/** * @class Ext.dom.GarbageCollector * @singleton * Garbage collector for Ext.dom.Element instances. Automatically cleans up Elements * that are no longer in the dom, but were not properly destroyed using * {@link Ext.dom.Element#destroy destroy()}. Recommended practice is for Components to * clean up their own elements, but the GarbageCollector runs on regularly scheduled * intervals to attempt to clean up orphaned Elements that may have slipped through the cracks. * @private */ /** * @property {Number} [interval=30000] * The interval at which to run Element garbage collection. Set this property directly * to tune the interval. * * Ext.dom.GarbageCollector.interval = 60000; // run garbage collection every one minute */ /** * @method collect * Collects orphaned Ext.dom.Elements by removing their listeners and evicting them * from the cache. Runs on a regularly scheduled {@link #interval} but can be called * directly to force garbage collection. * @return {String[]} An array containing the IDs of the elements that were garbage * collected, prefixed by their tag names. Only applies in dev mode. Returns nothing * in a production build. */ /** * @method pause * Pauses the timer and stops garbage collection */ /** * @method resume * Resumes garbage collection at the specified {@link #interval} */