Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a
configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias
(or xtype
if the
class extends Ext.Component). The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of
applicable classes for quick reference.
Framework classes or their members may be specified as private
or protected
. Else,
the class / member is public
. Public
, protected
, and private
are access
descriptors used to convey how and when the class or class member should be used.
Public classes and class members are available for use by any other class or application code and may be relied upon as a stable and persistent within major product versions. Public classes and members may safely be extended via a subclass.
Protected class members are stable public
members intended to be used by the
owning class or its subclasses. Protected members may safely be extended via a subclass.
Private classes and class members are used internally by the framework and are not intended to be used by application developers. Private classes and members may change or be omitted from the framework at any time without notice and should not be relied upon in application logic.
label next to the
method name. *See Static below.Below is an example class member that we can disect to show the syntax of a class member (the lookupComponent method as viewed from the Ext.button.Button class in this case).
Let's look at each part of the member row:
in this example)( item )
in this example)Ext.Component
in this case). This may be omitted for methods that do not
return anything other than undefined
or may display as multiple possible values
separated by a forward slash /
signifying that what is returned may depend on the
results of the method call (i.e. a method may return a Component if a get method calls is
successful or false
if unsuccessful which would be displayed as
this example - see the Flags section below)Ext.container.Container
in this example). The source
class will be displayed as a blue link if the member originates from the current class
and gray if it is inherited from an ancestor or mixed-in class.view source
in the example)item : Object
in the example).undefined
a "Returns" section
will note the type of class or object returned and a description (Ext.Component
in the
example)Available since 3.4.0
- not pictured in
the example) just after the member descriptionDefaults to: false
)The API documentation uses a number of flags to further commnicate the class member's function and intent. The label may be represented by a text label, an abbreviation, or an icon.
is returned from
an event handler- Indicates a framework class
- A singleton framework class. *See the singleton flag for more information
- A component-type framework class (any class within the Ext JS framework that extends Ext.Component)
- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version
- Indicates a class member of type config
- Indicates a class member of type property
- Indicates a class member of type
- Indicates a class member of type event
- Indicates a class member of type
theme variable
- Indicates a class member of type
theme mixin
- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version
Just below the class name on an API doc page is a row of buttons corresponding to the types of members owned by the current class. Each button shows a count of members by type (this count is updated as filters are applied). Clicking the button will navigate you to that member section. Hovering over the member-type button will reveal a popup menu of all members of that type for quick navigation.
Getting and setter methods that correlate to a class config option will show up in the methods section as well as in the configs section of both the API doc and the member-type menus just beneath the config they work with. The getter and setter method documentation will be found in the config row for easy reference.
Your page history is kept in localstorage and displayed (using the available real estate) just below the top title bar. By default, the only search results shown are the pages matching the product / version you're currently viewing. You can expand what is displayed by clicking on the button on the right-hand side of the history bar and choosing the "All" radio option. This will show all recent pages in the history bar for all products / versions.
Within the history config menu you will also see a listing of your recent page visits. The results are filtered by the "Current Product / Version" and "All" radio options. Clicking on the button will clear the history bar as well as the history kept in local storage.
If "All" is selected in the history config menu the checkbox option for "Show product details in the history bar" will be enabled. When checked, the product/version for each historic page will show alongside the page name in the history bar. Hovering the cursor over the page names in the history bar will also show the product/version as a tooltip.
Both API docs and guides can be searched for using the search field at the top of the page.
On API doc pages there is also a filter input field that filters the member rows using the filter string. In addition to filtering by string you can filter the class members by access level, inheritance, and read only. This is done using the checkboxes at the top of the page.
The checkbox at the bottom of the API class navigation tree filters the class list to include or exclude private classes.
Clicking on an empty search field will show your last 10 searches for quick navigation.
Each API doc page (with the exception of Javascript primitives pages) has a menu view of metadata relating to that class. This metadata view will have one or more of the following:
class has an alternate class name of Ext.Button
). Alternate class
names are commonly maintained for backward compatibility.Runnable examples (Fiddles) are expanded on a page by default. You can collapse and expand example code blocks individually using the arrow on the top-left of the code block. You can also toggle the collapse state of all examples using the toggle button on the top-right of the page. The toggle-all state will be remembered between page loads.
