/** * @class Ext.data.amf.RemotingMessage * @alias data.amf.remotingmessage * Represents a remote call to be sent to the server. */ /** * @property {Array} [body=[]] * typically an array of parameters to pass to a method call * @accessor */ /** * @property {String} [clientID=""] * identifies the calling client. * @accessor */ /** * @property {String} [destination=""] * the service destination on the server * @accessor */ /** * @property {Object} [headers=[]] * the headers to attach to the message. * Would typically contain the DSEndpoint and DSId fields. * @accessor */ /** * @property {String} [messageId=""] * message identifier * @accessor */ /** * @property {String} [operation=""] * the method name to call * @accessor */ /** * @property {Array} [source=""] * should be empty for security purposes * @accessor */ /** * @property {Number} [timestamp=[]] * when the message was created * @accessor */ /** * @property {Number} [timeToLive=[]] * how long the message is still valid for passing * @accessor */