/** * @class Ext.Panel */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [collapsed] * `true` to start collapsed. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {'top'/'right'/'bottom'/'left'/Boolean/Object} [collapsible] * A configuration for a {@link Ext.panel.Collapser Collapser}. * * True to make the panel collapsible and have an expand/collapse toggle Tool added into the header tool button * area. * * You can also set `top`/`right`/`bottom`/`left` to directly specify the collapse direction. * * @since 6.5.0 * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [titleCollapse] * `true` to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when `{@link #collapsible} = true`) * by clicking anywhere in the header bar, `false` to allow it only by clicking to tool * button. * @since 7.0 */ /** * @event beforecollapse * Fires before collapse starts. Return `false` to cancel collapse. * @param {Ext.panel.Panel} this * * @since 6.5.0 */ /** * @event beforeexpand * Fires before expand starts. Return `false` to cancel expand. * @param {Ext.panel.Panel} this * * @since 6.5.0 */ /** * @event collapse * Fires when the collapse starts. * @param {Ext.panel.Panel} this * * @since 6.5.0 */ /** * @event drawerhide * Fires then the {@link #Ext.panel.Collapser#cfg-drawer drawer} hides. * * @param {Ext.panel.Panel} this * @since 6.5.0 */ /** * @event drawershow * Fires then the {@link #Ext.panel.Collapser#cfg-drawer drawer} shows. * * @param {Ext.panel.Panel} this * @since 6.5.0 */ /** * @event expand * Fires when the expand starts. * @param {Ext.panel.Panel} this * * @since 6.5.0 */ /** * @property {Boolean} [hasCollapsible=true] * `true` if this panel has the collapsible override added. * * @since 6.5.0 */