(function() { var idSeed = 0, timerFns = {}, // [id] = { scope: {}, fn: function() {} } timerWorker, bind = function (fn, scope) { return function () { return fn.apply(scope, arguments); }; }, clear = function (nativeFn, type, id) { if (id) { if (timerWorker) { timerWorker.postMessage({ type: type, id: id }); delete timerFns[id]; } else { nativeFn(id); } } }, set = function (nativeFn, type, fn, scope, delay) { var id; if (typeof scope === 'number') { delay = scope; scope = null; } if (timerWorker) { id = ++idSeed; if (id === Number.MAX_VALUE) { id = idSeed = 1; } timerFns[id] = { fn: fn, scope: scope }; timerWorker.postMessage({ type: type, delay: delay, id: id }); } else { if (scope) { fn = fn.bind ? fn.bind(scope) : bind(fn, scope); } id = nativeFn(fn, delay); } return id; }; if (window.Worker) { try { if (window.require) { timerWorker = new Worker(require('event/timer-worker')); } else { timerWorker = new Worker('/~orion/files/event/timer-worker.js'); } timerWorker.onmessage = function(e) { var message = e.data, id = message.id, entry = timerFns[id]; if (entry) { // timer may have already been cancelled while we were waiting to receive // a message from the worker thread if (entry.scope) { entry.fn.call(entry.scope); } else { entry.fn(); } if (message.type === 'setTimeout') { delete timerFns[id]; } } }; } catch (e) {// if exception Timer.js will revert to setTimeout functions instead of Worker. } } /** * Similar to `setTimeout` and `Ext.defer` this method schedules a call to the given * method after the given `delay` and returns an id that can be used to cancel the * request. * * To cancel a timeout, call {@link ST#deferCancel}. Do not pass these id's to the * DOM. * * ### Note * * In some modern browsers (currently FF and Chrome timeouts are clamped to >= 1000ms for * inactive tabs. * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowTimers/setTimeout#Timeouts_in_inactive_tabs_clamped_to_>1000ms * * This can result in much larger delays than expected when playing back recorded events * since the Event Player is not guaranteed to be run in an active tab/window. * * This class leverages Web Workers to emulate the browser's setTimeout and setInterval * functionality without the undesirable clamping in incative tabs. * * Falls back to window.setTimeout/setInterval where Web Workers are not available. * @param {Function} fn The function to call after `delay` milliseconds. * @param {Object} [scope] The `this` pointer to use for calling `fn`. * @param {Number} delay The number of milliseconds to delay before calling `fn`. * @method defer * @member ST */ ST.defer = function (fn, scope, delay) { return set(setTimeout, 'setTimeout', fn, scope, delay); }; /** * Cancels an operation requested using {@link ST#defer}. * @param id * @method deferCancel * @member ST */ ST.deferCancel = function (id) { clear(clearTimeout, 'clearTimeout', id); }; ST.interval = function (fn, scope, delay) { return set(setInterval, 'setInterval', fn, scope, delay); }; ST.intervalCancel = function (id) { clear(clearInterval, 'clearInterval', id); };})();