Docs Help

Terms, Icons, and Labels

Many classes have shortcut names used when creating (instantiating) a class with a configuration object. The shortcut name is referred to as an alias (or xtype if the class extends Ext.Component). The alias/xtype is listed next to the class name of applicable classes for quick reference.

Access Levels

Framework classes or their members may be specified as private or protected. Else, the class / member is public. Public, protected, and private are access descriptors used to convey how and when the class or class member should be used.

Member Types

Member Syntax

Below is an example class member that we can disect to show the syntax of a class member (the lookupComponent method as viewed from the Ext.button.Button class in this case).

lookupComponent ( item ) : Ext.Component

Called when a raw config object is added to this container either during initialization of the items config, or when new items are added), or {@link #insert inserted.

This method converts the passed object into an instanced child component.

This may be overridden in subclasses when special processing needs to be applied to child creation.


item :  Object

The config object being added.


The component to be added.

Let's look at each part of the member row:

Member Flags

The API documentation uses a number of flags to further commnicate the class member's function and intent. The label may be represented by a text label, an abbreviation, or an icon.

Class Icons

- Indicates a framework class

- A singleton framework class. *See the singleton flag for more information

- A component-type framework class (any class within the Ext JS framework that extends Ext.Component)

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Member Icons

- Indicates a class member of type config

- Indicates a class member of type property

- Indicates a class member of type method

- Indicates a class member of type event

- Indicates a class member of type theme variable

- Indicates a class member of type theme mixin

- Indicates that the class, member, or guide is new in the currently viewed version

Class Member Quick-Nav Menu

Just below the class name on an API doc page is a row of buttons corresponding to the types of members owned by the current class. Each button shows a count of members by type (this count is updated as filters are applied). Clicking the button will navigate you to that member section. Hovering over the member-type button will reveal a popup menu of all members of that type for quick navigation.

Getter and Setter Methods

Getting and setter methods that correlate to a class config option will show up in the methods section as well as in the configs section of both the API doc and the member-type menus just beneath the config they work with. The getter and setter method documentation will be found in the config row for easy reference.

History Bar

Your page history is kept in localstorage and displayed (using the available real estate) just below the top title bar. By default, the only search results shown are the pages matching the product / version you're currently viewing. You can expand what is displayed by clicking on the button on the right-hand side of the history bar and choosing the "All" radio option. This will show all recent pages in the history bar for all products / versions.

Within the history config menu you will also see a listing of your recent page visits. The results are filtered by the "Current Product / Version" and "All" radio options. Clicking on the button will clear the history bar as well as the history kept in local storage.

If "All" is selected in the history config menu the checkbox option for "Show product details in the history bar" will be enabled. When checked, the product/version for each historic page will show alongside the page name in the history bar. Hovering the cursor over the page names in the history bar will also show the product/version as a tooltip.

Search and Filters

Both API docs and guides can be searched for using the search field at the top of the page.

On API doc pages there is also a filter input field that filters the member rows using the filter string. In addition to filtering by string you can filter the class members by access level, inheritance, and read only. This is done using the checkboxes at the top of the page.

The checkbox at the bottom of the API class navigation tree filters the class list to include or exclude private classes.

Clicking on an empty search field will show your last 10 searches for quick navigation.

API Doc Class Metadata

Each API doc page (with the exception of Javascript primitives pages) has a menu view of metadata relating to that class. This metadata view will have one or more of the following:

Expanding and Collapsing Examples and Class Members

Runnable examples (Fiddles) are expanded on a page by default. You can collapse and expand example code blocks individually using the arrow on the top-left of the code block. You can also toggle the collapse state of all examples using the toggle button on the top-right of the page. The toggle-all state will be remembered between page loads.

Class members are collapsed on a page by default. You can expand and collapse members using the arrow icon on the left of the member row or globally using the expand / collapse all toggle button top-right.

Desktop -vs- Mobile View

Viewing the docs on narrower screens or browsers will result in a view optimized for a smaller form factor. The primary differences between the desktop and "mobile" view are:

Viewing the Class Source

The class source can be viewed by clicking on the class name at the top of an API doc page. The source for class members can be viewed by clicking on the "view source" link on the right-hand side of the member row.

History : Cmd undefined | Introduction to Sencha Cmd
Ext JS 7.8.0-modern | Ext.layout.overflow.Scroller
Ext JS 7.8.0 | Getting Started with npm
Ext JS 6.6.0 | Using Sencha Cmd
Cmd undefined | Using Cmd with Ext JS 6




sencha ant Options Syntax Where: sencha app Commands sencha app build Using Ant Options Syntax sencha app clean Syntax sencha app emulate Options Syntax sencha app explain Options Syntax sencha app init Options Syntax sencha app install Options Syntax sencha app prepare Options Syntax sencha app publish Options Syntax sencha app refresh Options Syntax sencha app run Options Syntax sencha app upgrade Options Syntax sencha app watch Options Syntax sencha audit Syntax sencha build Options Arguments Syntax sencha compile Options Commands sencha compile concatenate Options Syntax sencha compile exclude Options Syntax sencha compile explain Options Syntax sencha compile include Options Syntax sencha compile intersect Options Syntax sencha compile metadata Options Data Type Format Misc Syntax sencha compile page Options Syntax sencha compile pop Syntax sencha compile push Syntax sencha compile require Options Syntax sencha compile restore Syntax sencha compile save Syntax sencha compile show-ignored Syntax sencha compile union Options Syntax sencha config Options Syntax sencha cordova Commands sencha cordova init Syntax sencha diag Commands sencha diag export Syntax sencha diag show-props Syntax sencha framework Commands sencha framework add Options Syntax sencha framework list Syntax sencha framework remove Options Syntax sencha framework upgrade Options Syntax sencha fs Categories Commands sencha fs concatenate Options Syntax sencha fs difference Syntax sencha fs minify Options Syntax sencha fs mirror Commands sencha fs mirror all Options Syntax Where: sencha fs mirror image Syntax sencha fs mirror sprite Options Syntax sencha fs slice Options Syntax sencha generate Commands sencha generate app Options Syntax sencha generate controller Options Syntax sencha generate form Options Syntax sencha generate model Options Syntax sencha generate package Options Syntax sencha generate profile Options Syntax sencha generate theme Options Syntax sencha generate view Options Syntax sencha generate workspace Options Syntax sencha help Example Syntax Where: sencha js Files Context Syntax sencha manager Categories sencha manager version Commands sencha manager version create Options Syntax sencha manifest Commands sencha manifest create Options Syntax sencha package Using Packages Authoring Packages Commands sencha package add Syntax Where: sencha package build Options Syntax sencha package extract Options Syntax Where: sencha package get Options Syntax Where: sencha package install Options Syntax Where: sencha package list Syntax Where: sencha package remove Syntax Where: sencha package upgrade Options Syntax sencha phonegap Commands sencha phonegap init Syntax sencha repository Remote Repositories Authoring Packages Commands sencha repository add Options Syntax sencha repository init Private Key Remote Access Options Syntax sencha repository list Syntax sencha repository remove Options Syntax sencha repository show Options Syntax Where: sencha repository sync Options Syntax sencha switch Options Syntax sencha template Commands sencha template apply Options Syntax sencha template info Options Syntax sencha template list Syntax sencha template read Options Syntax sencha theme Commands sencha theme build Options Syntax sencha theme capture Options Syntax sencha theme slice Options Syntax sencha upgrade Options Syntax sencha web Options Commands sencha web start The Web Root Options Syntax sencha web stop Syntax sencha which Options Syntax sencha workspace Commands sencha workspace cleanup Options Syntax sencha workspace init Syntax sencha workspace install Options Syntax sencha workspace upgrade Options Syntax


sencha ant Options Syntax Where: sencha app Commands sencha app build Using Ant Options Syntax sencha app clean Syntax sencha app emulate Options Syntax sencha app explain Options Syntax sencha app init Options Syntax sencha app install Options Syntax sencha app prepare Options Syntax sencha app publish Options Syntax sencha app refresh Options Syntax sencha app run Options Syntax sencha app upgrade Options Syntax sencha app watch Options Syntax sencha audit Syntax sencha build Options Arguments Syntax sencha compile Options Commands sencha compile concatenate Options Syntax sencha compile exclude Options Syntax sencha compile explain Options Syntax sencha compile include Options Syntax sencha compile intersect Options Syntax sencha compile metadata Options Data Type Format Misc Syntax sencha compile page Options Syntax sencha compile pop Syntax sencha compile push Syntax sencha compile require Options Syntax sencha compile restore Syntax sencha compile save Syntax sencha compile show-ignored Syntax sencha compile union Options Syntax sencha config Options Syntax sencha cordova Commands sencha cordova init Syntax sencha diag Commands sencha diag export Syntax sencha diag show-props Syntax sencha framework Commands sencha framework add Options Syntax sencha framework list Syntax sencha framework remove Options Syntax sencha framework upgrade Options Syntax sencha fs Categories Commands sencha fs concatenate Options Syntax sencha fs difference Syntax sencha fs minify Options Syntax sencha fs mirror Commands sencha fs mirror all Options Syntax Where: sencha fs mirror image Syntax sencha fs mirror sprite Options Syntax sencha fs slice Options Syntax sencha generate Commands sencha generate app Options Syntax sencha generate controller Options Syntax sencha generate form Options Syntax sencha generate model Options Syntax sencha generate package Options Syntax sencha generate profile Options Syntax sencha generate theme Options Syntax sencha generate view Options Syntax sencha generate workspace Options Syntax sencha help Example Syntax Where: sencha js Files Context Syntax sencha manager Categories sencha manager version Commands sencha manager version create Options Syntax sencha manifest Commands sencha manifest create Options Syntax sencha package Using Packages Authoring Packages Commands sencha package add Syntax Where: sencha package build Options Syntax sencha package extract Options Syntax Where: sencha package get Options Syntax Where: sencha package install Options Syntax Where: sencha package list Syntax Where: sencha package remove Syntax Where: sencha package upgrade Options Syntax sencha phonegap Commands sencha phonegap init Syntax sencha repository Remote Repositories Authoring Packages Commands sencha repository add Options Syntax sencha repository init Private Key Remote Access Options Syntax sencha repository list Syntax sencha repository remove Options Syntax sencha repository show Options Syntax Where: sencha repository sync Options Syntax sencha switch Options Syntax sencha template Commands sencha template apply Options Syntax sencha template info Options Syntax sencha template list Syntax sencha template read Options Syntax sencha theme Commands sencha theme build Options Syntax sencha theme capture Options Syntax sencha theme slice Options Syntax sencha upgrade Options Syntax sencha web Options Commands sencha web start The Web Root Options Syntax sencha web stop Syntax sencha which Options Syntax sencha workspace Commands sencha workspace cleanup Options Syntax sencha workspace init Syntax sencha workspace install Options Syntax sencha workspace upgrade Options Syntax


sencha ant

Invokes the embedded version of Apache Ant providing the cmd.dir property to access Sencha Cmd using the following taskdef:

<taskdef resource="com/sencha/ant/antlib.xml"

This command recognizes the -Dproperty=value syntax for properties used by Ant, even though this does not conform to normal Sencha Cmd parameter syntax. Similar to directly invoking Ant, this command defaults to "build.xml" for the script file basing its search on the current directory or the value of the -cwd switch passed to sencha.

