handler.

args :  Array (optional)

Optional set of arguments to pass to the handler function before the actual fired event arguments. For example, if args is set to ['foo', 42], the event handler function will be called with an arguments list like this:

 handler('foo', 42, <actual event arguments>...);

destroyable :  Boolean (optional)

When specified as true, the function returns a destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. This syntax can be a helpful shortcut to using un; particularly when removing multiple listeners. NOTE - not compatible when using the element option. See un for the proper syntax for removing listeners added using the element config.

Defaults to:


priority :  Number (optional)

An optional numeric priority that determines the order in which event handlers are run. Event handlers with no priority will be run as if they had a priority of 0. Handlers with a higher priority will be prioritized to run sooner than those with a lower priority. Negative numbers can be used to set a priority lower than the default. Internally, the framework uses a range of 1000 or greater, and -1000 or lesser for handlers that are intended to run before or after all others, so it is recommended to stay within the range of -999 to 999 when setting the priority of event handlers in application-level code. A priority must be an integer to be valid. Fractional values are reserved for internal framework use.

order :  String (optional)

A legacy option that is provided for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use the priority option instead. Available options are:

  • 'before': equal to a priority of 100
  • 'current': equal to a priority of 0 or default priority
  • 'after': equal to a priority of -100

Defaults to:


order :  String (optional)

A shortcut for the order event option. Provided for backward compatibility. Please use the priority event option instead.

Combining Options

Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:

A delayed, one-time listener.

myPanel.on('hide', this.handleClick, this, {
    single: true,
    delay: 100

Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple handlers and handler configs.

    itemclick: 'onItemClick',
    itemcontextmenu: grid.onItemContextmenu,
    destroy: {
        fn: function () {
            // function called within the 'altCmp' scope instead of grid
        scope: altCmp // unique scope for the destroy handler
    scope: grid       // default scope - provided for example clarity


This is a configuration option that you can pass along when registering a handler for an event to assist with event delegation. By setting this configuration option to a simple selector, the target element will be filtered to look for a descendant of the target. For example:

var panel = Ext.create({
    xtype: 'panel',
    renderTo: document.body,
    title: 'Delegate Handler Example',
    frame: true,
    height: 220,
    width: 220,
    html: '<h1 class="myTitle">BODY TITLE</h1>Body content'

// The click handler will only be called when the click occurs on the
// delegate: h1.myTitle ("h1" tag with class "myTitle")
    click: function (e) {
    element: 'body',
    delegate: 'h1.myTitle'

Defaults to: 'current'



Only when the destroyable option is specified.

A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. For example:

this.btnListeners =  = myButton.on({
    destroyable: true
    mouseover:   function() { console.log('mouseover'); },
    mouseout:    function() { console.log('mouseout'); },
    click:       function() { console.log('click'); }

And when those listeners need to be removed:




addManagedListener ( item, ename, [fn], [scope], [options] ) : Object

The addManagedListener method is used when some object (call it "A") is listening to an event on another observable object ("B") and you want to remove that listener from "B" when "A" is destroyed. This is not an issue when "B" is destroyed because all of its listeners will be removed at that time.


Ext.define('Foo', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component',

    initComponent: function () {
        this.addManagedListener(MyApp.SomeGlobalSharedMenu, 'show', this.doSomething);

As you can see, when an instance of Foo is destroyed, it ensures that the 'show' listener on the menu (MyApp.SomeGlobalSharedMenu) is also removed.

As of version 5.1 it is no longer necessary to use this method in most cases because listeners are automatically managed if the scope object provided to addListener is an Observable instance. However, if the observable instance and scope are not the same object you still need to use mon or addManagedListener if you want the listener to be managed.


item :  Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element

The item to which to add a listener/listeners.

ename :  Object/String

The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

fn :  Function/String (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the handler function or the name of a method on the specified scope.

scope :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

options :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the addListener options.



Only when the destroyable option is specified.

A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. For example:

this.btnListeners = myButton.mon({
    destroyable: true
    mouseover:   function() { console.log('mouseover'); },
    mouseout:    function() { console.log('mouseout'); },
    click:       function() { console.log('click'); }

And when those listeners need to be removed:




addPlugin ( plugin )
protected pro

Adds a plugin. May be called at any time in the component's life cycle.


plugin :  Object

addPropertyToState ( state, propName, [value] ) : Object
protected pro

Save a property to the given state object if it is not its default or configured value.


state :  Object

The state object.

propName :  String

The name of the property on this object to save.

value :  String (optional)

The value of the state property (defaults to this[propName]).



The state object or a new object if state was null and the property was saved.

addStateEvents ( events )

Add events that will trigger the state to be saved. If the first argument is an array, each element of that array is the name of a state event. Otherwise, each argument passed to this method is the name of a state event.


events :  String/String[]

The event name or an array of event names.

addTool ( tools )

Add tools to this panel


tools :  Object[]/Ext.panel.Tool[]

The tools to add.

By default the tools will be accessible via keyboard, with the exception of automatically added collapse/expand and close tools.

If you implement keyboard equivalents of your tools' actions elsewhere and do not want the tools to participate in keyboard navigation, you can make them presentational instead:

     type: 'mytool',
     focusable: false,
     ariaRole: 'presentation',

template tpl protected pro

Template method to be implemented in subclasses to add their tools after the collapsible tool.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

addUIClsToElement ( cls )

Method which adds a specified UI + uiCls to the components element. Can be overridden to add the UI to more than just the component's element.


cls :  Object

private pri

Method which adds a specified UI to the components element.

adjustForConstraints ( xy, parent )
private pri


xy :  Object

parent :  Object

adjustPosition ( x, y )
private pri


x :  Object

y :  Object

afterClassMixedIn ( targetClass )
private pri

Called after the mixin is applied. We need to see if childEls were used by the targetClass and apply them to the config.


targetClass :  Ext.Class

afterCollapse ( animated )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked after the Panel is Collapsed.


animated :  Boolean

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

afterComponentLayout ( width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight )
template tpl protected pro

Called by the layout system after the Component has been laid out.

This method is not called on components that use cfg-liquidLayout, such as Ext.button.Button and Ext.form.field.Base.


width :  Number

The width that was set

height :  Number

The height that was set

oldWidth :  Number/undefined

The old width, or undefined if this was the initial layout.

oldHeight :  Number/undefined

The old height, or undefined if this was the initial layout.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

afterExpand ( animated )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked after the Panel is Expanded.


animated :  Boolean

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

afterHide ( [callback], [scope] )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked after the Component has been hidden.

Gets passed the same callback and scope parameters that #onHide received.


callback :  Function (optional)

scope :  Object (optional)

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

afterLayout ( layout )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked after the Container has laid out (and rendered if necessary) its child Components.


layout :  Ext.layout.container.Container

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

template tpl protected pro

Allows additional behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage, the Ext.Component Element will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class names added, and will be in the configured visibility and configured enable state.

Note: If the Component has a ViewController and the controller has an afterRender method it will be called passing the Component as the single param.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

afterSetPosition ( x, y )
template tpl protected pro

Template method called after a Component has been positioned.


x :  Number

y :  Number

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

afterShow ( [animateTarget], [callback], [scope] )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked after the Component is shown (after #onShow is called).

Gets passed the same parameters as #show.


animateTarget :  String/Ext.dom.Element (optional)

callback :  Function (optional)

scope :  Object (optional)

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

alignTo ( element, [position], [offsets] ) : Ext.util.Positionable

Aligns the element with another element relative to the specified anchor points. If the other element is the document it aligns it to the viewport. The position parameter is optional, and can be specified in any one of the following formats:

  • Blank: Defaults to aligning the element's top-left corner to the target's bottom-left corner ("tl-bl").
  • Two anchors: If two values from the table below are passed separated by a dash, the first value is used as the element's anchor point, and the second value is used as the target's anchor point.
  • Two edge/offset descriptors: An edge/offset descriptor is an edge initial (t/r/b/l) followed by a percentage along that side. This describes a point to align with a similar point in the target. So 't0-b0' would be the same as 'tl-bl', 'l0-r50' would place the top left corner of this item halfway down the right edge of the target item. This allows more flexibility and also describes which two edges are considered adjacent when positioning a tip pointer.

In addition to the anchor points, the position parameter also supports the "?" character. If "?" is passed at the end of the position string, the element will attempt to align as specified, but the position will be adjusted to constrain to the viewport if necessary. Note that the element being aligned might be swapped to align to a different position than that specified in order to enforce the viewport constraints. Following are all of the supported anchor positions:

 Value  Description
 -----  -----------------------------
 tl     The top left corner
 t      The center of the top edge
 tr     The top right corner
 l      The center of the left edge
 c      The center
 r      The center of the right edge
 bl     The bottom left corner
 b      The center of the bottom edge
 br     The bottom right corner

Example Usage:

// align el to other-el using the default positioning
// ("tl-bl", non-constrained)

// align the top left corner of el with the top right corner of other-el
// (constrained to viewport)
el.alignTo("other-el", "tl-tr?");

// align the bottom right corner of el with the center left edge of other-el
el.alignTo("other-el", "br-l?");

// align the center of el with the bottom left corner of other-el and
// adjust the x position by -6 pixels (and the y position by 0)
el.alignTo("other-el", "c-bl", [-6, 0]);

// align the 25% point on the bottom edge of this el
// with the 75% point on the top edge of other-el.
el.alignTo("other-el", 'b25-c75');


element :  Ext.util.Positionable/HTMLElement/String

The Positionable, HTMLElement, or id of the element to align to.

position :  String (optional)

The position to align to

Defaults to: "tl-bl?"

offsets :  Number[] (optional)

Offset the positioning by [x, y] Element animation config object




anchorTo ( anchorToEl, [alignment], [offsets], [animate], [monitorScroll], [callback] ) : Ext.util.Positionable
chainable ch

Anchors an element to another element and realigns it when the window is resized.


anchorToEl :  Ext.util.Positionable/HTMLElement/String

The Positionable, HTMLElement, or id of the element to align to.

alignment :  String (optional)

The position to align to

Defaults to: "tl-bl?"

offsets :  Number[] (optional)

Offset the positioning by [x, y]

animate :  Boolean/Object (optional)

true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object

monitorScroll :  Boolean/Number (optional)

True to monitor body scroll and reposition. If this parameter is a number, it is used as the buffer delay in milliseconds.

Defaults to: 50

callback :  Function (optional)

The function to call after the animation finishes




anim ( config )
private pri

Process the passed fx configuration.


config :  Object

animate ( config ) : Object
chainable ch

Performs custom animation on this object.

This method is applicable to both the Ext.Component class and the Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite class. It performs animated transitions of certain properties of this object over a specified timeline.

Animating a Ext.Component

When animating a Component, the following properties may be specified in from, to, and keyframe objects:

  • x - The Component's page X position in pixels.

  • y - The Component's page Y position in pixels

  • left - The Component's left value in pixels.

  • top - The Component's top value in pixels.

  • width - The Component's width value in pixels.

  • height - The Component's height value in pixels.

The following property may be set on the animation config root:

  • dynamic - Specify as true to update the Component's layout (if it is a Container) at every frame of the animation. Use sparingly as laying out on every intermediate size change is an expensive operation.

For example, to animate a Window to a new size, ensuring that its internal layout and any shadow is correct:

myWindow = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
    title: 'Test Component animation',
    width: 500,
    height: 300,
    layout: {
        type: 'hbox',
        align: 'stretch'
    items: [{
        title: 'Left: 33%',
        margin: '5 0 5 5',
        flex: 1
    }, {
        title: 'Left: 66%',
        margin: '5 5 5 5',
        flex: 2
myWindow.header.el.on('click', function() {
        to: {
            width: (myWindow.getWidth() == 500) ? 700 : 500,
            height: (myWindow.getHeight() == 300) ? 400 : 300

For performance reasons, by default, the internal layout is only updated when the Window reaches its final "to" size. If dynamic updating of the Window's child Components is required, then configure the animation with dynamic: true and the two child items will maintain their proportions during the animation.


config :  Object

Configuration for Ext.fx.Anim. Note that the to config is required.




applyBind ( binds, currentBindings ) : Object
private pri

Available since: 5.0.0


binds :  String/Object

currentBindings :  Object



applyDefaults ( config )
private pri


config :  Object

private pri

Sets references to elements inside the component. This applies renderSelectors as well as childEls.

applySession ( session ) :
private pri

Transforms a Session config to a proper instance.

Available since: 5.0.0


session :  Object


applyState ( state )

Applies the state to the object. This should be overridden in subclasses to do more complex state operations. By default it applies the state properties onto the current object.


state :  Object

The state

applyViewModel ( viewModel ) :
private pri

Transforms a ViewModel config to a proper instance.

Available since: 5.0.0


viewModel :  String/Object/


attachChildEls ( el, owner )
private pri

Sets references to elements inside the component.


el :  Object

owner :  Object

attachNameRef ( component )
private pri

Sets up a component name reference.


component :  Ext.Component

The component to reference.

attachReference ( component )
private pri

Sets up a component reference.


component :  Ext.Component

The component to reference.

deprecated dep template tpl protected pro

Invoked before the Component is destroyed. This method is deprecated, override onDestroy instead.

Deprecated since version 6.2.0
Please override onDestroy instead

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

template tpl protected pro

Occurs before componentLayout is run. In previous releases, this method could return false to prevent its layout but that is not supported in Ext JS 4.1 or higher. This method is simply a notification of the impending layout to give the component a chance to adjust the DOM. Ideally, DOM reads should be avoided at this time to reduce expensive document reflows.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

template tpl protected pro

Allows additional behavior before rendering.

Note: If the Component has a ViewController and the controller has a beforeRender method it will be called passing the Component as the single param.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

beforeSetPosition ( x, y, animate )
private pri

Template method called before a Component is positioned.

Ensures that the position is adjusted so that the Component is constrained if so configured.


x :  Object

y :  Object

animate :  Object

template tpl protected pro

Invoked before the Component is shown.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

private pri

Called before the change from default, configured state into the collapsed state. This method may be called at render time to enable rendering in an initially collapsed state, or at runtime when an existing, fully laid out Panel may be collapsed. It basically saves configs which need to be clobbered for the duration of the collapsed state.

bubble ( fn, [scope], [args] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Bubbles up the component/container hierarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point, the bubble is stopped.


fn :  Function

The function to call

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope of the function. Defaults to current node.

args :  Array (optional)

The args to call the function with. Defaults to passing the current component.




cacheRefEls ( el )
private pri

Ensures that all elements with "data-ref" attributes get loaded into the cache. This really helps on IE8 where getElementById is a search not a lookup. By populating our cache with one search of the DOM we then have random access to the elements as we do our childEls wire up.


el :  Object

calculateAnchorXY ( [anchor], [extraX], [extraY], [size] ) : Number[]
private pri

Calculates x,y coordinates specified by the anchor position on the element, adding extraX and extraY values.


anchor :  String (optional)

The specified anchor position. See alignTo for details on supported anchor positions.

Defaults to: 'tl'

extraX :  Number (optional)

value to be added to the x coordinate

extraY :  Number (optional)

value to be added to the y coordinate

size :  Object (optional)

An object containing the size to use for calculating anchor position {width: (target width), height: (target height)} (defaults to the element's current size)



[x, y] An array containing the element's x and y coordinates

calculateConstrainedPosition ( constrainTo, proposedPosition, local, proposedSize )
private pri

Override of Positionable method to calculate constrained position based upon possibly only constraining our header.


constrainTo :  Object

proposedPosition :  Object

local :  Object

proposedSize :  Object

callOverridden ( args ) : Object
deprecated dep protected pro

Call the original method that was previously overridden with Ext.Base#override

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm a cat!");

    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
                          // alerts "I'm a cat!"
                          // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callOverridden(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the overridden method

Deprecated since version 4.1.0
Use method-callParent instead.

callParent ( args ) : Object
protected pro

Call the "parent" method of the current method. That is the method previously overridden by derivation or by an override (see Ext#define).

 Ext.define('My.Base', {
     constructor: function (x) {
         this.x = x;

     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return x;

 Ext.define('My.Derived', {
     extend: 'My.Base',

     constructor: function () {

 var obj = new My.Derived();

 alert(obj.x);  // alerts 21

This can be used with an override as follows:

 Ext.define('My.DerivedOverride', {
     override: 'My.Derived',

     constructor: function (x) {
         this.callParent([x*2]); // calls original My.Derived constructor

 var obj = new My.Derived();

 alert(obj.x);  // now alerts 42

This also works with static and private methods.

 Ext.define('My.Derived2', {
     extend: 'My.Base',

     // privates: {
     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Base.method

 alert(My.Base.method(10));     // alerts 10
 alert(My.Derived2.method(10)); // alerts 20

Lastly, it also works with overridden static methods.

 Ext.define('My.Derived2Override', {
     override: 'My.Derived2',

     // privates: {
     statics: {
         method: function (x) {
             return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Derived2.method

 alert(My.Derived2.method(10); // now alerts 40

To override a method and replace it and also call the superclass method, use method-callSuper. This is often done to patch a method to fix a bug.


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callParent(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the parent method

callSuper ( args ) : Object
protected pro

This method is used by an override to call the superclass method but bypass any overridden method. This is often done to "patch" a method that contains a bug but for whatever reason cannot be fixed directly.


 Ext.define('Ext.some.Class', {
     method: function () {

 Ext.define('Ext.some.DerivedClass', {
     extend: 'Ext.some.Class',

     method: function () {

         // ... logic but with a bug ...


To patch the bug in Ext.some.DerivedClass.method, the typical solution is to create an override:

 Ext.define('App.patches.DerivedClass', {
     override: 'Ext.some.DerivedClass',

     method: function () {

         // ... logic but with bug fixed ...


The patch method cannot use method-callParent to call the superclass method since that would call the overridden method containing the bug. In other words, the above patch would only produce "Fixed" then "Good" in the console log, whereas, using callParent would produce "Fixed" then "Bad" then "Good".


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callSuper(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the superclass method

cascade ( fn, [scope], [args] ) : Ext.container.Container
chainable ch

Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (passed in the first call), calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this reference) of the function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point, the cascade is stopped on that branch.

Available since: 2.3.0


fn :  Function

The function to call

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope of the function (defaults to current component)

args :  Array (optional)

The args to call the function with. The current component always passed as the last argument.




caseSensitiveToggle ( checkbox, checked )
private pri

Switch to case sensitive mode.


checkbox :  Object

checked :  Object

center Ext.Component
chainable ch

Center this Component in its container.




changeConstraint ( newValue, oldValue, constrainMethod, styleName, sizeName )
private pri


newValue :  Object

oldValue :  Object

constrainMethod :  Object

styleName :  Object

sizeName :  Object

child ( [selector] ) : Ext.Component

Retrieves the first direct child of this container which matches the passed selector or component. The passed in selector must comply with an Ext.ComponentQuery selector, or it can be an actual Ext.Component.


selector :  String/Ext.Component (optional)

An Ext.ComponentQuery selector. If no selector is specified, the first child will be returned.



The matching child Ext.Component (or null if no match was found).

private pri

Clears any clipping applied to this component by method-clipTo.

private pri

Clears all listeners that were attached using the "delegate" event option. Users should not invoke this method directly. It is called automatically as part of normal clearListeners processing.


