/** * @abstract * @class Ext.chart.series.Polar * @extend Ext.chart.series.Series * * Common base class for series implementations that plot values using polar coordinates. */ /** * @cfg {Number} [rotation=0] * The angle in degrees at which the first polar series item should start. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Array} [center=[0,0]] * Center of the polar series. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [offsetX=0] * The x-offset of center of the polar series related to the center of the boundary. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [offsetY=0] * The y-offset of center of the polar series related to the center of the boundary. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [showInLegend=true] * Whether to add the series elements as legend items. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [angleField=null] * The store record field name for the angular axes in radar charts, * or the size of the slices in pie charts. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [radiusField] * The store record field name for the radial axes in radar charts, * or the radius of the slices in pie charts. * @accessor */