For example, the following command uses "../build.xml" as the script and passes in the foo property as "42" when executing the default target (since no target was specified).

sencha -cwd=.. ant -Dfoo=42


  • --debug, -d - Enables Ant debug level messages
  • --file, -f - The Ant file to execute (default is build.xml)
  • --props, -p - One or more properties for the Ant script (name=value,...)
  • --target, -t - The target(s) to execute from the Ant script (comma separated)
  • --verbose, -v - Enables Ant verbose level messages


sencha ant [options] targets...


  • targets - The Ant script targets to execute

sencha app

This category contains various commands for application management.


  • build - Executes the build process for an application
  • clean - Cleans the application for a build
  • emulate - Builds the application via a Packager then executes in the simulator/emulator
  • explain - Resolves a reference path from the application's entry file to the specified symbol
  • init - Initializes the current directory as a Sencha Cmd application.
  • install - Repopulate the missing pieces of a Sencha Cmd app scaffold
  • prepare - Builds the application then the Packager prepares the app for native build (cordova only)
  • publish - Publishes an application version to Sencha Web Application Manager.
  • refresh - Updates the application metadata (aka "bootstrap") file
  • run - Builds the application via a Packager then executes the on a device
  • upgrade - Upgrade the current application to the specified SDK
  • watch - Watches an application for file system changes and rebuilds.

sencha app build

This command builds the current application.

sencha app build [production|testing|native|package]

This will build your application in its current configuration and generate the build output in the "build/<environment>" folder. This location and many other properties can be configured in your application's configuration file ".sencha/app/sencha.cfg" or the provided build script "build.xml".

For locally overriding build properties, the build script loads an optional properties file called "" if present in your app folder. The purpose of this file is to define build properties that are in some way special to the local environment (that is, the local machine). As such, this file is not intended to be tracked in source control.

Using Ant

This command is equivalent to running the provided Ant script directly using the following command:

sencha ant [production|testing|native|package] build

To tune the process, start by looking at the generated "build.xml" in your app folder. The actual build logic is located in ".sencha/app/build-impl.xml".

The "build.xml" script can be used by many Continuous Integration (CI) systems if they understand Apache Ant (most do). If not, the Sencha Cmd command line can be used as you would during development. If the CI system understands Ant, however, it is often more convenient to use that integration rather than using a command line invocation.


  • --archive, -a - The directory path where all previous builds were stored.
  • --build, -build - Selects the name of the build specified in the 'builds' app.json set to use for the build
  • --clean, -c - Remove previous build output prior to executing build
  • --destination, -des - The directory to which the build output is written
  • --development, -dev - Sets the build environment to: development
  • --environment, -e - The build environment, either 'development', 'testing' or 'production'
  • --fashion-debug, -fashion-d - Enables / disables node dev tools when running fashion builds.
  • --fashion-symbols, -fashion-s - Enables / disables stack traces in scss code.
  • --locale, -l - Selects the app.locale setting to use for the build
  • --packages, -pac - Only build one or more of the packages specified in the "uses" property on app.json
  • --pkg-environment, -pkg- - The build environment for used packages, either 'development', 'testing' or 'production'
  • --pkgdevelopment, -pkgd - Sets the build environment for used packages to: development
  • --pkgproduction, -pkgp - Sets the build environment for used packages to: production
  • --pkgtesting, -pkgt - Sets the build environment for used packages to: testing
  • --production, -pr - Sets the build environment to: production
  • --run, -r - Enables automatically running builds with the native packager
  • --testing, -te - Sets the build environment to: testing
  • --theme, -th - Selects the app.theme setting to use for the build
  • --uses, -u - Build the packages dynamically used by this application (see "uses" on app.json)


sencha app build [options] [theme|locale|build]... [environment]

sencha app clean


sencha app clean [theme|locale|build]...

sencha app emulate


  • --archive, -a - The directory path where all previous builds were stored.
  • --build, -build - Selects the name of the build specified in the 'builds' app.json set to use for the build
  • --clean, -c - Remove previous build output prior to executing build
  • --destination, -des - The directory to which the build output is written
  • --development, -dev - Sets the build environment to: development
  • --environment, -e - The build environment, either 'development', 'testing' or 'production'
  • --locale, -l - Selects the app.locale setting to use for the build
  • --packages, -pac - Only build one or more of the packages specified in the "uses" property on app.json
  • --production, -pr - Sets the build environment to: production
  • --run, -r - Enables automatically running builds with the native packager
  • --testing, -te - Sets the build environment to: testing
  • --theme, -th - Selects the app.theme setting to use for the build
  • --uses, -u - Build the packages dynamically used by this application (see "uses" on app.json)


sencha app emulate [options] [theme|locale|build]... [environment]

sencha app explain


  • --build, -build - Selects the name of the build specified in the 'builds' app.json set to use for the build
  • --development, -d - Sets the build environment to: development
  • --environment, -e - The build environment, either 'development', 'testing' or 'production'
  • --locale, -l - Selects the app.locale setting to use for the build
  • --production, -pr - Sets the build environment to: production
  • --target-name, -ta - The target symbol name to use when resolving the reference path
  • --testing, -te - Sets the build environment to: testing
  • --theme, -th - Selects the app.theme setting to use for the build


sencha app explain [options] [theme|locale|build]... [targetName]

sencha app init

This command initializes the current directory as a Sencha Cmd application.

IMPORTANT Before initializing an application, a Sencha framework or SDK is required. This can be a trial version or a licensed version such as a commercially licensed version downloaded from the Sencha Support Portal. The following examples will assume the desired Sencha frameworks have been downloaded and unzipped in to the "sencha-sdks" folder in the home directory ("~/sencha-sdks").

To initialize an application using Ext JS 6.5.0, after the zip is extracted as described above:

$ sencha app init --frameworks=~/sencha-sdks --ext@6.5.0 --universal MyApp

The frameworks switch specifies a folder where multiple Sencha frameworks are extracted and ready to use. The ext switch selects the desired version from this directory.

To initialize an application using only the Classic or Modern toolkit:

$ sencha app init --frameworks=~/sencha-sdks --ext@6.5.0 --modern MyApp
$ sencha app init --frameworks=~/sencha-sdks --ext@6.5.0 --classic MyApp

One of --classic, --modern or --universal switches must be specified.

The application will not be ready to run until it is first built:

sencha app build --dev

See sencha help app build for more information on builds.

To simplify this process going forward, you can configure Sencha Cmd to always use the frameworks in "~/sencha-sdks" by running this command:

$ sencha config --prop sencha.sdk.path=~/sencha-sdks --save

Once the above command has been executed, the init command simplifies to:

$ sencha app init --ext@6.5.0 --universal MyApp

For more information on setting Sencha Cmd switches and other config options, consult the "Advanced Sencha Cmd" guide on the web:


  • --ext, -e - The path to the Ext JS framework to use
  • --frameworks, -f - Path to directory with multiple framework versions to restore (if present in workspace.json)
  • --name, -n - The app name
  • --starter-dir, -s - Specifies the directory to use as the starter app template
  • --template-name, -t - Specifies a package name to use as the app template


sencha app init [options] name

sencha app install

The install command will repopulate the missing pieces of a Sencha Cmd app scaffold, such as those not typically stored in a version control system (for example, the Sencha framework).

IMPORTANT Before running this command on an application, a Sencha framework or SDK is required. The framework required depends on the version used by the app. This is often a commercially licensed version which can be downloadeded from the Sencha Support Portal. The following examples assume the necessary Sencha framework has been downloaded and unzipped in to the "sencha-sdks" folder in the home directory ("~/sencha-sdks").

To repopulate an application after it has been freshly downloaded from soruce control (and after the framework is extracted as described above):

$ sencha app install --frameworks=~/sencha-sdks

To simplify this process going forward, you can configure Sencha Cmd to always use the frameworks in "~/sencha-sdks" by running this command:

$ sencha config --prop sencha.sdk.path=~/sencha-sdks --save

Once the above command has been executed, the install command simplifies to:

$ sencha app install

For more information on setting Sencha Cmd switches and other config options, consult the "Advanced Sencha Cmd" guide on the web:


  • --frameworks, -f - Path to directory with multiple framework versions to restore (if present in workspace.json)


sencha app install [options] [frameworks]

sencha app prepare


  • --archive, -a - The directory path where all previous builds were stored.
  • --build, -build - Selects the name of the build specified in the 'builds' app.json set to use for the build
  • --clean, -c - Remove previous build output prior to executing build
  • --destination, -des - The directory to which the build output is written
  • --development, -dev - Sets the build environment to: development
  • --environment, -e - The build environment, either 'development', 'testing' or 'production'
  • --locale, -l - Selects the app.locale setting to use for the build
  • --packages, -pac - Only build one or more of the packages specified in the "uses" property on app.json
  • --production, -pr - Sets the build environment to: production
  • --run, -r - Enables automatically running builds with the native packager
  • --testing, -te - Sets the build environment to: testing
  • --theme, -th - Selects the app.theme setting to use for the build
  • --uses, -u - Build the packages dynamically used by this application (see "uses" on app.json)


sencha app prepare [options] [theme|locale|build]... [environment]

sencha app publish

This command will publish the contents of the application's build directory as a new version of a Sencha Web Application Manager application using sencha manager version create.

