Docs Help

Terms, Icons, and Labels

Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias (or xtype if the class extends Ext.Component). The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of applicable classes for quick reference.

Access Levels

Framework classes or their members may be specified as private or protected. Else, the class / member is public. Public, protected, and private are access descriptors used to convey how and when the class or class member should be used.

Member Types

Member Syntax

Below is an example class member that we can disect to show the syntax of a class member (the lookupComponent method as viewed from the Ext.button.Button class in this case).

lookupComponent ( item ) : Ext.Component

Called when a raw config object is added to this container either during initialization of the items config, or when new items are added), or {@link #insert inserted.

This method converts the passed object into an instanced child component.

This may be overridden in subclasses when special processing needs to be applied to child creation.


item :  Object

The config object being added.


The component to be added.

Let's look at each part of the member row:

Member Flags

The API documentation uses a number of flags to further commnicate the class member's function and intent. The label may be represented by a text label, an abbreviation, or an icon.

Class Icons

- Indicates a framework class

- A singleton framework class. *See the singleton flag for more information

- A component-type framework class (any class within the Ext JS framework that extends Ext.Component)

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Member Icons

- Indicates a class member of type config

- Indicates a class member of type property

- Indicates a class member of type method

- Indicates a class member of type event

- Indicates a class member of type theme variable

- Indicates a class member of type theme mixin

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Class Member Quick-Nav Menu

Just below the class name on an API doc page is a row of buttons corresponding to the types of members owned by the current class. Each button shows a count of members by type (this count is updated as filters are applied). Clicking the button will navigate you to that member section. Hovering over the member-type button will reveal a popup menu of all members of that type for quick navigation.

Getter and Setter Methods

Getting and setter methods that correlate to a class config option will show up in the methods section as well as in the configs section of both the API doc and the member-type menus just beneath the config they work with. The getter and setter method documentation will be found in the config row for easy reference.

History Bar

Your page history is kept in localstorage and displayed (using the available real estate) just below the top title bar. By default, the only search results shown are the pages matching the product / version you're currently viewing. You can expand what is displayed by clicking on the button on the right-hand side of the history bar and choosing the "All" radio option. This will show all recent pages in the history bar for all products / versions.

Within the history config menu you will also see a listing of your recent page visits. The results are filtered by the "Current Product / Version" and "All" radio options. Clicking on the button will clear the history bar as well as the history kept in local storage.

If "All" is selected in the history config menu the checkbox option for "Show product details in the history bar" will be enabled. When checked, the product/version for each historic page will show alongside the page name in the history bar. Hovering the cursor over the page names in the history bar will also show the product/version as a tooltip.

Search and Filters

Both API docs and guides can be searched for using the search field at the top of the page.

On API doc pages there is also a filter input field that filters the member rows using the filter string. In addition to filtering by string you can filter the class members by access level, inheritance, and read only. This is done using the checkboxes at the top of the page.

The checkbox at the bottom of the API class navigation tree filters the class list to include or exclude private classes.

Clicking on an empty search field will show your last 10 searches for quick navigation.

API Doc Class Metadata

Each API doc page (with the exception of Javascript primitives pages) has a menu view of metadata relating to that class. This metadata view will have one or more of the following:

Expanding and Collapsing Examples and Class Members

Runnable examples (Fiddles) are expanded on a page by default. You can collapse and expand example code blocks individually using the arrow on the top-left of the code block. You can also toggle the collapse state of all examples using the toggle button on the top-right of the page. The toggle-all state will be remembered between page loads.

Class members are collapsed on a page by default. You can expand and collapse members using the arrow icon on the left of the member row or globally using the expand / collapse all toggle button top-right.

Desktop -vs- Mobile View

Viewing the docs on narrower screens or browsers will result in a view optimized for a smaller form factor. The primary differences between the desktop and "mobile" view are:

Viewing the Class Source

The class source can be viewed by clicking on the class name at the top of an API doc page. The source for class members can be viewed by clicking on the "view source" link on the right-hand side of the member row.

Ext JS 7.7.0 - Classic Toolkit


Ext.chart.axis.Time3D alias: axis.time3d

No members found using the current filters


Optional Configs

adjustByMajorUnit : Boolean

Whether to make the auto-calculated minimum and maximum of the axis a multiple of the interval between the major ticks of the axis. If majorTickSteps, minimum or maximum configs have been set, this config will be ignored. Defaults to 'true'. Note: this config has no effect if the axis is hidden.

Defaults to:


getAdjustByMajorUnit : Boolean

Returns the value of adjustByMajorUnit



setAdjustByMajorUnit (adjustByMajorUnit)

Sets the value of adjustByMajorUnit


adjustByMajorUnit :  Boolean

background : Object

The background config for the axis surface.

Defaults to:


getBackground : Object

Returns the value of background



setBackground (background)

Sets the value of background


background :  Object

center : Array
private pri

Center of the polar axis. WARNING: Meant to be set automatically by chart. Do not set it manually.

Defaults to:


getCenter : Array

Returns the value of center



setCenter (center)

Sets the value of center


center :  Array

chart : Ext.chart.AbstractChart
protected pro

The Chart that the Axis is bound.

Defaults to:


getChart : Ext.chart.AbstractChart

Returns the value of chart



setChart (chart)

Sets the value of chart


chart :  Ext.chart.AbstractChart

dateFormat : String / Boolean

Indicates the format the date will be rendered on. For example: 'M d' will render the dates as 'Jan 30', etc.

Defaults to:


getDateFormat : String / Boolean

Returns the value of dateFormat


String / Boolean

setDateFormat (dateFormat)

Sets the value of dateFormat


dateFormat :  String / Boolean

private pri

The depth of the axis. Determined automatically.

Defaults to:



Returns the value of depth


setDepth (depth)

Sets the value of depth


depth :  Object

expandRangeBy : Number
private pri

Defaults to:


getExpandRangeBy : Number

Returns the value of expandRangeBy



setExpandRangeBy (expandRangeBy)

Sets the value of expandRangeBy


expandRangeBy :  Number

fields : Array

An array containing the names of the record fields which should be mapped along the axis. This is optional if the binding between series and fields is clear.

