public interface SVGPathElement extends SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable
interface corresponds to the <path>
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SVGPathSegArcAbs |
createSVGPathSegArcAbs(float x,
float y,
float r1,
float r2,
float angle,
boolean largeArcFlag,
boolean sweepFlag)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float r1 The x-axis radius for the ellipse. float r2 The y-axis radius for the ellipse. float angle The rotation angle in degrees for the ellipse's x-axis relative to the x-axis of the user coordinate system. boolean largeArcFlag The value of the large-arc-flag parameter. boolean sweepFlag The value of the large-arc-flag parameter. |
SVGPathSegArcRel |
createSVGPathSegArcRel(float x,
float y,
float r1,
float r2,
float angle,
boolean largeArcFlag,
boolean sweepFlag)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The relative X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The relative Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float r1 The x-axis radius for the ellipse. float r2 The y-axis radius for the ellipse. float angle The rotation angle in degrees for the ellipse's x-axis relative to the x-axis of the user coordinate system. boolean largeArcFlag The value of the large-arc-flag parameter. boolean sweepFlag The value of the large-arc-flag parameter. |
SVGPathSegClosePath |
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object. |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(float x,
float y,
float x1,
float y1,
float x2,
float y2)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float x1 The absolute X coordinate for the first control point. float y1 The absolute Y coordinate for the first control point. float x2 The absolute X coordinate for the second control point. float y2 The absolute Y coordinate for the second control point. |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(float x,
float y,
float x1,
float y1,
float x2,
float y2)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The relative X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The relative Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float x1 The relative X coordinate for the first control point. float y1 The relative Y coordinate for the first control point. float x2 The relative X coordinate for the second control point. float y2 The relative Y coordinate for the second control point. |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(float x,
float y,
float x2,
float y2)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float x2 The absolute X coordinate for the second control point. float y2 The absolute Y coordinate for the second control point. |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(float x,
float y,
float x2,
float y2)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float x2 The absolute X coordinate for the second control point. float y2 The absolute Y coordinate for the second control point. |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(float x,
float y,
float x1,
float y1)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float x1 The absolute X coordinate for the first control point. float y1 The absolute Y coordinate for the first control point. |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(float x,
float y,
float x1,
float y1)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The relative X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The relative Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float x1 The relative X coordinate for the first control point. float y1 The relative Y coordinate for the first control point. |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(float x,
float y)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(float x,
float y)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegLinetoAbs |
createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(float x,
float y)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs |
createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(float x)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel |
createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(float x)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The relative X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegLinetoRel |
createSVGPathSegLinetoRel(float x,
float y)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The relative X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The relative Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs |
createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(float y)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel |
createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(float y)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float y The relative Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegMovetoAbs |
createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(float x,
float y)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The absolute X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The absolute Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegMovetoRel |
createSVGPathSegMovetoRel(float x,
float y)
Returns a stand-alone, parentless
object.Parameters: float x The relative X coordinate for the end point of this path segment. float y The relative Y coordinate for the end point of this path segment. |
SVGPathSegList |
getAnimatedNormalizedPathSegList() |
SVGPathSegList |
getAnimatedPathSegList() |
SVGPathSegList |
getNormalizedPathSegList() |
SVGAnimatedNumber |
Corresponds to attribute
pathLength on the given <path>
element. |
int |
getPathSegAtLength(float distance)
Returns the index into
pathSegList which is distance units along the path, utilizing the user agent's distance-along-a-path algorithm. |
SVGPathSegList |
getPathSegList() |
SVGPoint |
getPointAtLength(float distance)
Returns the (x,y) coordinate in user space which is distance units along the path, utilizing the browser's distance-along-a-path algorithm.
float |
Returns the computed value for the total length of the path using the browser's distance-along-a-path algorithm, as a distance in the current user coordinate system.
