Interface | Description |
OptionAllowJDTConstantInlining |
Whether constant inlining is done at the AST construction time or not.
OptionBindAddress |
Controls what local address to bind to.
OptionCheckedMode |
An option controlling whether to add runtime checks for programmer errors,
to emulate the runtime checking that Java would do.
OptionClosureFormattedOutput |
Encapsulates a compiler option to enable JavaScript output to be
formatted for post-compilation by Closure Compiler.
OptionClusterSimilarFunctions |
Option to determine whether the compiler should cluster functions together in the output file
whose source code is very similar, to increase the efficiency of compression.
OptionCompilerMetricsEnabled |
Option for enabling Compiler Metrics.
OptionDeployDir |
Option to set the base directory for artifacts of visibility "Deploy".
OptionDisableClassMetadata |
Encapsulates a compiler option to disable
Class.getName() . |
OptionDisableUpdateCheck |
Option to set the compiler working directory.
OptionEnableAssertions |
Option to determine whether the compiler should generate code to check
OptionEnableGeneratingOnShards |
Enables running generators on compile shards rather than during the
Precompile stage.
OptionEnableGeneratorResultCaching |
Encapsulates a compiler option to enable generator result caching.
OptionExtraDir |
Option to set the output directory for extra artifacts.
OptionFinalProperties |
Option providing a set of properties representing the final property state that will be reached
at the root of a library compile tree.
OptionFragmentCount |
Option to try keeping the number of fragments below certain number.
OptionFragmentsMerge |
Enable the new code splitter that auto-partitions.
OptionGenDir |
Option to set the generated resource directory.
OptionGenerateJsInteropExports |
An option to enable/disable/filter JsInterop export generation.
OptionIncrementalCompile |
Whether recompiles should process only changed files and construct JS output by
linking old and new JS on a per class basis.
OptionInlineLiteralParameters |
Option to determine whether the compiler should replace function parameters that are only ever
passed the same literal value, with that same literal value.
OptionJsonSoycEnabled |
Option to request the SOYC Compile Report output in the new json format.
OptionLocalWorkers |
Controls the number of local PermutationWorkers to be used.
OptionLogLevel |
Option to set the tree logger log level.
OptionMethodNameDisplayMode |
Option to set the what is mapping mode for function names in chrome dev tools.
OptionModuleName |
Option to set the module name.
OptionModulePathPrefix |
Option to set the module path prefix.
OptionNamespace |
An option that controls how the GWT compiler splits up JavaScript globals
into namespaces.
OptionOptimize |
An option that can indicates to restrict optimization in favor of a
faster compile time.
OptionOptimizeDataflow |
Option to determine whether the compiler should optimize dataflow.
OptionOrdinalizeEnums |
Option to determine whether the compiler should rewrite enums as ints to save space.
OptionOutDir |
Option to set the output directory.
OptionPerm |
Handles options for which permutation to compile.
OptionRemoveDuplicateFunctions |
Option to determine whether the compiler should remove duplicate functions.
OptionRunAsyncEnabled |
An option to control whether or not runAsync code-splitting will be employed
by the compilation.
OptionSaveSource |
This option specifies whether the GWT compiler should save Java source code for a debugger
to read when debugging a GWT application.
OptionSaveSourceOutput |
This option specifies where the GWT compiler should write source code for a debugger
to read when debugging a GWT application.
OptionScriptStyle |
Option for setting the compiler output style.
OptionSetProperties |
Option to set property values.
OptionSourceLevel |
An option that can indicates the Java source level compatibility.
OptionSourceMapFilePrefix |
Specifies a prefix that a debugger should add to the beginning of each
filename in a sourcemap to determine the file's full URL.
OptionSoycDetailed |
Option to request extra Compile Report (SOYC) output at the expense of more compile time.
OptionSoycEnabled |
Option for enabling Story Of Your Compile data-collection.
OptionSoycHtmlDisabled |
Option for disabling SOYC HTML report generation
OptionStrict |
Option for enforcing strict compiles.
OptionUseDetailedTypeIds |
Whether type ids in the compilation output should be detailed or not.
OptionValidateOnly |
Option to set whether the compiler should validate and then quit.
OptionWarDir |
Option to set the output directory.
OptionWorkDir |
Option to set the compiler working directory.
Class | Description |
ArgHandlerBindAddress |
Handles the -bindAddress command line flag.
ArgHandlerClosureFormattedOutput |
Enables Javascript output suitable for post compilation by closure.
ArgHandlerCompileReport |
Enables Story Of Your Compile data-collection.
ArgHandlerCompilerMetrics |
Enables Compiler Metrics.