Defaults to:


getFields : Array

Returns the value of fields



setFields (fields)

Sets the value of fields


fields :  Array

floating : Number / Object

If floating is a number, then it's a percentage displacement of the axis from its initial position in the direction opposite to the axis' direction. For instance, '{position:"left", floating:75}' displays a vertical axis at 3/4 of the chart, starting from the left. It is equivalent to '{position:"right", floating:25}'. If floating is an object, then floating.value is the position of this axis along another axis, defined by floating.alongAxis, where alongAxis is an ID, an Ext.chart.AbstractChart#axes config index, or the other axis itself. alongAxis must have an opposite alignment. For example:

 axes: [
         title: 'Average Temperature (F)',
         type: 'numeric',
         position: 'left',
         id: 'temperature-vertical-axis',
         minimum: -30,
         maximum: 130
         title: 'Month (2013)',
         type: 'category',
         position: 'bottom',
         floating: {
             value: 32,
             alongAxis: 'temperature-vertical-axis'

Defaults to:


getFloating : Number / Object

Returns the value of floating


Number / Object

setFloating (floating)

Sets the value of floating


floating :  Number / Object

fromDate : Date

The starting date for the time axis.

Defaults to:


getFromDate : Date

Returns the value of fromDate



setFromDate (fromDate)

Sets the value of fromDate


fromDate :  Date

grid : Object

The grid configuration object for the Axis style. Can contain stroke or fill attributes. Also may contain an odd or even property in which you only style things on odd or even rows. For example:

grid {
    odd: {
        stroke: '#555'
    even: {
        stroke: '#ccc'

Defaults to:


getGrid : Object

Returns the value of grid



setGrid (grid)

Sets the value of grid


grid :  Object

hidden : Boolean

Indicate whether to hide the axis. If the axis is hidden, one of the axis line, ticks, labels or the title will be shown and no margin will be taken. The coordination mechanism works fine no matter if the axis is hidden.

Defaults to:


getHidden : Boolean

Returns the value of hidden



setHidden (hidden)

Sets the value of hidden


hidden :  Boolean

id : String

The unique id of this axis instance.

getId String

Retrieves the id. This method Will auto-generate an id if one has not already been configured.




label : Object

The label configuration object for the Axis. This object may include style attributes like spacing, padding, font that receives a string or number and returns a new string with the modified values.

For more supported values, see the configurations for Ext.chart.sprite.Label.

Defaults to:


getLabel : Object

Returns the value of label



setLabel (label)

Sets the value of label


label :  Object

layout : Object / Ext.chart.axis.layout.Layout

The axis layout config. See Ext.chart.axis.layout.Layout

Defaults to:


setLayout (layout)

Sets the value of layout


layout :  Object / Ext.chart.axis.layout.Layout

length : Number
private pri

Length of the axis position. Equals to the size of inner rect on the docking side of this axis. WARNING: Meant to be set automatically by chart. Do not set it manually.

Defaults to:


getLength : Number

Returns the value of length



setLength (length)

Sets the value of length


length :  Number

limits : Array / Object

The limit lines configuration for the axis. For example:

limits: [{
    value: 50,
    line: {
        strokeStyle: 'red',
        lineDash: [6, 3],
        title: {
            text: 'Monthly minimum',
            fontSize: 14

Defaults to:


getLimits : Array / Object

Returns the value of limits


Array / Object

setLimits (limits)

Sets the value of limits


limits :  Array / Object

linkedTo : Ext.chart.axis.Axis / String / Number

Axis (itself, its ID or index) that this axis is linked to. When an axis is linked to a master axis, it will use the same data as the master axis. It can be used to show additional info, or to ease reading the chart by duplicating the scales.

Defaults to:


getLinkedTo : Ext.chart.axis.Axis / String / Number

Returns the value of linkedTo


Ext.chart.axis.Axis / String / Number

setLinkedTo (linkedTo)

Sets the value of linkedTo


linkedTo :  Ext.chart.axis.Axis / String / Number

listeners : Object

A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the addListener example for attaching multiple handlers at once.

DOM events from Ext JS Ext.Component

While some Ext JS Component classes export selected DOM events (e.g. "click", "mouseover" etc), this is usually only done when extra value can be added. For example the Ext.view.Views itemclick event passing the node clicked on. To access DOM events directly from a child element of a Component, we need to specify the element option to identify the Component property to add a DOM listener to:

new Ext.panel.Panel({
    width: 400,
    height: 200,
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype: 'toolbar'
    listeners: {
        click: {
            element: 'el', //bind to the underlying el property on the panel
            fn: function(){ console.log('click el'); }
        dblclick: {
            element: 'body', //bind to the underlying body property on the panel
            fn: function(){ console.log('dblclick body'); }

setListeners ( listeners )

An alias for addListener. In versions prior to 5.1, listeners had a generated setter which could be called to add listeners. In 5.1 the listeners config is not processed using the config system and has no generated setter, so this method is provided for backward compatibility. The preferred way of adding listeners is to use the on method.


listeners :  Object

The listeners

majorTickSteps : Number

Forces the number of major ticks to the specified value. Both minimum and maximum should be specified.

Defaults to:


getMajorTickSteps : Number

Returns the value of majorTickSteps



setMajorTickSteps (majorTickSteps)

Sets the value of majorTickSteps


majorTickSteps :  Number

margin : Number

The margin of the axis. Used to control the spacing between axes in charts with multiple axes. Unlike CSS where the margin is added on all 4 sides of an element, the margin is the total space that is added horizontally for a vertical axis, vertically for a horizontal axis, and radially for an angular axis.

Defaults to:


getMargin : Number

Returns the value of margin



setMargin (margin)

Sets the value of margin


margin :  Number

maximum : Number

The maximum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis maximum will be calculated automatically.

Defaults to:


getMaximum : Number

Returns the value of maximum



setMaximum (maximum)

Sets the value of maximum


maximum :  Number

maxZoom : Number

The maximum zooming level for axis.

Defaults to:


getMaxZoom : Number

Returns the value of maxZoom



setMaxZoom (maxZoom)

Sets the value of maxZoom


maxZoom :  Number

minimum : Number

The minimum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis minimum will be calculated automatically.

Defaults to:


getMinimum : Number

Returns the value of minimum



setMinimum (minimum)

Sets the value of minimum


minimum :  Number

minorTickSteps : Number

The number of small ticks between two major ticks.

Defaults to:


getMinorTickSteps : Number

Returns the value of minorTickSteps



setMinorTickSteps (minorTickSteps)

Sets the value of minorTickSteps


minorTickSteps :  Number

minZoom : Number

The minimum zooming level for axis.

