/** * @class Ext.field.ComboBox * @extend Ext.field.Select * @xtype combobox * @xtype comboboxfield * * A combobox control with support for autocomplete, remote loading, and many other features. * * A ComboBox is like a combination of a traditional HTML text `<input>` field and a `<select>` * field; if the {@link #cfg!editable} prop is `true`, then the user is able to type freely * into the field, and/or pick values from a dropdown selection list. * * The user can input any value by default, even if it does not appear in the selection list; * to prevent free-form values and restrict them to items in the list, set {@link #forceSelection} to `true`. * * The selection list's options are populated from any {@link Ext.data.Store}, including remote * stores. The data items in the store are mapped to each option's displayed text and backing value via * the {@link #valueField} and {@link #displayField} props which are applied to the list * via the {@link #cfg!itemTpl}. * * If your store is not remote, i.e. it depends only on local data and is loaded up front, you MUST * set the {@link #queryMode} to `'local'`. * * # Example usage: *```HTML *@example({tab: 1}) *<ext-formpanel * shadow="true" *> * <ext-combobox * width="200" * label="State" * displayField="name" * valueField="code" * queryMode="local" * labelAlign="placeholder" * typeAhead="true" * onready="comboboxfield.comboboxFieldReady" * > * </ext-combobox> *</ext-formpanel> *``` *```javascript *@example({tab: 2, packages: ['ext-web-components']}) *import '@sencha/ext-web-components/dist/ext-formpanel.component'; *import '@sencha/ext-web-components/dist/ext-combobox.component'; * *export default class ComboBoxFieldComponent { * constructor() { * this.data = [ * {"name":"Alabama","abbrev":"AL"}, * {"name":"Alaska","abbrev":"AK"}, * {"name":"Arizona","abbrev":"AZ"} * ] * } * comboboxFieldReady(event) { * this.combobox = event.detail.cmp; * this.combobox.setOptions(this.data); * } *} * * window.comboboxfield = new ComboBoxFieldComponent(); *``` * */ /** * @cfg {String} [queryParam='query'] * Name of the parameter used by the Store to pass the typed string when the ComboBox is configured with * `{@link #queryMode}: 'remote'`. If explicitly set to a falsy value it will not be sent. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [hideTrigger=false] * `true` to hide the expand trigger. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [queryMode='remote'] * The mode in which the ComboBox uses the configured Store. Acceptable values are: * * - **`'remote'`** : * * In `queryMode: 'remote'`, the ComboBox loads its Store dynamically based upon user interaction. * * This is typically used for "autocomplete" type inputs, and after the user finishes typing, the Store is {@link * Ext.data.Store#method!load load}ed. * * A parameter containing the typed string is sent in the load request. The default parameter name for the input * string is `query`, but this can be configured using the {@link #cfg!queryParam} prop. * * In `queryMode: 'remote'`, the Store may be configured with `{@link Ext.data.Store#cfg!remoteFilter remoteFilter}: * true`, and further filters may be _programatically_ added to the Store which are then passed with every load * request which allows the server to further refine the returned dataset. * * Typically, in an autocomplete situation, {@link #cfg!hideTrigger} is configured `true` because it has no meaning for * autocomplete. * * - **`'local'`** : * * ComboBox loads local data * * @example packages=[reactor] * import React, { Component } from "react"; * import { FormPanel, ComboBox } from "@sencha/ext-react"; * * export default class ComboBoxExample extends Component { * render() { * return ( * <FormPanel shadow> * <ComboBox * queryMode="local" * store={new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ * id: 0, * fields: [ * "myId", // numeric value is the key * "displayText" * ], * data: [[1, "item1"], [2, "item2"]] // data is local * })} * valueField="myId" * displayField="displayText" * triggerAction="all" * /> * </FormPanel> * ) * } * } * * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [queryCaching=true] * When true, this prevents the combo from re-querying (either locally or remotely) when the current query * is the same as the previous query. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [queryDelay=true] * The length of time in milliseconds to delay between the start of typing and sending the query to filter the * dropdown list. * * Defaults to `500` if `{@link #queryMode} = 'remote'` or `10` if `{@link #queryMode} = 'local'`. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [minChars=false] * The minimum number of characters the user must type before autocomplete and {@link #typeAhead} activate. * * Defaults to `4` if `{@link #queryMode} = 'remote'` or `0` if `{@link #queryMode} = 'local'`, * does not apply if `{@link Ext.form.field.Trigger#editable editable} = false`. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [anyMatch=false] * * Only valid when {@link #cfg!queryMode} is `'local'`.* * Configure as `true` to cause the {@link #cfg!primaryFilter} to match the typed * characters at any position in the {@link #displayField}'s value when filtering *locally*. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [caseSensitive=false] * * Only valid when {@link #cfg!queryMode} is `'local'`.* * Configure as `true` to cause the {@link #cfg!primaryFilter} to match with exact case matching. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [autoFocus=true] * `true` to automatically focus the first result gathered by the data store in the dropdown list when it is * opened. A false value would cause nothing in the list to be highlighted automatically, so * the user would have to manually highlight an item before pressing the enter or {@link #selectOnTab tab} key to * select it (unless the value of ({@link #typeAhead}) were true), or use the mouse to select a value. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [autoFocusLast=true] When `true`, the last selected record in the dropdown * list will be re-selected upon {@link #autoFocus}. Set to `false` to always select the first * record in the drop-down list. * For accessible applications it is recommended to set this option to `false`. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [typeAhead=false] * `true` to populate and auto-select the remainder of the text being typed after a configurable delay * ({@link #typeAheadDelay}) if it matches a known value. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [typeAheadDelay=250] * The length of time in milliseconds to wait until the type-ahead text is displayed * if `{@link #typeAhead} = true` * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [multiSelect=null] * @hide * Configure as `true` to allow selection of multiple items from the picker. This results in each * selected item being represented by a "tag" in the combobox's input area. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [triggerAction='all'] * The action to execute when the trigger is clicked. * * - **`'all'`** : * * {@link #doFilter run the query} specified by the `{@link #cfg!allQuery}` prop option * * - **`'last'`** : * * {@link #doFilter run the query} using the `{@link #lastQuery last query value}`. * * - **`'query'`** : * * {@link #doFilter run the query} using the {@link Ext.form.field.Base#getRawValue raw value}. * * See also `{@link #queryParam}`. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [allQuery=null] * The text query to use to filter the store when the trigger element is tapped (or expansion is requested * by a keyboard gesture). By default, this is `null` causing no filtering to occur. * * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [collapseOnSelect=null] * Has no effect if {@link #cfg!multiSelect} is `false` * * Configure as true to automatically hide the picker after a selection is made. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [clearFilterOnBlur=true] * *When {@link #queryMode} is `'local'` only* * * As text is entered, the underlying store is filtered to match the value. When this option is `true`, * any filtering applied by this field will be cleared when focus is removed & reinstated on focus. * If `false`, the filters will be left in place. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [enableRegEx=null] * *When {@link #queryMode} is `'local'` only* * * Set to `true` to have the ComboBox use the typed value as a RegExp source to filter the store to get possible matches. * Invalid regex values will be ignored. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [selectOnTab=true] * Whether the Tab key should select the currently highlighted item. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [autoSelect=false] * `true` to auto select the first value in the {@link #store} or {@link #options} when they are changed. Only happens when * the {@link #value} is set to `null`. */ /** * @cfg [editable=true] * @inheritdoc Ext.field.Text#cfg-editable */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [forceSelection=false] * `true` to restrict the selected value to one of the values in the list, `false` to allow the user to set * arbitrary text into the field. */ /** * @event beforepickercreate * Fires before the pop-up picker is created to give a developer a chance to configure it. * @param {Ext.field.ComboBox} this * @param {Object} newValue The config object for the picker. */ /** * @event pickercreate * Fires after the pop-up picker is created to give a developer a chance to configure it. * @param {Ext.field.ComboBox} this * @param {Ext.dataview.List/Ext.Component} picker The instantiated picker. */ /** * @event beforequery * Fires before all queries are processed. Return false to cancel the query or set the queryPlan's cancel * property to true. * * @param {Object} queryPlan An object containing details about the query to be executed. * @param {Ext.form.field.ComboBox} queryPlan.combo A reference to this ComboBox. * @param {String} queryPlan.query The query value to be used to match against the ComboBox's {@link #valueField}. * @param {Boolean} queryPlan.force If `true`, causes the query to be executed even if the minChars threshold is not met. * @param {Boolean} queryPlan.cancel A boolean value which, if set to `true` upon return, causes the query not to be executed. * @param {Object} [queryPlan.lastQuery] The queryPlan object used in the previous query. */ /** * @method getValue * Gets the currently selected value, or array of values if {@link #cfg!multiSelect} is `true`. * @returns {String/String[]} Value(s) of the value field from configured Model. */ /** * @method findRecordByValue * Finds the record in the {@link #cfg!store}, or the {@link #cfg!valueCollection} which has the {@link #cfg!valueField} * matching the passed value. * * The {@link #cfg!valueCollection} is included because of the {@link #cfg!createNewOnEnter}, {@link #cfg!createNewOnBlur}, * {@link #cfg!valueNotFoundText} and {@link #cfg!forceSelection} props which allow for insertion into the * {@link #cfg!valueCollection} of newly created records which are not in the configured {@link #cfg!store}. * * Also, a currently selected value may be filtered out of visibility in the configured {@link #cfg!store} * * @param {String} value The value to match the {@link #valueField} against. * @return {Ext.data.Model} The matched record or null. */