/** * @class Ext.ux.Gauge * @extend Ext.Gadget * @xtype gauge * * Displays a value within the given interval as a gauge. */ /** * @cfg {Number/String} [padding=10] * Gauge sector padding in pixels or percent of * width/height, whichever is smaller. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [trackStart=135] * The angle in the [0, 360) interval at which the gauge's track sector starts. * E.g. 0 for 3 o-clock, 90 for 6 o-clock, 180 for 9 o-clock, 270 for noon. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [trackLength=270] * The angle in the (0, 360] interval to add to the {@link #trackStart} angle * to determine the angle at which the track ends. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [angleOffset=0] * The angle at which the {@link #minValue} starts in case of a circular gauge. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [minValue=0] * The minimum value that the gauge can represent. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [maxValue=100] * The maximum value that the gauge can represent. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [value=50] * The current value of the gauge. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [clockwise=true] * `true` - {@link #cfg!value} increments in a clockwise fashion * `false` - {@link #cfg!value} increments in an anticlockwise fashion * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate} textTpl The template for the text in the center of the gauge. * The available data values are: * - `value` - The {@link #cfg!value} of the gauge. * - `percent` - The value as a percentage between 0 and 100. * - `minValue` - The value of the {@link #cfg!minValue} config. * - `maxValue` - The value of the {@link #cfg!maxValue} config. * - `delta` - The delta between the {@link #cfg!minValue} and {@link #cfg!maxValue}. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [textAlign='c-c'] * If the gauge has a donut hole, the text will be centered inside it. * Otherwise, the text will be centered in the middle of the gauge's * bounding box. This config allows to alter the position of the text * in the latter case. See the docs for the `align` option to the * {@Ext.util.Region#alignTo} method for possible ways of alignment * of the text to the guage's bounding box. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} trackStyle Track sector styles. * @cfg {String/Object[]} trackStyle.fill Track sector fill color. Defaults to CSS value. * It's also possible to have a linear gradient fill that starts at the top-left corner * of the gauge and ends at its bottom-right corner, by providing an array of color stop * objects. For example: * * trackStyle: { * fill: [{ * offset: 0, * color: 'green', * opacity: 0.8 * }, { * offset: 1, * color: 'gold' * }] * } * * @cfg {Number} trackStyle.fillOpacity Track sector fill opacity. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {String} trackStyle.stroke Track sector stroke color. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number} trackStyle.strokeOpacity Track sector stroke opacity. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number} trackStyle.strokeWidth Track sector stroke width. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number/String} [trackStyle.outerRadius='100%'] The outer radius of the track sector. * For example: * * outerRadius: '90%', // 90% of the maximum radius * outerRadius: 100, // radius of 100 pixels * outerRadius: '70% + 5', // 70% of the maximum radius plus 5 pixels * outerRadius: '80% - 10', // 80% of the maximum radius minus 10 pixels * * @cfg {Number/String} [trackStyle.innerRadius='50%'] The inner radius of the track sector. * See the `trackStyle.outerRadius` config documentation for more information. * @cfg {Boolean} [trackStyle.round=false] Whether to round the track sector edges or not. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} valueStyle Value sector styles. * @cfg {String/Object[]} valueStyle.fill Value sector fill color. Defaults to CSS value. * See the `trackStyle.fill` config documentation for more information. * @cfg {Number} valueStyle.fillOpacity Value sector fill opacity. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {String} valueStyle.stroke Value sector stroke color. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number} valueStyle.strokeOpacity Value sector stroke opacity. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number} valueStyle.strokeWidth Value sector stroke width. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number/String} [valueStyle.outerRadius='100% - 4'] The outer radius of the value sector. * See the `trackStyle.outerRadius` config documentation for more information. * @cfg {Number/String} [valueStyle.innerRadius='50% + 4'] The inner radius of the value sector. * See the `trackStyle.outerRadius` config documentation for more information. * @cfg {Boolean} [valueStyle.round=false] Whether to round the value sector edges or not. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object/Boolean} [animation=true] * The animation applied to the gauge on changes to the {@link #value} * and the {@link #angleOffset} configs. Defaults to 1 second animation * with the 'out' easing. * @cfg {Number} animation.duration The duraction of the animation. * @cfg {String} animation.easing The easing function to use for the animation. * Possible values are: * - `linear` - no easing, no acceleration * - `in` - accelerating from zero velocity * - `out` - (default) decelerating to zero velocity * - `inOut` - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration * @accessor */ /** * @since 6.6.0 * * Example usage: * * @example * import React, { Component } from 'react'; * import { ExtReact, SliderField, Gauge, FormPanel } from '@extjs/ext-react'; * export default class GaugeExample extends Component { * constructor() { * super(); * this.state = { * value: 40 * } * } * updateGauges(slider, value) { * this.setState({ value }) * } * render() { * const { value } = this.state; * return ( * <ExtReact> * <FormPanel shadow layout="vbox" maxWidth={350}> * <SliderField label="Value" onChange={this.updateGauges.bind(this)} value={value}/> * <Gauge flex={1} value={value}/> * <Gauge flex={1} value={value} trackStart={180} trackLength={360}/> * </FormPanel> * </ExtReact> * ) * } * } */