getId, getOwnerSVGElement, getViewportElement, getXmlbase, setId, setXmlbase
blur, click, focus, getAccessKey, getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getBoundingClientRect, getChildElementCount, getChildren, getClassList, getClassName, getClientHeight, getClientLeft, getClientRects, getClientTop, getClientWidth, getContentEditable, getDataset, getDir, getElementsByClassName, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getFirstElementChild, getInnerHTML, getInnerText, getLang, getLastElementChild, getNextElementSibling, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetLeft, getOffsetParent, getOffsetTop, getOffsetWidth, getOnabort, getOnbeforecopy, getOnbeforecut, getOnbeforepaste, getOnblur, getOnchange, getOnclick, getOncontextmenu, getOncopy, getOncut, getOndblclick, getOndrag, getOndragend, getOndragenter, getOndragleave, getOndragover, getOndragstart, getOndrop, getOnerror, getOnfocus, getOninput, getOninvalid, getOnkeydown, getOnkeypress, getOnkeyup, getOnload, getOnmousedown, getOnmousemove, getOnmouseout, getOnmouseover, getOnmouseup, getOnmousewheel, getOnpaste, getOnreset, getOnscroll, getOnsearch, getOnselect, getOnselectstart, getOnsubmit, getOntouchcancel, getOntouchend, getOntouchmove, getOntouchstart, getOnwebkitfullscreenchange, getOnwebkitfullscreenerror, getOuterHTML, getOuterText, getPreviousElementSibling, getScrollHeight, getScrollLeft, getScrollTop, getScrollWidth, getStyle, getTabIndex, getTagName, getTitle, getWebkitdropzone, getWebkitRegionOverflow, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, insertAdjacentElement, insertAdjacentHTML, insertAdjacentText, isContentEditable, isDraggable, isHidden, isSpellcheck, isTranslate, querySelector, querySelectorAll, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, scrollByLines, scrollByPages, scrollIntoView, scrollIntoView, scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, setAccessKey, setAttribute, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setClassName, setContentEditable, setDir, setDraggable, setHidden, setInnerHTML, setInnerText, setLang, setOnabort, setOnbeforecopy, setOnbeforecut, setOnbeforepaste, setOnblur, setOnchange, setOnclick, setOncontextmenu, setOncopy, setOncut, setOndblclick, setOndrag, setOndragend, setOndragenter, setOndragleave, setOndragover, setOndragstart, setOndrop, setOnerror, setOnfocus, setOninput, setOninvalid, setOnkeydown, setOnkeypress, setOnkeyup, setOnload, setOnmousedown, setOnmousemove, setOnmouseout, setOnmouseover, setOnmouseup, setOnmousewheel, setOnpaste, setOnreset, setOnscroll, setOnsearch, setOnselect, setOnselectstart, setOnsubmit, setOntouchcancel, setOntouchend, setOntouchmove, setOntouchstart, setOnwebkitfullscreenchange, setOnwebkitfullscreenerror, setOuterHTML, setOuterText, setScrollLeft, setScrollTop, setSpellcheck, setTabIndex, setTitle, setTranslate, setWebkitdropzone, webkitMatchesSelector, webkitRequestFullscreen, webkitRequestFullScreen
addEventListener, addEventListener, appendChild, cloneNode, compareDocumentPosition, contains, dispatchEvent, getAttributes, getBaseURI, getChildNodes, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentElement, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getTextContent, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, isDefaultNamespace, isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported, lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize, removeChild, removeEventListener, removeEventListener, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setTextContent
getRequiredExtensions, getRequiredFeatures, getSystemLanguage, hasExtension
getXmllang, getXmlspace, setXmllang, setXmlspace
getAnimatedClassName, getPresentationAttribute, getSvgStyle
getBBox, getCTM, getFarthestViewportElement, getNearestViewportElement, getScreenCTM, getTransformToElement
SVGPathSegList getAnimatedNormalizedPathSegList()
SVGPathSegList getAnimatedPathSegList()
SVGPathSegList getNormalizedPathSegList()
SVGAnimatedNumber getPathLength()
on the given <path>
element.SVGPathSegList getPathSegList()
SVGPathSegArcAbs createSVGPathSegArcAbs(float x, float y, float r1, float r2, float angle, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag)
object.float x
float y
float r1
float r2
float angle
boolean largeArcFlag
boolean sweepFlag
SVGPathSegArcRel createSVGPathSegArcRel(float x, float y, float r1, float r2, float angle, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag)
object.float x
float y
float r1
float r2
float angle
boolean largeArcFlag
boolean sweepFlag
SVGPathSegClosePath createSVGPathSegClosePath()
object.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
object.float x
float y
float x1
float y1
float x2
float y2
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
object.float x
float y
float x1
float y1
float x2
float y2
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(float x, float y, float x2, float y2)
object.float x
float y
float x2
float y2
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(float x, float y, float x2, float y2)
object.float x
float y
float x2
float y2
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(float x, float y, float x1, float y1)
object.float x
float y
float x1
float y1
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(float x, float y, float x1, float y1)
object.float x
float y
float x1
float y1
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(float x, float y)
object.float x
float y
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(float x, float y)
object.float x
float y
SVGPathSegLinetoAbs createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(float x, float y)
object.float x
float y
SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(float x)
object.float x
SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(float x)
object.float x
SVGPathSegLinetoRel createSVGPathSegLinetoRel(float x, float y)
object.float x
float y
SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(float y)
object.float y
SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(float y)
object.float y
SVGPathSegMovetoAbs createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(float x, float y)
object.float x
float y
SVGPathSegMovetoRel createSVGPathSegMovetoRel(float x, float y)
object.float x
float y
int getPathSegAtLength(float distance)
which is distance
units along the path, utilizing the user agent's distance-along-a-path algorithm.SVGPoint getPointAtLength(float distance)
float getTotalLength()
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