/** * @class Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr * @extend Ext.Base * * Simulates an XMLHttpRequest object's methods and properties as returned * form the flash polyfill plugin. Used in submitting binary data in browsers that do * not support doing so from JavaScript. * * NOTE: By default this will look for the flash object in the ext directory. When * packaging and deploying the app, copy the `ext/plugins` directory and its * contents to your root directory. For custom deployments where just the `FlashPlugin.swf` * file gets copied (e.g. to `/resources/FlashPlugin.swf`), make sure to notify the * framework of the location of the plugin before making the first attempt to post binary * data, e.g. in the `launch` method of your app do: * * Ext.flashPluginPath="/resources/FlashPlugin.swf"; * * @private */ /** * @property {number} [readyState=0] * The connection's simulated readyState. Note that the only supported values are 0, 1 and 4. States 2 and 3 will never be reported. */ /** * @property {number} [status=0] * Connection status code returned by flash or the server. */ /** * @property {String} [statusText=""] * Status text (if any) returned by flash or the server. */ /** * @property {Array} responseBytes * The binary bytes returned. */ /** * @method constructor * Creates a new instance of BinaryXhr. */ /** * @method abort * Abort this connection. Sets its readyState to 4. */ /** * @method getAllResponseHeaders * As in XMLHttpRequest. */ /** * @method getResponseHeader * As in XMLHttpRequest. */ /** * @method open * As in XMLHttpRequest. */ /** * @method overrideMimeType * As in XMLHttpRequest. */ /** * @method send * Initiate the request. * @param {Array} body an array of byte values to send. */ /** * @method setRequestHeader * As in XMLHttpRequest. */ /** * @method onreadystatechange * As in XMLHttpRequest. */