Removes all listeners for this object including the managed listeners


Removes all managed listeners for this object.

clipTo ( clippingEl, sides )
private pri

Clips this Component/Element to fit within the passed element's or component's view area


clippingEl :  Ext.Component/Ext.dom.Element/Ext.util.Region

The Component or element or Region which should clip this element even if this element is outside the bounds of that region.

sides :  Number

The sides to clip 1=top, 2=right, 4=bottom, 8=left.

This is to support components being clipped to their logical owner, such as a grid row editor when the row being edited scrolls out of sight. The editor should be clipped at the edge of the scrolling element.

clipToScroller ( scroller )
private pri

Clips this floating element to the scrolling element in line with how its topmost anchoring element is clipped.


scroller :  Object

cloneConfig ( overrides ) : Ext.Component

Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.


overrides :  Object

A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version. An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.



clone The cloned copy of this component


Closes the Panel. By default, this method, removes it from the DOM, destroys the Panel object and all its descendant Components. The beforeclose event is fired before the close happens and will cancel the close action if it returns false.

Note: This method is also affected by the closeAction setting. For more explicit control use method-destroy and method-hide methods.

collapse ( [direction], [animate] ) : Ext.panel.Panel
chainable ch

Collapses the panel body so that the body becomes hidden. Docked Components parallel to the border towards which the collapse takes place will remain visible. Fires the beforecollapse event which will cancel the collapse action if it returns false.


direction :  String (optional)

The direction to collapse towards. Must be one of

  • Ext.Component.DIRECTION_TOP
  • Ext.Component.DIRECTION_RIGHT
  • Ext.Component.DIRECTION_BOTTOM
  • Ext.Component.DIRECTION_LEFT

Defaults to collapseDirection.

animate :  Boolean/Number (optional)

True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the animCollapse panel config). May also be specified as the animation duration in milliseconds.




constrainBox ( box )
private pri


box :  Object

constructPlugin ( plugin )
private pri


plugin :  String/Object

string or config object containing a ptype property.

Constructs a plugin according to the passed config object/ptype string.

Ensures that the constructed plugin always has a cmp reference back to this component. The setting up of this is done in PluginManager. The PluginManager ensures that a reference to this component is passed to the constructor. It also ensures that the plugin's setCmp method (if any) is called.

private pri

Returns an array of fully constructed plugin instances. This converts any configs into their appropriate instances.

It does not mutate the plugins array. It creates a new array.

constructor ( config )

Creates new Component.


config :  Ext.dom.Element/String/Object

The configuration options may be specified as either:

  • an element : it is set as the internal element and its id used as the component id
  • a string : it is assumed to be the id of an existing element and is used as the component id
  • anything else : it is assumed to be a standard config object and is applied to the component

contains ( comp, [deep] ) : Boolean

Determines whether the passed Component is either an immediate child of this Container, or whether it is a descendant.


comp :  Ext.Component

The Component to test.

deep :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true to test for the Component being a descendant at any level.

Defaults to: false



true if the passed Component is contained at the specified level.

convertCollapseDir ( collapseDir )

converts a collapsdDir into an anchor argument for Element.slideIn overridden in rtl mode to switch "l" and "r"


collapseDir :  Object

convertPositionSpec ( posSpec )
private pri

This function converts a legacy alignment string such as 't-b' into a pair of edge, offset objects which describe the alignment points of the two regions.

So tl-br becomes {myEdge:'t', offset:0}, {otherEdge:'b', offset:100}

This not only allows more flexibility in the alignment possibilities, but it also resolves any ambiguity as to chich two edges are desired to be adjacent if an anchor pointer is required.


posSpec :  Object

createRelayer ( newName, [beginEnd] ) : Function
private pri

Creates an event handling function which re-fires the event from this object as the passed event name.


newName :  String

The name under which to re-fire the passed parameters.

beginEnd :  Array (optional)

The caller can specify on which indices to slice.




Destroys the Component. This method must not be overridden because Component destruction sequence is conditional; if a beforedestroy handler returns false we must abort destruction.

To add extra functionality to destruction time in a subclass, override the doDestroy method.

Available since: 1.1.0

destroyMembers ( args )

Destroys member properties by name.

If a property name is the name of a config, the getter is not invoked, so if the config has not been initialized, nothing will be done.

The property will be destroyed, and the corrected name (if the property is a config and config names are prefixed) will set to null in this object's dictionary.


args :  String...

One or more names of the properties to destroy and remove from the object.

disable ( silent ) :
chainable ch

Disables all child input fields and buttons.


silent :  Object




Disables interaction with, and masks this grid's column headers.

doApplyRenderTpl ( out, values )
private pri

Called from the selected frame generation template to insert this Component's inner structure inside the framing structure.

When framing is used, a selected frame generation template is used as the primary template of the #getElConfig instead of the configured renderTpl. The renderTpl is invoked by this method which is injected into the framing template.


out :  Object

values :  Object

private pri

Handles autoRender. Floating Components may have an ownerCt. If they are asking to be constrained, constrain them within that ownerCt, and have their z-index managed locally. Floating Components are always rendered to document.body

doComponentLayout Ext.Component
chainable ch deprecated dep

This method needs to be called whenever you change something on this component that requires the Component's layout to be recalculated.




Deprecated since version 4.1
Use Ext.Component#method-updateLayout instead.

doConstrain ( [constrainTo] )

Moves this floating Component into a constrain region.

By default, this Component is constrained to be within the container it was added to, or the element it was rendered to.

An alternative constraint may be passed.


constrainTo :  String/HTMLElement/Ext.dom.Element/Ext.util.Region (optional)

The Element or Ext.util.Region into which this Component is to be constrained. Defaults to the element into which this floating Component was rendered.

private pri

Perform the actual destruction sequence.

As a rule of thumb, subclasses should destroy their child Components and/or other objects before calling parent method. Any object references will be nulled after this method has finished, to prevent the possibility of memory leaks.

Available since: 6.2.0

doFireDelegatedEvent ( eventName, args )
private pri

Fires a delegated event. Users should not invoke this method directly. It is called automatically by the framework as needed (see the "delegate" event option of addListener for more details.


eventName :  Object

args :  Object

doFireEvent ( eventName, args, bubbles )
private pri

Continue to fire event.


eventName :  String

args :  Array

bubbles :  Boolean

doRemove ( component, flags )
private pri


component :  Object

flags :  Object

down ( [selector] ) : Ext.Component

Retrieves the first descendant of this container which matches the passed selector. The passed in selector must comply with an Ext.ComponentQuery selector, or it can be an actual Ext.Component.


selector :  String/Ext.Component (optional)

An Ext.ComponentQuery selector or Ext.Component. If no selector is specified, the first child will be returned.



The matching descendant Ext.Component (or null if no match was found).

enable ( silent ) :
chainable ch

Enables all child input fields and buttons.


silent :  Object



enableBubble ( eventNames )

Enables events fired by this Observable to bubble up an owner hierarchy by calling this.getBubbleTarget() if present. There is no implementation in the Observable base class.

This is commonly used by Ext.Components to bubble events to owner Containers. See Ext.Component#getBubbleTarget. The default implementation in Ext.Component returns the Component's immediate owner. But if a known target is required, this can be overridden to access the required target more quickly.


Ext.define('Ext.overrides.form.field.Base', {
    override: 'Ext.form.field.Base',

    //  Add functionality to Field's initComponent to enable the change event to bubble
    initComponent: function () {

var myForm = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
    title: 'User Details',
    items: [{
    listeners: {
        change: function() {
            // Title goes red if form has been modified.
            myForm.header.setStyle('color', 'red');


eventNames :  String/String[]

The event name to bubble, or an Array of event names.


Enables interaction with, and unmasks this grid's column headers after a call to {#disableColumnHeaders}.

ensureAttachedToBody ( [runLayout] )

Ensures that this component is attached to document.body. If the component was rendered to Ext#getDetachedBody, then it will be appended to document.body. Any configured position is also restored.


runLayout :  Boolean (optional)

True to run the component's layout.

Defaults to: false

ensureVisible ( record, [options] )

Scrolls the specified record into view.


record :  Number/String/

The record, record id, or the zero-based position in the dataset to scroll to.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing options to modify the operation.

column :  Number / Ext.grid.column.Column (optional)

The column to scroll into view.

animate :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true to animate the row into view.

highlight :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true to highlight the row with a glow animation when it is in view.

select :  Boolean (optional)

Pass as true to select the specified row.

focus :  Boolean (optional)

Pass as true to focus the specified row.

callback :  Function (optional)

A function to execute when the record is in view. This may be necessary if the first parameter is a record index and the view is backed by a which does not contain that record.

success :  Boolean

true if acquiring the record's view node was successful.

record :

If successful, the target record.

node :  HTMLElement

If successful, the record's view node.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the callback function is executed.

expand ( [animate] ) : Ext.panel.Panel
chainable ch

Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will cancel the expand action if it returns false.


animate :  Boolean (optional)

True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the animCollapse panel config). May also be specified as the animation duration in milliseconds.




findFocusTarget Ext.Component
private pri

Finds an alternate Component to focus if this Component is disabled while focused, or focused while disabled, or otherwise unable to focus.

In both cases, focus must not be lost to document.body, but must move to an intuitively connectible Component, either a sibling, or uncle or nephew.

This is both for the convenience of keyboard users, and also for when focus is tracked within a Component tree such as for ComboBoxes and their dropdowns.

For example, a ComboBox with a PagingToolbar in is BoundList. If the "Next Page" button is hit, the LoadMask shows and focuses, the next page is the last page, so the "Next Page" button is disabled. When the LoadMask hides, it attempt to focus the last focused Component which is the disabled "Next Page" button. In this situation, focus should move to a sibling within the PagingToolbar.



A closely related focusable Component to which focus can move.

findParentBy ( fn ) : Ext.container.Container

Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns true, the container will be returned.

See also the up method.


fn :  Function

The custom function to call with the arguments (container, this component).



The first Container for which the custom function returns true

findParentByType ( xtype ) : Ext.container.Container

Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class

See also the up method.


xtype :  String/Ext.Class

The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly



The first Container which matches the given xtype or class

findPlugin ( ptype ) : Ext.plugin.Abstract

Retrieves plugin from this component's collection by its ptype.

var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    store: {
        fields: ['name'],
        data: [{
            name: 'Scott Pilgrim'
    columns: [{
        header: 'Name',
        dataIndex: 'name',
        editor: 'textfield',
        flex: 1
    selType: 'cellmodel',
    plugins: [{
        ptype: 'cellediting',
        clicksToEdit: 1,
        id: 'myplugin'
    height: 200,
    width: 400,
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()

grid.findPlugin('cellediting');  // the cellediting plugin

Note: See also getPlugin


ptype :  String

The Plugin's ptype as specified by the class's alias configuration.



plugin instance or undefined if not found

finishRender ( containerIdx )
private pri

This method visits the rendered component tree in a "top-down" order. That is, this code runs on a parent component before running on a child. This method calls the onRender method of each component.


containerIdx :  Number

The index into the Container items of this Component.

fireAction ( eventName, args, fn, [scope], [options], [order] )
deprecated dep

Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). By default, the action function will be executed after any "before" event handlers (as specified using the order option of addListener), but before any other handlers are fired. This gives the "before" handlers an opportunity to cancel the event by returning false, and prevent the action function from being called.

The action can also be configured to run after normal handlers, but before any "after" handlers (as specified using the order event option) by passing 'after' as the order parameter. This configuration gives any event handlers except for "after" handlers the opportunity to cancel the event and prevent the action function from being called.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to fire.

args :  Array

Arguments to pass to handlers and to the action function.

fn :  Function

The action function.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

options :  Object (optional)

Event options for the action function. Accepts any of the options of addListener

order :  String (optional)

The order to call the action function relative too the event handlers ('before' or 'after'). Note that this option is simply used to sort the action function relative to the event handlers by "priority". An order of 'before' is equivalent to a priority of 99.5, while an order of 'after' is equivalent to a priority of -99.5. See the priority option of addListener for more details.

Defaults to: 'before'

Deprecated since version 5.5
Use fireEventedAction instead.

fireEvent ( eventName, args ) : Boolean

Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name, plus the options object passed to addListener).

An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See Ext.Component#getBubbleTarget) by calling enableBubble.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to fire.

args :  Object...

Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers.



returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true.

fireEventArgs ( eventName, args ) : Boolean

Fires the specified event with the passed parameter list.

An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See Ext.Component#getBubbleTarget) by calling enableBubble.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to fire.

args :  Object[]

An array of parameters which are passed to handlers.



returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true.

fireEventedAction ( eventName, args, fn, [scope], [fnArgs] ) : Boolean

Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). Evented Actions will automatically dispatch a 'before' event passing. This event will be given a special controller that allows for pausing/resuming of the event flow.

By pausing the controller the updater and events will not run until resumed. Pausing, however, will not stop the processing of any other before events.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to fire.

args :  Array

Arguments to pass to handlers and to the action function.

fn :  Function/String

The action function.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

fnArgs :  Array/Boolean (optional)

Optional arguments for the action fn. If not given, the normal args will be used to call fn. If false is passed, the args are used but if the first argument is this instance it will be removed from the args passed to the action function.



fireHierarchyEvent ( eventName )
private pri

This method fires an event on Ext.GlobalEvents allowing interested parties to know of certain critical events for this component. This is done globally because the (few) listeners can immediately receive the event rather than bubbling the event only to reach the top and have no listeners.

The main usage for these events is to do with floating components. For example, the load mask is a floating component. The component it is masking may be inside several containers. As such, they need to know when component is hidden, either directly, or via a parent container being hidden. To do this they subscribe to these events and filter out the appropriate container.

This functionality is contained in Component (as opposed to Container) because a Component can be the ownerCt for a floating component (loadmask), and the loadmask needs to know when its owner is shown/hidden so that its hidden state can be synchronized.

Available since: 4.2.0


eventName :  String

The event name.

fitContainer ( animate )
private pri


animate :  Object

focus ( [selectText] ) : Boolean

Try to focus this component.

If this component is disabled or otherwise not focusable, a close relation will be targeted for focus instead to keep focus localized for keyboard users.


selectText :  Boolean/Number[] (optional)

If applicable, true to also select all the text in this component, or an array consisting of start and end (defaults to start) position of selection.



true if focus target was found and focusing was attempted, false if no focusing attempt was made.

forceComponentLayout ( [options] )
deprecated dep

Updates this component's layout. If this update affects this components ownerCt, that component's updateLayout method will be called to perform the layout instead. Otherwise, just this component (and its child items) will layout.


options :  Object (optional)

An object with layout options.

defer :  Boolean

true if this layout should be deferred.

isRoot :  Boolean

true if this layout should be the root of the layout.

Deprecated since version 4.1
Use Ext.Component#method-updateLayout instead.

getAction ( name )

Retrieves the named Ext.Action from this view or any ancestor which has that named Action. See actions


name :  Object

getActiveAnimation Ext.fx.Anim/Boolean

Returns the current animation if this object has any effects actively running or queued, else returns false.



Anim if element has active effects, else false

getAlignToXY ( alignToEl, [position], [offsets] ) : Number[]

Gets the x,y coordinates to align this element with another element. See alignTo for more info on the supported position values.


alignToEl :  Ext.util.Positionable/HTMLElement/String

The Positionable, HTMLElement, or id of the element to align to.

position :  String (optional)

The position to align to

Defaults to: "tl-bl?"

offsets :  Number[] (optional)

Offset the positioning by [x, y]



[x, y]

getAnchorToXY ( el, [anchor], [local], [size] ) : Number[]
private pri

Gets the x,y coordinates of an element specified by the anchor position on the element.


el :  Ext.dom.Element

The element

anchor :  String (optional)

The specified anchor position. See alignTo for details on supported anchor positions.

Defaults to: 'tl'

local :  Boolean (optional)

True to get the local (element top/left-relative) anchor position instead of page coordinates

size :  Object (optional)

An object containing the size to use for calculating anchor position {width: (target width), height: (target height)} (defaults to the element's current size)



[x, y] An array containing the element's x and y coordinates

getAnchorXY ( [anchor], [local], [size] ) : Number[]

Gets the x,y coordinates specified by the anchor position on the element.


anchor :  String (optional)

The specified anchor position. See alignTo for details on supported anchor positions.

Defaults to: 'tl'

local :  Boolean (optional)

True to get the local (element top/left-relative) anchor position instead of page coordinates

size :  Object (optional)

An object containing the size to use for calculating anchor position {width: (target width), height: (target height)} (defaults to the element's current size)



[x, y] An array containing the element's x and y coordinates

private pri

Get animation properties

getAriaLabelEl ( [reference] ) : Ext.dom.Element
private pri

Find component(s) that label or describe this component, and return the id(s) of their ariaEl elements.


reference :  Function/String/String[] (optional)

Component reference, or array of component references, or a function that should return the proper attribute string. The function will be called in the context of the labelled component.



Element id string, or null

getBorderPadding Object
private pri

Returns the size of the element's borders and padding.



an object with the following numeric properties

  • beforeX
  • afterX
  • beforeY
  • afterY

getBox ( [contentBox], [local] ) : Object

Return an object defining the area of this Element which can be passed to setBox to set another Element's size/location to match this element.


contentBox :  Boolean (optional)

If true a box for the content of the element is returned.

local :  Boolean (optional)

If true the element's left and top relative to its offsetParent are returned instead of page x/y.



An object in the format

x :  Number

The element's X position.

y :  Number

The element's Y position.

width :  Number

The element's width.

height :  Number

The element's height.

bottom :  Number

The element's lower bound.

right :  Number

The element's rightmost bound.

The returned object may also be addressed as an Array where index 0 contains the X position and index 1 contains the Y position. The result may also be used for setXY

getBubbleParent Ext.util.Observable
private pri

Gets the bubbling parent for an Observable



The bubble parent. null is returned if no bubble target exists

protected pro

Implements an upward event bubbling policy. By default a Component bubbles events up to its reference owner.

Component subclasses may implement a different bubbling strategy by overriding this method.

getChildByElement ( el, deep ) : Ext.Component

Return the immediate child Component in which the passed element is located.


el :  Ext.dom.Element/HTMLElement/String

The element to test (or ID of element).

deep :  Boolean

If true, returns the deepest descendant Component which contains the passed element.



The child item which contains the passed element.

getChildItemsToDisable Ext.Component[]
private pri

Gets a list of child components to enable/disable when the container is enabled/disabled



Items to be enabled/disabled

getClientRegion Ext.util.Region

Returns a region object that defines the client area of this element.

That is, the area within any scrollbars.



A Region containing "top, left, bottom, right" properties.

getComponent ( comp ) : Ext.Component

Attempts a default component lookup (see Ext.container.Container#getComponent). If the component is not found in the normal items, the dockedItems are searched and the matched component (if any) returned (see getDockedComponent). Note that docked items will only be matched by component id or itemId -- if you pass a numeric index only non-docked child components will be searched.

Available since: 2.3.0


comp :  String/Number

The component id, itemId or position to find



The component (if found)

getConfig ( [name], [peek], [ifInitialized] ) : Object

Returns a specified config property value. If the name parameter is not passed, all current configuration options will be returned as key value pairs.


name :  String (optional)

The name of the config property to get.

peek :  Boolean (optional)

true to peek at the raw value without calling the getter.

Defaults to: false

ifInitialized :  Boolean (optional)

true to only return the initialized property value, not the raw config value, and not to trigger initialization. Returns undefined if the property has not yet been initialized.

