/** * @class Ext.dataview.listswiper.ListSwiper * @extend Ext.plugin.Abstract * @alias plugin.listswiper * This plugin provides a way to map actions to swipe gesture on all list items. */ /** * @event itemaction * Fires whenever a swipe action has been triggered from a list item. * @param {Ext.dataview.List} this * @param {Number} index The index of the swipped item. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record associated to the item. * @param {String} action The triggered action key. * @member Ext.dataview.List */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [dismissOnTap=true] * If `true`, actions in the undo state will be committed when the item is tapped. * Any open menus will be closed. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [dismissOnScroll=true] * If `true`, actions in the undo state will be committed as soon as the list is scrolled. * Any open menus will be closed * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [commitDelay=0] * Number of milliseconds before actions in the undo state are automatically committed (`0` to * disable this behavior). Only applicable for {@link #actions} with `undoable: true`. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object/Ext.dataview.plugin.ListSwiperStepper} widget * The config object for a {@link Ext.dataview.plugin.ListSwiperStepper}. * @cfg {String} widget.xtype (required) The type of component or widget to create. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {'inner'/'outer'} [target='inner'] * The section of the list item that is swipable. Supports the following values: * * - `'inner'` - the default value. the body of the list item, which includes any * tools is swipable, and any docked items remain fixed in place while swiping. * - `'outer'` - the entire list item including the docked items is swipable * @accessor */