/** * @class Ext.sparkline.Box * @extend Ext.sparkline.Base * @alias widget.sparklinebox * * Generates a box plot graph from the provided {@link #values} array. * * See <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_plot">Wikipedia Box Plots</a> * * See {@link Ext.sparkline.Base the base class} for a simple example. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [raw=false] * By default the points are calculated from the input values array. Set this to true to * pass the pre-calculated points in the values config. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [boxLineColor=#000] * The color of the box outline. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [boxFillColor=#cdf] * The color of the box fill. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [whiskerColor=#000] * The color of the whiskers. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [outlierLineColor=#333] * The color of the outlier circles' outline. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [outlierFillColor=#fff] * The fill color of the outlier circles. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [medianColor=#f00] * The color of the median line. * */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [showOutliers=true] * Configure as `false` to not show outlier circles. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [outlierIQR=1.5] * The inter-quartile range multiplier used to calculate values that qualify as an outlier. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [spotRadius=1.5] * The radius of the outlier circles. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [target=null] * If set, a crosshair will be drawn at the specified value point. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [targetColor=#4a2] * The color of the crosshair drawn at the point specified by {@link #target}. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [chartRangeMin=null] * The minimum value to use for the range of Y values of the chart - Defaults to the * minimum value supplied. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [chartRangeMax=null] * The maximum value to use for the range of Y values of the chart - Defaults to the * minimum value supplied. * @accessor */