Defaults to: false



The config property value.

getConstrainRegion Ext.util.Region

Returns the content region of this element for purposes of constraining or clipping floating children. That is the region within the borders and scrollbars, but not within the padding.



A Region containing "top, left, bottom, right" properties.

getConstrainVector ( [constrainTo], [proposedPosition], [proposedSize] ) : Number[]/Boolean

Returns the [X, Y] vector by which this Positionable's element must be translated to make a best attempt to constrain within the passed constraint. Returns false if the element does not need to be moved.

Priority is given to constraining the top and left within the constraint.

The constraint may either be an existing element into which the element is to be constrained, or a Ext.util.Region into which this element is to be constrained.

By default, any extra shadow around the element is not included in the constrain calculations - the edges of the element are used as the element bounds. To constrain the shadow within the constrain region, set the constrainShadow property on this element to true.


constrainTo :  Ext.util.Positionable/HTMLElement/String/Ext.util.Region (optional)

The Positionable, HTMLElement, element id, or Region into which the element is to be constrained.

proposedPosition :  Number[] (optional)

A proposed [X, Y] position to test for validity and to produce a vector for instead of using the element's current position

proposedSize :  Number[] (optional)

A proposed [width, height] size to constrain instead of using the element's current size



If the element needs to be translated, an [X, Y] vector by which this element must be translated. Otherwise, false.

getDockedComponent ( comp ) : Ext.Component

Finds a docked component by id, itemId or position. Also see getDockedItems


comp :  String/Number

The id, itemId or position of the docked component (see getComponent for details)



The docked component (if found)

getEl Ext.dom.Element

Retrieves the top level element representing this component.

Available since: 1.1.0



getFocusClsEl ( [focusEl] ) : Ext.dom.Element
protected pro

Returns the element used to apply focus styling CSS class when Focusable's focusEl becomes focused. By default it is focusEl.


focusEl :  Ext.dom.Element (optional)

Return focus styling element for the given focused element. This is used by Components implementing multiple focusable elements.



The focus styling element.

getFocusEl Ext.dom.Element
protected pro

Returns the focus holder element associated with this Container. By default, this is the Container's target element; however if defaultFocus is defined, the child component referenced by that property will be found and returned instead.



the focus holding element.

getFrameInfo Boolean
private pri

On render, reads an encoded style attribute, "filter" from the style of this Component's element. This information is memoized based upon the CSS class name of this Component's element. Because child Components are rendered as textual HTML as part of the topmost Container, a dummy div is inserted into the document to receive the document element's CSS class name, and therefore style attributes.



getFrameTpl ( table )
private pri


table :  Object

getHeaderCollapsedClasses ( header )
private pri

Create the class array to add to the Header when collapsed.


header :  Object

getHeaderContainer Ext.grid.header.Container

Gets the Ext.grid.header.Container for this grid / tree.




Note: While a locked grid / tree will return an instance of Ext.grid.locking.HeaderContainer you will code to the Ext.grid.header.Container API.

getInherited ( [inner] ) : Object

This method returns an object containing the inherited properties for this instance.

Available since: 5.0.0


inner :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true to return inheritedStateInner instead of the normal inheritedState object. This is only needed internally and should not be passed by user code.

Defaults to: false



The inheritedState object containing inherited properties.

getInheritedConfig ( property, [skipThis] ) : Mixed

This method returns the value of a config property that may be inherited from some ancestor.

In some cases, a config may be explicitly set on a component with the intent of only being presented to its children while that component should act upon the inherited value (see referenceHolder for example). In these cases the skipThis parameter should be specified as true.

Available since: 5.0.0


property :  String

The name of the config property to return.

skipThis :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true if the property should be ignored if found on this instance. In other words, true means the property must be inherited and not explicitly set on this instance.

Defaults to: false



The value of the requested property.

getInitialConfig ( [name] ) : Object/Mixed

Returns the initial configuration passed to the constructor when instantiating this class.

Given this example Ext.button.Button definition and instance:

Ext.define('MyApp.view.Button', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    xtype: 'mybutton',

    scale: 'large',
    enableToggle: true

var btn = Ext.create({
    xtype: 'mybutton',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    text: 'Test Button'

Calling btn.getInitialConfig() would return an object including the config options passed to the create method:

xtype: 'mybutton',
renderTo: // The document body itself
text: 'Test Button'

Calling btn.getInitialConfig('text')returns 'Test Button'.


name :  String (optional)

Name of the config option to return.



The full config object or a single config value when name parameter specified.

getInsertPosition ( position ) : HTMLElement

This function takes the position argument passed to onRender and returns a DOM element that you can use in the insertBefore.


position :  String/Number/Ext.dom.Element/HTMLElement

Index, element id or element you want to put this component before.



DOM element that you can use in the insertBefore

private pri

Gets left hand side marker for header resizing.

getLocalX Number

Returns the x coordinate of this element reletive to its offsetParent.



The local x coordinate

getLocalXY Number[]

Returns the x and y coordinates of this element relative to its offsetParent.



The local XY position of the element

getLocalY Number

Returns the y coordinate of this element reletive to its offsetParent.



The local y coordinate

protected pro

Returns the element which is masked by the mask method, or into which the LoadMask is rendered into.

The default implementation uses the maskElement configuration to access the Component's child element by name. By default, maskElement is null which means that null is returned from this method indicating that the mask needs to be rendered into the document because component structure should not be contaminated by mask elements.

Some subclasses may override this method if they have knowledge about external structures where a mask could usefully be rendered.

For example a Ext.view.Table will request that its owning Ext.panel.Table be masked. The GridPanel will have its own implementation of getMaskTarget which will return the element dictated by its own maskElement Panels use "el" as their maskElement by default, but that could be overridden to be "body" to leave toolbars and the header mouse-accessible.

getMemento ( name )
private pri

Memento Factory method


name :  String

Name of the Memento (used as prefix for named Memento)

getNamedItems Object

Returns an object holding the descendants of this container keyed by their name. This object should not be held past the scope of the function calling this method. It will not be valid if items are added or removed from this or any sub-container.

The intended usage is shown here (assume there are 3 components with names of "foo", "bar" and "baz" at some level below this container):

 onClick: function () {
     var items = this.getNamedItems();

     // using "items" we can access any descendant by its "name" + + items.baz.getValue();

If this component has a name assigned to it, it is not included in this object. That name is understood to belong to the ancestor container configured as the nameHolder.

Available since: 6.5.0



An object with each named child. This will be null if this container has no descendants with a name specified.

getOffsetsTo ( offsetsTo ) : Number[]

Returns the offsets of this element from the passed element. The element must both be part of the DOM tree and not have display:none to have page coordinates.


offsetsTo :  Ext.util.Positionable/HTMLElement/String

The Positionable, HTMLElement, or element id to get get the offsets from.



The XY page offsets (e.g. [100, -200])

private pri

Get an el for overflowing, defaults to the target el

private pri

Override for TablePanel. A TablePanel can never scroll. Its View scrolls.

getPlugin ( id ) : Ext.plugin.Abstract

Retrieves a plugin from this component's collection by its id.

var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    store: {
        fields: ['name'],
        data: [{
            name: 'Scott Pilgrim'
    columns: [{
        header: 'Name',
        dataIndex: 'name',
        editor: 'textfield',
        flex: 1
    selType: 'cellmodel',
    plugins: [{
        ptype: 'cellediting',
        clicksToEdit: 1,
        id: 'myplugin'
    height: 200,
    width: 400,
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()

grid.getPlugin('myplugin');  // the cellediting plugin

Note: See also findPlugin. Prior to 6.2.0 the plugin had to have a pluginId property but this can now be just id. Both are supported (so plugins with a matching pluginId are still found) but id is preferred.


id :  String

The id set on the plugin config object.



plugin instance or null if not found

getPosition ( [local] ) : Number[]

Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.


local :  Boolean (optional)

If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY.

Defaults to: false



The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])

getRefItems ( deep )
protected pro

Used by Ext.ComponentQuery, child and down to retrieve all of the items which can potentially be considered a child of this Container.

This may be overriden by Components which have ownership of Components that are not contained in the property-items collection.

NOTE: IMPORTANT note for maintainers: Items are returned in tree traversal order. Each item is appended to the result array followed by the results of that child's getRefItems call. Floating child items are appended after internal child items.


deep :  Object

protected pro

Used by Ext.ComponentQuery, and the up method to find the owning Component in the linkage hierarchy.

By default this returns the Container which contains this Component.

This may be overridden by Component authors who implement ownership hierarchies which are not based upon ownerCt, such as BoundLists being owned by Fields or Menus being owned by Buttons.

getReferences Object

Returns an object holding the descendants of this view keyed by their reference. This object should not be held past the scope of the function calling this method. It will not be valid if items are added or removed from this or any sub-container.

The intended usage is shown here (assume there are 3 components with reference values of "foo", "bar" and "baz" at some level below this container):

 onClick: function () {
     var refs = this.getReferences();

     // using "refs" we can access any descendant by its "reference" + + refs.baz.getValue();

If this component has a reference assigned to it, that is not included in this object. That reference is understood to belong to the ancestor container configured as the referenceHolder.

Available since: 5.0.0



An object with each child reference. This will be null if this container has no descendants with a reference specified.

private pri

Gets right hand side marker for header resizing.

private pri

Provide a single parent viewmodel for the grid so that any VM for row contents share the same scheduler.


getScrollX Number

Returns the "x" scroll position for this component. Only applicable for scrollable components



getScrollY Number

Returns the "y" scroll position for this component. Only applicable for scrollable components



getScrollableClientRegion Ext.util.Region
private pri

This method is required by the Scroller to return the scrollable client region



The scrolling viewport region.

getSearchValue String
private pri

In normal mode it returns the value with protected regexp characters. In regular expression mode it returns the raw value except if the regexp is invalid.



The value to process or null if the textfield value is blank or invalid.

getSelectionModel Ext.selection.Model

Returns the selection model being used by this grid's Ext.view.Table.



The selection model being used by this grid's Ext.view.Table.

getSize ( [contentSize] ) : Object

Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.


contentSize :  Boolean (optional)

true to get the width/size minus borders and padding



An object containing the element's size:

width :  Number

height :  Number

getSizeModel ( ownerCtSizeModel ) : Object
protected pro

Returns an object that describes how this component's width and height are managed. All of these objects are shared and should not be modified.


ownerCtSizeModel :  Object



The size model for this component.

width :  Ext.layout.SizeModel

The Ext.layout.SizeModel for the width.

height :  Ext.layout.SizeModel

The Ext.layout.SizeModel for the height.

getState Object

The supplied default state gathering method for the Component class.

This method returns dimension settings such as flex, anchor, width and height along with collapsed state.

Subclasses which implement more complex state should call the superclass's implementation, and apply their state to the result if this basic state is to be saved.

Note that Component state will only be saved if the Component has a stateId and there as a StateProvider configured for the document.



getStyleProxy ( cls )
private pri

Returns an offscreen div with the same class name as the element this is being rendered. This is because child item rendering takes place in a detached div which, being not part of the document, has no styling.


cls :  Object

private pri

This is used to determine where to insert the 'html', 'contentEl' and 'items' in this component.

private pri

Needed for when widget is rendered into a grid cell. The class to add to the cell element.

private pri

Partner method to getTdCls.

Returns the base type for the component. Defaults to return this.xtype, but All derived classes of Ext.form.field.Text can return the type 'textfield', and all derived classes of Ext.button.Button can return the type 'button'

getTopAlignTarget Ext.dom.Element/Ext.Component
private pri

Gets the topmost non floating alignTo target if there are multiple aligns such as a menu stack hanging off a button or grid column header.



The topmost, non floating alignTo target.

getViewRegion Ext.util.Region

Returns the content region of this element. That is the region within the borders and padding.



A Region containing "top, left, bottom, right" member data.

getVisibleColumns Ext.grid.column.Column[]

Returns an array of the visible columns in the grid. This goes down to the lowest column header level, and does not return grouped headers which contain sub headers.

See also Ext.grid.header.Container#getGridColumns



columns An array of visible columns. Returns an empty array if no visible columns are found.

getX Number

Gets the current X position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.



The X position of the element

getXType String

Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentManager. For a list of all available xtypes, see the Ext.Component header. Example usage:

var t = new Ext.form.field.Text();
alert(t.getXType());  // alerts 'textfield'



The xtype

getXTypes String

Returns this Component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all available xtypes, see the Ext.Component header.

If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype to participate in determination of inherited xtypes.

Example usage:

Expand Code
Code Run
var t = new Ext.form.field.Text();
alert(t.getXTypes()); // alerts 'component/field/textfield'

Available since: 2.3.0



The xtype hierarchy string

getXY Number[]

Gets the current position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.



The XY position of the element

getY Number

Gets the current Y position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.



The Y position of the element

ghost ( cls )
private pri

Used for dragging.


cls :  Object

private pri

Helper function for ghost

handleBlurEvent ( e )
private pri


e :  Object

handleFocusEvent ( e )
private pri


e :  Object

hasActiveFx Ext.fx.Anim/Boolean
deprecated dep

Returns the current animation if this object has any effects actively running or queued, else returns false.



Anim if element has active effects, else false

Deprecated since version 4.0
Replaced by getActiveAnimation

hasCls ( className ) : Boolean

Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node.


className :  String

The CSS class to check for.



true if the class exists, else false.

hasConfig ( name )
private pri


name :  String

hasListener ( eventName ) : Boolean

Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event, or whether the event bubbles. The answer indicates whether the event needs firing or not.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to check for



true if the event is being listened for or bubbles, else false

hasLockedColumns ( columns ) : Boolean
private pri

Determine if there are any columns with a locked configuration option.


columns :  Object



hasUICls ( cls )

Checks if there is currently a specified uiCls.


cls :  String

The cls to check.

hide ( [animateTarget], [callback], [scope] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Hides this Component, setting it to invisible using the configured cfg-hideMode.


animateTarget :  String/Ext.dom.Element/Ext.Component (optional)

only valid for cfg-floating Components such as Ext.window.Windows or Ext.tip.ToolTips, or regular Components which have been configured with floating: true.. The target to which the Component should animate while hiding.

Defaults to: null

callback :  Function (optional)

A callback function to call after the Component is hidden.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the callback is executed. Defaults to this Component.




private pri

This method triggers the lazy configs and must be called when it is time to fully boot up. The configs that must be initialized are: bind, publishes, session, twoWayBindable and viewModel.

Available since: 5.0.0

initBodyStyles String
private pri

Parses the bodyStyle config if available to create a style string that will be applied to the body element. This also includes bodyPadding and bodyBorder if available.



A CSS style string with body styles, padding and border.

template tpl protected pro

The initComponent template method is an important initialization step for a Component. It is intended to be implemented by each subclass of Ext.Component to provide any needed constructor logic. The initComponent method of the class being created is called first, with each initComponent method up the hierarchy to Ext.Component being called thereafter. This makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic of the Component at any step in the hierarchy.

The initComponent method must contain a call to callParent in order to ensure that the parent class' initComponent method is also called.

All config options passed to the constructor are applied to this before initComponent is called, so you can simply access them with this.someOption.

The following example demonstrates using a dynamic string for the text of a button at the time of instantiation of the class.

Ext.define('DynamicButtonText', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',

    initComponent: function() {
        this.text = new Date();
        this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();

Ext.onReady(function() {

Available since: 1.1.0

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

initConfig ( instanceConfig ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch protected pro

Initialize configuration for this class. a typical example:

Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
    // The default config
    config: {
        name: 'Awesome',
        isAwesome: true

    constructor: function(config) {

var awesome = new My.awesome.Class({
    name: 'Super Awesome'

alert(awesome.getName()); // 'Super Awesome'


instanceConfig :  Object




protected pro

Initializes an Item Collection for docked items to be inserted into. If items already exist, they will be added to the new collection.

protected pro

Initialize any events on this component

initFocusableElement ( force )
private pri

Sets up the focus listener on this Component's focusEl if it has one.

Form Components which must implicitly participate in tabbing order usually have a naturally focusable element as their focusEl, and it is the DOM event of that receiving focus which drives the Component's onFocus handling, and the DOM event of it being blurred which drives the onBlur handling.


force :  Object

initFocusableEvents ( force )
protected pro

Template method to do any event listener initialization for a Focusable. This generally happens after the focusEl is available.


force :  Object

initInheritedState ( inheritedState, inheritedStateInner )
protected pro

Called by getInherited to initialize the inheritedState the first time it is requested.


inheritedState :  Object

inheritedStateInner :  Object

protected pro

This method is called to initialize the items collection. A derived class can override this method to do any last minute manipulation of items and then call this method using callParent. Upon return, the items will no longer be a simple array.

protected pro

This method should be called when the instance is ready to start listening for keyboard events. This is called automatically for Ext.Component and derived classes. This is done after the component is rendered.

initPadding ( targetEl )
private pri

Initializes padding by applying it to the target element, or if the layout manages padding ensures that the padding on the target element is "0".


targetEl :  Object

initPlugin ( plugin )
private pri


plugin :  Object

initRenderData Object
private pri

Initialized the renderData to be used when rendering the renderTpl.



Object with keys and values that are going to be applied to the renderTpl

initRenderTpl Ext.XTemplate
private pri

Initializes the renderTpl.



The renderTpl XTemplate instance.

private pri

Override Component.initDraggable. Panel (and subclasses) use the header element as the delegate.

private pri

Initializes the state of the object upon construction.

initStyles ( targetEl )
private pri

Applies padding, margin, border, top, left, height, and width configs to the appropriate elements.


targetEl :  Object

private pri

Tools are a Panel-specific capability. Panel uses initTools. Subclasses may contribute tools by implementing addTools.

insert ( index, component ) : Ext.Component

Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the event-add event after the Component has been inserted.

Available since: 2.3.0


index :  Number

The index at which the Component will be inserted into the Container's items collection

component :  Ext.Component/Object/Ext.Component[]/Object[]

The child Component or config object to insert.

Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should it become necessary.

A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this 'lazy instantiation', set the Ext.Component#xtype config property to the registered type of the Component wanted.

You can pass an array of Component instances and config objects.

For a list of all available xtypes, see Ext.enums.Widget.



component The Component (or config object) that was inserted with the Container's default config values applied.

insertDocked ( pos, items )

Inserts docked item(s) to the panel at the indicated position.


pos :  Number

The index at which the Component will be inserted

items :  Object/Object[]

The Component or array of components to add. The components must include a 'dock' paramater on each component to indicate where it should be docked ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left').

private pri

This method marks the current inherited state as invalid. The next time a call is made to getInherited the objects will be recreated and initialized.

Available since: 5.0.0

is ( selector ) : Boolean

Tests whether this Component matches a Ext.ComponentQuery selector string.


selector :  String

The selector string to test against.



true if this Component matches the selector.

isAncestor ( possibleDescendant ) : Boolean

Determines whether this Component is an ancestor of the passed Component. This will return true if the passed Component is anywhere within the subtree beneath this Component.


possibleDescendant :  Ext.Component

The Component to test for presence within this Component's subtree.



isBlurring ( e ) : Boolean
private pri


e :  Object



isBound ( [name] ) : Boolean

Determines if the passed property name is bound to ViewModel data.