Configuration for this command should be provided by the manager key in app.json:

"manager": {
    "id": 12345,
    "host": "",
    "file": "${app.output.base}",

    "apiKey": "...",
    "secret": "..."

It is not recommended to store the apiKey or secret in app.json but instead to store them in a file local to this machine (such as ~/.sencha/cmd/sencha.cfg). For example:


This will avoid placing credentials in a shared source repository.


  • --archive, -a - The directory path where all previous builds were stored.
  • --build, -build - Selects the name of the build specified in the 'builds' app.json set to use for the build
  • --clean, -c - Remove previous build output prior to executing build
  • --destination, -des - The directory to which the build output is written
  • --development, -dev - Sets the build environment to: development
  • --environment, -e - The build environment, either 'development', 'testing' or 'production'
  • --locale, -l - Selects the app.locale setting to use for the build
  • --packages, -pac - Only build one or more of the packages specified in the "uses" property on app.json
  • --production, -pr - Sets the build environment to: production
  • --run, -r - Enables automatically running builds with the native packager
  • --testing, -te - Sets the build environment to: testing
  • --theme, -th - Selects the app.theme setting to use for the build
  • --uses, -u - Build the packages dynamically used by this application (see "uses" on app.json)


sencha app publish [options] [theme|locale|build]... [environment]

sencha app refresh

This command regenerates the metadata file containing "bootstrap" data for the dynamic loader and class system.

This must be done any time a class is added, renamed or removed.

This command can also update any required packages if you have added package requirements to your application. To refresh required packages (which may download those packages from remote repositories), do this:

sencha app refresh --packages

The additional parameters are seldom used.


  • --base-path, -ba - The base path to use to calculate relative path information. Defaults to index.html directory
  • --build, -build - Selects the name of the build specified in the 'builds' app.json set to use for the build
  • --development, -d - Sets the build environment to: development
  • --environment, -e - The build environment, either 'development', 'testing' or 'production'
  • --locale, -l - Selects the app.locale setting to use for the build
  • --metadata-file, -m - The output filename for the js file containing the manifest metadata
  • --packages, -pac - Update required packages from remote repositories
  • --production, -pr - Sets the build environment to: production
  • --testing, -te - Sets the build environment to: testing
  • --theme, -th - Selects the app.theme setting to use for the build


sencha app refresh [options] [theme|locale|build]... [metadata-file]

sencha app run


  • --archive, -a - The directory path where all previous builds were stored.
  • --build, -build - Selects the name of the build specified in the 'builds' app.json set to use for the build
  • --clean, -c - Remove previous build output prior to executing build
  • --destination, -des - The directory to which the build output is written
  • --development, -dev - Sets the build environment to: development
  • --environment, -e - The build environment, either 'development', 'testing' or 'production'
  • --locale, -l - Selects the app.locale setting to use for the build
  • --packages, -pac - Only build one or more of the packages specified in the "uses" property on app.json
  • --production, -pr - Sets the build environment to: production
  • --run, -r - Enables automatically running builds with the native packager
  • --testing, -te - Sets the build environment to: testing
  • --theme, -th - Selects the app.theme setting to use for the build
  • --uses, -u - Build the packages dynamically used by this application (see "uses" on app.json)


sencha app run [options] [theme|locale|build]... [environment]

sencha app upgrade

This command upgrades the current application (based on current directory) to a specified new framework.

sencha app upgrade /path/to/sdk

To download and extract an appropriate framework from the Sencha package repository, the framework may also be specified by name:

sencha app upgrade -ext

or by name and version, separated by an '@' character:

sencha app upgrade -ext@

NOTE: This will upgrade the framework used by the current application in the current workspace. This will effect any other applications in this workspace using the same framework (i.e., "ext" or "touch").

To upgrade just the generate scaffolding of your application to a new version of Sencha Cmd and not the framework in use, either omit the path to the framework:

sencha app upgrade

or use the --noframework option:

sencha app upgrade --noframework


  • --backup, -b - Make a backup of application before upgrade
  • --legacy, -l - Enables preservation of the .sencha/app folder structure
  • --noappjs, -noa - Disable upgrade of app.js
  • --noframework, -nof - Upgrade only the Sencha Cmd scaffolding and not the SDK
  • --path, -pa - The path to the framework to which to upgrade


sencha app upgrade [options] [path]

sencha app watch

This command watches the current application's source code for changes and and rebuild the necessary outputs to support "dev mode".

sencha app watch

This will run an initial pass over the ant targets specified by the build.trigger.targets ant property. During this pass, the compiler will be instrumented to capture the files used as inputs for the build (JavaScript, Sass and page resources).

A subset of Ant build targets will be re-triggered each time a file in one if the directories being monitored is created, deleted, or modified.

A web server is automatically started and hosts the application at the default port of 1841.

The high-level logic of the watch process is implemented in Ant. For details, see ".sencha/app/watch-impl.xml.".

For information regarding the set of available Ant properties that control the the watch process, see ".sencha/app/".

Integration with Sencha Inspector can be enabled by using the -i or --inspector switch:

sencha app watch --inspector

This will add the necessary code to the application in order to connect with Sencha Inspector using the default address (http://localhost:1839/).

The default address can be configured via the inspector.address property on ${cmd.dir}/sencha.cfg, the current user configuration file (~/.sencha/cmd/sencha.cfg) or using the config command:

sencha config --prop inspector.address=http://server:port/ \
    then \
    app watch --inspector

For information about the integration process with Sencha Inspector see:

If a web.xml file is present on the application root, this command can try to use it to establish the context of a J2EE application by using the -j, --j2ee switch.

sencha app watch --j2ee

It is important to note that this command will only work if all dependencies of the J2EE application are already in the classpath as Sencha Cmd does not include them during the install process. (e.g. servlet-api.jar).


  • --debug-fashion, -deb - Enables / disables node dev tools when running fashion builds.
  • --fashion, -f - Enable Fashion during the watch session
  • --inspector, -i - Enable Sencha Inspector during the watch session
  • --j2ee, -j - Use a web.xml file in the server root as context of a J2EE app.
  • --packages, -pac - Selects packages from the used package list to include in the watch set.
  • --port, -po - The port number to start the local server on
  • --web-server, -w - Enables / Disables the app watch web server. Defaults to 'true'.


sencha app watch [options] [theme|locale|build]...

sencha audit

This command scans the local file system starting at the current directory and reports on the instances of Ext JS and their license.

For example:

sencha audit

This searches for folders containing "ext-all.js" and the license shipped with the product. Versions prior to 4.0.2 did not contain the license text in this file but did ship with a separate "license.txt" file. If these files have not been preserved then this report may be incomplete.


sencha audit 

sencha build

When run from a Sencha Cmd application or package, this command will behave like and accept the same options as sencha app build or sencha package build respectively.

If options relevant to the legacy JSB-based build (--deploy-dir, --nocompress, --project-file) are specified, it will redirect its execution to the sencha legacybuild command. (See sencha help legacybuild)


See sencha help app build or sencha help package build for details.


When building an application this command accepts an optional positional argument to specify the build environment


sencha build [options] [theme|locale|build]... [environment (only for apps)]

sencha compile

This command category provides JavaScript compilation commands. The compile category maintains compilation state across its sub-commands so using and to connect sub-commands can provide significant time savings compared to making repeated calls.


  • --classpath, -cl - Add one or more folders to the classpath
  • --debug, -d - Enable the debug option for the js directive parser
  • --ignore, -ig - Ignore files in the classpath with names containing substrings (comma separated)
  • --input-language-level, -inp - Sets the default input js language level. Supported Values:

    • ES3 : ECMASCRIPT Level 3
    • ES5 : ECMASCRIPT Level 5
    • ES5_STRICT : ECMASCRIPT Level 5 Strict
    • ES6 : ECMASCRIPT Level 6
    • ES6_STRICT : ECMASCRIPT Level 6 Strict
  • --options, -o - Sets options for the js directive parser (name:value,...)

  • --prefix, -p - The file with header or license prefix to remove from source files
  • --temp-directory, -t - controls the temp directory root location used by page and app commands


  • concatenate - Produce output file by concatenating the files in the current set
  • exclude - Exclude files from the current set matching given criteria
  • explain - Resolves a reference chain (if available) between two source files
  • include - Add files to the current set matching given criteria
  • intersect - Intersect specified saved sets to produce a new set
  • metadata - Generates information about the classes and files in the classpath
  • page - Compiles the content of a page of markup (html, jsp, php, etc)
  • pop - Pops the current set back to the most recently pushed set from the stack
  • push - Pushes the current set on to a stack for later pop to restore the current set
  • require - Adds external file to file reference information to the js compile context
  • restore - Restores the enabled set of files from a previously saved set
  • save - Stores the currently enabled set of files by a given name
  • show-ignored - Shows any files being ignored in the classpath
  • union - Similar to include but selects only the files that match the given criteria

sencha compile concatenate

This command writes the current set to the specified output file.