Defaults to:


getMinZoom : Number

Returns the value of minZoom



setMinZoom (minZoom)

Sets the value of minZoom


minZoom :  Number

needHighPrecision : Boolean

Indicates that the axis needs high precision surface implementation. See Ext.draw.engine.Canvas#highPrecision

Defaults to:


getNeedHighPrecision : Boolean

Returns the value of needHighPrecision



setNeedHighPrecision (needHighPrecision)

Sets the value of needHighPrecision


needHighPrecision :  Boolean

position : String

Where to set the axis. Available options are left and bottom.

getPosition : String

Returns the value of position



setPosition (position)

Sets the value of position


position :  String

radius : Number
private pri

Radius of the polar axis. WARNING: Meant to be set automatically by chart. Do not set it manually.

Defaults to:


getRadius : Number

Returns the value of radius



setRadius (radius)

Sets the value of radius


radius :  Number

reconcileRange : Boolean

If 'true' the range of the axis will be a union of ranges of all the axes with the same direction. Defaults to 'false'.

Defaults to:


getReconcileRange : Boolean

Returns the value of reconcileRange



setReconcileRange (reconcileRange)

Sets the value of reconcileRange


reconcileRange :  Boolean

renderer : Function

Allows to change the text shown next to the tick.

Defaults to:



axis :  Ext.chart.axis.Axis

The axis.

label :  String/Number

The label.

layoutContext :  Object

The object that holds calculated positions of axis' ticks based on current layout, segmenter, axis length and configuration.

lastLabel :  String/Number/null

The last label (if any).



The label to display.

getRenderer : Function

Returns the value of renderer



setRenderer (renderer)

Sets the value of renderer


renderer :  Function

rotation : Number
private pri

Rotation of the polar axis in radians. WARNING: Meant to be set automatically by chart. Do not set it manually.

Defaults to:


getRotation : Number

Returns the value of rotation



setRotation (rotation)

Sets the value of rotation


rotation :  Number

segmenter : Object / Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Segmenter

The segmenter config. See Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Segmenter

Defaults to:


setSegmenter (segmenter)

Sets the value of segmenter


segmenter :  Object / Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Segmenter

style : Object

The style for the axis line and ticks. Refer to the Ext.chart.axis.sprite.Axis

Defaults to:


getStyle : Object

Returns the value of style



setStyle (style)

Sets the value of style


style :  Object

title : String / Object

The title for the Axis. If given a String, the 'text' attribute of the title sprite will be set, otherwise the style will be set.

Defaults to:


getTitle : String / Object

Returns the value of title


String / Object

setTitle (title)

Sets the value of title


title :  String / Object

titleMargin : Number

The margin around the axis title. Unlike CSS where the margin is added on all 4 sides of an element, the titleMargin is the total space that is added horizontally for a vertical title and vertically for an horizontal title, with half the titleMargin being added on either side.

Defaults to:


getTitleMargin : Number

Returns the value of titleMargin



setTitleMargin (titleMargin)

Sets the value of titleMargin


titleMargin :  Number

toDate : Date

The ending date for the time axis.

Defaults to:


getToDate : Date

Returns the value of toDate



setToDate (toDate)

Sets the value of toDate


toDate :  Date

private pri

Defaults to:



Returns the value of totalAngle


setTotalAngle (totalAngle)

Sets the value of totalAngle


totalAngle :  Object

visibleRange : Array

Specify the proportion of the axis to be rendered. The series bound to this axis will be synchronized and transformed accordingly.

Defaults to:


getVisibleRange : Array

Returns the value of visibleRange



setVisibleRange (visibleRange)

Sets the value of visibleRange


visibleRange :  Array


Instance Properties

private pri

Defaults to:


$configPrefixed : Boolean
private pri

The value true causes config values to be stored on instances using a property name prefixed with an underscore ("_") character. A value of false stores config values as properties using their exact name (no prefix).

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

$configStrict : Boolean
private pri

The value true instructs the initConfig method to only honor values for properties declared in the config block of a class. When false, properties that are not declared in a config block will be placed on the instance.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

$configTransforms : Object / Array
private pri

A prototype-chained object storing transform method names and priorities stored on the class prototype. On first instantiation, this object is converted into an array that is sorted by priority and stored on the constructor.

Defaults to:


private pri

Matches options property names within a listeners specification object - property names which are never used as event names.

Defaults to:

    scope: 1,
    delay: 1,
    buffer: 1,
    onFrame: 1,
    single: 1,
    args: 1,
    destroyable: 1,
    priority: 1,
    order: 1

private pri

We don't want the base destructor to clear the prototype because our destroyObservable handler must be called the very last. It will take care of the prototype after completing Observable destruction sequence.

Defaults to:


autoGenId : Boolean
private pri

true indicates an id was auto-generated rather than provided by configuration.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.7.0

clearPropertiesOnDestroy : Boolean / "async"
protected pro

Setting this property to false will prevent nulling object references on a Class instance after destruction. Setting this to "async" will delay the clearing for approx 50ms.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.2.0

clearPrototypeOnDestroy : Boolean
private pri

Setting this property to true will result in setting the object's prototype to null after the destruction sequence is fully completed. After that, most attempts at calling methods on the object instance will result in "method not defined" exception. This can be very helpful with tracking down otherwise hard to find bugs like runaway Ajax requests, timed functions not cleared on destruction, etc.

Note that this option can only work in browsers that support Object.setPrototypeOf method, and is only available in debugging mode.

Defaults to:


Available since: 6.2.0

destroyed : Boolean

This property is set to true after the destroy method is called.

Defaults to:


private pri

Initial suspended call count. Incremented when suspendEvents is called, decremented when resumeEvents is called.

Defaults to:


hasListeners : Object
readonly ro

This object holds a key for any event that has a listener. The listener may be set directly on the instance, or on its class or a super class (via observe) or on the The values of this object are truthy (a non-zero number) and falsy (0 or undefined). They do not represent an exact count of listeners. The value for an event is truthy if the event must be fired and is falsy if there is no need to fire the event.

The intended use of this property is to avoid the expense of fireEvent calls when there are no listeners. This can be particularly helpful when one would otherwise have to call fireEvent hundreds or thousands of times. It is used like this:

 if ( {
     this.fireEvent('foo', this, arg1);

isConfiguring : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This property is set to true during the call to initConfig.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

isFirstInstance : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This property is set to true if this instance is the first of its class.

Defaults to:


Available since: 5.0.0

isInstance : Boolean
readonly ro protected pro

This value is true and is used to identify plain objects from instances of a defined class.

Defaults to:


isObservable : Boolean

true in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Observable, or subclass thereof.

Defaults to:


range : Array
private pri

The full data range of the axis. Should not be set directly, Clear it to null and use getRange to update.