Available since: 6.5.0


name :  String (optional)

The property name to test. Defaults to the defaultBindProperty



true if the passed property receives data from a ViewModel.

isDescendantOf ( ancestor ) : Boolean

Determines whether this component is the descendant of a passed component.


ancestor :  Ext.Component

A Component which may contain this Component.



true if the component is the descendant of the passed component, otherwise false.

isDestructing Boolean
private pri

Determines if this Component is inside a Component tree which is destroyed, or is being destroyed.



true if this Component, or any ancestor is destroyed, or is being destroyed.

isDisabled Boolean

Method to determine whether this Component is currently disabled.



the disabled state of this Component.

isDraggable Boolean

Method to determine whether this Component is draggable.



the draggable state of this component.

isDroppable Boolean

Method to determine whether this Component is droppable.



the droppable state of this component.

isFloating Boolean

Method to determine whether this Component is floating.



the floating state of this component.

isFocusable ( [deep] ) : Boolean

Determine if this Focusable can receive focus at this time.

Note that Containers can be non-focusable themselves while delegating focus treatment to a child Component; see defaultFocus for more information.


deep :  Boolean (optional)

Optionally determine if the container itself is focusable, or if container's focus is delegated to a child component and that child is focusable.

Defaults to: false



True if component is focusable, false if not.

isFocusing ( e ) : Boolean
private pri


e :  Object



isHidden Boolean

Method to determine whether this Component is currently set to hidden.



the hidden state of this Component.

isLayoutChild ( ownerCandidate ) : Boolean
private pri

Checks if this component will be contained by the passed component as part of its layout run. If true, then the layout on this can be skipped because it will be encompassed when the layout for comp runs. Typical cases where this may be be false is when asking about floaters nested in containers.


ownerCandidate :  Ext.Component

The potential owner.



true if this component is a layout child of comp.

isLayoutRoot Boolean
protected pro

Determines whether this Component is the root of a layout. This returns true if this component can run its layout without assistance from or impact on its owner. If this component cannot run its layout given these restrictions, false is returned and its owner will be considered as the next candidate for the layout root.

Setting the _isLayoutRoot property to true causes this method to always return true. This may be useful when updating a layout of a Container which shrink wraps content, and you know that it will not change size, and so can safely be the topmost participant in the layout run.



isLayoutSuspended Boolean

Returns true if layout is suspended for this component. This can come from direct suspension of this component's layout activity (Ext.Container#suspendLayout) or if one of this component's containers is suspended.



true layout of this component is suspended.

isMasked ( [deep] ) : Boolean

Returns masked state for this Component.


deep :  Boolean (optional)

True to look up this Component's parent masked state.

Defaults to: false



True if masked, false otherwise.

isSuspended ( [event] ) : Boolean

Checks if all events, or a specific event, is suspended.


event :  String (optional)

The name of the specific event to check



true if events are suspended

isSyncing ( name ) : Boolean
private pri

Checks if a particular binding is synchronizing the value.


name :  String

The name of the property being bound to.



true if the binding is syncing.

isVisible ( [deep] ) : Boolean

Returns true if this component is visible.

Available since: 1.1.0


deep :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true to interrogate the visibility status of all parent Containers to determine whether this Component is truly visible to the user.

Generally, to determine whether a Component is hidden, the no argument form is needed. For example when creating dynamically laid out UIs in a hidden Container before showing them.

Defaults to: false



true if this component is visible, false otherwise.

isXType ( xtype, [shallow] ) : Boolean

Tests whether or not this Component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this Component is descended from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true).

If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype to participate in determination of inherited xtypes.

For a list of all available xtypes, see the Ext.Component header.

Example usage:

Expand Code
Code Run
var t = new Ext.form.field.Text();
var isText = t.isXType('textfield'); // true

Available since: 2.3.0


xtype :  String

The xtype to check for this Component

shallow :  Boolean (optional)

true to check whether this Component is directly of the specified xtype, false to check whether this Component is descended from the xtype.

Defaults to: false



true if this component descends from the specified xtype, false otherwise.

lock ( [header], [toIdx] )
private pri

Locks the activeHeader as determined by which menu is open OR a header as specified.


header :  Ext.grid.column.Column (optional)

Header to unlock from the locked section. Defaults to the header which has the menu open currently.

toIdx :  Number (optional)

The index to move the unlocked header to. Defaults to appending as the last item.

lookup ( ref ) : Ext.Component

Gets a reference to the component with the specified reference value.

The method is a short-hand for the lookupReference method.

Available since: 6.0.1


ref :  String

The value of the reference to lookup.



The referenced component or null if it is not found.

lookupComponent ( item ) : Ext.Component
protected pro

Called when a raw config object is added to this container either during initialization of the cfg-items config, or when new items are added, or inserted.

This method converts the passed object into an instanced child component.

This may be overridden in subclasses when special processing needs to be applied to child creation.


item :  Object

The config object being added.



The component to be added.

lookupController ( [skipThis] ) :

Gets the controller that controls this view. May be a controller that belongs to a view higher in the hierarchy.

Available since: 5.0.1


skipThis :  Boolean (optional)

true to not consider the controller directly attached to this view (if it exists).

Defaults to: false


The controller. null if no controller is found.

lookupName ( name ) : Ext.Component

Gets a reference to the component with the specified name property.

Available since: 6.5.0


name :  String

The name of the descendant to lookup.



The component or null if it is not found.

lookupNameHolder ( [skipThis] ) : Ext.Component
private pri

Gets the Form or Component that is used as the name holder for this component.

Available since: 6.5.0


skipThis :  Boolean (optional)

false to return this as the name holder if this instance has set nameHolder. Unlike getInheritedConfig this method defaults to true because it is possible that a name property set by the owner of a component that is also a nameHolder itself. In this case, the name connects not to this component but to the parent nameHolder.

Defaults to: true



The name holder.

lookupReference ( ref ) : Ext.Component

Gets a reference to the component with the specified reference value.

The lookup method is a short-hand version of this method.

Available since: 5.0


ref :  String

The name of the reference to lookup.



The referenced component or null if it is not found.

lookupReferenceHolder ( [skipThis] ) :
private pri

Gets the Controller or Component that is used as the reference holder for this view.

Available since: 5.0.0


skipThis :  Boolean (optional)

false to return this as the reference holder if this instance has set referenceHolder. Unlike getInheritedConfig this method defaults to true because it is possible that a reference property set by the owner of a component that is also a referenceHolder itself. In this case, the reference connects not to this component but to the parent referenceHolder.

Defaults to: true


The reference holder.

lookupSession ( [skipThis] ) :

Returns the for this instance. This property may come from this instance's session or be inherited from this object's parent.

Available since: 5.0.0


skipThis :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true to ignore a session configured on this instance and only consider an inherited session.

Defaults to: false


lookupTpl ( name ) : Ext.XTemplate

Gets a named template instance for this class. See Ext.XTemplate#getTpl.

Available since: 6.2.0


name :  String

The name of the property that holds the template.



The template, null if not found.

lookupViewModel ( [skipThis] ) :

Returns the for this instance. This property may come from this this instance's viewModel or be inherited from this object's parent.

Available since: 5.0.0


skipThis :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true to ignore a viewModel configured on this instance and only consider an inherited view model.

Defaults to: false


makeBindableUpdater ( cfg ) : Function
private pri

Returns an update method for the given Config that will call publishState to ensure two-way bindings (via bind) as well as any publishes are updated. This method is cached on the cfg instance for re-use.

Available since: 5.0.0


cfg :  Ext.Config



The updater function.

mask ( [msg], [msgCls] )

Masks this component with a semi-opaque layer and makes the contents unavailable to clicks.

See unmask.


msg :  String (optional)

A message to show in the center of the mask layer.

msgCls :  String (optional)

A CSS class name to use on the message element in the center of the layer.

mon ( item, ename, [fn], [scope], [options] ) : Object

Shorthand for addManagedListener. The addManagedListener method is used when some object (call it "A") is listening to an event on another observable object ("B") and you want to remove that listener from "B" when "A" is destroyed. This is not an issue when "B" is destroyed because all of its listeners will be removed at that time.


Ext.define('Foo', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component',

    initComponent: function () {
        this.addManagedListener(MyApp.SomeGlobalSharedMenu, 'show', this.doSomething);

As you can see, when an instance of Foo is destroyed, it ensures that the 'show' listener on the menu (MyApp.SomeGlobalSharedMenu) is also removed.

As of version 5.1 it is no longer necessary to use this method in most cases because listeners are automatically managed if the scope object provided to addListener is an Observable instance. However, if the observable instance and scope are not the same object you still need to use mon or addManagedListener if you want the listener to be managed.


item :  Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element

The item to which to add a listener/listeners.

ename :  Object/String

The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

fn :  Function/String (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the handler function or the name of a method on the specified scope.

scope :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

options :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the addListener options.



Only when the destroyable option is specified.

A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. For example:

this.btnListeners = myButton.mon({
    destroyable: true
    mouseover:   function() { console.log('mouseover'); },
    mouseout:    function() { console.log('mouseout'); },
    click:       function() { console.log('click'); }

And when those listeners need to be removed:




move ( fromIdx, toIdx ) : Ext.Component
deprecated dep

Moves a Component within the Container. This method does not account for things like splitter components added by a layout. To better handle these situations, it is recommended to use moveBefore or moveAfter instead.


fromIdx :  Number/Ext.Component

The index/component to move.

toIdx :  Number

The new index for the Component.



component The Component that was moved.

Deprecated since version 5.0
Use moveBefore or moveAfter instead.

moveAfter ( item, after ) : Ext.Component/Ext.Component[]

Moves the given item(s) into this container following after. This method will account for layout-generated components like splitters and should be used instead of index based method-move. If after is null then the item will be the first item in this container.

var tb = Ext.create({
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    items: [{
        text: 'one'
    }, {
        text: 'two'

// moves the 'one' button after the 'two' button
tb.moveAfter(tb.getComponent(0), tb.getComponent(1));

Available since: 5.0.0


item :  Ext.Component/Ext.Component[]

The item to move. May be a component, component configuration object, or an array of either.

after :  Ext.Component

The reference component. May be null.



The moved item(s).

moveBefore ( item, before ) : Ext.Component/Ext.Component[]

Moves the given item(s) into this container in front of before. This method will account for layout-generated components like splitters and should be used instead of index based method-move. If before is null then the item will be the last item in this container.

var tb = Ext.create({
    xtype: 'toolbar',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    items: [{
        text: 'one'
    }, {
        text: 'two'

// moves the 'two' button before the 'one' button
tb.moveBefore(tb.getComponent(1), tb.getComponent(0));

Available since: 5.0.0


item :  Ext.Component/Ext.Component[]

The item to move. May be a component, component configuration object, or an array of either.

before :  Ext.Component

The reference component. May be null.



The moved item(s).

moveDocked ( item, side )
private pri

Moves a docked item to a different side.


item :  Ext.Component

side :  'top'/'right'/'bottom'/'left'

mun ( item, ename, [fn], [scope] )

Shorthand for removeManagedListener. Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.


item :  Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element

The item from which to remove a listener/listeners.

ename :  Object/String

The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

fn :  Function (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the handler function.

scope :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

nextChild ( child, [selector] ) : Ext.Component

A method to find a child component after the passed child parameter. If a selector is also provided, the first child component matching the selector will be returned.


child :  Ext.Component

The child to use as a starting point to find the next child.

selector :  String (optional)

A Ext.ComponentQuery selector to find the next child. This will return the next child matching this selector. This parameter is optional.



The next child found, null if no child found.

nextNode ( [selector] ) : Ext.Component

Returns the next node in the Component tree in tree traversal order.

Note that this is not limited to siblings, and if invoked upon a node with no matching siblings, will walk the tree to attempt to find a match. Contrast with nextSibling.


selector :  String (optional)

A Ext.ComponentQuery selector to filter the following nodes.



The next node (or the next node which matches the selector). Returns null if there is no matching node.

nextSibling ( [selector] ) : Ext.Component

Returns the next sibling of this Component.

Optionally selects the next sibling which matches the passed Ext.ComponentQuery selector.

May also be referred to as next()

Note that this is limited to siblings, and if no siblings of the item match, null is returned. Contrast with nextNode


selector :  String (optional)

A Ext.ComponentQuery selector to filter the following items.



The next sibling (or the next sibling which matches the selector). Returns null if there is no matching sibling.

on ( eventName, [fn], [scope], [options], [order] ) : Object

The on method is shorthand for addListener.

Appends an event handler to this object. For example:

myGridPanel.on("itemclick", this.onItemClick, this);

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:

    cellclick: this.onCellClick,
    select: this.onSelect,
    viewready: this.onViewReady,
    scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution

One can also specify options for each event handler separately:

    cellclick: {fn: this.onCellClick, scope: this, single: true},
    viewready: {fn: panel.onViewReady, scope: panel}

Names of methods in a specified scope may also be used:

    cellclick: {fn: 'onCellClick', scope: this, single: true},
    viewready: {fn: 'onViewReady', scope: panel}


eventName :  String/Object

The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names.

fn :  Function/String (optional)

The method the event invokes or the name of the method within the specified scope. Will be called with arguments given to Ext.util.Observable#fireEvent plus the options parameter described below.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing handler configuration.

Note: The options object will also be passed as the last argument to every event handler.

This object may contain any of the following properties:

scope :  Object

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

delay :  Number

The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.

single :  Boolean

True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.

buffer :  Number

Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an Ext.util.DelayedTask delayed by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original handler is not invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.

onFrame :  Number

Causes the handler to be scheduled to run at the next animation frame event. If the event fires again before that time, the handler is not rescheduled - the handler will only be called once when the next animation frame is fired, with the last set of arguments passed.

target :  Ext.util.Observable

Only call the handler if the event was fired on the target Observable, not if the event was bubbled up from a child Observable.

element :  String

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.Component. The name of a Component property which references an Ext.dom.Element to add a listener to.

This option is useful during Component construction to add DOM event listeners to elements of Ext.Component which will exist only after the Component is rendered.

For example, to add a click listener to a Panel's body:

  var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
      title: 'The title',
      listeners: {
          click: this.handlePanelClick,
          element: 'body'

In order to remove listeners attached using the element, you'll need to reference the element itself as seen below.


delegate :  String (optional)

A simple selector to filter the event target or look for a descendant of the target.

The "delegate" option is only available on Ext.dom.Element instances (or when attaching a listener to a Ext.dom.Element via a Component using the element option).

See the delegate example below.

capture :  Boolean (optional)

When set to true, the listener is fired in the capture phase of the event propagation sequence, instead of the default bubble phase.

The capture option is only available on Ext.dom.Element instances (or when attaching a listener to a Ext.dom.Element via a Component using the element option).

stopPropagation :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call stopPropagation on the event object before firing the handler.

preventDefault :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call preventDefault on the event object before firing the handler.

stopEvent :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call stopEvent on the event object before firing the handler.

args :  Array (optional)

Optional set of arguments to pass to the handler function before the actual fired event arguments. For example, if args is set to ['foo', 42], the event handler function will be called with an arguments list like this:

 handler('foo', 42, <actual event arguments>...);

destroyable :  Boolean (optional)

When specified as true, the function returns a destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. This syntax can be a helpful shortcut to using un; particularly when removing multiple listeners. NOTE - not compatible when using the element option. See un for the proper syntax for removing listeners added using the element config.

Defaults to:


priority :  Number (optional)

An optional numeric priority that determines the order in which event handlers are run. Event handlers with no priority will be run as if they had a priority of 0. Handlers with a higher priority will be prioritized to run sooner than those with a lower priority. Negative numbers can be used to set a priority lower than the default. Internally, the framework uses a range of 1000 or greater, and -1000 or lesser for handlers that are intended to run before or after all others, so it is recommended to stay within the range of -999 to 999 when setting the priority of event handlers in application-level code. A priority must be an integer to be valid. Fractional values are reserved for internal framework use.

order :  String (optional)

A legacy option that is provided for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use the priority option instead. Available options are:

  • 'before': equal to a priority of 100
  • 'current': equal to a priority of 0 or default priority
  • 'after': equal to a priority of -100

Defaults to:


order :  String (optional)

A shortcut for the order event option. Provided for backward compatibility. Please use the priority event option instead.

Combining Options

Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:

A delayed, one-time listener.

myPanel.on('hide', this.handleClick, this, {
    single: true,
    delay: 100

Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple handlers and handler configs.

    itemclick: 'onItemClick',
    itemcontextmenu: grid.onItemContextmenu,
    destroy: {
        fn: function () {
            // function called within the 'altCmp' scope instead of grid
        scope: altCmp // unique scope for the destroy handler
    scope: grid       // default scope - provided for example clarity


This is a configuration option that you can pass along when registering a handler for an event to assist with event delegation. By setting this configuration option to a simple selector, the target element will be filtered to look for a descendant of the target. For example:

var panel = Ext.create({
    xtype: 'panel',
    renderTo: document.body,
    title: 'Delegate Handler Example',
    frame: true,
    height: 220,
    width: 220,
    html: '<h1 class="myTitle">BODY TITLE</h1>Body content'

// The click handler will only be called when the click occurs on the
// delegate: h1.myTitle ("h1" tag with class "myTitle")
    click: function (e) {
    element: 'body',
    delegate: 'h1.myTitle'

Defaults to: 'current'



Only when the destroyable option is specified.

A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. For example:

this.btnListeners =  = myButton.on({
    destroyable: true
    mouseover:   function() { console.log('mouseover'); },
    mouseout:    function() { console.log('mouseout'); },
    click:       function() { console.log('click'); }

And when those listeners need to be removed:




onAdd ( component, position )
template tpl protected pro

This method is invoked after a new Component has been added. It is passed the Component which has been added. This method may be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.


component :  Ext.Component

position :  Number

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onAdded ( container, pos, instanced )
template tpl protected pro

Method to manage awareness of when components are added to their respective Container, firing an #added event. References are established at add time rather than at render time.

Allows addition of behavior when a Component is added to a Container. At this stage, the Component is in the parent Container's collection of child items. After calling the superclass's onAdded, the ownerCt reference will be present, and if configured with a ref, the refOwner will be set.

Available since: 3.4.0


container :  Ext.container.Container

Container which holds the component.

pos :  Number

Position at which the component was added.

instanced :  Boolean

false if this component was instanced by the parent container. true if the instance already existed when it was passed to the container.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onAfter ( eventName, fn, [scope], [options] )

Appends an after-event handler.

Same as addListener with order set to 'after'.


eventName :  String/String[]/Object

The name of the event to listen for.

fn :  Function/String

The method the event invokes.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope for fn.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing handler configuration.

onBefore ( eventName, fn, [scope], [options] )

Appends a before-event handler. Returning false from the handler will stop the event.

Same as addListener with order set to 'before'.


eventName :  String/String[]/Object

The name of the event to listen for.

fn :  Function/String

The method the event invokes.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope for fn.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing handler configuration.

onBeforeAdd ( item )
template tpl protected pro

This method is invoked before adding a new child Component. It is passed the new Component, and may be used to modify the Component, or prepare the Container in some way. Returning false aborts the add operation.


item :  Ext.Component

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onBlur ( e )
private pri


e :  Object

onBoxReady ( width, height )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked when this component has first achieved size. This occurs after the componentLayout has completed its initial run.

This method is not called on components that use cfg-liquidLayout, such as Ext.button.Button and Ext.form.field.Base.

