/** * @class Ext.grid.cell.Text * @extend Ext.grid.cell.Base * @xtype textcell * * This is the base class for {@link Ext.grid.Grid grid} cells that contain only text. * * {@link Ext.grid.Row Rows} create cells based on the {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#cell} * config. Application code would rarely create cells directly. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [encodeHtml=true] * Specify `false` to write HTML directly to the cell. Be aware that doing this * can expose your application to security issues if that content is not known to * be safe. User input can contain malicious content such as `script` tags and * should be scrubbed before directly rendering that HTML. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [zeroValue=null] * * A replacement value for 0. * * If the cell value is 0 and you want to display it or hide it then you can define * a not null value here. * * Set it as an empty string if you want to hide cells that have 0s. * @accessor */