  • --append, -a - Appends output to output file instead of overwriting output file
  • --beautify, -b - enables / disables beautification of sources after compilation
  • --charset, -ch - specifies a custom charset for this output command.
  • --closure, -cl - Compress generate file using Closure Compiler
  • --cmd, -cm - Compress generated file using Cmd compressor
  • --compress, -co - Compress generated file using default compressor (YUI)
  • --js-version, -j - Sets the output JS language level Supported Values:

    • ES3 : ECMASCRIPT Level 3
    • ES5 : ECMASCRIPT Level 5
    • ES5_STRICT : ECMASCRIPT Level 5 Strict
    • ES6 : ECMASCRIPT Level 6
    • ES6_STRICT : ECMASCRIPT Level 6 Strict
  • --output-file, -ou - The output file name (or $ for stdout)

  • --remove-text-references, -remove-t - enables / disables reference optimization by converting string classnames to static references
  • --strip-comments, -st - Strip comments from the generated file
  • --yui, -y - YUI compressor has been deprecated. Use the Cmd compressor instead.


sencha compile concatenate [options] output-file

sencha compile exclude

This command removes from the current set any files matching the criteria.


  • --all, -a - Select all files in global cache (ignores other options)
  • --class, -c - Selects files according to the specified class names
  • --file, -f - Selects the specified file names (supports glob patterns)
  • --include-uses, -i - Enables / disables inclusion of 'uses' dependencies in transitive scan (-recursive)
  • --namespace, -na - Selects all files with class definitions in the given namespace(s)
  • --not, -no - Inverts the matching criteria
  • --recursive, -r - Enable traversal of dependency relationships when selecting files
  • --set, -s - Selects files from on a previously saved set (ignores other options)
  • --tag, -t - Selects all files with the specified '//@tag' values


sencha compile exclude [options] 

sencha compile explain


  • --start-name, -s - Sets the name of the symbol to use as the starting point of the reference path.
  • --target-name, -t - Sets the name of the symbol to use as the end point of the reference path.


sencha compile explain [options] startName \

sencha compile include

This command adds the files matching the criteria to the current set.


  • --all, -a - Select all files in global cache (ignores other options)
  • --class, -c - Selects files according to the specified class names
  • --file, -f - Selects the specified file names (supports glob patterns)
  • --include-uses, -i - Enables / disables inclusion of 'uses' dependencies in transitive scan (-recursive)
  • --namespace, -na - Selects all files with class definitions in the given namespace(s)
  • --not, -no - Inverts the matching criteria
  • --recursive, -r - Enable traversal of dependency relationships when selecting files
  • --set, -s - Selects files from on a previously saved set (ignores other options)
  • --tag, -t - Selects all files with the specified '//@tag' values


sencha compile include [options] 

sencha compile intersect

This command produces as in the current set the files that are contained in all of the specified input sets. Alternatively, this command can include files that are present in a certain minimum number of sets.

This command only operates on saved sets (unlike most other set operations).


  • --min-match, -m - The minimum number of sets containing a file to cause a match (-1 = all)
  • --name, -n - The name by which to save the intersection as a set
  • --sets, -s - The sets to include in the intersection


sencha compile intersect [options] 

sencha compile metadata

This command generates various forms of metadata extracted from the current set of files. This data can be exported in various formats (e.g., JSON or JSONP).


Data Type

Choose one of the following options

  • --alias, -ali - Generate class name to alias information
  • --alternates, -alt - Generate class alternate name information
  • --definitions, -d - Generate symbol information
  • --filenames, -f - Generate source file name information
  • --loader-paths, -l - Generate dynamic loader path information
  • --manifest, -m - Generate a class definition manifest file
  • --packages, -p - Generate the list of required packages


Choose one of the following options

  • --json, -json - Generate data in JSON format
  • --jsonp, -jsonp - Generate data in JSONP format using the given function
  • --tpl, -t - The line template for generating filenames as text (e.g. )


  • --append, -ap - Appends output to output file instead of overwriting output file
  • --base-path, -ba - Set the base path for relative path references
  • --boot-relative, -bo - Indicates paths are relative to the bootstrap file
  • --exclude-disabled, -e - Indicates only enabled js source files should be processed
  • --info-type, -i - Selects the info type to operate on for this metadata command. Supported Values:

    • Alias : Class name to alias information
    • Alternates : Alternate class name information
    • Filenames : File name information for currently selected source files
    • LoaderPaths : Path configurations for the dynamic loader (Ext.Loader)
    • Manifest : Class definition manifest information
    • Definitions : Symbol information
    • Packages : Required packages and produces package name / version info
    • LoadOrder : Load order metadata for the class Loader
    • PackageManifest : Manifest of all package requirements
    • AppManifest : App manifest to be consumed by the v5 microloader
    • Dependencies : File to file dependency data
  • --output-file, -o - The output file name (or $ for stdout)

  • --separator, -s - The delimiter character used to separate multiple templates


sencha compile metadata [options] 

sencha compile page

This command processes a markup file as input and generates an output file with certain sections rewritten.

If the -name option is specified, the dependency graph of all required files is saved as a file set with that name (see also the save command).

If the -name option is not specified, all required files are instead written to the "all-classes.js" file.


  • --append, -ap - Appends output to output file instead of overwriting output file
  • --beautify, -b - enables / disables beautification of sources after compilation
  • --charset, -ch - specifies a custom charset for this output command.
  • --classes-file, -cla - the name of the js file containing the concatenated output
  • --closure, -clo - Compress generate file using Closure Compiler
  • --cmd, -cm - Compress generated file using Cmd compressor
  • --compress, -co - Compress generated file using default compressor (YUI)
  • --input-file, -i - the html page to process
  • --js-version, -j - Sets the output JS language level Supported Values:

    • ES3 : ECMASCRIPT Level 3
    • ES5 : ECMASCRIPT Level 5
    • ES5_STRICT : ECMASCRIPT Level 5 Strict
    • ES6 : ECMASCRIPT Level 6
    • ES6_STRICT : ECMASCRIPT Level 6 Strict
  • --name, -n - sets a reference name for the page

  • --output-page, -ou - the output html page
  • --remove-text-references, -remove-t - enables / disables reference optimization by converting string classnames to static references
  • --scripts, -sc - inject the given script path into the generated markup ahead of the all classes file
  • --strip-comments, -str - Strip comments from the generated file
  • --yui, -y - YUI compressor has been deprecated. Use the Cmd compressor instead.


sencha compile page [options] output-page

sencha compile pop

This command restores the current set of files from the "stack". This state was previously put on the "stack" using the push command.

sencha compile ... \
            and push \
            and ... \
            and pop
            and ...

Between the push and pop commands the current file set can be adjusted as needed and then restored for subsequent commands.


sencha compile pop 

sencha compile push

This command saves the current set of files on a "stack" to easily save and restore state.

sencha compile ... \
            and push \
            and ... \
            and pop
            and ...

Between the push and pop commands the current file set can be adjusted as needed and then restored for subsequent commands.


sencha compile push 

sencha compile require


  • --allow-unmet-dependencies, -a - Allows this requirement to produce no resulting file-to-file dependencies
  • --file-name, -f - Indicates that the name specified by the -source argument is a single file path.
  • --requires, -r - The name being required by the files denoted by the -source argument.
  • --source-name, -so - The set of files (class, @tag, or file) on which to add the requirement.
  • --uses, -u - Indicates that this reference is a 'uses' level reference.


sencha compile require [options] 

sencha compile restore


sencha compile restore String

sencha compile save


sencha compile save String

sencha compile show-ignored

Displays a list of all files found in the classpath but matching an -ignore criteria.


sencha compile show-ignored 

sencha compile union

This command adds files matching the criteria to the current set. This is similar to the include command except that this command first removes all files from the current set. In other words, this command makes the current set equal to only those files that match the criteria.


  • --all, -a - Select all files in global cache (ignores other options)
  • --class, -c - Selects files according to the specified class names
  • --file, -f - Selects the specified file names (supports glob patterns)
  • --include-uses, -i - Enables / disables inclusion of 'uses' dependencies in transitive scan (-recursive)
  • --namespace, -na - Selects all files with class definitions in the given namespace(s)
  • --not, -no - Inverts the matching criteria
  • --recursive, -r - Enable traversal of dependency relationships when selecting files
  • --set, -s - Selects files from on a previously saved set (ignores other options)
  • --tag, -t - Selects all files with the specified '//@tag' values


sencha compile union [options] 

sencha config

This command can be used to either set configuration options manually or load a configuration file to set multiple options.

By default, these configuration options are only held for the current execution of Sencha Cmd, which means you will almost always use then to chain commands that will now be executed with the modified configuration.

For example, to change the theme of an Ext JS application for a build:

sencha config -prop app.theme=theme-neptune then app build

Multiple properties can be loaded from a properties file:

sencha config -file then app build

The content of "" might be something like this:


If you want to preserve a given property, Sencha Cmd can write them to a personal or global configuration file if using the --save / -s switch.

# always enable debug output (this user only, all versions)
sencha config -prop sencha#debug=true --save

To remove a property from a configuration file, just omit assigning a value:

# remove sencha#debug={value} from the configuration file
sencha config -prop sencha#debug --save

To write properties to the global configuration file, use the --global / -g switch:

# always enable debug ouptut (all users, all versions)
sencha config -prop sencha#debug=true --save --global

To list all saved properties use the --list / -l switch:

sencha config --list
sencha config --list --global

To read more about Sencha Cmd configuration files, see the following guide:


  • --file, -f - The properties file to load
  • --global, -g - Save/list properties to/from the global cfg file (applies to all users)
  • --list, -l - List all saved properties
  • --prop, -p - One or more property names and values to set, omit assigning a value to remove the property
  • --save, -s - Write specified properties to the user's Sencha Cmd personal config. file


sencha config [options] 

sencha cordova

This command will be deprecated in a future version of CMD. Please see information on setting up a multi-build via app.json instead of running these commands.

Sencha Cmd works together with the Cordova CLI to package your application for native platforms.