Note: If the Component has a ViewController and the controller has a boxReady method it will be called passing the Component and its width and height.

 boxReady: function (view, width, height) {
     // ...


width :  Number

The width of this component

height :  Number

The height of this component

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

template tpl protected pro

Allows addition of behavior to the destroy operation.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

template tpl protected pro

Allows addition of behavior to the disable operation. After calling the superclass's onDisable, the Component will be disabled.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onDockedAdd ( component )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked after a docked item is added to the Panel.


component :  Ext.Component

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onDockedRemove ( component )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked after a docked item is removed from the Panel.


component :  Ext.Component

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

template tpl protected pro

Allows addition of behavior to the enable operation. After calling the superclass's onEnable, the Component will be enabled.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onFocus ( e )
private pri


e :  Object

onFocusEnter ( e )
template tpl protected pro

Called when focus enters this Component's hierarchy


e :  Object

event :  Ext.event.Event

The underlying DOM event.

target :  HTMLElement

The element gaining focus.

relatedTarget :  HTMLElement

The element losing focus.

toComponent :  Ext.Component

The Component gaining focus.

fromComponent :  Ext.Component

The Component losing focus.

backwards :  Boolean

true if the fromComponent is after the toComponent* in the DOM tree, indicating that the user usedSHIFT+TABto move focus. Note that settingtabIndexvalues to affect tabbing order can cause this to be incorrect. SettingtabIndex values is not advised.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onFocusLeave ( e )
template tpl protected pro

Called when focus exits from this Component's hierarchy


e :  Ext.event.Event

event :  Ext.event.Event

The underlying DOM event.

target :  HTMLElement

The element gaining focus.

relatedTarget :  HTMLElement

The element losing focus.

toComponent :  Ext.Component

The Component gaining focus.

fromComponent :  Ext.Component

The Component losing focus.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

private pri

This method is called internally by Ext.ZIndexManager to signal that a focusable floating Component has become the topost focusable in its zIndex stack.

onHide ( [animateTarget], [callback], [scope] )
template tpl protected pro

Allows addition of behavior to the hide operation. After calling the superclass's onHide, the Component will be hidden.

Gets passed the same parameters as #hide.


animateTarget :  String/Ext.dom.Element/Ext.Component (optional)

callback :  Function (optional)

Callback function to be called when finished

scope :  Object (optional)

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onInheritedAdd ( instanced )
private pri

Called when this Inheritable is added to a parent


instanced :  Boolean

onInheritedRemove ( destroying )
private pri

Called when this inheritable is removed from a parent


destroying :  Boolean

true if this item will be destroyed by it's container

onMouseDown ( e )
private pri

Mousedown brings to front, and programmatically grabs focus unless the mousedown was on a focusable element


e :  Object

private pri

Selects the next row containing a match.

onPosition ( x, y )
template tpl protected pro

Called after the component is moved, this method is empty by default but can be implemented by any subclass that needs to perform custom logic after a move occurs.


x :  Number

The new x position.

y :  Number

The new y position.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

private pri

Selects the previous row containing a match.

onRemove ( component, isDestroying )
template tpl protected pro

This method is invoked after a new Component has been removed. It is passed the Component which has been removed. This method may be used to update any internal structure which may depend upon the state of the child items.


component :  Ext.Component

The removed component

isDestroying :  Boolean

true if the the component is being destroyed in the remove action

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onRemoved ( destroying )

Method to manage awareness of when components are removed from their respective Container, firing a #removed event. References are properly cleaned up after removing a component from its owning container.

Allows addition of behavior when a Component is removed from its parent Container. At this stage, the Component has been removed from its parent Container's collection of child items, but has not been destroyed (It will be destroyed if the parent Container's autoDestroy is true, or if the remove call was passed a truthy second parameter). After calling the superclass's onRemoved, the ownerCt and the refOwner will not be present.


destroying :  Boolean

Will be passed as true if the Container performing the remove operation will delete this Component upon remove.

onRender ( parentNode, containerIdx )
template tpl protected pro

Template method called when this Component's DOM structure is created.

At this point, this Component's (and all descendants') DOM structure exists but it has not been layed out (positioned and sized).

Subclasses which override this to gain access to the structure at render time should call the parent class's method before attempting to access any child elements of the Component.


parentNode :  Ext.dom.Element

The parent Element in which this Component's encapsulating element is contained.

containerIdx :  Number

The index within the parent Container's child collection of this Component.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onResize ( width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight )
template tpl protected pro

Called when the component is resized.

This method is not called on components that use cfg-liquidLayout, such as Ext.button.Button and Ext.form.field.Base.


width :  Number

The new width that was set

height :  Number

The new height that was set

oldWidth :  Number

The previous width

oldHeight :  Number

The previous height

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

private pri

Tracks when things happen to the view and preserves the horizontal scroll position.

onScrollEnd ( x, y )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked when a scroll operation is completed via this component's scroller.


x :  Number

The current x position

y :  Number

The current y position

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onScrollMove ( x, y )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked when this component is scrolled via its scroller.


x :  Number

The current x position

y :  Number

The current y position

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onScrollStart ( x, y )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked when a scroll is initiated on this component via its scroller.


x :  Number

The current x position

y :  Number

The current y position

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onShow ( [animateTarget], [callback], [scope] )
template tpl protected pro

Allows addition of behavior to the show operation. After calling the superclass's onShow, the Component will be visible.

Override in subclasses where more complex behaviour is needed.

Gets passed the same parameters as #show.


animateTarget :  String/Ext.dom.Element (optional)

callback :  Function (optional)

scope :  Object (optional)

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

onShowComplete ( [callback], [scope] )
template tpl protected pro

Invoked after the #afterShow method is complete.

Gets passed the same callback and scope parameters that #afterShow received.


callback :  Function (optional)

scope :  Object (optional)

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

private pri

This method is called when any of the stateEvents are fired.

private pri

Finds all strings that matches the searched value in each grid cells.

private pri

Fires the TablePanel's viewready event when the view declares that its internal DOM is ready

onZIndexChange ( [isTopMost] )
private pri

This method is called internally by Ext.ZIndexManager to signal that a floating Component has either been moved to the top of its zIndex stack, or pushed from the top of its zIndex stack.

If a Window is superceded by another Window, deactivating it hides its shadow.

This method also fires the activate or deactivate event depending on which action occurred.


isTopMost :  Boolean (optional)

True to activate the Component, false to deactivate it.

Defaults to: false

owns ( element )
private pri

Returns true if the passed element is within the container tree of this component.

For example if a menu's submenu contains an Ext.form.field.Date, that top level menu owns the elements of the date picker. Using this method, you can tell if an event took place within a certain component tree.


element :  Object

prepareItems ( items, applyDefaults )
private pri


items :  Object

applyDefaults :  Object

prevChild ( child, [selector] ) : Ext.Component

A method to find a child component before the passed child parameter. If a selector is also provided, the first child component matching the selector will be returned.


child :  Ext.Component

The child to use as a starting point to find the previous child.

selector :  String (optional)

A Ext.ComponentQuery selector to find the previous child. This will return the first child matching this selector. This parameter is optional.



The previous child found, null if no child found.

previousNode ( [selector] ) : Ext.Component

Returns the previous node in the Component tree in tree traversal order.

Note that this is not limited to siblings, and if invoked upon a node with no matching siblings, will walk the tree in reverse order to attempt to find a match. Contrast with previousSibling.


selector :  String (optional)

A Ext.ComponentQuery selector to filter the preceding nodes.



The previous node (or the previous node which matches the selector). Returns null if there is no matching node.

previousSibling ( [selector] ) : Ext.Component

Returns the previous sibling of this Component.

Optionally selects the previous sibling which matches the passed Ext.ComponentQuery selector.

May also be referred to as prev()

Note that this is limited to siblings, and if no siblings of the item match, null is returned. Contrast with previousNode


selector :  String (optional)

A Ext.ComponentQuery selector to filter the preceding items.



The previous sibling (or the previous sibling which matches the selector). Returns null if there is no matching sibling.

processEvent ( type, view, cell, recordIndex, cellIndex, e )
private pri

Processes UI events from the view. Propagates them to whatever internal Components need to process them.


type :  String

Event type, eg 'click'

view :  Ext.view.Table

TableView Component

cell :  HTMLElement

Cell HTMLElement the event took place within

recordIndex :  Number

Index of the associated Store Model (-1 if none)

cellIndex :  Number

Cell index within the row

e :  Ext.event.Event

Original event

processFocusableContainerKeyEvent ( e ) : Ext.util.Event
template tpl private pri

An overrideable function which preprocesses all key events from within this FocusableContainer. The base implementation vetoes processing of key events from input fields by returning undefined. This may be overridden in subclasses with special requirements.


e :  Ext.util.Event

A keyboard event that is significant to the operation of a FocusableContainer.



The event if it is to be processed as a FocusableContainer navigation keystroke, or undefined if it is to be ignore by the FocusableContainer navigation machinery.

This is a template method. a hook into the functionality of this class. Feel free to override it in child classes.

publishState ( [property], [value] )
protected pro

Publish this components state to the ViewModel. If no arguments are given (or if this is the first call), the entire state is published. This state is determined by the publishes property.

This method is called only by component authors.

Available since: 5.0.0


property :  String (optional)

The name of the property to update.

value :  Object (optional)

The value of property. Only needed if property is given.

query ( [selector] ) : Ext.Component[]

Retrieves all descendant components which match the passed selector. Executes an Ext.ComponentQuery.query using this container as its root.


selector :  String (optional)

Selector complying to an Ext.ComponentQuery selector. If no selector is specified all items will be returned.



Components which matched the selector

queryBy ( fn, [scope] ) : Ext.Component[]

Retrieves all descendant components which match the passed function. The function should return false for components that are to be excluded from the selection.


fn :  Function

The matcher function. It will be called with a single argument, the component being tested.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope in which to run the function. If not specified, it will default to the active component.



Components matched by the passed function

queryById ( id ) : Ext.Component

Finds a component at any level under this container matching the id/itemId. This is a shorthand for calling ct.down('#' + id);


id :  String

The id to find



The matching id, null if not found

reconfigure ( [store], [columns] )

Reconfigures the grid or tree with a new store and/or columns. Stores and columns may also be passed as params.

grid.reconfigure(store, columns);

Additionally, you can pass just a store or columns.

// or
// or
tree.reconfigure(null, columns);

If you're using locked columns, the enableLocking config should be set to true before the reconfigure method is executed.


store : (optional)

The new store instance or store config. You can pass null if no new store.

columns :  Object[] (optional)

An array of column configs

reconfigureLockable ( store, columns, allowUnbind )
private pri


store :  Object

columns :  Object

allowUnbind :  Object

regExpToggle ( checkbox, checked )
private pri

Switch to regular expression mode


checkbox :  Object

checked :  Object

registerActionable ( actionable )


actionable :  Object

An object which has an interest in the implementation of actionable mode in this grid.

An actionable object may be a Plugin which upon activation injects tabbable elements or Components into a grid row.

registerFloatingItem ( cmp )

Called by Component#doAutoRender

Register a Container configured floating: true with this Component's Ext.ZIndexManager.

Components added in this way will not participate in any layout, but will be rendered upon first show in the way that Ext.window.Windows are.


cmp :  Object

relayEvents ( origin, events, [prefix] ) : Object

Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by this.

For example if you are extending Grid, you might decide to forward some events from store. So you can do this inside your initComponent:

this.relayEvents(this.getStore(), ['load']);

The grid instance will then have an observable 'load' event which will be passed the parameters of the store's load event and any function fired with the grid's load event would have access to the grid using the this keyword (unless the event is handled by a controller's control/listen event listener in which case 'this' will be the controller rather than the grid).


origin :  Object

The Observable whose events this object is to relay.

events :  String[]/Object

Array of event names to relay or an Object with key/value pairs translating to ActualEventName/NewEventName respectively. For example: this.relayEvents(this, {add:'push', remove:'pop'});

Would now redispatch the add event of this as a push event and the remove event as a pop event.

prefix :  String (optional)

A common prefix to prepend to the event names. For example:

this.relayEvents(this.getStore(), ['load', 'clear'], 'store');

Now the grid will forward 'load' and 'clear' events of store as 'storeload' and 'storeclear'.



A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which, when destroyed, removes all relayers. For example:

this.storeRelayers = this.relayEvents(this.getStore(), ['load', 'clear'], 'store');

Can be undone by calling



remove ( component, [disposition] ) : Ext.Component

Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires the event-remove event after the component has been removed.

Available since: 2.3.0


component :  Ext.Component/String

The component instance or id to remove.

disposition :  Object (optional)

Flags to determine what to do with the removed component. (May also be specified as a boolean autoDestroy flag for backward compatibility).

destroy :  Boolean (optional)

Defaults to this Container's autoDestroy config. Specifies whether to destroy the component being removed.

detach :  Object (optional)

Defaults to the detachOnRemove configuration Specifies whether to remove the component's DOM from the container and into the detached body element



component The Component that was removed.

removeAll ( [autoDestroy] ) : Ext.Component[]

Removes all components from this container.

Available since: 2.3.0


autoDestroy :  Boolean (optional)

True to automatically invoke the removed Component's Ext.Component#method-destroy function. Defaults to the value of this Container's autoDestroy config.



Array of the removed components

removeAnchor Ext.util.Positionable
chainable ch

Remove any anchor to this element. See anchorTo.




removeBodyCls ( cls ) : Ext.panel.Panel
chainable ch

Removes a CSS class from the body element.


cls :  String/String[]

The class to remove




removeClass ( cls ) : Ext.Component
deprecated dep

Removes a CSS class from the top level element representing this component.

Available since: 2.3.0


cls :  String/String[]

The CSS class name to remove.



Returns the Component to allow method chaining.

Deprecated since version 4.1
Use addCls instead.

removeCls ( cls ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Removes a CSS class from the top level element representing this component.


cls :  String/String[]

The CSS class name to remove.



Returns the Component to allow method chaining.

removeClsWithUI ( classes, skip )

Removes a cls to the uiCls array, which will also call removeUIClsFromElement and removes it from all elements of this component.


classes :  String/String[]

A string or an array of strings to remove to the uiCls.

skip :  Boolean

True to remove the class

removeDelegatedListener ( eventName, fn, scope )
private pri

Removes delegated listeners for a given eventName, function, and scope. Users should not invoke this method directly. It is called automatically by the framework as part of removeListener processing.


eventName :  Object

fn :  Object

scope :  Object

removeDocked ( item, [autoDestroy] )

Removes the docked item from the panel.


item :  Ext.Component

The Component to remove.

autoDestroy :  Boolean (optional)

Destroy the component after removal.

removeListener ( eventName, fn, [scope] ) :
chainable ch

Removes an event handler.


eventName :  String

The type of event the handler was associated with.

fn :  Function

The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope originally specified for the handler. It must be the same as the scope argument specified in the original call to Ext.util.Observable#addListener or the listener will not be removed.

Convenience Syntax

You can use the addListener destroyable: true config option in place of calling un(). For example:

var listeners = cmp.on({
    scope: cmp,
    afterrender: cmp.onAfterrender,
    beforehide: cmp.onBeforeHide,
    destroyable: true

// Remove listeners
// or
    scope: cmp,
    afterrender: cmp.onAfterrender,
    beforehide: cmp.onBeforeHide

Exception - DOM event handlers using the element config option

You must go directly through the element to detach an event handler attached using the addListener element option.

    element: 'body',
    click: 'onBodyCLick'

    click: 'onBodyCLick'



removeManagedListener ( item, ename, [fn], [scope] )

Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.


item :  Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element

The item from which to remove a listener/listeners.

ename :  Object/String

The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

fn :  Function (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the handler function.

scope :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

removeManagedListenerItem ( isClear, managedListener )
private pri

Remove a single managed listener item


isClear :  Boolean

True if this is being called during a clear

managedListener :  Object

The managed listener item See removeManagedListener for other args

removeUIClsFromElement ( uiCls )
protected pro

Method which removes a specified UI + uiCls from the components element. The cls which is added to the element will be: this.baseCls + '-' + ui + uiCls.


uiCls :  String

The UI class to remove from the element.

private pri

Method which removes a specified UI from the components element.

render ( [container], [position] )

Renders the Component into the passed HTML element.

If you are using a Ext.container.Container object to house this Component, then do not use the render method.

A Container's child Components are rendered by that Container's layout manager when the Container is first rendered.

When creating complex UIs, it is important to remember that sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager. If you expect child items to be sized in response to user interactions, you must configure the Container with a layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you have in mind.

Omitting the Container's layout config means that a basic layout manager is used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the Container. No sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation.


container :  Ext.dom.Element/HTMLElement/String (optional)

The element this Component should be rendered into. If it is being created from existing markup, this should be omitted.

position :  String/Number (optional)

The element ID or DOM node index within the container before which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)

resolveListenerScope ( [defaultScope] ) :
protected pro

Gets the Controller or Component that is used as the event root for this view.

Available since: 5.0.0


defaultScope :  Object (optional)

The default scope to return if none is found.

Defaults to: this


The default listener scope.

resolveSatelliteListenerScope ( satellite, [defaultScope] ) : Object
protected pro

Returns the default listener scope for a "satellite" of this component. Used for resolving scope for observable objects that are not part of the normal Container/Component hierarchy (for example, plugins)

Available since: 5.1.1


satellite :  Ext.mixin.Observable

defaultScope :  Object (optional)



The listener scope

resumeEvent ( eventName )

Resumes firing of the named event(s).

After calling this method to resume events, the events will fire when requested to fire.

Note that if the suspendEvent method is called multiple times for a certain event, this converse method will have to be called the same number of times for it to resume firing.


eventName :  String...

Multiple event names to resume.

resumeEvents ( [discardQueue] )

Resumes firing events (see suspendEvents).

If events were suspended using the queueSuspended parameter, then all events fired during event suspension will be sent to any listeners now.


discardQueue :  Boolean (optional)

true to prevent any previously queued events from firing while we were suspended. See suspendEvents.

reverseTranslateXY ( xy ) : Number[]
private pri

Converts local coordinates into page-level coordinates


xy :  Number[]

The local x and y coordinates



The translated coordinates

private pri

Returns focus to the Component or element found in the cached focusEnterEvent.

savePropToState ( propName, state, [stateName] ) : Boolean

Conditionally saves a single property from this object to the given state object. The idea is to only save state which has changed from the initial state so that current software settings do not override future software settings. Only those values that are user-changed state should be saved.


propName :  String

The name of the property to save.

state :  Object

The state object in to which to save the property.

stateName :  String (optional)

The name to use for the property in state.



True if the property was saved, false if not.

savePropsToState ( propNames, state ) : Object

Gathers additional named properties of the instance and adds their current values to the passed state object.


propNames :  String/String[]

The name (or array of names) of the property to save.

state :  Object

The state object in to which to save the property values.





Saves the state of the object to the persistence store.

scrollBy ( deltaX, deltaY, animate )

Scrolls this Component by the passed delta values, optionally animating.