Defaults to:


self : Ext.Class
protected pro

Get the reference to the current class from which this object was instantiated. Unlike Ext.Base#statics, this.self is scope-dependent and it's meant to be used for dynamic inheritance. See Ext.Base#statics for a detailed comparison

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'

    constructor: function() {
        alert(this.self.speciesName); // dependent on 'this'

    clone: function() {
        return new this.self();

Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
    extend: 'My.Cat',
    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard' // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'

var cat = new My.Cat();                     // alerts 'Cat'
var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard();     // alerts 'Snow Leopard'

var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));             // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'

Defaults to:


Static Properties

static sta private pri

Defaults to:



Instance Methods

_addDeclaredListeners ( listeners ) : Boolean
private pri

Adds declarative listeners as nested arrays of listener objects.


listeners :  Array



true if any listeners were added

addDeprecations ( deprecations )
private pri

This method applies a versioned, deprecation declaration to this class. This is typically called by the deprecated config.


deprecations :  Object

addListener ( eventName, [fn], [scope], [options], [order] ) : Object
chainable ch

The on method is shorthand for addListener.

Appends an event handler to this object. For example:

myGridPanel.on("itemclick", this.onItemClick, this);

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:

    cellclick: this.onCellClick,
    select: this.onSelect,
    viewready: this.onViewReady,
    scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution

One can also specify options for each event handler separately:

    cellclick: {fn: this.onCellClick, scope: this, single: true},
    viewready: {fn: panel.onViewReady, scope: panel}

Names of methods in a specified scope may also be used:

    cellclick: {fn: 'onCellClick', scope: this, single: true},
    viewready: {fn: 'onViewReady', scope: panel}


eventName :  String/Object

The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names.

fn :  Function/String (optional)

The method the event invokes or the name of the method within the specified scope. Will be called with arguments given to Ext.util.Observable#fireEvent plus the options parameter described below.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing handler configuration.

Note: The options object will also be passed as the last argument to every event handler.

This object may contain any of the following properties:

scope :  Object

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

delay :  Number

The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.

single :  Boolean

True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.

buffer :  Number

Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an Ext.util.DelayedTask delayed by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original handler is not invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.

onFrame :  Number

Causes the handler to be scheduled to run at the next animation frame event. If the event fires again before that time, the handler is not rescheduled - the handler will only be called once when the next animation frame is fired, with the last set of arguments passed.

target :  Ext.util.Observable

Only call the handler if the event was fired on the target Observable, not if the event was bubbled up from a child Observable.

element :  String

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.Component. The name of a Component property which references an Ext.dom.Element to add a listener to.

This option is useful during Component construction to add DOM event listeners to elements of Ext.Component which will exist only after the Component is rendered.

For example, to add a click listener to a Panel's body:

  var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
      title: 'The title',
      listeners: {
          click: this.handlePanelClick,
          element: 'body'

In order to remove listeners attached using the element, you'll need to reference the element itself as seen below.


delegate :  String (optional)

A simple selector to filter the event target or look for a descendant of the target.

The "delegate" option is only available on Ext.dom.Element instances (or when attaching a listener to a Ext.dom.Element via a Component using the element option).

See the delegate example below.

capture :  Boolean (optional)

When set to true, the listener is fired in the capture phase of the event propagation sequence, instead of the default bubble phase.

The capture option is only available on Ext.dom.Element instances (or when attaching a listener to a Ext.dom.Element via a Component using the element option).

stopPropagation :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call stopPropagation on the event object before firing the handler.

preventDefault :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call preventDefault on the event object before firing the handler.

stopEvent :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call stopEvent on the event object before firing the handler.

args :  Array (optional)

Optional set of arguments to pass to the handler function before the actual fired event arguments. For example, if args is set to ['foo', 42], the event handler function will be called with an arguments list like this:

 handler('foo', 42, <actual event arguments>...);

destroyable :  Boolean (optional)

When specified as true, the function returns a destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. This syntax can be a helpful shortcut to using un; particularly when removing multiple listeners. NOTE - not compatible when using the element option. See un for the proper syntax for removing listeners added using the element config.

Defaults to:


priority :  Number (optional)

An optional numeric priority that determines the order in which event handlers are run. Event handlers with no priority will be run as if they had a priority of 0. Handlers with a higher priority will be prioritized to run sooner than those with a lower priority. Negative numbers can be used to set a priority lower than the default. Internally, the framework uses a range of 1000 or greater, and -1000 or lesser for handlers that are intended to run before or after all others, so it is recommended to stay within the range of -999 to 999 when setting the priority of event handlers in application-level code. A priority must be an integer to be valid. Fractional values are reserved for internal framework use.

order :  String (optional)

A legacy option that is provided for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use the priority option instead. Available options are:

  • 'before': equal to a priority of 100
  • 'current': equal to a priority of 0 or default priority
  • 'after': equal to a priority of -100

Defaults to:


order :  String (optional)

A shortcut for the order event option. Provided for backward compatibility. Please use the priority event option instead.

Defaults to: 'current'



Only when the destroyable option is specified.

A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. For example:

this.btnListeners =  = myButton.on({
    destroyable: true
    mouseover:   function() { console.log('mouseover'); },
    mouseout:    function() { console.log('mouseout'); },
    click:       function() { console.log('click'); }

And when those listeners need to be removed:




addManagedListener ( item, ename, [fn], [scope], [options] ) : Object

The addManagedListener method is used when some object (call it "A") is listening to an event on another observable object ("B") and you want to remove that listener from "B" when "A" is destroyed. This is not an issue when "B" is destroyed because all of its listeners will be removed at that time.


Ext.define('Foo', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component',

    initComponent: function () {
        this.addManagedListener(MyApp.SomeSharedMenu, 'show', this.doSomething);

As you can see, when an instance of Foo is destroyed, it ensures that the 'show' listener on the menu (MyApp.SomeGlobalSharedMenu) is also removed.

As of version 5.1 it is no longer necessary to use this method in most cases because listeners are automatically managed if the scope object provided to addListener is an Observable instance. However, if the observable instance and scope are not the same object you still need to use mon or addManagedListener if you want the listener to be managed.


item :  Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element

The item to which to add a listener/listeners.

ename :  Object/String

The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

fn :  Function/String (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the handler function or the name of a method on the specified scope.

scope :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

options :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the addListener options.



Only when the destroyable option is specified.