Class members are collapsed on a page by default. You can expand and collapse members using the arrow icon on the left of the member row or globally using the expand / collapse all toggle button top-right.
Viewing the docs on narrower screens or browsers will result in a view optimized for a smaller form factor. The primary differences between the desktop and "mobile" view are:
The class source can be viewed by clicking on the class name at the top of an API doc page. The source for class members can be viewed by clicking on the "view source" link on the right-hand side of the member row.
This class provides methods specific to Ext JS Buttons (Ext.button.Button
Defaults to:
{ addEvent: function(config, timeout) { var me = this; me.setRelated('item', config.item); me.locator ='asComponent', { visible: null, animation: false, timeout: timeout })); return this; } }
Schedules an event to locate a hierarchical component/element
Defaults to:
{ addEvent: function(config, timeout) { var me = this, rec = me._buildRec('element', { timeout: timeout, target: config.locator }); config.locatorChain.push({ direction: config.direction, locator:, futureClsName: me.$className, type: (!me.$futureType || me.$futureType === 'element') ? 'element' : 'component' }); me.root = config.locatorChain; me.locatorChain = config.locatorChain; me.locator =, config)); return me; } }
maker : Object
direction : Object
locator : Object
timeout : Object
Called internally by and()
Will return the valueProperty
of the currently "active" future
For in-browser tests, this could be an Ext JS Component, an ST.Element, or a full future
For WebDriver-based tests, this will always be the future
if config is a function, the playable will extend ST.playable.State and the provided function will be the "is" function.
name : Object
config : Object
Schedules arbitrary actions for later execution. Often these actions are added to the queue following click or other interactions in order to test an expectation.
For example:
click(10, 10).
and(function (el) {
// Runs after the click event. We receive the ST.Element
// wrapper for the "some-div" element.
The future's value is passed as the first argument. For an Element future the arg will be an ST.Element, for components it will be various things, typically the component instance itself. If the scenario is a WebDriver scenario the arg will be the current future such as ST.future.Element above.
The function's scope is set to the playable which includes a reference to the future so the code above could be re-written as:
click(10, 10).
and(function () {
Functions that need to perform asynchronous actions can declare a 2nd argument (typically called "done").
click(10, 10).
function (el, done) {
callback: function () {
Multiple actions can be listed in a single call. Asynchronous actions can override the timeout by specifying a number as the previous argument.
For example:
click(10, 10).
1000, // timeout for following async steps in this and()
function (el, done) {
callback: function () {
function (el) {
fnOrTimeout : Number/Function...
One or more functions to invoke or timeout values. For functions, the 1st argument will be the future value such as ST.Element or an Ext.Component or the future itself in the case of WebDriver scenarios. The scope of functions will be the playable event itself. To access the future use this.future. Functions that declare a 2nd argument must call the provided function to indicate that they are complete. Timeout values affect subsequent asynchronous functions and override the timeout. These timeouts only apply to functions passed in the current call.
Returns the owning ST.future.Item
. This method can be called at any time
to "return" to the owning future. For example:
item(42). // get a future item (ST.future.Item)
asButton(). // get item as a button (ST.future.Button)
press(). // operates on the ST.future.Button
asItem(); // now back to the item
This method is only applicable in conjuction with Ext JS Modern Toolkit (or Sencha Touch) when
using an Ext.dataview.DataView that is configured with useComponents:true
Waits for this element to become blurred.
and(function (el) {
// el is now blurred
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a direct child ST.future.Element
that corresponds to the selector.
and(function (element) {
// element is now available
If the specified selector cannot be resolved, the request will timeout.
selector : String
The DOM or Composite query selector to use to search for the element
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Schedules a click action at the specified relative coordinates.
click(10, 10);
Or for a Component:
click(10, 10);
This future will wait for the element to be visible before performing the click action.
Note that x, y and button args are not honored for WebDriver scenarios.
x : Number
The number of pixels from the left edge of the element.
y : Number
The number of pixels from the top edge of the element.
button : Number (optional)
The mouse button code for the click.