// Initialize Cordova Support 
sencha cordova init {APP_ID} {APP_NAME}

// Build the application and attempt to run it on a Device or in the Emulator
sencha app build -run native

For more information on using Sencha Cmd with Cordova, consult the guides found here:!/guide/cordova


  • init - Adds Cordova support to your application

sencha cordova init

This will add Cordova CLI support to your application. Cordova CLI support will allow for native application building locally for multiple platforms.

sencha cordova init {APP_ID} {APP_NAME}

{APP_ID} is optional and contains the Application ID used in the native app. This will default to{APP_NAME}

{APP_NAME} is optional and contains the Application Name used in the native app. This will default to the name of your sencha touch application.

For more information on using Sencha Cmd with Cordova, consult the guides found here:!/guide/cordova


sencha cordova init Object[]...

sencha diag

This command category allows you to perform diagnostic operations with Sencha Cmd, useful to debug problems during the execution of other commands.


  • export - Generates a zip file that contains metadata about the build environment for diagnostic purposes
  • show-props - Show configuration and environment properties

sencha diag export


sencha diag export 

sencha diag show-props


sencha diag show-props 

sencha framework

This command category allows you to manage frameworks in the current workspace.

Framework entries are defined on workspace.json in the "frameworks" property:

"frameworks": {
    "ext": "ext",
    "ext5": {
        "package": "ext@5",
        "path": "ext5"
    "ext6": {
        "source": "../frameworks/ext-6.0.0",
        "path": "ext-6"
    "touch242": "../touch-2.4.2"

Frameworks entries can be strings (e.g.: "/path/to/ext" or "ext@n.n.n") or configuration objects that declare either "package" or "source" and optionally "path". If no "path" is defined, the framework key (e.g.: "ext", "ext6" will be used as path).

Framework entry keys must start with "ext" or "touch".


  • add - Add a framework to the current workspace
  • list - List frameworks available in the current workspace
  • remove - Remove a framework from the current workspace
  • upgrade - Upgrades a framework defined on workspace.json and upgrades the applications that use it

sencha framework add

This command allows the addition of a framework entry to the current workspace.

A path can be passed as argument:

sencha framework add /path/to/ext

Sencha Cmd will determine the framework's name and version and use them to generate a key (e.g: "ext6" or "ext501"), by default this key will also be used as the name of a directory inside the workspace where the framework will be copied to.

A package name can be passed as argument:

sencha framework add ext@n[.n[.n[.n]]] 

if the package does not already exist in the workspace repository, it will be downloaded and extracted to the workspace packages directory.

Since package names can sometimes be ambiguous (for example when a directory named "ext" exists a call to sencha framework add ext is made) the --package switch can be used to force the first argument to be treated as a package name:

# If a directory called "ext" exists it will be added as a framework entry
sencha framework add ext

# It will treat "ext" as package name and act accordingly 
sencha framework add --package ext

Optionally, the path to which the framework will be copied can be passed as second argument:

# Will copy the framework to ${workspace.dir}/ext
sencha framework add /path/to/ext ext

# Will copy the framework to ${workspace.dir}/ext5
sencha framework add /path/to/ext-5 ext5

A third argument can be used to specify the framework key:

# Will add a framework entry with "ext-custom" as key
sencha framework add /path/to/ext my_ext ext-custom

The framework key must begin with "ext" or "touch".


  • --key, -k - The key that will identify this framework on workspace.json
  • --package, -pac - Treat the source|package argument as a package name even if a directory with the same name exists
  • --path, -pat - The directory where the framework will be copied to
  • --source, -so - The source directory


sencha framework add [options] [source|package] [path] [key]

sencha framework list

This commands lists all frameworks declared in the current namespace.


sencha framework list 

sencha framework remove

This command allows you to remove a framework entry from the current workspace.

sencha framework remove ext6

Sencha Cmd will determine if the framework can be removed (based on whether it is used by apps declared in the workspace or not).

If the framework sources are located outside the workspace, the files will not be removed, only the entry in workspace.json.

If you want to remove a framework entry regardless of its usage you can use the --force switch:

sencha framework remove --force ext6

If you want to just remove the framework entry and keep its files (if inside the current workspace) use the --soft switch:

sencha framework remove --soft ext6


  • --force, -f - Force remove framework entry
  • --soft, -so - Don't remove the framework from the filesystem (only for frameworks stored inside the workspace)


sencha framework remove [options] [key]

sencha framework upgrade


  • --key, -k - The key that identifies the framework to upgrade
  • --meta, -me - Upgrade only the information on workspace.json
  • --path, -pa - The directory where the framework will be copied to
  • --source, -so - The source directory


sencha framework upgrade [options] [key] [source|package] [path]

sencha fs

This category provides commands for manipulating files.


  • mirror - Commands for making mirror images for RTL languages


  • concatenate - Concatenate multiple files into one
  • difference - Generates deltas between two files in JSON format
  • minify - Minify a JavaScript file
  • slice - Generates image slices from a given image directed by a JSON manifest

sencha fs concatenate

This command combines multiple input files into a single output file.

sencha fs concat -to=output.js input1.js input2.js input3.js


  • --from, -f - List of files to concatenate, comma-separated
  • --to, -t - The destination file to write concatenated content


sencha fs concatenate [options] files...

sencha fs difference

This command produces a delta (or "patch") file between input files.

sencha fs diff -from=base.js -to=modified.js -delta=patch


sencha fs difference 

sencha fs minify

This command produced minified files using various back-end compressors.

sencha fs minify -yui -from=in.js -to=out.js

sencha fs minify -closure -from=in.js -to=out.js

The legacy syntax is also supported:

sencha fs minify -compressor=yuicompressor -from=in.js -to=out.js

sencha fs minify -compressor=closurecompiler -from=in.js -to=out.js


  • --closure, -cl - Enable the Google Closure Compiler
  • --from, -f - The input js file to minify
  • --generate-source-map, -g - Enable SourceMap generation (only when used in conjunction with the closure compiler)
  • --level, -l - Sets the language level for JS compression. Default is ES5. Supported Values:

    • ES3 : ECMASCRIPT Level 3
    • ES5 : ECMASCRIPT Level 5
    • ES5_STRICT : ECMASCRIPT Level 5 Strict
    • ES6 : ECMASCRIPT Level 6
    • ES6_STRICT : ECMASCRIPT Level 6 Strict
  • --to, -t - The destination filename for minified output.

  • --yui, -y - YUI compressor has been deprecated. Please use the Cmd compressor instead.


sencha fs minify [options] 

sencha fs mirror

Commands for create horizontal mirror of images and sprites for RTL locales.

This family of commands is intended for automated production of "derivative" images based on hand maintained and designed image assets authored in the more familiar, left-to-right (LTR) form.


  • all - Horizontally flip a folder of images and sprites based on naming convention
  • image - Horizontally flip an image
  • sprite - Horizontally flip a "sprite" (multi-cell image)

sencha fs mirror all

This command creates horizontal mirror images of a folder of images and/or sprites. This command requires some name consistency in order to differentiate output files from input files and the geometry of sprites.

Sprites must have a name segment that looks like "4x3" to define its geometry. This is understood as "columns" x "rows" or, in this example, 4 columns and 3 rows.

The following examples all fit this pattern:

  • tools-2x12.png
  • sprite_12x3.gif
  • some-3x5-sprite.png

The input files and output files are separated by a suffix that must be given. The output files will be produced from the input files applying the suffix. By default, the output files are written to the same folder as the input files. This can be changed by specifying "-out".

For example:

sencha fs mirror all -r -suffix=-rtl /path/to/images

The above command performs the following:

  • Scans "/path/to/images" (and all sub folders due to -r) for images.
  • Any image not ending in "-rtl" is considered an input file.
  • Any input image with sprite geometry in its name has its cells flipped.
  • Other input images are entirely flipped.
  • The input files are written using their original name plus the suffix.
  • Up-to-date checks are made but can be skipped by passing -overwrite.
  • Files are written to "/path/to/images".

By passing the -format switch, the format of the output images can be set to be other than the same format as the original file. For example, one could convert PNG files to GIF by passing -format=gif. This does only basic image conversion and no advanced image processing. Simple color quantization can be enabled using -quantize.

For example:

sencha fs mirror all all -format=gif -ext=png -quantize -out=/out/dir \
     -suffix=-rtl /some/pngs

The above command will process all "png" images and will write out their "gif" versions (using color quantization) to a different folder.


  • --dry-run, -d - When set no images will be saved but all normal work is still done
  • --extensions, -e - Comma-separated list of image extensions (default is "gif,png")
  • --format, -f - The image format to write all output files (e.g., "-f=png")
  • --output-dir, -ou - The output folder for generated images (defaults to input folder)
  • --overwrite, -ov - Disable up-to-date check and always generate output file
  • --quantize, -q - Enable basic color quantization (useful with -format=gif)
  • --recurse, -r - Process the input folder recursively (i.e., include sub-folders)
  • --suffix, -s - The suffix of output files (e.g., "-rtl")


sencha fs mirror all [options] File


  • File - The input folder to process

sencha fs mirror image

This command create a horizontal mirror image of a given input file.

For example

sencha fs mirror image foo.png foo-rtl.png

The above command creates "foo-rtl.png" from "foo.png".


sencha fs mirror image File \

sencha fs mirror sprite

This command create a horizontal mirror image of the cells in a given sprite.

For example

sencha fs mirror sprite -rows=2 -cols=4 sprite.png sprite-rtl.png

The above command horizontally flips each cell in the 2x4 sprite "sprite.png" and produces "sprite-rtl.png".

NOTE: The number of rows and columns are required.


  • --columns, -c - The number of columns in the sprite.
  • --rows, -r - The number of rows in the sprite.


sencha fs mirror sprite [options] File \

sencha fs slice

This command performs image slicing and manipulation driven by the contents of a JSON manifest file. The manifest file contains an array of image area definitions that further contain a set of "slices" to make.