All of the following are equivalent:

 comp.scrollBy(10, 10, true);
 comp.scrollBy([10, 10], true);
 comp.scrollBy({ x: 10, y: 10 }, true);


deltaX :  Number/Number[]/Object

Either the x delta, an Array specifying x and y deltas or an object with "x" and "y" properties.

deltaY :  Number/Boolean/Object

Either the y delta, or an animate flag or config object.

animate :  Boolean/Object

Animate flag/config object if the delta values were passed separately.

scrollTo ( x, y, [animate] )

Scrolls this component to the specified x and y coordinates. Only applicable for scrollable components.


x :  Number

y :  Number

animate :  Boolean/Object (optional)

true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object

sequenceFx Object
chainable ch

Ensures that all effects queued after sequenceFx is called on this object are run in sequence. This is the opposite of syncFx.




setActionableMode ( enabled, position ) : Boolean
private pri

Toggles ARIA actionable mode on/off


enabled :  Boolean

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

The cell to activate.

target :  HTMLElement / Ext.dom.Element (optional)

The element within the referenced cell to focus.



true if actionable mode was entered

setBox ( box ) : Ext.util.Positionable
chainable ch

Sets the element's box.


box :  Object

The box to fill {x, y, width, height}




setConfig ( name, [value] ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch

Sets a single/multiple configuration options.


name :  String/Object

The name of the property to set, or a set of key value pairs to set.

value :  Object (optional)

The value to set for the name parameter.




setDocked ( dock ) : Ext.Component
deprecated dep

Sets the dock position of this component in its parent panel. Note that this only has effect if this item is part of the dockedItems collection of a parent that has a DockLayout (note that any Panel has a DockLayout by default)


dock :  Object

The dock position.




Deprecated since version 5.0
Use setDock instead.

setDockedItemsVisibility ( els, show )
private pri

Set visibility of docked items after the panel is collapsed or expanded


els :  Ext.dom.CompositeElement

show :  Boolean

setLoading ( load ) : Ext.LoadMask

This method allows you to show or hide a LoadMask on top of this component.

The mask will be rendered into the element returned by getMaskTarget which for most Components is the Component's element. See getMaskTarget and maskElement.

Most Components will return null indicating that their LoadMask cannot reside inside their element, but must be rendered into the document body.

Ext.view.Table however will direct a LoadMask to be rendered into the owning Ext.panel.Table.


load :  Boolean/Object/String

True to show the default LoadMask, a config object that will be passed to the LoadMask constructor, or a message String to show. False to hide the current LoadMask.



The LoadMask instance that has just been shown.

setLocalX ( x ) : Ext.util.Positionable

Sets the local x coordinate of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalX, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.


x :  Number

The x coordinate. A value of null sets the left style to 'auto'.




setLocalXY ( x, [y] ) : Ext.util.Positionable

Sets the local x and y coordinates of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalXY, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.


x :  Number/Array

The x coordinate or an array containing [x, y]. A value of null sets the left style to 'auto'

y :  Number (optional)

The y coordinate, required if x is not an array. A value of null sets the top style to 'auto'




setLocalY ( y ) : Ext.util.Positionable

Sets the local y coordinate of this element using CSS style. When used on an absolute positioned element this method is symmetrical with getLocalY, but may not be symmetrical when used on a relatively positioned element.


y :  Number

The y coordinate. A value of null sets the top style to 'auto'.




setMasked ( isMasked ) :
chainable ch private pri

Set masked state for this Component.


isMasked :  Boolean

True if masked, false otherwise.



setOverflowXY ( overflowX, overflowY ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch deprecated dep

Sets the overflow x/y on the content element of the component. The x/y overflow values can be any valid CSS overflow (e.g., 'auto' or 'scroll'). By default, the value is 'hidden'. Passing undefined will preserve the current value.


overflowX :  String

The overflow-x value.

overflowY :  String

The overflow-y value.




Deprecated since version 5.0.0
Use setScrollable instead

setPagePosition ( x, [y], [animate] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition. This method fires the event-move event.


x :  Number/Number[]

The new x position or an array of [x,y].

y :  Number (optional)

The new y position.

animate :  Boolean/Object (optional)

True to animate the Component into its new position. You may also pass an animation configuration.




setPosition ( x, [y], [animate] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition. This method fires the event-move event.


x :  Number/Number[]/Object

The new left, an array of [x,y], or animation config object containing x and y properties.

y :  Number (optional)

The new top.

animate :  Boolean/Object (optional)

If true, the Component is animated into its new position. You may also pass an animation configuration.




setScrollX ( x, [animate] )

Sets the "x" scroll position for this component. Only applicable for scrollable components


x :  Number

animate :  Boolean/Object (optional)

true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object

setScrollY ( y, [animate] )

Sets the "y" scroll position for this component. Only applicable for scrollable components


y :  Number

animate :  Boolean/Object (optional)

true for the default animation or a standard Element animation config object

setSize ( width, height ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Sets the width and height of this Component. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept either width and height as separate arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}.


width :  Number/String/Object

The new width to set. This may be one of:

  • A Number specifying the new width in pixels.
  • A String used to set the CSS width style.
  • A size object in the format {width: widthValue, height: heightValue}.
  • undefined to leave the width unchanged.

height :  Number/String

The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg). This may be one of:

  • A Number specifying the new height in pixels.
  • A String used to set the CSS height style. Animation may not be used.
  • undefined to leave the height unchanged.




setVisible ( visible ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Convenience function to hide or show this component by Boolean.

Available since: 1.1.0


visible :  Boolean

true to show, false to hide.




setX ( x ) : Ext.util.Positionable

Sets the X position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.


x :  Number

The X position




setXY ( pos ) : Ext.util.Positionable

Sets the position of the DOM element in page coordinates.


pos :  Number[]

Contains X & Y [x, y] values for new position (coordinates are page-based)




setY ( y ) : Ext.util.Positionable

Sets the Y position of the DOM element based on page coordinates.


y :  Number

The Y position




setZIndex ( index )
private pri

z-index is managed by the zIndexManager and may be overwritten at any time. Returns the next z-index to be used.

If this is a Container, then it will have rebased any managed floating Components, and so the next available z-index will be approximately 10000 above that.


index :  Object

setupFramingTpl ( frameTpl )
private pri

Inject a reference to the function which applies the render template into the framing template. The framing template wraps the content.


frameTpl :  Object

show ( [animateTarget], [callback], [scope] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Shows this Component, rendering it first if autoRender or cfg-floating are true.

After being shown, a cfg-floating Component (such as a Ext.window.Window), is activated it and brought to the front of its z-index stack.


animateTarget :  String/Ext.dom.Element (optional)

only valid for cfg-floating Components such as Ext.window.Windows or Ext.tip.ToolTips, or regular Components which have been configured with floating: true. The target from which the Component should animate from while opening.

Defaults to: null

callback :  Function (optional)

A callback function to call after the Component is displayed. Only necessary if animation was specified.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the callback is executed. Defaults to this Component.




showAt ( x, [y], [animate] ) : Ext.Component

Displays component at specific xy position. A floating component (like a menu) is positioned relative to its ownerCt if any. Useful for popping up a context menu:

listeners: {
    itemcontextmenu: function(view, record, item, index, event, options) {
        Ext.create('', {
            width: 100,
            height: 100,
            margin: '0 0 10 0',
            items: [{
                text: 'regular item 1'
                text: 'regular item 2'
                text: 'regular item 3'


x :  Number/Number[]

The new x position or array of [x,y].

y :  Number (optional)

The new y position

animate :  Boolean/Object (optional)

True to animate the Component into its new position. You may also pass an animation configuration.




showBy ( component, [position], [offset] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Shows this component by the specified Ext.Component or Ext.dom.Element. Used when this component is cfg-floating.


component :  Ext.Component/Ext.dom.Element

The Ext.Component or Ext.dom.Element to show the component by.

position :  String (optional)

Alignment position as used by Ext.util.Positionable#getAlignToXY. Defaults to defaultAlign. See alignTo for possible values.

offset :  Number[] (optional)

Alignment offsets as used by Ext.util.Positionable#getAlignToXY. See alignTo for possible values.




private pri

This method begins the slide out of the floated panel.

slideOutFloatedPanelEnd ( suppressEvents )
private pri

This method cleans up after the slide out of the floated panel.


suppressEvents :  Object

statics Ext.Class
protected pro

Get the reference to the class from which this object was instantiated. Note that unlike Ext.Base#self, this.statics() is scope-independent and it always returns the class from which it was called, regardless of what this points to during run-time

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    statics: {
        totalCreated: 0,
        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'

    constructor: function() {
        var statics = this.statics();

        alert(statics.speciesName);     // always equals to 'Cat' no matter what 'this' refers to
                                        // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName

        alert(this.self.speciesName);   // dependent on 'this'


    clone: function() {
        var cloned = new this.self();   // dependent on 'this'

        cloned.groupName = this.statics().speciesName;   // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName

        return cloned;

Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
    extend: 'My.Cat',

    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'     // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'

    constructor: function() {

var cat = new My.Cat();                 // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Cat'

var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard(); // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Snow Leopard'

var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));         // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
alert(clone.groupName);                 // alerts 'Cat'

alert(My.Cat.totalCreated);             // alerts 3



stopAnimation ( suppressEvent ) : Ext.dom.Element
chainable ch

Stops any running effects and clears this object's internal effects queue if it contains any additional effects that haven't started yet.


suppressEvent :  Object



The Element

stopFx Ext.dom.Element
deprecated dep

Stops any running effects and clears this object's internal effects queue if it contains any additional effects that haven't started yet.



The Element

Deprecated since version 4.0
Replaced by stopAnimation

suspendEvent ( eventName )

Suspends firing of the named event(s).

After calling this method to suspend events, the events will no longer fire when requested to fire.

Note that if this is called multiple times for a certain event, the converse method resumeEvent will have to be called the same number of times for it to resume firing.


eventName :  String...

Multiple event names to suspend.

suspendEvents ( queueSuspended )

Suspends the firing of all events. (see resumeEvents)


queueSuspended :  Boolean

true to queue up suspended events to be fired after the resumeEvents call instead of discarding all suspended events.

syncFx Object
chainable ch

Ensures that all effects queued after syncFx is called on this object are run concurrently. This is the opposite of sequenceFx.




private pri

synchronizes the hidden state of this component with the state of its hierarchy

syncLockedWidth Object
private pri

Updates the overall view after columns have been resized, or moved from the locked to unlocked side or vice-versa.

If all columns are removed from either side, that side must be hidden, and the sole remaining column owning grid then becomes the grid. It must flex to occupy the whole of the locking view. And it must also allow scrolling.

If columns are shared between the two sides, the locked grid shrinkwraps the width of the visible locked columns while the normal grid flexes in what space remains.



A pair of flags indicating which views need to be cleared then refreshed. this contains two properties, locked and normal which are true if the view needs to be cleared and refreshed.


Synchronizes the row heights between the locked and non locked portion of the grid for each row. If one row is smaller than the other, the height will be increased to match the larger one.

toBack Ext.Component
chainable ch

Sends this Component to the back of (lower z-index than) any other visible windows




toFront ( [preventFocus] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Brings this floating Component to the front of any other visible, floating Components managed by the same Ext.ZIndexManager

If this Component is modal, inserts the modal mask just below this Component in the z-index stack.


preventFocus :  Boolean (optional)

Specify true to prevent the Component from being focused.

Defaults to: false




toggleCls ( className, [state] ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Toggles the specified CSS class on this component (removes it if it already exists, otherwise adds it).


className :  String

The CSS class to toggle.

state :  Boolean (optional)

If specified as true, causes the class to be added. If specified as false, causes the class to be removed.



Returns the Component to allow method chaining.

toggleCollapse Ext.panel.Panel

Shortcut for performing an method-expand or method-collapse based on the current state of the panel.




translatePoints ( x, [y] ) : Object

Translates the passed page coordinates into left/top css values for the element


x :  Number/Array

The page x or an array containing [x, y]

y :  Number (optional)

The page y, required if x is not an array



An object with left and top properties. e.g. {left: (value), top: (value)}

translateXY ( x, [y] ) : Object
private pri

Translates the passed page coordinates into x and y css values for the element


x :  Number/Array

The page x or an array containing [x, y]

y :  Number (optional)

The page y, required if x is not an array



An object with x and y properties. e.g. {x: (value), y: (value)}

un ( eventName, fn, [scope] ) :

Shorthand for removeListener. Removes an event handler.


eventName :  String

The type of event the handler was associated with.

fn :  Function

The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope originally specified for the handler. It must be the same as the scope argument specified in the original call to Ext.util.Observable#addListener or the listener will not be removed.

Convenience Syntax

You can use the addListener destroyable: true config option in place of calling un(). For example:

var listeners = cmp.on({
    scope: cmp,
    afterrender: cmp.onAfterrender,
    beforehide: cmp.onBeforeHide,
    destroyable: true

// Remove listeners
// or
    scope: cmp,
    afterrender: cmp.onAfterrender,
    beforehide: cmp.onBeforeHide

Exception - DOM event handlers using the element config option

You must go directly through the element to detach an event handler attached using the addListener element option.

    element: 'body',
    click: 'onBodyCLick'

    click: 'onBodyCLick'



unAfter ( eventName, fn, [scope], [options] )

Removes a before-event handler.

Same as removeListener with order set to 'after'.


eventName :  String/String[]/Object

The name of the event the handler was associated with.

fn :  Function/String

The handler to remove.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope originally specified for fn.

options :  Object (optional)

Extra options object.

unBefore ( eventName, fn, [scope], [options] )

Removes a before-event handler.

Same as removeListener with order set to 'before'.


eventName :  String/String[]/Object

The name of the event the handler was associated with.

fn :  Function/String

The handler to remove.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope originally specified for fn.

options :  Object (optional)

Extra options object.

unghost ( show, matchPosition, focus )
private pri


show :  Object

matchPosition :  Object

focus :  Object

unlock ( [header], [toIdx] )
private pri

Unlocks the activeHeader as determined by which menu is open OR a header as specified.


header :  Ext.grid.column.Column (optional)

Header to unlock from the locked section. Defaults to the header which has the menu open currently.

toIdx :  Number (optional)

The index to move the unlocked header to.

Defaults to: 0


Removes the mask applied by mask

up ( [selector], [limit] ) : Ext.container.Container

Navigates up the ownership hierarchy searching for an ancestor Container which matches any passed selector or component.

Important. There is not a universal upwards navigation pointer. There are several upwards relationships such as the Ext.button.Button which activates a menu, or the which activated a submenu, or the Ext.grid.column.Column which activated the column menu.

These differences are abstracted away by this method.


var owningTabPanel = grid.up('tabpanel');


selector :  String/Ext.Component (optional)

The selector component or actual component to test. If not passed the immediate owner/activator is returned.

limit :  String/Number/Ext.Component (optional)

This may be a selector upon which to stop the upward scan, or a limit of the number of steps, or Component reference to stop on.



The matching ancestor Container (or undefined if no match was found).

update ( htmlOrData, [loadScripts], [callback], [scriptScope] )

Update the content area of a component.

Available since: 3.4.0


htmlOrData :  String/Object

If this component has been configured with a template via the tpl config then it will use this argument as data to populate the template. If this component was not configured with a template, the components content area will be updated via Ext.Element update.

loadScripts :  Boolean (optional)

Only legitimate when using the html configuration. Causes embedded script tags to be executed. Inline source will be executed with this Component as the scope (this reference).

Defaults to: false

callback :  Function (optional)

Only legitimate when using the html configuration. Callback to execute when scripts have finished loading.

scriptScope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which to execute inline script elements content. Scripts with a src attribute cannot be executed with this scope.

Defaults to: `this`

updateBox ( box ) : Ext.Component
chainable ch

Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.


box :  Object

An object in the format {x, y, width, height}




private pri

Updates the frame elements to match new framing. The current frameBody is preserved by transplanting it into the new frame. All other frame childEls are destroyed and recreated if needed by the new frame. This method cannot transition from framed to non-framed or vise-versa or between table and div based framing.

updateHeader ( force )
private pri

Create, hide, or show the header component as appropriate based on the current config.


force :  Boolean

True to force the header to be created

updateLayout ( [options] )

Updates this component's layout. If this update affects this components ownerCt, that component's updateLayout method will be called to perform the layout instead. Otherwise, just this component (and its child items) will layout.


options :  Object (optional)

An object with layout options.

defer :  Boolean

true if this layout should be deferred.

isRoot :  Boolean

true if this layout should be the root of the layout.

updateSession ( session )
private pri

Updates the session config.


session :

updateViewModel ( viewModel, oldViewModel )
private pri

Updates the viewModel config.


viewModel :

oldViewModel :

visitPostOrder ( selector, fn, [scope], [extraArgs] )

Traverses the tree rooted at this node in post-order mode, calling the passed function on the nodes at each level. That is the function is called upon each node after being called on its children).

This method is used at each level down the cascade. Currently Ext.Components and are queryable.

If you have tree-structured data, you can make your nodes queryable, and use ComponentQuery on them.


selector :  Object

A ComponentQuery selector used to filter candidate nodes before calling the function. An empty string matches any node.

fn :  Function

The function to call. Return false to aborl the traverse.

node :  Object

The node being visited.

scope :  Object (optional)

The context (this reference) in which the function is executed.

extraArgs :  Array (optional)

A set of arguments to be appended to the function's argument list to pass down extra data known to the caller after the node being visited.

visitPreOrder ( selector, fn, [scope], [extraArgs] )

Traverses the tree rooted at this node in pre-order mode, calling the passed function on the nodes at each level. That is the function is called upon each node before being called on its children).

This method is used at each level down the cascade. Currently Ext.Components and are queryable.

If you have tree-structured data, you can make your nodes queryable, and use ComponentQuery on them.


selector :  Object

A ComponentQuery selector used to filter candidate nodes before calling the function. An empty string matches any node.

fn :  Function

The function to call. Return false to aborl the traverse.

node :  Object

The node being visited.

scope :  Object (optional)

The context (this reference) in which the function is executed.

extraArgs :  Array (optional)

A set of arguments to be appended to the function's argument list to pass down extra data known to the caller after the node being visited.

Static Methods

addConfig ( config, [mixinClass] )
static sta private pri

Adds new config properties to this class. This is called for classes when they are declared, then for any mixins that class may define and finally for any overrides defined that target the class.


config :  Object

mixinClass :  Ext.Class (optional)

The mixin class if the configs are from a mixin.

addInheritableStatics ( members ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


members :  Object



addMember ( name, member ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


name :  Object

member :  Object



addMembers ( members, [isStatic], [privacy] ) :
chainable ch static sta

Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class.

Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {

     meow: function() {

 var kitty = new My.awesome.Cat();


members :  Object

The members to add to this class.

isStatic :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true if the members are static.

Defaults to: false

privacy :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true if the members are private. This only has meaning in debug mode and only for methods.

Defaults to: false



addStatics ( members ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch static sta

Add / override static properties of this class.

Ext.define('', {
    someProperty: 'someValue',      // = 'someValue'
    method1: function() { ... },    // = function() { ... };
    method2: function() { ... }     // = function() { ... };


members :  Object




borrow ( fromClass, members ) : Ext.Base
static sta private pri

Borrow another class' members to the prototype of this class.

Ext.define('Bank', {
    money: '$$$',
    printMoney: function() {

Ext.define('Thief', {

Thief.borrow(Bank, ['money', 'printMoney']);

var steve = new Thief();

alert(; // alerts '$$$'
steve.printMoney(); // alerts '$$$$$$$'


fromClass :  Ext.Base

The class to borrow members from

members :  Array/String

The names of the members to borrow




callParent ( args )
static sta protected pro


args :  Object

callSuper ( args )
static sta protected pro


args :  Object

create Object
static sta

Create a new instance of this Class.