Defaults to: 0
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Schedules this button's menu to be hidden. This only applies to Ext JS / Classic toolkit buttons and not in the Modern toolkit or Sencha Touch.
and(function (button) {
// button's menu is hidden
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this button's menu to be hidden. This only applies to Ext JS / Classic toolkit buttons and not in the Modern toolkit or Sencha Touch.
and(function (button) {
// button's menu is now hidden
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's innerHTML
to match the specified value.
click(10, 10).
content('Hello <b>world</b>');
Available since: 1.0.1
html : String
The html to match.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's innerHTML
to be empty.
click(10, 10).
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's innerHTML
to match the specified RegExp pattern
click(10, 10).
pattern : RegExp/String
The pattern to match. If this is a String, it
is first promoted to a RegExp
by called new RegExp(pattern)
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's innerHTML
to be non-empty.
click(10, 10).
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's innerHTML
to not match the specified RegExp pattern
click(10, 10).
pattern : RegExp/String
The pattern to match. If this is a String, it
is first promoted to a RegExp
by called new RegExp(pattern)
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this component to be destroyed.
and(function (cmp) {
// cmp is now destroyed
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Schedules this component to be disabled.
and(function (cmp) {
// cmp has now been disabled.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this component to be disabled.
and(function (cmp) {
// cmp is now disabled
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for the document.readyState to be the specified state.
Available since: 2.0.0
state : String (optional)
Defaults to: "complete"
Returns a descendant ST.future.Element
that corresponds to the selector.
down('panel >> .link').
and(function (element) {
// element is now available
If the specified selector cannot be resolved, the request will timeout.
selector : String
The DOM or Composite query selector to use to search for the element
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a ST.future.Element used to queue operations for when that element becomes available (rendered to the page). The element does not need to be visible for this future to complete.
Once a future is returned from this method, it is typically used to describe some sequence of actions, wait for state transitions and perform inspections.
click(10, 10).
and(function (el) { ... });
locator : String
See ST.Locator for supported syntax.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for the element.
Schedules this component to be enabled.
and(function (cmp) {
// cmp has now been enabled.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this component to be enabled.
and(function (cmp) {
// cmp is now enabled
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Executes the provided function in the browser under test. Be aware that with WebDriver scenarios the scope of the function is not related to the scope of the test code. The following will not work:
var foo = '1';
ST.execute(function () {
Because the bar foo is in the test scope but the function is executed in the browser under test.
For in-browser scenarios the code above will work.
If the provided function returns a value it will be set on the current future's data as the property 'executeResult'.
.execute(function () {
return 'foo';
.and(function (future) {
Similarly if any errors are thrown in the provided function the error will be set on the future's data as the property 'executeError'.
.execute(function () {
throw 'foo';
.and(function (future) {
For the function, the 1st argument will be the future value such as ST.Element or an Ext.Component or the future itself in the case of WebDriver scenarios. The scope of functions will be the playable event itself. To access the future use this.future.
Available since: 2.0.0
fn : Function
the function to execute in the browser under test
Schedules this button's menu to be shown. This only applies to Ext JS / Classic toolkit buttons and not in the Modern toolkit or Sencha Touch.
and(function (button) {
// button's menu is shown
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this button's menu to be shown. This only applies to Ext JS / Classic toolkit buttons and not in the Modern toolkit or Sencha Touch.
and(function (button) {
// button's menu is now visible
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Schedules an expectation on a getter or property of the given component or element future. The expect() call returns a set of matchers. The matcher funtions return the current future for further chaining.
The string property name is used to get properties from the future and it's underlying Ext.Component or dom.
new Ext.Container({ id: 'my-container', renderTo: Ext.getBody(), height: 100 })
ST.component('@my-container') // component getter .expect('XTypes').toBe('component/box/container')
// component property
// dom property
// computed style
Custom jasmine matchers are included. "not" is supported. Other matchers such as jasmine.any(
Available since: 2.0.0
property : String
name to compare against
Object resembling jasmine Expectation class as documented here href="" class="external-link" target="_blank">}
Calls the fireEvent method on this future's component with the given event name. Passing other arguments to the fireEvent method is not supported at this time.
This was introduced to help in white-box style testing for WebDriver scenarios. So that we could put special test-related event handlers on components and fire them from a test.
