/** * @class Ext.dataview.pullrefresh.Bar * @extend Ext.dataview.pullrefresh.Item * @xtype pullrefreshbar * @since 6.5.0 */ /** * @cfg {String} [lastUpdatedDateFormat='m/d/Y h:iA'] * The format to be used on the last updated date. * @locale */ /** * @cfg {String} [lastUpdatedText='Last Updated:\xA0'] * The text to be shown in front of the last updated time. * @locale */ /** * @cfg {String} [loadedText='Loaded.'] * The text that will be when data has been loaded. * @locale */ /** * @cfg {String} [loadingText='Loading...'] * The text that will be shown while the list is refreshing. * @locale */ /** * @cfg {'message'/'spinner'} [mode='message'] * Set to `'message'` to display information messages or `'spinner'` to display * a progress spinner. */ /** * @cfg {String} [pullText='Pull down to refresh...'] * The text that will be shown while you are pulling down. * @locale */ /** * @cfg {String} [releaseText='Release to refresh...'] * The text that will be shown after you have pulled down enough to show the release message. * @locale */