/** * @class Ext.data.operation.Read * @extend Ext.data.operation.Operation * @alias data.operation.read * Encapsulates a read operation as performed by a {@link Ext.data.proxy.Proxy proxy}. * * This class is instantiated by {@link Ext.data.Store stores} and {@link Ext.data.Model records} and should * not need to be instantiated in user code. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.util.Filter[]} filters * Optional array of filter objects. Only applies to 'read' actions. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.util.Sorter[]} sorters * Optional array of sorter objects. Only applies to 'read' actions. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.util.Grouper} grouper * Optional grouping configuration. Only applies to 'read' actions where grouping is desired. */ /** * @cfg {Number} start * The start index (offset), used in paging when running a 'read' action. */ /** * @cfg {Number} limit * The number of records to load. Used on 'read' actions when paging is being used. */ /** * @cfg {Number} page * The page for this operation. */