A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. For example:

this.btnListeners = myButton.mon({
    destroyable: true
    mouseover:   function() { console.log('mouseover'); },
    mouseout:    function() { console.log('mouseout'); },
    click:       function() { console.log('click'); }

And when those listeners need to be removed:




callOverridden ( args ) : Object
deprecated dep protected pro

Call the original method that was previously overridden with Ext.Base#override

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm a cat!");

    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
                          // alerts "I'm a cat!"
                          // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callOverridden(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the overridden method

Deprecated since version 4.1.0
Use method-callParent instead.

callParent ( args ) : Object
protected pro

Call the "parent" method of the current method. That is the method previously overridden by derivation or by an override (see Ext#define).

 Ext.define('My.Base', {
     constructor: function(x) {
         this.x = x;

     statics: {
         method: function(x) {
             return x;

 Ext.define('My.Derived', {
     extend: 'My.Base',

     constructor: function() {

 var obj = new My.Derived();

 alert(obj.x);  // alerts 21

This can be used with an override as follows:

 Ext.define('My.DerivedOverride', {
     override: 'My.Derived',

     constructor: function(x) {
         this.callParent([x*2]); // calls original My.Derived constructor

 var obj = new My.Derived();

 alert(obj.x);  // now alerts 42

This also works with static and private methods.

 Ext.define('My.Derived2', {
     extend: 'My.Base',

     // privates: {
     statics: {
         method: function(x) {
             return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Base.method

 alert(My.Base.method(10));     // alerts 10
 alert(My.Derived2.method(10)); // alerts 20

Lastly, it also works with overridden static methods.

 Ext.define('My.Derived2Override', {
     override: 'My.Derived2',

     // privates: {
     statics: {
         method: function(x) {
             return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Derived2.method

 alert(My.Derived2.method(10); // now alerts 40

To override a method and replace it and also call the superclass method, use method-callSuper. This is often done to patch a method to fix a bug.


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callParent(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the parent method

callSuper ( args ) : Object
protected pro

This method is used by an override to call the superclass method but bypass any overridden method. This is often done to "patch" a method that contains a bug but for whatever reason cannot be fixed directly.


 Ext.define('Ext.some.Class', {
     method: function() {

 Ext.define('Ext.some.DerivedClass', {
     extend: 'Ext.some.Class',

     method: function() {

         // ... logic but with a bug ...


To patch the bug in Ext.some.DerivedClass.method, the typical solution is to create an override:

 Ext.define('App.patches.DerivedClass', {
     override: 'Ext.some.DerivedClass',

     method: function() {

         // ... logic but with bug fixed ...


The patch method cannot use method-callParent to call the superclass method since that would call the overridden method containing the bug. In other words, the above patch would only produce "Fixed" then "Good" in the console log, whereas, using callParent would produce "Fixed" then "Bad" then "Good".


args :  Array/Arguments

The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callSuper(arguments)



Returns the result of calling the superclass method


Removes all listeners for this object including the managed listeners


Removes all managed listeners for this object.

createRelayer ( newName, [beginEnd] ) : Function
private pri

Creates an event handling function which re-fires the event from this object as the passed event name.


newName :  String

The name under which to re-fire the passed parameters.

beginEnd :  Array (optional)

The caller can specify on which indices to slice.




This method is called to cleanup an object and its resources. After calling this method, the object should not be used any further in any way, including access to its methods and properties.

To prevent potential memory leaks, all object references will be nulled at the end of destruction sequence, unless clearPropertiesOnDestroy is set to false.

destroyMembers ( args )

Destroys member properties by name.

If a property name is the name of a config, the getter is not invoked, so if the config has not been initialized, nothing will be done.

The property will be destroyed, and the corrected name (if the property is a config and config names are prefixed) will set to null in this object's dictionary.


args :  String...

One or more names of the properties to destroy and remove from the object.

doFireEvent ( eventName, args, bubbles )
private pri

Continue to fire event.


eventName :  String

args :  Array

bubbles :  Boolean

enableBubble ( eventNames )

Enables events fired by this Observable to bubble up an owner hierarchy by calling this.getBubbleTarget() if present. There is no implementation in the Observable base class.

This is commonly used by Ext.Components to bubble events to owner Containers. See Ext.Component#getBubbleTarget. The default implementation in Ext.Component returns the Component's immediate owner. But if a known target is required, this can be overridden to access the required target more quickly.


Ext.define('Ext.overrides.form.field.Base', {
    override: 'Ext.form.field.Base',

    //  Add functionality to Field's initComponent to enable
    // the change event to bubble
    initComponent: function () {

var myForm = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
    title: 'User Details',
    items: [{
    listeners: {
        change: function() {
            // Title goes red if form has been modified.
            myForm.header.setStyle('color', 'red');


eventNames :  String/String[]

The event name to bubble, or an Array of event names.

fireAction ( eventName, args, fn, [scope], [options], [order] )
deprecated dep

Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). By default, the action function will be executed after any "before" event handlers (as specified using the order option of addListener), but before any other handlers are fired. This gives the "before" handlers an opportunity to cancel the event by returning false, and prevent the action function from being called.

The action can also be configured to run after normal handlers, but before any "after" handlers (as specified using the order event option) by passing 'after' as the order parameter. This configuration gives any event handlers except for "after" handlers the opportunity to cancel the event and prevent the action function from being called.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to fire.

args :  Array

Arguments to pass to handlers and to the action function.

fn :  Function

The action function.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

options :  Object (optional)

Event options for the action function. Accepts any of the options of addListener

order :  String (optional)

The order to call the action function relative too the event handlers ('before' or 'after'). Note that this option is simply used to sort the action function relative to the event handlers by "priority". An order of 'before' is equivalent to a priority of 99.5, while an order of 'after' is equivalent to a priority of -99.5. See the priority option of addListener for more details.

Defaults to: 'before'

Deprecated since version 5.5
Use fireEventedAction instead.

fireEvent ( eventName, args ) : Boolean

Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name, plus the options object passed to addListener).

An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See Ext.Component#getBubbleTarget) by calling enableBubble.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to fire.

args :  Object...

Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers.



returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true.

fireEventArgs ( eventName, args ) : Boolean

Fires the specified event with the passed parameter list.

An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See Ext.Component#getBubbleTarget) by calling enableBubble.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to fire.

args :  Object[]

An array of parameters which are passed to handlers.



returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true.

fireEventedAction ( eventName, args, fn, [scope], [fnArgs] ) : Boolean

Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). Evented Actions will automatically dispatch a 'before' event passing. This event will be given a special controller that allows for pausing/resuming of the event flow.

