(function () { var logger = ST.logger.forClass('context/Custom'), contextInit, contextStop, checkGlobalLeaks; /** * Configures a custom context. Configured methods can return * promises if they perform asynchronous operations. * * @param {Object} cfg Configuration object. Can contain the following properties: * @param {Function} [cfg.init] Context initialization function * @param {Function} [cfg.stop] Context termination function */ ST.configureContext = function (cfg) { contextInit = cfg.init; contextStop = cfg.stop; checkGlobalLeaks = cfg.checkGlobalLeaks; }; /** * Customizable context executed in sandbox environment. In contrast with * the default WebDriver context, where ST + WebDriverIO is automatically * initialized, no driver libraries will be loaded by default. * * The user is responsible for controlling the driver client * lifecycle, using any libraries such as WebdriverJS based on the * configuration provided via `driverConfig` instance property. * * The appropriate set of test suites is always loaded by the ST Sandbox * initialization. * * @class ST.context.Custom */ ST.context.Custom = ST.define({ extend: ST.context.Base, constructor: function (config) { var me = this; ST.context.Custom.superclass.constructor.call(me, config); ST.apply(me, config); }, init: function () { logger.trace('.init'); var me = this, result; if (typeof contextInit === 'function') { try { result = contextInit.call(me); } catch (err) { logger.error(err.stack || err); return Promise.reject(err); } } if (result && result.then) { return result; } else { return Promise.resolve(); } }, stop: function (resolve, reject) { logger.trace('.stop'); var me = this, result; if (me._stopped) { resolve(); return; } else { me._stopped = true; } if (typeof contextStop === 'function') { try { result = contextStop.call(me); } catch (err) { logger.error(err.stack || err); reject(err); return; } } if (result) { if (result.then) { result.then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(result); } } else { resolve(); } }, _checkGlobalLeaks: function (done) { var me = this, result; function makeResult (passed, message) { return { results: [{ passed: passed, message: message }] }; } if (typeof checkGlobalLeaks === 'function') { try { result = checkGlobalLeaks.call(me); } catch (err) { done(makeResult(false, err.stack || err)); return; } } if (result) { if (result.then) { result.then(function (message) { done(makeResult(true, message)); }, function (err) { done(makeResult(false, err.stack || err)); }) } else { done(makeResult(!!result)); } } else { done(makeResult(true)); } } }); }());