Ext.define('my.Text', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Text',
xtype: 'my-text',
id: 'someCmp',
fieldLable: 'My Text Field',
listeners: {
test: function () {
Available since: 2.0.0
Schedules the component to receive the focus.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element to become focused.
and(function (el) {
// el is now focused
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Retrieves the values of the specified list of properties from the future's underlying component or dom element. These values will then be available on the future itself (for example, to be used in expectations within an and() method).
This method is particularly useful for WebDriver-based tests where direct access to Ext JS components is not possible within the context of the executed spec.
.and(function () {
The property names will be used to get information from the component or underlying dom element according to the following priority.
For the property name 'foo':
Investigating deep into the structure of a component is not supported. If you wish to interrogate the structure of the component use either the ST.future.Element#and or ST.future.Element#execute methods.
properties : String
A comma-delimited list of property values to retrieive
Convenience method for retrieving data from the future. The data object is used by get and expect to store retrieved properties on the future.
name : String (optional)
Provide the name of a key to scope the results, otherwise the full data object will be returned
Convenience method for retrieving related futures from the future.
name : String (optional)
Provide the name of a future to scope the results, otherwise the full "related" map will be returned
Returns the title of the current document as the first arg of the provided callback function.
.getTitle(function (title) {
Available since: 2.0.0
callback : Function
function to receive the title of the current document
Returns the current url of the target browser as the first arg of the provided callback function.
ST.navigate('') .getUrl(function (url) { expect(url).toContain('duckduckgo'); });
Available since: 2.0.0
callback : Function
The callback function to execute when the url has been determined
Returns a {@ST.future.Button}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (button) {
// button is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.CheckBox}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (checkbox) {
// checkbox is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.ComboBox}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (combobox) {
// combobox is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.Component}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (container) {
// container is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.Panel}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (dataview) {
// dataview is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.Field}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (field) {
// field is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.Panel}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (grid) {
// grid is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.Panel}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (panel) {
// panel is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.Picker}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (picker) {
// picker is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.Select}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (select) {
// select is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns a {@ST.future.TextField}
future component that is hierarchically-related to the current component future
and(function (textfield) {
// textfield is now available
selector : String
The Component Query selector.
direction : "down"/"up"/"child" (optional)
The direction of relationship.
Defaults to: "down"
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element to have a specified CSS class.
and(function (el) {
// el now has a "foo" class
cls : String
The class name to test.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element to not have a specified CSS class.
and(function (el) {
// el now does not have a "foo" class
cls : String
The class name to test.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Schedules this button to be pressed. This only applies to Ext JS / Classic and Modern toolkit toggle buttons (as of version 6.0.2) and not in Sencha Touch.
and(function (button) {
// button has now been pressed.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this button to be pressed. This only applies to Ext JS / Classic and Modern toolkit toggle buttons (as of version 6.0.2) and not in Sencha Touch.
and(function (button) {
// button is now pressed
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element to be removed from the document.
and(function (el) {
// el is now removed from the document
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this component to be rendered. This wait method only works when
the ST.component
method is given an un-rendered Component instance. If a
locator string is used, the ST.component
method will implicitly wait for
the Component's element to be present in the DOM (i.e., the component is in
a rendered state).
Since this wait is normally handled by the ST.component
method, this wait
method is seldom needed.
ST.component(comp). // comp is an unrendered Component instance
and(function () {
// comp is now rendered
NOTE: This method is not supported for WebDriver-based tests.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Takes a snapshot of the viewport and compares it to the associated baseline image.
click(10, 10).
Can also be used directly from the ST namespace and chained with other futures API methods:
ST.screenshot('first',10,10000). // tolerance=10, timeout=10000 (10 seconds)
screenshot('second',20); // tolerance=20, timeout=30000 (default)
To support the 1.0.x API as well as for flexibility the second parameter can be a callback function, though the preferred usage is chaining as above.
ST.screenshot('third', function () {
// the screenshot has been taken!
name : String (optional)
for the snapshot filename. Default is an incremental number for the current test run.
callback : Function (optional)
Optional callback for when the screenshot is complete.
tolerance : Number (optional)
Optional the maximum number of different pixels the current snapshot can have compared to the baseline image before the method will cause the test to fail.