By pausing the controller the updater and events will not run until resumed. Pausing, however, will not stop the processing of any other before events.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to fire.

args :  Array

Arguments to pass to handlers and to the action function.

fn :  Function/String

The action function.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

fnArgs :  Array/Boolean (optional)

Optional arguments for the action fn. If not given, the normal args will be used to call fn. If false is passed, the args are used but if the first argument is this instance it will be removed from the args passed to the action function.



getAlignment String
private pri



getBubbleParent Ext.util.Observable
private pri

Gets the bubbling parent for an Observable



The bubble parent. null is returned if no bubble target exists

getConfig ( [name], [peek], [ifInitialized] ) : Object

Returns a specified config property value. If the name parameter is not passed, all current configuration options will be returned as key value pairs.


name :  String (optional)

The name of the config property to get.

peek :  Boolean (optional)

true to peek at the raw value without calling the getter.

Defaults to: false

ifInitialized :  Boolean (optional)

true to only return the initialized property value, not the raw config value, and not to trigger initialization. Returns undefined if the property has not yet been initialized.

Defaults to: false



The config property value.

getCoordFor ( value, field, [idx], [items] ) : Number

Mapping data value into coordinate.


value :  *

field :  String

idx :  Number (optional)

items :  Ext.util.MixedCollection (optional)



getGridAlignment String
private pri



getInitialConfig ( [name] ) : Object/Mixed

Returns the initial configuration passed to the constructor when instantiating this class.

Given this example Ext.button.Button definition and instance:

Ext.define('MyApp.view.Button', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    xtype: 'mybutton',

    scale: 'large',
    enableToggle: true

var btn = Ext.create({
    xtype: 'mybutton',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    text: 'Test Button'

Calling btn.getInitialConfig() would return an object including the config options passed to the create method:

xtype: 'mybutton',
renderTo: // The document body itself
text: 'Test Button'

Calling btn.getInitialConfig('text')returns 'Test Button'.


name :  String (optional)

Name of the config option to return.



The full config object or a single config value when name parameter specified.

getRange ( [recalculate] ) : Number[]

Get the range derived from all the bound series. The range value is cached and returned the next time this method is called. Set recalculate to true to recalculate the range, if changes to the chart, its components or data are expected to affect the range.


recalculate :  Boolean (optional)



private pri

Get the surface for drawing the series sprites

hasConfig ( name )
private pri


name :  String

hasListener ( eventName ) : Boolean

Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event, or whether the event bubbles. The answer indicates whether the event needs firing or not.


eventName :  String

The name of the event to check for



true if the event is being listened for or bubbles, else false

initConfig ( instanceConfig ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch protected pro

Initialize configuration for this class. a typical example:

Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
    // The default config
    config: {
        name: 'Awesome',
        isAwesome: true

    constructor: function(config) {

var awesome = new My.awesome.Class({
    name: 'Super Awesome'

alert(awesome.getName()); // 'Super Awesome'


instanceConfig :  Object




isSuspended ( [event] ) : Boolean

Checks if all events, or a specific event, is suspended.


event :  String (optional)

The name of the specific event to check



true if events are suspended

mon ( item, ename, [fn], [scope], [options] ) : Object

Shorthand for addManagedListener. The addManagedListener method is used when some object (call it "A") is listening to an event on another observable object ("B") and you want to remove that listener from "B" when "A" is destroyed. This is not an issue when "B" is destroyed because all of its listeners will be removed at that time.


Ext.define('Foo', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component',

    initComponent: function () {
        this.addManagedListener(MyApp.SomeSharedMenu, 'show', this.doSomething);

As you can see, when an instance of Foo is destroyed, it ensures that the 'show' listener on the menu (MyApp.SomeGlobalSharedMenu) is also removed.

As of version 5.1 it is no longer necessary to use this method in most cases because listeners are automatically managed if the scope object provided to addListener is an Observable instance. However, if the observable instance and scope are not the same object you still need to use mon or addManagedListener if you want the listener to be managed.


item :  Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element

The item to which to add a listener/listeners.

ename :  Object/String

The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

fn :  Function/String (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the handler function or the name of a method on the specified scope.

scope :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

options :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the addListener options.



Only when the destroyable option is specified.

A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. For example:

this.btnListeners = myButton.mon({
    destroyable: true
    mouseover:   function() { console.log('mouseover'); },
    mouseout:    function() { console.log('mouseout'); },
    click:       function() { console.log('click'); }

And when those listeners need to be removed:




mun ( item, ename, [fn], [scope] )

Shorthand for removeManagedListener. Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.


item :  Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element

The item from which to remove a listener/listeners.

ename :  Object/String

The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

fn :  Function (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the handler function.

scope :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

on ( eventName, [fn], [scope], [options], [order] ) : Object

The on method is shorthand for addListener.

Appends an event handler to this object. For example:

myGridPanel.on("itemclick", this.onItemClick, this);

The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:

    cellclick: this.onCellClick,
    select: this.onSelect,
    viewready: this.onViewReady,
    scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution

One can also specify options for each event handler separately:

    cellclick: {fn: this.onCellClick, scope: this, single: true},
    viewready: {fn: panel.onViewReady, scope: panel}

Names of methods in a specified scope may also be used:

    cellclick: {fn: 'onCellClick', scope: this, single: true},
    viewready: {fn: 'onViewReady', scope: panel}


eventName :  String/Object

The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names.

fn :  Function/String (optional)

The method the event invokes or the name of the method within the specified scope. Will be called with arguments given to Ext.util.Observable#fireEvent plus the options parameter described below.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing handler configuration.

Note: The options object will also be passed as the last argument to every event handler.

This object may contain any of the following properties:

scope :  Object

The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

delay :  Number

The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.

single :  Boolean

True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.

buffer :  Number

Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an Ext.util.DelayedTask delayed by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original handler is not invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.

onFrame :  Number

Causes the handler to be scheduled to run at the next animation frame event. If the event fires again before that time, the handler is not rescheduled - the handler will only be called once when the next animation frame is fired, with the last set of arguments passed.

target :  Ext.util.Observable

Only call the handler if the event was fired on the target Observable, not if the event was bubbled up from a child Observable.

element :  String

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.Component. The name of a Component property which references an Ext.dom.Element to add a listener to.

This option is useful during Component construction to add DOM event listeners to elements of Ext.Component which will exist only after the Component is rendered.

