/** * @class Ext.dataview.ListGroup * @extend Ext.Base * * This class manages a group in a `list` or `grid`. These objects arrive as parameters to * events and can be retrieved via the {@link Ext.dataview.List#method!groupFrom groupFrom} * method. * @since 7.0*/ /** * @cfg {Boolean} collapsed * This config controls whether a group is expanded or collapsed. Setting this * config is equivalent to calling the `collapse`, `expand` or `toggleCollapsed` * methods. Setting this config will control the collapse state without firing * the {@link Ext.dataview.List#event!beforegroupcollapse beforegroupcollapse} or * {@link Ext.dataview.List#event!beforegroupexpand beforegroupexpand} event. * Call `toggleCollapsed` to allow these events to veto the state change. * * The initial collapse state of a group is determined at the `list` level from * its {@link Ext.dataview.List#cfg!collapsible collapsible} config: */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} collapsible * Set to `false` to prevent a group from collapsing. Since these objects come * and go based on user driven grouping choices, it is often easier to listen to * the {@link Ext.dataview.List#event!beforegroupcollapse beforegroupcollapse} * and/or {@link Ext.dataview.List#event!beforegroupexpand beforegroupexpand} * events. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.Component} header * The group's header component. Typically a {@link Ext.dataview.ItemHeader} or * {@link Ext.grid.RowHeader}. * @readonly */ /*** @property {Ext.data.Group} data* The underlying data for this group.* @readonly*/ /*** @property {Ext.dataview.List} list* The owning `list` (or `grid`) component.* @readonly*/ /*** Collapses this group by calling `toggleCollapsed(false)`. This can be vetoed by the* {@link Ext.dataview.List#event!beforegroupcollapse beforegroupcollapse} event.** See also `expand` and `toggleCollapsed`.*/ /*** Expands this group by calling `toggleCollapsed(true)`. This can be vetoed by the* {@link Ext.dataview.List#event!beforegroupexpand beforegroupexpand} event.** See also `collapse` and `toggleCollapsed`.*/ /*** Toggles the collapse state this group. Before changing the collapse state, this* method fires a {@link Ext.dataview.List#event!beforegroupexpand beforegroupexpand}* or {@link Ext.dataview.List#event!beforegroupcollapse beforegroupcollapse} event.* This is unlike calling `setCollapsed` which will always change the collapse state* as directed.** See also `collapse` and `expand`.* @param {Boolean} [collapsed] Pass `true` or `false` to specify the desired state* or `null`/`undefined` to toggle the current state.*/