Ext.define('', {
    someConfig: true

All parameters are passed to the constructor of the class.



the created instance.

createAlias ( alias, origin )
static sta

Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example:

Ext.define('', {
    method1: function() { ... },
    method2: function() { ... }

var test = new;{
    method3: 'method1',
    method4: 'method2'

test.method3(); // test.method1()'method5', 'method3');

test.method5(); // test.method3() -> test.method1()


alias :  String/Object

The new method name, or an object to set multiple aliases. See flexSetter

origin :  String/Object

The original method name

extend ( parentClass )
static sta private pri


parentClass :  Object

getConfigurator Ext.Configurator
static sta private pri

Returns the Ext.Configurator for this class.



getName String
static sta

Get the current class' name in string format.

Ext.define('', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts ''
});; // ''




mixin ( name, mixinClass ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri

Used internally by the mixins pre-processor


name :  Object

mixinClass :  Object



onExtended ( fn, scope ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


fn :  Object

scope :  Object



override ( members ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch static sta

Override members of this class. Overridden methods can be invoked via Ext.Base#callParent.

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm a cat!");

    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
                          // alerts "I'm a cat!"
                          // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"

Direct use of this method should be rare. Use Ext.define instead:

Ext.define('My.CatOverride', {
    override: 'My.Cat',
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



The above accomplishes the same result but can be managed by the Ext.Loader which can properly order the override and its target class and the build process can determine whether the override is needed based on the required state of the target class (My.Cat).


members :  Object

The properties to add to this class. This should be specified as an object literal containing one or more properties.



this class

static sta private pri


activate ( this, eOpts )

Fires after a Component has been visually activated.

Note This event is only fired if this Component is a child of a Ext.container.Container that uses Ext.layout.container.Card as it's layout or this Component is a floating Component.


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

add ( this, component, index, eOpts )

Fires after any Ext.Component is added or inserted into the container.

Available since: 2.3.0


this :  Ext.container.Container

component :  Ext.Component

The component that was added

index :  Number

The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

added ( this, container, pos, eOpts )

Fires after a Component had been added to a Container.

Available since: 3.4.0


this :  Ext.Component

container :  Ext.container.Container

Parent Container

pos :  Number

position of Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

afterlayout ( this, layout, eOpts )

Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.

Available since: 2.3.0


this :  Ext.container.Container

layout :  Ext.layout.container.Container

The ContainerLayout implementation for this container

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

afterlayoutanimation ( this, eOpts )

This event first after a component's layout has been updated by a layout that included animation (e.g., a Ext.panel.Panel in an Ext.layout.container.Accordion layout).

Available since: 6.0.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

afterrender ( this, eOpts )

Fires after the component rendering is finished.

The afterrender event is fired after this Component has been rendered, been post-processed by any afterRender method defined for the Component.

Available since: 3.4.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeactivate ( this, eOpts )

Fires before a Component has been visually activated. Returning false from an event listener can prevent the activate from occurring.

Note This event is only fired if this Component is a child of a Ext.container.Container that uses Ext.layout.container.Card as it's layout.


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeadd ( this, component, index, eOpts )

Fires before any Ext.Component is added or inserted into the container. A handler can return false to cancel the add.

Available since: 2.3.0


this :  Ext.container.Container

component :  Ext.Component

The component being added

index :  Number

The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecellclick ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired before the cell click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecellcontextmenu ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired before the cell right click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecelldblclick ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired before the cell double click is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecellkeydown ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired before the cell key down is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecellmousedown ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired before the cell mouse down is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecellmouseup ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired before the cell mouse up is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeclose ( panel, eOpts )

Fires before the user closes the panel. Return false from any listener to stop the close event being fired


panel :  Ext.panel.Panel

The Panel object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecollapse ( p, direction, animate, eOpts )

Fires before this panel is collapsed. Return false to prevent the collapse.


p :  Ext.panel.Panel

The Panel being collapsed.

direction :  String

. The direction of the collapse. One of

  • Ext.Component.DIRECTION_TOP
  • Ext.Component.DIRECTION_RIGHT
  • Ext.Component.DIRECTION_BOTTOM
  • Ext.Component.DIRECTION_LEFT

animate :  Boolean

True if the collapse is animated, else false.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainerclick ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the click event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainercontextmenu ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the contextmenu event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainerdblclick ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the dblclick event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainerkeydown ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the keydown event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object. Use getKey() to retrieve the key that was pressed.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainerkeypress ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the keypress event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object. Use getKey() to retrieve the key that was pressed.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainerkeyup ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the keyup event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object. Use getKey() to retrieve the key that was pressed.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainermousedown ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the mousedown event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainermouseout ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the mouseout event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainermouseover ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the mouseover event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforecontainermouseup ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires before the mouseup event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforedeactivate ( this, eOpts )

Fires before a Component has been visually deactivated. Returning false from an event listener can prevent the deactivate from occurring.

Note This event is only fired if this Component is a child of a Ext.container.Container that uses Ext.layout.container.Card as it's layout.


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforedeselect ( this, record, index, eOpts )

Fired before a record is deselected. If any listener returns false, the deselection is cancelled.


this :  Ext.selection.RowModel

record :

The deselected record

index :  Number

The row index deselected

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforedestroy ( this, eOpts )

Fires before the component is destroyed.

Note: This event should not be used to try to veto the destruction sequence by returning false, even though this is often permitted in other "before" events. Doing so will have unpredictable side-effects and can result in partially destroyed objects. Instead look to other events like beforeclose that occur prior to the call to the destroy method.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeexpand ( p, animate, eOpts )

Fires before this panel is expanded. Return false to prevent the expand.


p :  Ext.panel.Panel

The Panel being expanded.

animate :  Boolean

True if the expand is animated, else false.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforehide ( this, eOpts )

Fires before the component is hidden when calling the hide method. Return false from an event handler to stop the hide.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeitemclick ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires before the click event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeitemcontextmenu ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires before the contextmenu event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeitemdblclick ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires before the dblclick event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeitemlongpress ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires before the longpress event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeitemmousedown ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeitemmouseenter ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires before the mouseenter event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeitemmouseleave ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires before the mouseleave event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeitemmouseup ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires before the mouseup event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeload ( store, operation, eOpts )

Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false the load action will be canceled.

Note: If you are using a buffered store, you should use beforeprefetch.


store :

This Store

operation :

The object that will be passed to the Proxy to load the Store

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforereconfigure ( this, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts )

Fires before a reconfigure to enable modification of incoming Store and columns.


this :  Ext.grid.Panel

store :

The store that was passed to the method-reconfigure method

columns :  Object[]

The column configs that were passed to the method-reconfigure method

oldStore :

The store that will be replaced

oldColumns :  Ext.grid.column.Column[]

The column headers that will be replaced.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeremove ( this, component, eOpts )

Fires before any Ext.Component is removed from the container. A handler can return false to cancel the remove.

Available since: 2.3.0


this :  Ext.container.Container

component :  Ext.Component

The component being removed

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforerender ( this, eOpts )

Fires before the component is rendered. Return false from an event handler to stop the method-render.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforerowbodyclick ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the click event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowbodycontextmenu ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the contextmenu event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowbodydblclick ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the dblclick event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowbodykeydown ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the keydown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowbodykeypress ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the keypress event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowbodykeyup ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the keyup event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowbodylongpress ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the longpress event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowbodymousedown ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowbodymouseup ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )
preventable prev

Fires before the mouseup event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

This action following this event is preventable. When any of the listeners returns false, the action is cancelled.

beforerowexit ( this, keyEvent, prevRow, nextRow, forward, eOpts )

Fired when View is asked to exit Actionable mode in the current row, and proceed to the previous/next row. If the handler returns false, View processing is aborted.


this :  Ext.view.Table

keyEvent :  Ext.event.Event

The key event that caused navigation.

prevRow :  HTMLElement

Currently active table row.

nextRow :  HTMLElement

Table row that is going to be focused and activated.

forward :  Boolean

true if we're navigating forward (Tab), false if navigating backward (Shift-Tab).

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeselect ( this, record, index, eOpts )

Fired before a record is selected. If any listener returns false, the selection is cancelled.


this :  Ext.selection.RowModel

record :

The selected record

index :  Number

The row index selected

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeselectionextend ( grid, An, extension, eOpts )

An event fired when an extension block is extended using a drag gesture. Only fired when the SpreadsheetSelectionModel is used and configured with the extensible config.


grid :  Ext.panel.Table

The owning grid.

An :  Ext.grid.selection.Selection

object which encapsulates a contiguous selection block.

extension :  Object

An object describing the type and size of extension.

type :  String

"rows" or "columns"

start :  Ext.grid.CellContext

The start (top left) cell of the extension area.

end :  Ext.grid.CellContext

The end (bottom right) cell of the extension area.

columns :  Number (optional)

The number of columns extended (-ve means on the left side).

rows :  Number (optional)

The number of rows extended (-ve means on the top side).

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforeshow ( this, eOpts )

Fires before the component is shown when calling the show method. Return false from an event handler to stop the show.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforestaterestore ( this, state, eOpts )

Fires before the state of the object is restored. Return false from an event handler to stop the restore.


this :  Ext.state.Stateful

state :  Object

The hash of state values returned from the StateProvider. If this event is not vetoed, then the state object is passed to applyState. By default, that simply copies property values into this object. The method maybe overriden to provide custom state restoration.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

beforestatesave ( this, state, eOpts )

Fires before the state of the object is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.


this :  Ext.state.Stateful

state :  Object

The hash of state values. This is determined by calling getState() on the object. This method must be provided by the developer to return whatever representation of state is required, by default, Ext.state.Stateful has a null implementation.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

blur ( this, event, eOpts )

Fires when this Component's focusEl loses focus.


this :  Ext.Component

event :  Ext.event.Event

The blur event.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

boxready ( this, width, height, eOpts )

Fires one time - after the component has been laid out for the first time at its initial size.

This event does not fire on components that use cfg-liquidLayout, such as Ext.button.Button and Ext.form.field.Base.


this :  Ext.Component

width :  Number

The initial width.

height :  Number

The initial height.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

cellclick ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when table cell is clicked.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

cellcontextmenu ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when table cell is right clicked.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

celldblclick ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when table cell is double clicked.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

cellkeydown ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when the keydown event is captured on the cell.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

cellmousedown ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when the mousedown event is captured on the cell.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

cellmouseup ( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when the mouseup event is captured on the cell.


this :  Ext.view.Table

td :  HTMLElement

The TD element for the cell.

cellIndex :  Number

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the cell.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target cell.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

childmove ( this, component, prevIndex, newIndex, eOpts )

Fires after any Ext.Component has changed its ordinal position within the container.


this :  Ext.container.Container

component :  Ext.Component

The component that was moved

prevIndex :  Number

The previous ordinal position of the Component

newIndex :  Number

The new ordinal position of the Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

close ( panel, eOpts )

Fires when the user closes the panel.


panel :  Ext.panel.Panel

The Panel object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

collapse ( p, eOpts )

Fires after this Panel has collapsed.


p :  Ext.panel.Panel

The Panel that has been collapsed.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

columnhide ( ct, column, eOpts )


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The Column header Component which provides the column definition

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

columnmove ( ct, column, fromIdx, toIdx, eOpts )


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The Column header Component which provides the column definition

fromIdx :  Number

toIdx :  Number

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

columnresize ( ct, column, width, eOpts )


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The Column header Component which provides the column definition

width :  Number

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

columnschanged ( ct, eOpts )

Fired after the columns change in any way, when a column has been hidden or shown, or when a column is added to or removed from this header container.


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

columnshow ( ct, column, eOpts )


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The Column header Component which provides the column definition

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containerclick ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when the container is clicked.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containercontextmenu ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when the container is right clicked.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containerdblclick ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when the container is double clicked.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containerkeydown ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when a key is pressed down while the container is focused, and no item is currently selected.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object. Use getKey() to retrieve the key that was pressed.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containerkeypress ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when a key is pressed while the container is focused, and no item is currently selected.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object. Use getKey() to retrieve the key that was pressed.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containerkeyup ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when a key is released while the container is focused, and no item is currently selected.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object. Use getKey() to retrieve the key that was pressed.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containermousedown ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when there is a mousedown on the container


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containermouseout ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when you move the mouse out of the container.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containermouseover ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when you move the mouse over the container.


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

containermouseup ( this, e, eOpts )

Fires when there is a mouseup on the container


this :  Ext.view.View

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

deactivate ( this, eOpts )

Fires after a Component has been visually deactivated.

Note This event is only fired if this Component is a child of a Ext.container.Container that uses Ext.layout.container.Card as it's layout or this Component is a floating Component.


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

deselect ( this, record, index, eOpts )

Fired after a record is deselected


this :  Ext.selection.RowModel

record :

The deselected record

index :  Number

The row index deselected

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

destroy ( this, eOpts )

Fires after the component is method-destroyed.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

disable ( this, eOpts )

Fires after the component is disabled.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

dockedadd ( this, component, index, eOpts )

Fires when any Ext.Component is added or inserted as a docked item.


this :  Ext.panel.Panel

component :  Ext.Component

The component being added

index :  Number

The index at which the component will be added docked items collection

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

dockedremove ( this, component, eOpts )

Fires when any Ext.Component is removed from the docked items.


this :  Ext.panel.Panel

component :  Ext.Component

The component being removed

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

enable ( this, eOpts )

Fires after the component is enabled.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

expand ( p, eOpts )

Fires after this Panel has expanded.


p :  Ext.panel.Panel

The Panel that has been expanded.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

filteractivate ( this, column, eOpts )

Fires when an inactive filter becomes active

Available since: 6.5.0


this :  Ext.grid.filters.Filters

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

This filter's assigned column

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

filterchange ( store, filters, eOpts )

Fired whenever the filter set changes.


store :

The store.

filters :  Ext.util.Filter[]

The array of Filter objects.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

filterdeactivate ( this, column, eOpts )

Fires when an active filter becomes inactive

Available since: 6.5.0


this :  Ext.grid.filters.Filters

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

This filter's assigned column

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.


Fires after a collapsed Panel has been "floated" by clicking on it's header. Only applicable when the Panel is an item in a Ext.layout.container.Border.

focus ( this, event, eOpts )

Fires when this Component's focusEl receives focus.


this :  Ext.Component/Ext.Widget

event :  Ext.event.Event

The focus event.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

focusenter ( this, event, eOpts )

Fires when focus enters this Component's hierarchy.


this :  Ext.Component

event :  Ext.event.Event

The focusenter event.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

focusleave ( this, event, eOpts )

Fires when focus leaves this Component's hierarchy.


this :  Ext.Component

event :  Ext.event.Event

The focusleave event.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

glyphchange ( this, newGlyph, oldGlyph, eOpts )

Fired when the Panel glyph has been changed by the setGlyph method.


this :  Ext.panel.Panel

newGlyph :  Number/String

oldGlyph :  Number/String

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

groupchange ( store, grouper, eOpts )

Fired whenever the grouping in the grid changes.


store :

The store.

grouper :  Ext.util.Grouper

The grouper object.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

headerclick ( ct, column, e, t, eOpts )


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The Column header Component which provides the column definition

e :  Ext.event.Event

t :  HTMLElement

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

headercontextmenu ( ct, column, e, t, eOpts )


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The Column header Component which provides the column definition

e :  Ext.event.Event

t :  HTMLElement

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

headermenucreate ( grid, menu, headerCt, eOpts )

Fired immediately after the column header menu is created.


grid :  Ext.panel.Table

This grid instance

menu :

The Menu that was created

headerCt :  Ext.grid.header.Container

This header container

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

headertriggerclick ( ct, column, e, t, eOpts )


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The Column header Component which provides the column definition

e :  Ext.event.Event

t :  HTMLElement

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

hide ( this, eOpts )

Fires after the component is hidden. Fires after the component is hidden when calling the hide method.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

iconchange ( p, newIcon, oldIcon, eOpts )

Fires after the Panel icon has been set or changed.


p :  Ext.panel.Panel

The Panel which has the icon changed.

newIcon :  String

The path to the new icon image.

oldIcon :  String

The path to the previous panel icon image.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

iconclschange ( p, newIconCls, oldIconCls, eOpts )

Fires after the Panel iconCls has been set or changed.


p :  Ext.panel.Panel

The Panel which has the iconCls changed.

newIconCls :  String

The new iconCls.

oldIconCls :  String

The previous panel iconCls.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

itemclick ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires when an item is clicked. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

itemcontextmenu ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires when an item is right clicked. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

itemdblclick ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires when an item is double clicked. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

itemlongpress ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires on a longpress event on an item. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

itemmousedown ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires when there is a mouse down on an item Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

itemmouseenter ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires when the mouse enters an item. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

itemmouseleave ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires when the mouse leaves an item. Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

itemmouseup ( this, record, item, index, e, eOpts )

Fires when there is a mouse up on an item Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.


this :  Ext.view.View

record :

The record that belongs to the item

item :  HTMLElement

The item's element

index :  Number

The item's index

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

load ( this, records, successful, operation, eOpts )

Fires whenever the store reads data from a remote data source.

Note: If you are using a buffered store, you should use prefetch.


this :

records :[]

An array of records

successful :  Boolean

True if the operation was successful.

operation :

The object that was used in the data load call

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

lockcolumn ( this, column, eOpts )

Fires when a column is locked.


this :  Ext.grid.Panel

The gridpanel.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The column being locked.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

move ( this, x, y, eOpts )

Fires after the component is moved.


this :  Ext.Component

x :  Number

The new x position.

y :  Number

The new y position.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

processcolumns ( lockedColumns, normalColumns, eOpts )

Fires when the configured (or reconfigured) column set is split into two depending on the locked flag.


lockedColumns :  Ext.grid.column.Column[]

The locked columns.

normalColumns :  Ext.grid.column.Column[]

The normal columns.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

reconfigure ( this, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts )

Fires after a reconfigure.


this :  Ext.grid.Panel

store :

The store that was passed to the method-reconfigure method

columns :  Object[]

The column configs that were passed to the method-reconfigure method

oldStore :

The store that was replaced

oldColumns :  Ext.grid.column.Column[]

The column headers that were replaced.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

remove ( this, component, eOpts )

Fires after any Ext.Component is removed from the container.

Available since: 2.3.0


this :  Ext.container.Container

component :  Ext.Component

The component that was removed

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

removed ( this, ownerCt, eOpts )

Fires when a component is removed from an Ext.container.Container

Available since: 3.4.0


this :  Ext.Component

ownerCt :  Ext.container.Container

Container which holds the component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

render ( this, eOpts )

Fires after the component markup is rendered.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

resize ( this, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight, eOpts )

Fires after the component is resized. Note that this does not fire when the component is first laid out at its initial size. To hook that point in the life cycle, use the boxready event.

