/** * @class Ext.mixin.FocusableContainer * @extend Ext.Mixin * * A mixin for groups of Focusable things (Components, Widgets, etc) that * should respond to arrow keys to navigate among the peers, but keep only * one of the peers tabbable by default (tabIndex=0) * * Some examples: Toolbars, Tab bars, Panel headers, Menus */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [focusableContainer=false] * Enable or disable navigation * with arrow keys for this FocusableContainer. This option may be useful * with nested FocusableContainers, when only the root container should * handle keyboard events. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [resetFocusPosition=false] * When `true`, FocusableContainer * will reset last focused position whenever focus leaves the container. * Subsequent tabbing into the container will always focus the first eligible * child item. * * When `false`, subsequent tabbing into the container will focus the child * item that was last focused before. */ /** * @cfg {Number} [activeChildTabIndex=0] * DOM tabIndex attribute to set on the * active Focusable child of this container when using the "Roaming tabindex" * technique. */ /** * @cfg {Number} [inactiveChildTabIndex=-1] * DOM tabIndex attribute to set on * inactive Focusable children of this container when using the "Roaming tabindex" * technique. This value rarely needs to be changed from its default. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [allowFocusingDisabledChildren=false] * Set this to `true` * to enable focusing disabled child items via keyboard. */ /** * @property {String/Ext.dom.Element} [focusableContainerEl="el"] * The name of the element * that FocusableContainer should bind its keyboard handler to. Similar to {@link #ariaEl}, * this name is resolved to the {@link Ext.dom.Element} instance after rendering. */