This file and the corresponding image are typically produced for a Theme as part of the theme package build. For details on this process, consult this guide:!/guide/command_slice


  • --format, -f - The image format to save - either "png" or "gif" (the default)
  • --image, -i - The image to slice
  • --manifest, -m - The slicer manifest (JSON) file
  • --out-dir, -o - The root folder to which sliced images are written
  • --quantized, -q - Enables image quantization (default is true)
  • --tolerate-conflicts, -t - Tolerate conflicts in slice manifest


sencha fs slice [options] 

sencha generate

This category contains code generators used to generate applications as well as add new classes to the application.


  • app - Generates a starter application
  • controller - Generates a Controller for the current application
  • form - Generates a Form for the current application (Sencha Touch Specific)
  • model - Generates a Model for the current application
  • package - Generates a starter package
  • profile - Generates a Profile for the current application (Sencha Touch Specific)
  • theme - Generates a theme page for slice operations (Ext JS Specific)
  • view - Generates a View for the current application (Ext JS Specific)
  • workspace - Initializes a multi-app workspace

sencha generate app

This command generates an empty application given a name and target folder.

The application can be extended using other sencha generate commands (e.g., sencha generate model).

Other application actions are provided in the sencha app category (e.g., sencha app build).

Sencha Cmd can also automatically download and extract a framework by specifying the name of the framework as an argument:

sencha generate app -ext MyAppName ./MyAppPath

This will generate an application using the newest version available for the specified framework.

For Ext JS 6, by default, this application will be a Universal Application. To override this and select a particular toolkit, you can use either of these variations:

sencha generate app -ext -classic MyAppName ./MyAppPath
sencha generate app -ext -modern MyAppName ./MyAppPath


  • --controller-name, -c - The name of the default Controller
  • --library, -l - the pre-built library to use (core or all). Default: core
  • --name, -n - The name of the application to generate
  • --path, -p - The path for the generated application
  • --refresh, -r - Set to false to skip the "app refresh" of the generated app
  • --starter, -s - Overrides the default Starter App template directory
  • --template, -te - The name of the template to use
  • --theme-name, -th - The name of the default Theme
  • --view-name, -v - The name of the default View


sencha generate app [options] name \

sencha generate controller

This command generates a new Controller and adds it to the current application.


  • --name, -n - The name of the Controller to generate


sencha generate controller [options] name

sencha generate form

This command generates a new form and adds it to the current application.


  • --fields, -f - Comma separated list of "name:type" field pairs
  • --name, -n - The name of the Form to generate
  • --xtype, -x - The xtype for the form. Defaults to the lowercase form of the name.


sencha generate form [options] name \
                               fields \

sencha generate model

This command generates a new Model class and adds it to the current application.


  • --base, -b - The base class of the Model (default:
  • --fields, -f - Comma separated list of "name:type" field pairs
  • --name, -n - The name of the Model


sencha generate model [options] name \

sencha generate package

This command generates a new Sencha Cmd Package. A package is in many ways like an application in that it contains any of the following pieces:

  • JavaScript source
  • SASS styles
  • Arbitrary resources

All of these are integrated by a build process using sencha package build.

For example:

sencha generate package foo

If this command is run from an application directory, the package will be added automatically to the requires array in the "app.json" file. To avoid this use the -require switch:

sencha generate package -require foo

To use this package in other applications (or packages), you just add the name of the package to the requires array in the "app.json" or "package.json" file:

requires: [

All packages reside in the "./packages" folder of the workspace (which is often the same folder as your application).


  • --extend, -e - The theme (package) to extend from (For theme type packages on Ext JS 4.2+ only)
  • --framework, -fr - The framework this package will use (i.e., "ext" or "touch")
  • --name, -name - The name of the package to generate
  • --namespace, -names - The namespace of the package to generate
  • --require, -r - Whether to automatically add the generated package to the current app (for non-theme packages only)
  • --theme, -th - The theme (package) this package will use (i.e., "ext-theme-classic", "ext-theme-crisp", "ext-theme-neptune", etc.)
  • --toolkit, -to - The toolkit this theme will use (For theme type packages on Ext JS 6.x+ only)
  • --type, -ty - The type of the package to generate (i.e., "code" or "theme") Supported Values:
    • CODE : A library of code
    • EXTENSION : An extension to Sencha Cmd
    • FRAMEWORK : A framework
    • THEME : A user interface theme or skin
    • TEMPLATE : A library of one or more templates
    • TOOLKIT : A library of components / widgets
    • LOCALE : Localization overrides / styling
    • OTHER : Unspecified type


sencha generate package [options] name

sencha generate profile

This command generates a new Profile and adds it to the current application.

NOTE: Sencha Touch only.


  • --name, -n - The name of the Profile to generate


sencha generate profile [options] name

sencha generate theme

This command generates a new Theme. For Ext JS 4.1, themes are "owned" by an application. In Ext JS 4.2 and beyond, themes are Packages.

In Ext JS 4.2, theme packages can extend other themes. By default, generated themes extend "ext-theme-classic". This can be overridden using --extend.

To generate a stand-alone Theme in Ext JS 4.2, follow these steps. Generate a workspace (with "ext" folder) using Ext JS 4.2 SDK unzipped on your system:

sencha -sdk /path/to/ext-4.2.0 generate workspace MyWorkspace
cd MyWorkspace

From inside the workspace, use the "ext" folder to generate the theme package:

sencha -sdk ext generate theme --extend ext-theme-neptune MyTheme

The above could equivalently have used the SDK used to create the workspace.

The -sdk switch is used here to indicate the framework on which the theme is based. This is not needed if the command is run from an Ext JS application folder.

NOTE: Does not apply to Sencha Touch.


  • --extend, -e - The name of the theme package to extend (Ext JS 4.2+ only)
  • --name, -n - The name of the Theme to generate
  • --toolkit, -t - The name of the toolkit this theme applies to (Ext JS 6.x+ only)


sencha generate theme [options] name

sencha generate view

This command generates a new View class and adds it to the current application.


  • --base-class, -b - Specifies the base class for the view (default: 'Ext.panel.Panel')
  • --name, -n - The name of the View to generate


sencha generate view [options] name

sencha generate workspace

This command generates a workspace for managing shared code across pages or applications.


  • --force, -fo - Forces re-extraction of framework into workspace.
  • --full, -fu - Enables full mode, which includes the .sencha folder.
  • --minimal, -mi - Enables minimal mode (no .sencha folder).
  • --path, -pa - Sets the target path for the workspace


sencha generate workspace [options] [path]

sencha help

This command displays help for other commands.


sencha help generate app


sencha help command...


  • command - The command path for which to display help (e.g., "generate app")

sencha js

This command loads and executes the specified JavaScript source file or files.

sencha js file.js[,file2.js,...] [arg1 [arg2 ...] ]


The first argument to this command is the file or files to execute. If there are multiple files, separate them with commas. In addition to the command line technique of specifying files, this command also recognizes the following directive:

//@require ../path/to/source.js

This form of require directive uses a relative path based on the file that contains the directive. Any given file will only be executed once, in much the same manner as the compiler.


A primitive console object with the following methods is provided to the JavaScript execution context:

  • log
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • dir
  • trace
  • time / timeEnd

Arguments beyond the first can be accessed in JavaScript with the global $args array. The current directory can be accessed with $curdir.

The Sencha Cmd object can be accessed with sencha. This object has a version property and a dispatch method.

if (sencha.version.compareTo('') < 0) {
    console.warn('Some message');
} else {
    // dispatch any command provided by Cmd:
    sencha.dispatch([ 'app', 'build', $args[1] ]);

Beyond the above, the executing JavaScript has full access to the JRE using the importPackage and importClass methods.

For example:


var f = new File('somefile.txt');  // create a object

For further details on the JavaScript engine provided by Java, consult the Java Scripting guide:


sencha js String \

sencha manager

This category provides commands for interacting with Sencha Web Application Manager


  • version - Commands for managing application versions.

sencha manager version

This category provides commands to manage application versions


  • create - Create a new application version in Sencha Web Application Manager.

sencha manager version create

Provisions a new version of a specified application in Sencha Web Application Manager.

This command accepts a path to either a zip file or a directory, and will publish the content to Sencha Web Application Manager as a new application version.


  • --api-key, -a - The API key used to communicate with the Sencha Web Application Manager server.
  • --file, -f - Path to a zip file or folder to publish as a new application version.
  • --host, -h - The host URL for the Sencha Web Application Manager server.
  • --id, -i - The id of the Sencha Web Application Manager application.
  • --name, -n - The name of the version to create.
  • --secret, -s - The shared secred used to encrypt traffic to the Sencha Web Application Manager server.


sencha manager version create [options] 

sencha manifest

This category provides commands to manage application manifests.


  • create - Generate a list of metadata for all classes found in the given directories

sencha manifest create

This command generates a list of metadata for all classes.


  • --output-path, -o - The file path to write the results to in JSON format.
  • --path, -p - The directory path(s) that contains all classes


sencha manifest create [options] output-path

sencha package

These commands manage packages in the local repository.

These commands are not typically used directly because application requirements are automatically used by sencha app build and sencha app refresh --packages to handle these details.

Using Packages

The most common commands needed to use packages are those that connect your local package repository to remote repositories. By default, the local repo has one remote repository defined that points at Sencha's package repository.

To add, remove or display these connections see:

sencha help package repo

Authoring Packages

When authoring packages for others to use in their applications, however, these commands are involved. In particular, you must first initialize your local package repository. This is because the local repository is automatically initialized "anonymously". In this state, the local repository can only be used to retrieve and cache other packages. To create and publish packages, the local repository must be initialized with a name and an optional email address.

