See: Description
Class | Description |
AutoProgressBar |
An auto mode progress bar widget.
CollapsePanel |
Acts as a stand-in for a collapsed
ContentPanel . |
ColorPalette |
A cell component that displays a palette of colors and allows the user to
select one.
ColorPaletteCell |
A Cell Widget representing a palette of colors.
Component |
Base class for all GXT widgets.
ComponentHelper |
Provides access to package protected methods of widget and convenience methods for easier
widget bookkeeping.
Composite |
A component that wraps another component / widget, hiding the wrapped components
public API.
ContentPanel |
ContentPanel is a component container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the
perfect building block for application-oriented user interfaces.
DatePicker |
A date picker that displays a calendar for the specified month and provides
the user the ability to select the month, year and day.
DatePicker.DatePickerDateTimeFormatInfo |
Provides the date time info constants the date picker.
Dialog |
Window with specialized support for buttons. |
FocusManagerSupport |
Component support class for Focus Manager.
FramedPanel |
A ContentPanel that internally uses a @link
FramedPanel.FramedPanelAppearance . |
Header |
A custom widget that supports an icon, text, and tool area.
ListView<M,N> |
ListView provides support for displaying a list of data. |
ListViewSelectionModel<M> |
ListView selection model.
ModalPanel |
A panel that grays out the view port and displays a widget above it.
ModalPanel.ModalPanelDefaultAppearance | |
PlainTabPanel |
TabPanel with a plain tab bar, with no background behind each tab. |
Popup |
A panel that can be displayed over other widgets.
Portlet |
A framed panel that is managed by a
PortalLayoutContainer . |
ProgressBar |
An manual mode updateable progress bar widget.
Resizable |
Applies drag handles to a widget to make it resizable.
Slider |
Lets the user select a value by sliding an indicator within a bounded range.
SplitBar |
Creates a draggable splitter on the side of a widget.
Status |
A widget that displays a status message and icon, typically used in a tool
TabItemConfig |
Config object which controls the content and behavior of a widget in a
TabPanel |
A basic tab container.
WidgetComponent |
Creates a widget from a widget.
Window |
A specialized content panel intended for use as an application window.
WindowManager |
An object that represents a group of
Widget instances and provides
z-order management and window activation behavior. |
Enum | Description |
DatePicker.DateState | |
Dialog.PredefinedButton |
The predefined buttons supported by this dialog window.
Resizable.Dir |
The location of the resize handle in standard compass points.
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