This event does not fire on components that use cfg-liquidLayout, such as Ext.button.Button and Ext.form.field.Base.


this :  Ext.Component

width :  Number

The new width that was set.

height :  Number

The new height that was set.

oldWidth :  Number

The previous width.

oldHeight :  Number

The previous height.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodyclick ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires when a row body element is clicked

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodycontextmenu ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires when a row body element is right clicked

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodydblclick ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires when a row body element is double clicked

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodykeydown ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires when a key is pressed down while a row body element is currently selected

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodykeypress ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires when a key is pressed while a row body element is currently selected.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodykeyup ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires when a key is released while a row body element is currently selected

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodylongpress ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires on a row body element longpress event

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodymousedown ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires when there is a mouse down on a row body element

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowbodymouseup ( view, rowBodyEl, e, eOpts )

Fires when there is a mouse up on a row body element

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used. Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action.

Note: This event is fired only when the Ext.grid.feature.RowBody feature is used.


view :  Ext.view.View

The rowbody's owning View

rowBodyEl :  HTMLElement

The row body's element

e :  Ext.event.Event

The raw event object

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowclick ( this, record, element, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when a table row is clicked.


this :  Ext.view.Table

record :

element :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the row.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target row.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowcontextmenu ( this, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when table row is right clicked.


this :  Ext.view.Table

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the row.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target row.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowdblclick ( this, record, element, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when table row is double clicked.


this :  Ext.view.Table

record :

element :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the row.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target row.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowkeydown ( this, record, element, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when the keydown event is captured on the row.


this :  Ext.view.Table

record :

element :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the row.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target row.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowmousedown ( this, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when the mousedown event is captured on the row.


this :  Ext.view.Table

record :

tr :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the row.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target row.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

rowmouseup ( this, record, element, rowIndex, e, eOpts )

Fired when the mouseup event is captured on the row.


this :  Ext.view.Table

record :

element :  HTMLElement

The TR element for the row.

rowIndex :  Number

e :  Ext.event.Event

position :  Ext.grid.CellContext

A CellContext object which defines the target row.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

select ( this, record, index, eOpts )

Fired after a record is selected


this :  Ext.selection.RowModel

record :

The selected record

index :  Number

The row index selected

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

selectionchange ( this, selected, eOpts )

Fired after a selection change has occurred


this :  Ext.selection.Model

selected :[]

The selected records

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

selectionextenderdrag ( grid, An, extension, eOpts )

An event fired when an extension block is dragged to encompass a new range. Only fired when the SpreadsheetSelectionModel is used and configured with the extensible config.


grid :  Ext.panel.Table

The owning grid.

An :  Ext.grid.selection.Selection

object which encapsulates a contiguous selection block.

extension :  Object

An object describing the type and size of extension.

type :  String

"rows" or "columns"

overCell :  HTMLElement

The grid cell over which the mouse is being dragged.

start :  Ext.grid.CellContext

The start (top left) cell of the extension area.

end :  Ext.grid.CellContext

The end (bottom right) cell of the extension area.

columns :  Number (optional)

The number of columns extended (-ve means on the left side).

rows :  Number (optional)

The number of rows extended (-ve means on the top side).

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

show ( this, eOpts )

Fires after the component is shown when calling the show method.

Available since: 1.1.0


this :  Ext.Component

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

sortchange ( ct, column, direction, eOpts )


ct :  Ext.grid.header.Container

The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The Column header Component which provides the column definition

direction :  String

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

staterestore ( this, state, eOpts )

Fires after the state of the object is restored.


this :  Ext.state.Stateful

state :  Object

The hash of state values returned from the StateProvider. This is passed to applyState. By default, that simply copies property values into this object. The method maybe overridden to provide custom state restoration.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

statesave ( this, state, eOpts )

Fires after the state of the object is saved to the configured state provider.


this :  Ext.state.Stateful

state :  Object

The hash of state values. This is determined by calling getState() on the object. This method must be provided by the developer to return whatever representation of state is required, by default, Ext.state.Stateful has a null implementation.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

titlechange ( p, newTitle, oldTitle, eOpts )

Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.


p :  Ext.panel.Panel

the Panel which has been resized.

newTitle :  String

The new title.

oldTitle :  String

The previous panel title.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.


Fires after a "floated" Panel has returned to it's collapsed state as a result of the mouse leaving the Panel. Only applicable when the Panel is an item in a Ext.layout.container.Border.

unlockcolumn ( this, column, eOpts )

Fires when a column is unlocked.


this :  Ext.grid.Panel

The gridpanel.

column :  Ext.grid.column.Column

The column being unlocked.

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

viewready ( this, eOpts )

Fires when the grid view is available (use this for selecting a default row).


this :  Ext.panel.Table

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

theme variables

$border-width-threshold : Number

The maximum width a Panel's border can be before resizer handles are embedded into the borders using negative absolute positions.

This defaults to 2, so that in the classic theme which uses 1 pixel borders, resize handles are in the content area within the border as they always have been.

In the Neptune theme, the handles are embedded into the 5 pixel wide borders of any framed panel.

Defaults to:


$grid-lockable-body-border-width : Number

The border-width of the lockable grid body border

Defaults to:


$grid-lockable-header-menu-lock-glyph : String / list

Glyph for the grid header menu "lock" icon when Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons is true.

Defaults to:

$fa-var-lock $grid-header-menu-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family

$grid-lockable-header-menu-unlock-glyph : String / list

Glyph for the grid header menu "unlock" icon when Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons is true.

Defaults to:

$fa-var-unlock $grid-header-menu-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family

$grid-lockable-separator-border-color : String

The border-color of the border between the locked views. Defaults to the panel border color. May be overridden in a theme.

Defaults to:


$grid-lockable-separator-border-style : String

The border-style of the border between the locked views

Defaults to:


$grid-lockable-separator-border-width : Number

The width of the border between the locked views

Defaults to:


$include-panel-default-framed-ui : Boolean

True to include the "default-framed" panel UI

Defaults to:


$include-panel-default-ui : Boolean

True to include the "default" panel UI

Defaults to:


$include-panel-light-framed-ui : Boolean

True to include the "light-framed" panel UI

Defaults to:


$include-panel-light-ui : Boolean

True to include the "light" panel UI

Defaults to:


$panel-background-stretch-bottom : String

The direction to strech the background-gradient of bottom docked Headers when slicing images for IE using Sencha Cmd

Defaults to:


$panel-background-stretch-left : String

The direction to strech the background-gradient of left docked Headers when slicing images for IE using Sencha Cmd

Defaults to:


$panel-background-stretch-right : String

The direction to strech the background-gradient of right docked Headers when slicing images for IE using Sencha Cmd

Defaults to:


$panel-background-stretch-top : String

The direction to strech the background-gradient of top docked Headers when slicing images for IE using Sencha Cmd

Defaults to:


$panel-base-color : color

The base color of Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-body-background-color : color

The default body background-color of Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-body-border-color : color

The default border-color of the Panel body

Defaults to:


$panel-body-border-style : String

The default border-style of Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-body-border-width : Number

The default border-width of the Panel body

Defaults to:


$panel-body-color : color

The default color of text inside a Panel's body

Defaults to:


$panel-body-font-family : String

The default font-family of the Panel body

Defaults to:


$panel-body-font-size : Number

The default font-size of the Panel body

Defaults to:


$panel-body-font-weight : String

The default font-weight of the Panel body

Defaults to:


$panel-border-color : color

The default border-color of Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-border-width : Number

The default border-width of Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-background-color : color

The background-color of framed Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-base-color : color

The base color of the framed Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-body-border-width : Number

The border-width of the body element of framed Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-border-color : color

The border-color of framed Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-border-radius : Number

The border-radius of framed Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-border-style : String

The border-style of framed Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-border-width : Number

The border-width of framed Panels

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-header-border-width : Number

The border-width of framed Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-header-inner-border-color : color

The inner border-color of framed Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-header-inner-border-width : Number

The inner border-width of framed Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-header-padding : Number / list

The padding of framed Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-frame-padding : Number

The padding of framed Panels.

The padding value must be equal to or greater than value specified in the $panel-frame-border-radius variable (or the maximum value if corner values are specified individually). See also: $panel-ignore-frame-padding

Defaults to:


$panel-ghost-opacity : Number

The opacity of ghost Panels while dragging

Defaults to:


$panel-header-background-color : color

The background-color of the Panel Header

Defaults to:


$panel-header-background-gradient : String / list

The background-gradient of the Panel Header. Can be either the name of a predefined gradient or a list of color stops. Used as the $type parameter for Global_CSS#background-gradient.

Defaults to:


$panel-header-border-color : color

The border-color of the Panel Header

Defaults to:


$panel-header-border-style : String

The border-style of Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-header-border-width : Number

The border-width of Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-header-color : color

The text color of the Panel Header

Defaults to:


$panel-header-focus-background-color : color

The background color of Panel title text when header is focused

Defaults to:


$panel-header-focus-color : color

The color of Panel title text when header is focused

Defaults to:


$panel-header-focus-outline-color : color

The color of the outline around focused Panel title

Defaults to:


$panel-header-focus-outline-offset : Number

The offset for focused Panel title outline

Defaults to:


$panel-header-focus-outline-style : String

The outline style of the focused Panel title

Defaults to:


$panel-header-focus-outline-width : Number

The outline width of the focused Panel title

Defaults to:


$panel-header-font-family : String

The font-family of Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-header-font-size : Number

The font-size of Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-header-font-weight : String

The font-weight of Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-header-glyph-color : color

The color of the Panel Header glyph icon

Defaults to:


$panel-header-glyph-opacity : Number

The opacity of the Panel Header glyph icon

Defaults to:


$panel-header-icon-background-position : list

The background-position of the Panel Header icon

Defaults to:

center center

$panel-header-icon-height : Number

The height of the Panel Header icon

Defaults to:


$panel-header-icon-spacing : Number

The space between the Panel Header icon and text

Defaults to:


$panel-header-icon-width : Number

The width of the Panel Header icon

Defaults to:


$panel-header-inner-border-color : color

The inner border-color of the Panel Header

Defaults to:


$panel-header-inner-border-width : Number

The inner border-width of the Panel Header

Defaults to:


$panel-header-line-height : Number

The line-height of Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-header-noborder-adjust : Boolean

True to adjust the padding of borderless panel headers so that their height is the same as the height of bordered panels. This is helpful when borderless and bordered panels are used side-by-side, as it maintains a consistent vertical alignment.

Defaults to:


$panel-header-padding : Number / list

The padding of Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-header-text-margin : Number / list

The margin of the Panel Header's text element

Defaults to:


$panel-header-text-padding : Number / list

The padding of the Panel Header's text element

Defaults to:


$panel-header-text-transform : String

The text-transform of Panel Headers

Defaults to:


$panel-ignore-frame-padding : Boolean

True to ignore the frame padding. By default, the frame mixin adds extra padding when border radius is larger than border width. This is intended to prevent the content from colliding with the rounded corners of the frame. Set this to true to prevent the panel frame from adding this extra padding.

Note: This var is not applicable to IE8 & IE9.

Defaults to:


$panel-include-border-management-rules : Boolean

True to include neptune style border management rules.

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-background-image : String

The background sprite to use for Panel Ext.panel.Tool

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-focus-background-color : color

The background color of focused Panel tool

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-focus-background-image : String

The background sprite to use for focused Panel tools

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-focus-color : color

The text color of focused Panel tool glyph

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-focus-outline-color : color

The color of the outline around Panel Ext.panel.Tool when focused

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-focus-outline-offset : Number

The outline-offset of Panel Ext.panel.Tool when focused

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-focus-outline-style : String

The outline-style of Panel Ext.panel.Tool when focused

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-focus-outline-width : Number

The outline-width of Panel Ext.panel.Tool when focused

Defaults to:


$panel-tool-spacing : Number

The space between the Panel Ext.panel.Tool

Defaults to:


$panel-wrap-border-color : color

The color to apply to the border that wraps the body and docked items in a framed panel. The presence of the wrap border in a framed panel is controlled by the border config. Only applicable when $panel-include-border-management-rules is true.

Defaults to:


$panel-wrap-border-width : Number

The width to apply to the border that wraps the body and docked items in a framed panel. The presence of the wrap border in a framed panel is controlled by the border config. Only applicable when $panel-include-border-management-rules is true.

Defaults to:


theme mixins

extjs-panel-ui ( ...list... )

Creates a visual theme for a Panel.

Note: When using frame: true, this mixin call creates a UI property with the name and a "-framed" suffix.

For example, Panel's UI will be set to "highlight-framed" if frame:true.


$ui :  String

The name of the UI being created. Can not included spaces or special punctuation (used in CSS class names).

$ui-border-color :  color (optional)

The border-color of the Panel

Defaults to: $panel-border-color

$ui-border-radius :  Number (optional)

The border-radius of the Panel

Defaults to: $panel-border-radius

$ui-border-width :  Number (optional)

The border-width of the Panel

Defaults to: $panel-border-width

$ui-padding :  Number (optional)

The padding of the Panel

Defaults to: $panel-padding

$ui-header-color :  color (optional)

The text color of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-color

$ui-header-font-family :  String (optional)

The font-family of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-font-family

$ui-header-font-size :  Number (optional)

The font-size of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-font-size

$ui-header-font-weight :  String (optional)

The font-weight of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-font-weight

$ui-header-line-height :  Number (optional)

The line-height of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-line-height

$ui-header-border-color :  color (optional)

The border-color of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-border-color

$ui-header-border-width :  Number (optional)

The border-width of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-border-width

$ui-header-border-style :  String (optional)

The border-style of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-border-style

$ui-header-background-color :  color (optional)

The background-color of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-background-color

$ui-header-background-gradient :  String/list (optional)

The background-gradient of the Header. Can be either the name of a predefined gradient or a list of color stops. Used as the $type parameter for Global_CSS#background-gradient.

Defaults to: $panel-header-background-gradient

$ui-header-inner-border-color :  color (optional)

The inner border-color of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-inner-border-color

$ui-header-inner-border-width :  Number (optional)

The inner border-width of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-inner-border-width

$ui-header-focus-outline-color :  color (optional)

The color of the outline around focused Panel title

$ui-header-focus-outline-style :  String (optional)

The outline style of the focused Panel title

$ui-header-focus-outline-width :  Number (optional)

The width of the focused Panel title outline

$ui-header-focus-outline-offset :  Number (optional)

The offset for focused Panel title outline

$ui-header-focus-color :  color (optional)

The color of the Panel title text when header is focused

$ui-header-focus-background-color :  color (optional)

The background color of Panel title text when header is focused

$ui-header-text-padding :  Number/list (optional)

The padding of the Header's text element

Defaults to: $panel-header-text-padding

$ui-header-text-margin :  Number/list (optional)

The margin of the Header's text element

Defaults to: $panel-header-text-margin

$ui-header-text-transform :  String (optional)

The text-transform of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-text-transform

$ui-header-padding :  Number/list (optional)

The padding of the Header

Defaults to: $panel-header-padding

$ui-header-icon-width :  Number (optional)

The width of the Header icon

Defaults to: $panel-header-icon-width

$ui-header-icon-height :  Number (optional)

The height of the Header icon

Defaults to: $panel-header-icon-height

$ui-header-icon-spacing :  Number (optional)

The space between the Header icon and text

Defaults to: $panel-header-icon-spacing

$ui-header-icon-background-position :  list (optional)

The background-position of the Header icon

Defaults to: $panel-header-icon-background-position

$ui-header-glyph-color :  color (optional)

The color of the Header glyph icon

Defaults to: $panel-header-glyph-color

$ui-header-glyph-opacity :  Number (optional)

The opacity of the Header glyph icon

Defaults to: $panel-header-glyph-opacity

$ui-header-noborder-adjust :  Number (optional)

True to adjust the padding of borderless panel headers so that their height is the same as the height of bordered panels. This is helpful when borderless and bordered panels are used side-by-side, as it maintains a consistent vertical alignment.

Defaults to: $panel-header-noborder-adjust

$ui-tool-spacing :  Number (optional)

The space between the Panel Ext.panel.Tool

Defaults to: $panel-tool-spacing

$ui-tool-background-image :  String (optional)

The background sprite to use for Panel Ext.panel.Tool

Defaults to: $panel-tool-background-image

$ui-tool-glyph-color :  color (optional)

The color to use for tool icons when Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons is true.

Defaults to: $tool-glyph-color

$ui-tool-focus-outline-color :  color (optional)

The color of the outline around Panel Ext.panel.Tool when focused

Defaults to: $panel-tool-focus-outline-color

$ui-tool-focus-outline-style :  String (optional)

The outline-style of Panel Ext.panel.Tool when focused

Defaults to: $panel-tool-focus-outline-style

$ui-tool-focus-outline-width :  Number (optional)

The outline-width of Panel Ext.panel.Tool when focused

Defaults to: $panel-tool-focus-outline-width

$ui-tool-focus-outline-offset :  Number (optional)

The outline-offset of Panel Ext.panel.Tool when focused

Defaults to: $panel-tool-focus-outline-offset

$ui-tool-focus-color :  color (optional)

The text color of the focused Panel tool glyph

$ui-tool-focus-background-color :  color (optional)

The background color of the focused Panel tool

$ui-tool-focus-background-image :  String (optional)

The sprite to use for focused Panel tools

$ui-body-color :  color (optional)

The color of text inside the Panel body

Defaults to: $panel-body-color

$ui-body-border-color :  color (optional)

The border-color of the Panel body

Defaults to: $panel-body-border-color

$ui-body-border-width :  Number (optional)

The border-width of the Panel body

Defaults to: $panel-body-border-width

$ui-body-border-style :  String (optional)

The border-style of the Panel body

Defaults to: $panel-body-border-style

$ui-body-background-color :  color (optional)

The background-color of the Panel body

Defaults to: $panel-body-background-color

$ui-body-font-size :  Number (optional)

The font-size of the Panel body

Defaults to: $panel-body-font-size

$ui-body-font-weight :  String (optional)

The font-weight of the Panel body

Defaults to: $panel-body-font-weight

$ui-background-stretch-top :  String (optional)

The direction to strech the background-gradient of top docked Headers when slicing images for IE using Sencha Cmd

Defaults to: $panel-background-stretch-top

$ui-background-stretch-bottom :  String (optional)

The direction to strech the background-gradient of bottom docked Headers when slicing images for IE using Sencha Cmd

Defaults to: $panel-background-stretch-bottom

$ui-background-stretch-right :  String (optional)

The direction to strech the background-gradient of right docked Headers when slicing images for IE using Sencha Cmd

Defaults to: $panel-background-stretch-right

$ui-background-stretch-left :  String (optional)

The direction to strech the background-gradient of left docked Headers when slicing images for IE using Sencha Cmd

Defaults to: $panel-background-stretch-left

$ui-include-border-management-rules :  Boolean (optional)

True to include neptune style border management rules.

Defaults to: $panel-include-border-management-rules

$ui-wrap-border-color :  color (optional)

The color to apply to the border that wraps the body and docked items in a framed panel. The presence of the wrap border in a framed panel is controlled by the border config. Only applicable when $ui-include-border-management-rules is true.

Defaults to: $panel-wrap-border-color

$ui-wrap-border-width :  color (optional)

The width to apply to the border that wraps the body and docked items in a framed panel. The presence of the wrap border in a framed panel is controlled by the border config. Only applicable when $ui-include-border-management-rules is true.

Defaults to: $panel-wrap-border-width

$ui-ignore-frame-padding :  Boolean (optional)

True to ignore the frame padding. By default, the frame mixin adds extra padding when border radius is larger than border width. This is intended to prevent the content from colliding with the rounded corners of the frame. Set this to true to prevent the panel frame from adding this extra padding.

Defaults to: $panel-ignore-frame-padding

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