This name is not required to be globally unique, but it is a good idea to use a name that is unique and meaningful as a package author.

sencha repository init -name "My Company, Inc."

sencha repository init -name mySenchaForumId

For details see:

sencha help repository init


  • add - Adds a package file (.pkg) to the local repository
  • build - Builds the current package
  • extract - Extracts the contents of a package to an output folder
  • get - Get a package from a remote repository
  • install - Installs a Sencha Cmd extension package
  • list - Lists packages in the repository
  • remove - Removes a package from the local repository
  • upgrade - Upgrades the current package

sencha package add

Adds a new package file ("*.pkg") to the local repository. These packages will be signed automatically if their creator property matches the name associated with the local repository.

Once a package is added to the local repository, any repository that points to this repository as a remote repository will be able to download the package.

The sencha package build process generates an appropriate ".pkg" file in the


sencha package add pkgFile


  • pkgFile - The path to the package file (e.g., path/file.pkg)

sencha package build

This command invokes the build process for the current package. Similar to an application and sencha app build, this command builds the current package (as defined by the current folder).

sencha package build


  • --build, -build - Selects the name of the build specified in the 'builds' package.json set to use for the build
  • --clean, -c - Remove previous build output prior to executing build
  • --destination, -des - The directory to which the build output is written
  • --fashion-debug, -fashion-d - Enables / disables node dev tools when running fashion builds.
  • --fashion-symbols, -fashion-s - Enables / disables stack traces in scss code.
  • --locale, -l - Selects the package.locale setting to use for the build
  • --theme, -th - Selects the package.theme setting to use for the build


sencha package build [options] [theme|locale|build]...

sencha package extract

This command extracts a package or packages from the repository. If necessary the packages will be downloaded from remote repositories and cached locally for future use.

NOTE: This is not typically executed manually but is handle automatically as part of the build process based on the "requires" found in "app.json" and/or "package.json".

To extract a package named "foo" at version "1.2" to a specified location:

sencha package extract -todir=/some/path foo@1.2

This will create "/some/path/foo". To recursively extract packages required by "foo", you would do this:

sencha package extract -recurse -todir=/some/path foo@1.2

When complete, "foo" and all of its required packages will reside in the folder specified.

NOTE: It is recommended to use -todir and allow the package name to be used as the immediate subdirectory of that folder. The -outdir option allows you to strip off this directory but prevents recursive extraction as a result.


  • --clean, -c - Delete any files in the output folder before extracting
  • --force, -f - Ignore local copy and fetch from remote repository
  • --outdir, -o - The output folder for the extracted package contents
  • --recurse, -r - Also get all required packages recursively
  • --todir, -t - The output folder for the extracted package folder


sencha package extract [options] packages...


  • packages - The names/versions of the packages to extract

sencha package get

This command ensures that a specified package is locally available. This does not extract the package to a particular location, but rather, enables apps or other packages to get the package from the local repository (that is, without downloading it).

For example, to ensure that "foo" and "bar" are available locally:

sencha package get foo bar

To get all packages required by those specified packages:

sencha package get -recursive foo bar


  • --force, -f - Ignore local copy and (re)fetch from remote repository
  • --recurse, -r - Also get all required packages recursively


sencha package get [options] packages...


  • packages - One or more packages/versions to fetch locally

sencha package install


  • --clean, -c - Delete any files in the output folder before extracting
  • --force, -f - Ignore local copy and fetch from remote repository


sencha package install [options] String[]...


  • String[] - The names/versions of the packages to install

sencha package list

This command lists packages in the repository. To list available packages simply execute:

sencha package list

To list locally available packages (no download required), do this:

sencha package list .

Otherwise, you can specify the names of package repositories to list:

sencha package list sencha

The above will list the contents of the Sencha Cmd Package Repository.


sencha package list names...


  • names - The repos to list (blank for all, or remote names or "." for local)

sencha package remove

Removes one or more packages from the local repository.

Removes version 1.2 of the package "foo":

sencha package remove foo@1.2

Remove all versions of "foo"

sencha package remove foo@...


sencha package remove packageNames...


  • packageNames - One or more packages/versions to remove

sencha package upgrade

Upgrades the current package to a newer SDK or Sencha Cmd version.

This command must be run from the desired package's folder.


  • --legacy, -l - Enables preservation of the .sencha/package folder structure


sencha package upgrade [options] 

sencha phonegap

This command will be deprecated in a future version of CMD. Please see information on setting up a multi-build via app.json instead of running these commands.

Sencha Cmd works together with the PhoneGap CLI to package your application for native platforms. PhoneGap CLI allows native application building locally and remotely via PhoneGap Build. You can find more information on PhoneGap Build here

To add PhoneGap support to your application simply run the following command within your application directory

// Initialize PhoneGap Support 
sencha phonegap init {APP_ID} {APP_NAME}

// Build the application and attempt to run it on a Device or in the Emulator
sencha app build -run native

For more information on using Sencha Cmd with PhoneGap, consult the guides found here:!/guide/cordova


  • init - Adds PhoneGap support to your application

sencha phonegap init

This will add PhoneGap CLI support to your application. PhoneGap CLI support will allow for native application building locally and remotely for multiple platforms.

sencha phonegap init {APP_ID} {APP_NAME}

{APP_ID} is optional and contains the Application ID used in the native app. This will default to{APP_NAME}

{APP_NAME} is optional and contains the Application Name used in the native app. This will default to the name of your sencha touch application.

For more information on using Sencha Cmd with PhoneGap, consult the guides found here:!/guide/cordova


sencha phonegap init Object[]...

sencha repository

These commands manage the local repository and its connections to remote repositories.

Remote Repositories

The primary role of the local repository is as a cache of packages that it downloads from one or more specified remote repositories. By default, Sencha Cmd adds the Sencha package repository as a remote repository. Using these commands you can manage these connections.

This command adds a remote repository connection named "foo":

sencha repo add foo

Following this command, any packages contained in this repository will be available. Typically these packages are used by adding their name (and possibly version) to your application's "app.json" in its requires array.

    requires: [


sencha app build

The above addition will require version 2.1 of "cool-package". The remote repository added above will be checked for this package, and if found, it is downloaded to the local repository and cached there as well as extracted to your app's"packages/cool-package" folder and automatically integrated in to your build.

Authoring Packages

To author packages for others to use in their applications, you will need to initialize your local repository with your name:

sencha repo init -name "My Company, Inc."

See these for more details:

sencha help package
sencha help repo init


  • add - Add a remote repository connection
  • init - Initializes the local package repository
  • list - List remote repository connections
  • remove - Remove a remote repository connection
  • show - Show details for a repository
  • sync - Clears caches to force refetching for a remote repository

sencha repository add

Adds a remote repository connection. Once added, packages from that repository will be available to applications for use.

sencha repo add foo


  • --address, -a - The address (or URL) for the remote repository
  • --beta, -b - Indicates that this new repository contains beta packages
  • --name, -n - The name for the remote connection


sencha repository add [options] name \

sencha repository init

Initializes the local repository. The local repository is used to cache local copies of packages (potentially for multiple versions).

NOTE: This step is not typically necessary because the local repository is automatically initialized in "anonymous" mode. This command is needed only if you want to publish packages for others to use in their application. To publish packages you must initial the local repository and provide a name:

sencha repository init -name "My Company, Inc." -email

Beyond initializing the repository file structures, this command also generates a public/private key pair and stores these in the local repository. The private key is used to sign packages added to this local repository.

For details on adding packages:

sencha help package add

Private Key

Packages added to the local repository with a creator property equal to the name given to sencha repository init will be signed using the private key stored in the local repository.

In this release of Sencha Cmd, these signatures are only used to test package integrity. You can backup this key if desired, but a new key can be regenerated by running sencha repo init at any time. In future versions it may be more important to backup your private key.

Remote Access

Making the local package repository available as a remote repository for others to access requires some knowledge of the disk structure of the repository. By default, Sencha Cmd creates the local repository adjacent to its installation folder. For example, given the following location of Sencha Cmd:


The local respository is located at:


This is to allow your local repository to be used by newer versions of Sencha Cmd. The folder to publish to others as an HTTP URL is:


IMPORTANT: Do NOT expose the parent folder of "pkgs" - that folder holds private information (such as your private key). Further, Sencha Cmd will not recognize the structure as a valid remote repository.

If you want to host the repository on a public server, simply copy the "pkgs" folder to a web server and share the HTTP address.


  • --email, -em - The email address for the owner of the local repository
  • --expiration, -ex - The number of years before the key pair becomes invalid
  • --keybits, -k - The number of bits for the public/private key pair
  • --name, -n - The name for the owner of the local repository


sencha repository init [options] 

sencha repository list

Lists all remote repository connections.


sencha repository list 

sencha repository remove

Remove a remote repository from the local repository's list of remote repositories. For example, if a remote was previously added:

sencha repo add foo

This command will remove it:

sencha repo remove foo

NOTE: This command does not remove packages that you may have downloaded from this remote as they are now cached in the local repository.


  • --name, -n - The name for the remote connection


sencha repository remove [options] name

sencha repository show

Shows information about a remote repository.

To show information about the local repository:

sencha repo show .

To show information about a specific remote repository:

sencha repo show some-remote

The name given should match the name previously given to:

sencha repo add some-remote ...


  • --all, -a - Include all details about the repository


sencha repository show [options] names...


  • names - The name(s) of remote repositories (or "." for local)

sencha repository sync

Forces (re)synchronization with a remote repository catalog. Normally this is done periodically and does not need to be manually synchronized. This command may be needed if there something known to have been added to a remote repo but has not yet shown up in the catalog on this machine.

sencha repo sync someremote

To resynchronize with all remote repositories:

sencha repo sync


  • --name, -n - The name for the remote connection (blank for all)


sencha repository sync [options] [name]

sencha switch

This command allows you to switch between Sencha Cmd versions present in the parent directory of the last installed Sencha Cmd.