ArgHandlerDeployDir |
Argument handler for processing the deploy directory flag.
ArgHandlerDisableCastChecking |
Enables run-time cast checking.
ArgHandlerDisableClassMetadata |
Includes metadata for class name methods.
ArgHandlerDisableClusterSimilarFunctions |
Clusters similar functions in the output to improve compression.
ArgHandlerDisableGeneratingOnShards |
An undocumented option to disable running generators on CompilePerms shards.
ArgHandlerDisableInlineLiteralParameters |
Inlines literal parameters to shrink function declarations and provide more deadcode elimination
ArgHandlerDisableOptimizeDataflow |
Analyzes and optimizes dataflow.
ArgHandlerDisableOrdinalizeEnums |
Ordinalizes enums to reduce some large strings.
ArgHandlerDisableRemoveDuplicateFunctions |
Removes duplicate functions to shrink output.
ArgHandlerDisableRunAsync |
Splits code on runAsync boundaries.
ArgHandlerDisableSoycHtml |
Collects SOYC metrics and output in xml but not html format.
ArgHandlerDisableUpdateCheck |
Checks to see if an updated version of GWT is available.
ArgHandlerDraftCompile |
Compiles quickly with minimal optimizations.
ArgHandlerDumpSignatures |
Argument handler for processing the script style flag.
ArgHandlerEnableAssertions |
Includes assert statements in compiled output.
ArgHandlerEnableGeneratorResultCaching |
Caches results of generators with stable output.
ArgHandlerExtraDir |
Argument handler for processing the extra directory option.
ArgHandlerFilterJsInteropExports |
Add inclusion/exclusion patterns to the generation of JsInterop exports.
ArgHandlerFragmentCount |
An ArgHandler to provide the -XfragmentCount flag.
ArgHandlerFragmentMerge |
An ArgHandler to provide the -XfragmentMerge flag.
ArgHandlerGenDir |
Argument handler for processing the code generation directory flag.
ArgHandlerGenerateJsInteropExports |
Enable the generation of JsInterop exports.
ArgHandlerIncrementalCompile |
Whether recompiles should process only changed files and construct JS output by
linking old and new JS on a per class basis.
ArgHandlerIncrementalCompileWarnings | Deprecated |
ArgHandlerJsonSoyc |
Emits detailed compile-report information in the "Story Of Your Compile" in the new json format.
ArgHandlerLibraries | Deprecated |
ArgHandlerLink | Deprecated |
ArgHandlerLocalWorkers |
An arg handler to specify the number of local workers that should be used by
the compiler.
ArgHandlerLogLevel |
Argument handler for processing the log level flag.
ArgHandlerMethodNameDisplayMode |
Argument handler set setting the display name setting in the compiler.
ArgHandlerMissingDepsFile | Deprecated |
ArgHandlerModuleName |
Argument handler for one or more module names at the end of the command line.
ArgHandlerModulePathPrefix |
Argument handler for processing a prefix for the output directory.
ArgHandlerNamespace |
When enabled, the GWT compiler will place most JavaScript globals into
namespaces instead of putting them all on the "window" object.
ArgHandlerOptimize |
Set the optimization level from the command line.
ArgHandlerOutDir |
Argument handler for processing the output directory flag.
ArgHandlerOutputLibrary | Deprecated |
ArgHandlerOverlappingSourceWarnings | Deprecated |
ArgHandlerPerm |
Argument handler for specifying the which permutation to run.
ArgHandlerSaveSource |
Argument handler for processing the -saveSource option.
ArgHandlerSaveSourceOutput |
Argument handler for processing the -saveSourceOutput option.
ArgHandlerScriptStyle |
Argument handler for processing the script style flag.
ArgHandlerSetProperties |
An argument handler to parse the -setProperty argument.
ArgHandlerSourceLevel |
Set the Java source level compatibility.
ArgHandlerSoyc |
Generates the "Story Of Your Compile".
ArgHandlerSoycDetailed |
Emits extra, detailed compile-report information in the "Story Of Your Compile".
ArgHandlerStrict |
Fails compilation if any input file contains an error.
ArgHandlerStrictResources | Deprecated |
ArgHandlerValidateOnlyFlag |
Validates all source code, but does not compile it.
ArgHandlerWarDir |
Argument handler for processing the output directory flag.
ArgHandlerWorkDirOptional |
Argument handler for processing an optional working directory.
ArgHandlerWorkDirRequired |
Argument handler for processing a required work directory.
Enum | Description |
OptionMethodNameDisplayMode.Mode |
Specifies which level of displayNames the GWT compiler outputs for chrome dev tools.
SourceLevel |
Java source level compatibility constants.
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