Interface | Description |
ArrayTypeCreator |
ArrayTypeCreator is responsible for creating and caching array types.
CanBeAbstract |
Interfaces implemented by entities which can be abstract.
CanBeFinal |
Interface implemented by Java entities that can be final.
CanBeJsNative |
Interface implemented by Java entities that can be declared native in JsInterop.
CanBeSetFinal |
Characteristic interface to be overlaid on AST constructs that can retain a
boolean 'final' flag.
CanBeStatic |
Interface implemented by entities that maybe static.
CanHaveInitializer |
Interface implemented by Java entities that can have an initialization
CanHaveSuppressedWarnings |
Interface implemented by Java entities that can have SuppressWarnings.
Context |
The context in which a JNode visitation occurs.
HasEnclosingType |
Interface implemented by anything that can be enclosed by a type.
HasJsInfo |
Abstracts JsInterop information for the AST nodes.
HasJsName |
Abstracts JsInterop name related information for the AST nodes.
HasName |
Interface implemented by named entities.
HasType |
Interface implemented by Java entities that have a type associated with them.
JMember |
Abstracts class members (i.e.
Class | Description |
HasName.Util |
Collection of utilities to deal with HasName objects.
JAbstractMethodBody |
Represents a the body of a method.
JArrayLength |
Java array length expression.
JArrayRef |
Java array reference expression.
JArrayType |
Instances are shared.
JAssertStatement |
Java assert statement.
JBinaryOperation |
Binary operator expression.
JBlock |
A list of
JStatements . |
JBooleanLiteral |
Java boolean literal expression.
JBreakStatement |
Java break statement.
JCaseStatement |
Java case statement.
JCastMap |
A low-level node representing a castable type map.
JCastOperation |
Java cast expression.
JCharLiteral |
Java character literal expression.
JClassLiteral |
Java class literal expression.
JClassType |
Java class type reference expression.
JConditional |
Conditional expression.
JConstructor |
A Java constructor method.
JContinueStatement |
Java continue statement.
JDeclarationStatement |
Java initialized local variable statement.
JDeclaredType |
Base class for any declared type.
JDoStatement |
Java do statement.
JDoubleLiteral |
Java double literal expression.
JEnumField |
A field that is an enum constant.
JEnumType |
Java enum type reference expression.
JExpression |
Base class for all Java expressions.
JExpressionStatement |
Represents a statement that is an expression.
JField |
Java field definition.
JFieldRef |
Java field reference expression.
JFloatLiteral |
Java literal typed as a float.
JForStatement |
AST node representing a Java
for statement. |
JIfStatement |
Java if statement.
JInstanceOf |
Java instance of expression.
JInterfaceType |
Java interface type definition.
JIntLiteral |
Java integer literal expression.
JLabel |
Should we have a JLabelRef also?
JLabeledStatement |
Java statement that has an associated label.
JLiteral |
Base class for any Java literal expression.
JLocal |
Java local variable definition.
JLocalRef |
Java local variable reference.
JLongLiteral |
Java literal expression that evaluates to a Long.
JMethod |
A Java method implementation.
JMethod.Specialization |
AST representation of @SpecializeMethod.
JMethodBody |
Represents a the body of a method.
JMethodCall |
Java method call expression.
JModVisitor |
A visitor for iterating through and modifying an AST.
JNameOf |
An AST node whose evaluation results in the string name of its node.
JNewArray |
New array expression.
JNewInstance |
A new instance expression.
JNode |
Base class for all visitable AST nodes.
JNullLiteral |
Java null literal expression.
JNumericEntry |
A place order a numeric value in the AST.
JParameter |
Java method parameter definition.
JParameterRef |
Java method parameter reference expression.
JPermutationDependentValue |
Represents a GWT.create() or a GWT.getProperty call before deferred binding decisions are
JPostfixOperation |
Java postfix operation expression.
JPrefixOperation |
Java prefix operation expression.
JPrimitiveType |
Base class for all Java primitive types.
JProgram |
Root for the AST representing an entire Java program.
JReferenceType |
Base class for any reference type.
JReturnStatement |
Java method return statement.
JRunAsync |
Represents a GWT.runAsync() call.
JRuntimeTypeReference |
An AST node whose evaluation results in a runtime type reference of its node.
JStatement |
Java program statement.
JStringLiteral |
Java literal expression that evaluates to a string.
JSwitchStatement |
Java switch statement.
JThisRef |
Java method this (or super) expression.
JThrowStatement |
Java throw expression.
JTransformer<T> |
A base class for transformers from JNode.
JTryStatement |
Java try statement.
JTryStatement.CatchClause |
Represents the catch clause parts of the try statement.
JType |
Base class for any types entity.
JTypeOracle |
Oracle that can answer questions regarding the types in a program.
JTypeOracle.ImmediateTypeRelations |
All authorative information about the current program.
JTypeOracle.StandardTypes |
A collection of types that are required to correctly run JTypeOracle.
JUnaryOperation |
Java prefix or postfix operation expression.
JUnsafeTypeCoercion |
An unsafe type coercion (mostly resulting form the UncheckedCast annotation).
JValueLiteral |
Base class for any Java literal expression.
JVariable |
Base class for any storage location.
JVariableRef |
Base class for any reference to a
JVariable derived class. |
JVisitor |
A visitor for iterating through an AST.
JWhileStatement |
Java while statement.
RuntimeConstants |
Provides access to known types, methods and fields.
Enum | Description |
AccessModifier |
The Java access modifiers.
HasJsInfo.JsMemberType |
Indicates type of JsMember.
JBinaryOperator |
For precedence indices, see the Java Programming Language, 4th Edition, p.
JDeclaredType.NestedClassDisposition |
The types of nested classes,
JField.Disposition |
Determines whether the variable is final, volatile, or neither.
JProgram.DispatchType |
Encapsulates all information necessary to deal with native represented types in an
generic fashion used throughout GWT.
JUnaryOperator |
An enumeration of the available unary operators.
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