For example, to add a click listener to a Panel's body:

  var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
      title: 'The title',
      listeners: {
          click: this.handlePanelClick,
          element: 'body'

In order to remove listeners attached using the element, you'll need to reference the element itself as seen below.


delegate :  String (optional)

A simple selector to filter the event target or look for a descendant of the target.

The "delegate" option is only available on Ext.dom.Element instances (or when attaching a listener to a Ext.dom.Element via a Component using the element option).

See the delegate example below.

capture :  Boolean (optional)

When set to true, the listener is fired in the capture phase of the event propagation sequence, instead of the default bubble phase.

The capture option is only available on Ext.dom.Element instances (or when attaching a listener to a Ext.dom.Element via a Component using the element option).

stopPropagation :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call stopPropagation on the event object before firing the handler.

preventDefault :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call preventDefault on the event object before firing the handler.

stopEvent :  Boolean (optional)

This option is only valid for listeners bound to Ext.dom.Element. true to call stopEvent on the event object before firing the handler.

args :  Array (optional)

Optional set of arguments to pass to the handler function before the actual fired event arguments. For example, if args is set to ['foo', 42], the event handler function will be called with an arguments list like this:

 handler('foo', 42, <actual event arguments>...);

destroyable :  Boolean (optional)

When specified as true, the function returns a destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. This syntax can be a helpful shortcut to using un; particularly when removing multiple listeners. NOTE - not compatible when using the element option. See un for the proper syntax for removing listeners added using the element config.

Defaults to:


priority :  Number (optional)

An optional numeric priority that determines the order in which event handlers are run. Event handlers with no priority will be run as if they had a priority of 0. Handlers with a higher priority will be prioritized to run sooner than those with a lower priority. Negative numbers can be used to set a priority lower than the default. Internally, the framework uses a range of 1000 or greater, and -1000 or lesser for handlers that are intended to run before or after all others, so it is recommended to stay within the range of -999 to 999 when setting the priority of event handlers in application-level code. A priority must be an integer to be valid. Fractional values are reserved for internal framework use.

order :  String (optional)

A legacy option that is provided for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use the priority option instead. Available options are:

  • 'before': equal to a priority of 100
  • 'current': equal to a priority of 0 or default priority
  • 'after': equal to a priority of -100

Defaults to:


order :  String (optional)

A shortcut for the order event option. Provided for backward compatibility. Please use the priority event option instead.

Defaults to: 'current'



Only when the destroyable option is specified.

A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which removes all listeners added in this call. For example:

this.btnListeners =  = myButton.on({
    destroyable: true
    mouseover:   function() { console.log('mouseover'); },
    mouseout:    function() { console.log('mouseout'); },
    click:       function() { console.log('click'); }

And when those listeners need to be removed:




onAfter ( eventName, fn, [scope], [options] )

Appends an after-event handler.

Same as addListener with order set to 'after'.


eventName :  String/String[]/Object

The name of the event to listen for.

fn :  Function/String

The method the event invokes.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope for fn.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing handler configuration.

onBefore ( eventName, fn, [scope], [options] )

Appends a before-event handler. Returning false from the handler will stop the event.

Same as addListener with order set to 'before'.


eventName :  String/String[]/Object

The name of the event to listen for.

fn :  Function/String

The method the event invokes.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope for fn.

options :  Object (optional)

An object containing handler configuration.

protected pro

Invoked when data has changed.


Expands the range of the axis based on the range of other axes with the same direction (if any).

relayEvents ( origin, events, [prefix] ) : Object

Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by this.

For example if you are extending Grid, you might decide to forward some events from store. So you can do this inside your initComponent:

this.relayEvents(this.getStore(), ['load']);

The grid instance will then have an observable 'load' event which will be passed the parameters of the store's load event and any function fired with the grid's load event would have access to the grid using the this keyword (unless the event is handled by a controller's control/listen event listener in which case 'this' will be the controller rather than the grid).


origin :  Object

The Observable whose events this object is to relay.

events :  String[]/Object

Array of event names to relay or an Object with key/value pairs translating to ActualEventName/NewEventName respectively. For example: this.relayEvents(this, {add:'push', remove:'pop'});

Would now redispatch the add event of this as a push event and the remove event as a pop event.

prefix :  String (optional)

A common prefix to prepend to the event names. For example:

this.relayEvents(this.getStore(), ['load', 'clear'], 'store');

Now the grid will forward 'load' and 'clear' events of store as 'storeload' and 'storeclear'.



A Destroyable object. An object which implements the destroy method which, when destroyed, removes all relayers. For example:

this.storeRelayers = this.relayEvents(this.getStore(), ['load', 'clear'], 'store');

Can be undone by calling



removeListener ( eventName, fn, [scope] ) :
chainable ch

Removes an event handler.


eventName :  String

The type of event the handler was associated with.

fn :  Function

The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope originally specified for the handler. It must be the same as the scope argument specified in the original call to Ext.util.Observable#addListener or the listener will not be removed.



removeManagedListener ( item, ename, [fn], [scope] )

Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.


item :  Ext.util.Observable/Ext.dom.Element

The item from which to remove a listener/listeners.

ename :  Object/String

The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

fn :  Function (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the handler function.

scope :  Object (optional)

If the ename parameter was an event name, this is the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

removeManagedListenerItem ( isClear, managedListener, item, ename, fn, scope )
private pri

Remove a single managed listener item


isClear :  Boolean

True if this is being called during a clear

managedListener :  Object

The managed listener item

item :  Object

ename :  String

fn :  Function

scope :  Object

See removeManagedListener for other args


Invokes renderFrame on this axis's surface(s)

resolveListenerScope ( [defaultScope] ) : Object
protected pro

Gets the default scope for firing late bound events (string names with no scope attached) at runtime.


defaultScope :  Object (optional)

The default scope to return if none is found.

Defaults to: this



The default event scope

resumeEvent ( eventName )

Resumes firing of the named event(s).

After calling this method to resume events, the events will fire when requested to fire.

Note that if the suspendEvent method is called multiple times for a certain event, this converse method will have to be called the same number of times for it to resume firing.


eventName :  String...

Multiple event names to resume.

resumeEvents ( [discardQueue] )

Resumes firing events (see suspendEvents).

