Interface | Description |
Appendable |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
AutoCloseable |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
CharSequence |
Abstracts the notion of a sequence of characters.
Cloneable |
Indicates that a class implements
clone() . |
Comparable<T> |
An interface used a basis for implementing custom ordering.
Iterable<T> |
Allows an instance of a class implementing this interface to be used in the
foreach statement.
Runnable |
Encapsulates an action for later execution.
Class | Description |
AbstractStringBuilder |
A base class to share implementation between
StringBuffer and StringBuilder . |
Appendable |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
ArithmeticException |
NOTE: in GWT this is only thrown for division by zero on longs and
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
NOTE: in GWT this will never be thrown for normal array accesses, only for
explicit throws.
ArrayStoreException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
AssertionError |
Represents an error caused by an assertion failure.
AutoCloseable |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Boolean |
Wraps native
boolean as an object. |
Boolean |
Wraps native
boolean as an object. |
Byte |
Wraps native
byte as an object. |
Byte |
Wraps native
byte as an object. |
Character |
Wraps a native
char as an object. |
Character |
Wraps a native
char as an object. |
CharSequence |
Abstracts the notion of a sequence of characters.
Class |
Generally unsupported.
Class<T> |
Generally unsupported.
ClassCastException |
Indicates failure to cast one type into another.
Cloneable |
Indicates that a class implements
clone() . |
CloneNotSupportedException |
the official Java API doc for details.
Comparable |
An interface used a basis for implementing custom ordering.
Double |
Wraps a primitive
double as an object. |
Double |
Wraps a primitive
double as an object. |
Enum |
The first-class representation of an enumeration.
Enum<E extends Enum<E>> |
The first-class representation of an enumeration.
Error |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Exception |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Float |
Wraps a primitive
float as an object. |
Float |
Wraps a primitive
float as an object. |
HasCharSequenceTypeMarker | |
HasComparableTypeMarker | |
IllegalArgumentException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
IllegalStateException |
Indicates that an objet was in an invalid state during an attempted
IndexOutOfBoundsException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Integer |
Wraps a primitive
int as an object. |
Integer |
Wraps a primitive
int as an object. |
InterruptedException |
Minimal emulation of
InterruptedException , that should
only be used in method signatures. |
Iterable |
Allows an instance of a class implementing this interface to be used in the
foreach statement.
JsException |
Abstracts an object thrown natively in JavaScript.
Long |
Wraps a primitive
long as an object. |
Long |
Wraps a primitive
long as an object. |
Math |
Math utility methods and constants.
Math |
Math utility methods and constants.
NegativeArraySizeException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
NoSuchMethodException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
NullPointerException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Number |
Abstract base class for numeric wrapper classes.
Number |
Abstract base class for numeric wrapper classes.
NumberFormatException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Object |
The superclass of all other types.
Object |
The superclass of all other types.
Runnable |
Encapsulates an action for later execution.
RuntimeException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
SecurityException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Short |
Wraps a primitive
short as an object. |
Short |
Wraps a primitive
short as an object. |
StackTraceElement |
Included for hosted mode source compatibility.
StackTraceElement |
Included for hosted mode source compatibility.
String |
Intrinsic string class.
String |
Intrinsic string class.
StringBuffer |
A fast way to create strings using multiple appends.
StringBuffer |
A fast way to create strings using multiple appends.
StringBuilder |
A fast way to create strings using multiple appends.
StringBuilder |
A fast way to create strings using multiple appends.
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
System |
General-purpose low-level utility methods.
System |
General-purpose low-level utility methods.
ThreadLocal |
Provides an implementation of
ThreadLocal for GWT. |
ThreadLocal<T> |
Provides an implementation of
ThreadLocal for GWT. |
Throwable |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Throwable |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
UnsupportedOperationException |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Void |
For JRE compatibility.
Void |
For JRE compatibility.
Error | Description |
AssertionError |
Represents an error caused by an assertion failure.
Error |
See the
official Java API doc for details.
Annotation Type | Description |
Deprecated |
A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers are
discouraged from using, typically because it is dangerous, or because a
better alternative exists.
Deprecated |
A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers are
discouraged from using, typically because it is dangerous, or because a
better alternative exists.
FunctionalInterface |
Used to declare interfaces which must have a single abstract method.
FunctionalInterface |
Used to declare interfaces which must have a single abstract method.
Override |
Indicates that a method definition is intended to override a declaration from
a superclass.
Override |
Indicates that a method definition is intended to override a declaration from
a superclass.
SafeVarargs |
Claims to the compiler that the annotation target does nothing potentially unsafe
to its varargs argument.
SafeVarargs |
Claims to the compiler that the annotation target does nothing potentially unsafe
to its varargs argument.
SuppressWarnings |
Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the
annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated
SuppressWarnings |
Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the
annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated
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