Defaults to: 0
timeout : Number (optional)
Optional The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Defaults to: 30000
Convenience method for setting key/value pairs on the future's data object. The data object is used by get and expect to store retrieved properties on the future.
name : String/Object
The name of the key to set, or an object of key-value pairs to set
value : Object
The value to set on the data object
Convenience method for creating a lasting relationship between two futures
name : String (optional)
The name of the key for the value, or an object of related futures
future : ST.future.Component/ST.future.Element
The future to which the relationship should be made
Sets the size of the browser viewport. This method has no effect on in-browser tests when the browser wasn't launched via WebDriver, and it is particulary useful to ensure that compared screenshots have the same dimensions.
ST.setViewportSize(1024, 768)
width : Number
height : Number
Waits for this element's textContent
to match the specified string.
click(10, 10).
text('Hello world');
Available since: 1.0.1
text : String
The text to match.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's textContent
to be empty.
click(10, 10).
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's textContent
to match the specified RegExp pattern
click(10, 10).
pattern : RegExp/String
The pattern to match. If this is a String, it
is first promoted to a RegExp
by called new RegExp(pattern)
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's textContent
to be non-empty.
click(10, 10).
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element's textContent
to not match the specified RegExp pattern
click(10, 10).
textNotLike(/hello/i, 200);
pattern : RegExp/String
The pattern to match. If this is a String, it
is first promoted to a RegExp
by called new RegExp(pattern)
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Expects the last method to timeout and adds a test result explaining the desired state. Such as:
expected timeout waiting for '[input]' to be ready for element
Available since: 2.0.0
Schedules a "type" action at the specified relative coordinates. This method assumes you have already achieved correct focus of the target and that the target is visible. If the target is not visible this future will timeout.
type('Hello world');
If first argument is an object, it should be a ST.playable.Playable
config object for a type="type"
event. In this case, all other arguments are
To specify a location in the input to insert text, the type object accepts a caret property:
type('Hllo world').
text: 'e',
caret: 1
which would insert the 'e' after the first character. Likewise, specifying a range:
type('H1234 world').
text: 'ello',
caret: [1,4]
would overwrite any text in the given range.
text : String
The text to type.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for the typing to finish.
Schedules this button to be unpressed. This only applies to Ext JS / Classic and Modern toolkit toggle buttons (as of version 6.0.2) and not in Sencha Touch.
and(function (button) {
// button has now been unpressed.
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this button to be unpressed. This only applies to Ext JS / Classic and Modern toolkit toggle buttons (as of version 6.0.2) and not in Sencha Touch.
and(function (button) {
// button is now unpressed
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Returns an ancestor ST.future.Element
that corresponds to the selector.
and(function (element) {
// element is now available
If the specified selector cannot be resolved, the request will timeout.
selector : String
The DOM or Composite query selector to use to search for the element
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Waits for this element to become visible.
Event injection methods automatically wait for target visibility, however, if
using and
sequences explicitly waiting for visibility may be necessary.
and(function (el) {
// el is now visible
timeout : Number (optional)
The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
Schedules a wait a specified amount of time (in milliseconds) or until a provided function returns a truthy value. Note that there is no practical use for using a function in a WebDriver scenario test because these functions are executed in the test context and not in the target browser where the application under test is.
For example:
click(10, 10).
wait(100). // wait 100ms
and(function (el) {
// Runs after the click event. We receive the ST.Element
// wrapper for the "some-div" element.
Sometimes the condition on which a wait is based cannot be handles via callbacks or events and must be polled. That is, one must check and re-check at some short interval to determine if the condition is satisfied.
For example:
var t = 0;
setTimeout(function () {
t = 1;
}, 1000);
click(10, 10).
wait(function (el) {
// this test method ignores the el (ST.Element) argument
// for demonstration purposes.
return t;
and(function (el) {
// Runs after the click event and when t is truthy. We receive the
// ST.Element wrapper for the "some-div" element.
These can be combined as needed.
click(10, 10).
wait(200, // wait 200ms
function (el) {
return t; // poll this one until it is truthy
300, // wait 300ms
'Something interest', // message for the next fn's timeout reason
function (el) {
return el.somethingInteresting();
and(function (el) {
delayOrPollFn : Number/String/Function...
One or more millisecond delays, functions to poll for truthy return value or timeout messages for said functions.