To see a list of locally available versions use the "list" switch, this command will also show the path where versions are expected to be present:

sencha switch --list

To switch to the latest locally available version, run the command with no arguments:

sencha switch

To switch to a specific version, pass it as an argument:

sencha switch {version}


  • --list, -l - List the available versions


sencha switch [options] [version=""]

sencha template

This category provides commands to work with templates


  • apply - Apply a template to produce its output
  • info - This command displays all available information about a template
  • list - This command lists all existing templates in the current workspace
  • read - Read a JSON file to supply data for a template

sencha template apply


  • --data, -d - Set a name/value pair (can also use -Dname=value)
  • --name, -n - The name of the template
  • --output, -o - The output directory


sencha template apply [options] name

sencha template info


  • --name, -n - The name of the template


sencha template info [options] name

sencha template list


sencha template list 

sencha template read


  • --name, -n - The name of the JSON file to load


sencha template read [options] [name]

sencha theme

This category contains low-level commands for managing themes. Typically these operations are handled by sencha app build and/or sencha package build.


  • build - Builds a custom theme from a given page
  • capture - Capture an image and slicer manfiest for a theme
  • slice - Generates image slices from a given image directed by a JSON manifest

sencha theme build

This command will build the specified theme's image sprites.

IMPORTANT: This command should only be used for Ext JS 4.1 applications. For Ext JS 4.2 applications, themes are now packages and should be managed using the sencha package build process.


  • --environment, -en - The build environment (e.g., production or testing)
  • --output-path, -o - The destination path for the sliced images
  • --page, -p - The page to slice
  • --theme-name, -t - The name of the theme to build


sencha theme build [options] [theme-name] \

sencha theme capture

This command will capture an image and slice manifest for a specified page.

It is rarely necessary to call this command directly as it is part of the theme build process. In Ext JS 4.2 applications or theme packages, this command is called by the build script's slice step. In Ext JS 4.1 applications this is called for each application theme or directly by the 'sencha theme build` command.

For example, this is roughly the command performed by the slice step for a theme package:

sencha theme capture -page sass/example/theme.html \
                     -image build/theme-capture.png \
                     -manifest build/theme-capture.json

Once the image and slicer manifest are produced, the sencha fs slice command extracts the background images and sprites required for Internet Explorer.


  • --base, -b - Sets the base directory used to resolve the relative paths.
  • --image-file, -i - The output image (e.g. "theme-capture.png")
  • --manifest, -m - The output slice manifest (e.g. "theme-capture.json")
  • --page, -p - The page to load for capturing theme contents


sencha theme capture [options] 

sencha theme slice

This command performs image slicing and manipulation driven by the contents of a JSON manifest file. The manifest file contains an array of image area definitions that further contain a set of "slices" to make.

This file and the corresponding image are typically produced for a Theme as part of the theme package build. For details on this process, consult this guide:!/guide/command_slice


  • --format, -f - The image format to save - either "png" or "gif" (the default)
  • --image, -i - The image to slice
  • --manifest, -m - The slicer manifest (JSON) file
  • --out-dir, -o - The root folder to which sliced images are written
  • --quantized, -q - Enables image quantization (default is true)
  • --tolerate-conflicts, -t - Tolerate conflicts in slice manifest


sencha theme slice [options] 

sencha upgrade

This command downloads and installs the current version of Sencha Cmd. Or you can specify the version you want to install as part of the command.

The following command downloads and installs the current version of Sencha Cmd:

sencha upgrade

This command downloads a particular version:

sencha upgrade

If the version requested is the already installed then this command will, by default, do nothing. This can be forced using --force:

sencha upgrade --force

If the version requested is the version in the PATH, the command will exit with a message saying that the current version cannot be upgraded. In this case the --force option is ignored.


  • --all, -a - Install all optional components
  • --beta, -b - Check for the latest beta or RC version (vs stable release)
  • --check, -c - Only check for an upgrade but do not install it
  • --force, -f - Force a (re)install even if the version is already installed
  • --nojre, -n - Windows and Mac only: Use the installer without a bundled JRE (keeps the current JRE in use)
  • --unattended, -u - Runs installer in silent / unattended mode


sencha upgrade [options] [version=""]

sencha web

This category provides commands to manage a simple HTTP file server based on Jetty (see

The following command is the simplest form:

sencha web start

This starts the web server on the default port and "mounts" the current directory as the web root. This command will block the terminal so you can use CTRL+C to end the process.

If this is started as a background process, you can use this command to stop the server from another terminal:

sencha web stop

The port used can be specified on the command line or using the configuration property cmd.web.port. For example:

sencha web -port 8080 start

And to stop the above:

sencha web -port 8080 stop

For details on the web root, console help on sencha web start:

sencha help web start

NOTE: These are low-level commands that do not relate to the current application. For applications, consider the web-start target using sencha ant web-start and sencha ant web-stop.

When using the sencha app watch command, a web server will be started automatically, so neither the sencha web start or sench ant web-start commands are necessary


  • --port, -p - Set the port for the web server
  • --ssl-port, -s - Set the port for the web server


  • start - Starts a static file Web Server on a port
  • stop - Stops the local web server on the specific port

sencha web start

This command starts the Web server and routes requests to the specified files. For example:

sencha web start

This will "mount" the current directory as the web root at the default port. The port can be specified if needed:

sencha web -port 8000 start

To stop the server, press CTRL+C or you can use these commands (from another terminal), respectively:

sencha web stop

sencha web -port 8000 stop

The Web Root

By default, sencha web start mounts the current directory so that all files and folders are available at the root of the web server's URL. Sometimes you may need to connect various folders into a common web root. To do this, use the -map switch like so:

sencha web start -map foo=/path/to/foo,bar=/another/path

Given the above, the following URL entered in a browser will display the files in "/path/to/foo":


And this URL will display the files in "/another/path":


For more details regarding the Sencha Cmd web server, run this command:

sencha help web

NOTE: These are low-level commands that do not relate to the current application. For applications, consider the web-start target using sencha ant web-start and sencha ant web-stop.

If a web.xml file is present on the application root, this command can try to use it to establish the context of a J2EE application by using the -j, --j2ee switch.

sencha web start --j2ee

It is important to note that this command will only work if all dependencies of the J2EE application are already in the classpath as Sencha Cmd does not include them during the install process. (e.g. servlet-api.jar).


  • --cmd-mount, -c - Enables mapping the cmd install dir as /~cmd.
  • --j2ee, -j - Use a web.xml file in the server root as context of a J2EE app.
  • --mappings, -m - List of local folders (ex: [sub=]/path/to/folder)


sencha web start [options] 

sencha web stop

This command stops the Web server previously started by sencha web start.

If the server was started with this command:

sencha web start

This command will stop that server:

sencha web stop

If you are using a custom port, these must match. For example:

sencha web -port 8000 start

From another terminal or console, this will stop the server:

sencha web -port 8000 stop

NOTE: These are low-level commands that do not relate to the current application. For applications, consider the web-start target using sencha ant web-start and sencha ant web-stop.


sencha web stop 

sencha which

This command display the location of Sencha Cmd.

sencha which


  • --output, -o - Name of an output property file to write the location as a property
  • --property, -p - Name of the property to write to the output property file for the location


sencha which [options] 

sencha workspace

This command category allows you to manage the current workspace.

The current workspace is determined by the presence of a workspace.json file in the current directory of any of its parent directories.


  • cleanup - Removes application entries in the workspace cfg file that no longer reference existing applications.
  • init - Initializes your current directory as a Sencha Cmd workspace.
  • install - Repopulate the missing pieces of any Sencha Cmd apps or frameworks in the current workspace
  • upgrade - Performs an upgrade on all the applications and packages in the workspace.

sencha workspace cleanup

This command removes any application entries in the workspace "workspace.json" file that no longer reference existing applications.

$ sencha workspace cleanup

Optionally, by using the --frameworks switch, it can remove framework entries that are no longer present in the workspace (i.e. the directory was manually removed) and are no longer used by any app in the workspace.

$ sencha workspace cleanup --frameworks


  • --apps, -a - Remove outdated app entries from workspace.json. Defaults to true.
  • --frameworks, -f - Remove outdated framework entries from workspace.json.


sencha workspace cleanup [options] 

sencha workspace init

This command initializes your current directory as a Sencha Cmd workspace.

Nothing will happen if ran inside an existing workspace.


sencha workspace init 

sencha workspace install

The install command will repopulate the missing pieces of any Sencha Cmd apps or frameworks in the current workspace. These are the pieces that are not typically stored in a version control system (for example, the Sencha frameworks).

IMPORTANT Before running this command on a workspace, a Sencha framework or SDK is required. The framework(s) required depend on the needs of the various apps in the workspace. This is often a commercially licensed version which can be downloadeded from the Sencha Support Portal. The following examples assume the necessary Sencha framework(s) have been downloaded and unzipped in to the "sencha-sdks" folder in the home directory ("~/sencha-sdks").

This command wil run sencha app install on all apps listed in the apps property of "workspace.json":

$ sencha workspace install --frameworks=~/sencha-sdks

To simplify this process going forward, you can configure Sencha Cmd to always use the frameworks in "~/sencha-sdks" by running this command:

$ sencha config --prop sencha.sdk.path=~/sencha-sdks --save

Once the above command has been executed, the install command simplifies to:

$ sencha workspace install

For more information on setting Sencha Cmd switches and other config options, consult the "Advanced Sencha Cmd" guide on the web:


  • --frameworks, -f - Path to directory with multiple framework versions to restore from
  • --shallow, -s - Perform a shallow install (workspace level only)


sencha workspace install [options] [frameworks]

sencha workspace upgrade

This command performs an upgrade on all the applications and packages in the workspace.

To upgrade a framework use sencha framework upgrade. For more information see sencha help framework upgrade.

To upgrade the framework for one application use sencha app upgrade. For more information, see sencha help app upgrade.


  • --shallow, -s - Only upgrade the workspace metadata, skip apps and packages


sencha workspace upgrade [options] 


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