/** * @class Ext.grid.cell.Base * @extend Ext.Widget * * This is the base class for {@link Ext.grid.Grid grid} cells. * * {@link Ext.grid.Row Rows} create cells based on the {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#cell} * config. Application code would rarely create cells directly. */ /** * @cfg {"left"/"center"/"right"} [align=null] * The value for the `text-align` of the cell content. */ /** * @cfg {String} [cls=null] * An arbitrary CSS class to add to the cell's outermost element. */ /** * @cfg {String} [bodyCls=null] * An arbitrary CSS class to add to the cell's inner element (the element that * typically contains the cell's text). */ /** * @cfg {String/Object} [bodyStyle=null] * Additional CSS styles that will be rendered into the cell's inner element (the element * that typically contains the cell's text). * * You can pass either a string syntax: * * bodyStyle: 'background:red' * * Or by using an object: * * bodyStyle: { * background: 'red' * } * * When using the object syntax, you can define CSS Properties by using a string: * * bodyStyle: { * 'border-left': '1px solid red' * } * * Although the object syntax is much easier to read, we suggest you to use the * string syntax for better performance. */ /** * @cfg {Mixed} [value=null] * The value of the {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#dataIndex dataIndex} field of * the associated record. Application code should not need to set this value. * @accessor */