If events were suspended using the queueSuspended parameter, then all events fired during event suspension will be sent to any listeners now.


discardQueue :  Boolean (optional)

true to prevent any previously queued events from firing while we were suspended. See suspendEvents.

setBoundSeriesRange ( range )
private pri


range :  Object

setConfig ( name, [value] ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch

Sets a single/multiple configuration options.


name :  String/Object

The name of the property to set, or a set of key value pairs to set.

value :  Object (optional)

The value to set for the name parameter.




statics Ext.Class
protected pro

Get the reference to the class from which this object was instantiated. Note that unlike Ext.Base#self, this.statics() is scope-independent and it always returns the class from which it was called, regardless of what this points to during run-time

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    statics: {
        totalCreated: 0,
        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'

    constructor: function() {
        var statics = this.statics();

        // always equals to 'Cat' no matter what 'this' refers to
        // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName

        alert(this.self.speciesName);   // dependent on 'this'


    clone: function() {
        var cloned = new this.self();   // dependent on 'this'

        // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName
        cloned.groupName = this.statics().speciesName;

        return cloned;

Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
    extend: 'My.Cat',

    statics: {
        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard' // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'

    constructor: function() {

var cat = new My.Cat();                 // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Cat'

var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard(); // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Snow Leopard'

var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));         // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
alert(clone.groupName);                 // alerts 'Cat'

alert(My.Cat.totalCreated);             // alerts 3



suspendEvent ( eventName )

Suspends firing of the named event(s).

After calling this method to suspend events, the events will no longer fire when requested to fire.

Note that if this is called multiple times for a certain event, the converse method resumeEvent will have to be called the same number of times for it to resume firing.


eventName :  String...

Multiple event names to suspend.

suspendEvents ( queueSuspended )

Suspends the firing of all events. (see resumeEvents)


queueSuspended :  Boolean

true to queue up suspended events to be fired after the resumeEvents call instead of discarding all suspended events.

un ( eventName, fn, [scope] ) :

Shorthand for removeListener. Removes an event handler.


eventName :  String

The type of event the handler was associated with.

fn :  Function

The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope originally specified for the handler. It must be the same as the scope argument specified in the original call to Ext.util.Observable#addListener or the listener will not be removed.



unAfter ( eventName, fn, [scope], [options] )

Removes a before-event handler.

Same as removeListener with order set to 'after'.


eventName :  String/String[]/Object

The name of the event the handler was associated with.

fn :  Function/String

The handler to remove.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope originally specified for fn.

options :  Object (optional)

Extra options object.

unBefore ( eventName, fn, [scope], [options] )

Removes a before-event handler.

Same as removeListener with order set to 'before'.


eventName :  String/String[]/Object

The name of the event the handler was associated with.

fn :  Function/String

The handler to remove.

scope :  Object (optional)

The scope originally specified for fn.

options :  Object (optional)

Extra options object.

watchConfig ( name, fn, scope )
private pri

Watches config properties.

     title: 'onTitleChange',
     scope: me

Available since: 6.7.0


name :  Object

fn :  Object

scope :  Object

Static Methods

addConfig ( config, [mixinClass] )
static sta private pri

Adds new config properties to this class. This is called for classes when they are declared, then for any mixins that class may define and finally for any overrides defined that target the class.


config :  Object

mixinClass :  Ext.Class (optional)

The mixin class if the configs are from a mixin.

addInheritableStatics ( members ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


members :  Object



addMember ( name, member, privacy ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


name :  Object

member :  Object

privacy :  Object



addMembers ( members, [isStatic], [privacy] ) :
chainable ch static sta

Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class.

Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {

     meow: function() {

 var kitty = new My.awesome.Cat();


members :  Object

The members to add to this class.

isStatic :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true if the members are static.

Defaults to: false

privacy :  Boolean (optional)

Pass true if the members are private. This only has meaning in debug mode and only for methods.

Defaults to: false



addStatics ( members ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch static sta

Add / override static properties of this class.

Ext.define('', {
    someProperty: 'someValue',      // = 'someValue'
    method1: function() { ... },    // = function() { ... };
    method2: function() { ... }     // = function() { ... };


members :  Object




borrow ( fromClass, members ) : Ext.Base
static sta private pri

Borrow another class' members to the prototype of this class.

Ext.define('Bank', {
    money: '$$$',
    printMoney: function() {

Ext.define('Thief', {

Thief.borrow(Bank, ['money', 'printMoney']);

var steve = new Thief();

alert(; // alerts '$$$'
steve.printMoney(); // alerts '$$$$$$$'


fromClass :  Ext.Base

The class to borrow members from

members :  Array/String

The names of the members to borrow




callParent ( args )
static sta protected pro


args :  Object

callSuper ( args )
static sta protected pro


args :  Object

create Object
static sta

Create a new instance of this Class.

Ext.define('', {
    someConfig: true

All parameters are passed to the constructor of the class.



the created instance.

createAlias ( alias, origin )
static sta

Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example:

Ext.define('', {
    method1: function() { ... },
    method2: function() { ... }

var test = new;{
    method3: 'method1',
    method4: 'method2'

test.method3(); // test.method1()'method5', 'method3');

test.method5(); // test.method3() -> test.method1()


alias :  String/Object

The new method name, or an object to set multiple aliases. See flexSetter

origin :  String/Object

The original method name

extend ( parentClass )
static sta private pri


parentClass :  Object

getConfigurator Ext.Configurator
static sta private pri

Returns the Ext.Configurator for this class.



getName String
static sta

Get the current class' name in string format.

Ext.define('', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts ''
});; // ''




mixin ( name, mixinClass ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri

Used internally by the mixins pre-processor


name :  Object

mixinClass :  Object



onExtended ( fn, scope ) :
chainable ch static sta private pri


fn :  Object

scope :  Object



override ( members ) : Ext.Base
chainable ch static sta

Override members of this class. Overridden methods can be invoked via callParent.

Ext.define('My.Cat', {
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm a cat!");

    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
                          // alerts "I'm a cat!"
                          // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"

Direct use of this method should be rare. Use Ext.define instead:

Ext.define('My.CatOverride', {
    override: 'My.Cat',
    constructor: function() {
        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");



The above accomplishes the same result but can be managed by the Ext.Loader which can properly order the override and its target class and the build process can determine whether the override is needed based on the required state of the target class (My.Cat).


members :  Object

The properties to add to this class. This should be specified as an object literal containing one or more properties.



this class

static sta private pri


rangechange ( axis, range, oldRange, eOpts )

Fires when the range of the axis changes.


axis :  Ext.chart.axis.Axis

range :  Array

oldRange :  Array

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

visiblerangechange ( axis, visibleRange, eOpts )

Fires when the visibleRange of the axis changes.


axis :  Ext.chart.axis.Axis

visibleRange :  Array

eOpts : Object

The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

Ext JS 7.7.0 - Classic Toolkit