/** * @class Ext.calendar.form.AbstractForm * @extend Ext.form.Panel * A base implementation of a form for the modern toolkit. * @abstract */ /** * @cfg {Object} calendarField * The config for the calendar field. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} titleField * The config for the title field. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} startDateField * The config for the start date field. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} startTimeField * The config for the start time field. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} endDateField * The config for the end date field. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} endTimeField * The config for the end time field. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} allDayField * The config for the all day field. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} descriptionField * The config for the description field. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} dropButton * The config for the drop button. `null` to not show this button. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} saveButton * The config for the save button. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} cancelButton * The config for the cancel button. * @accessor */