/** * @class Ext.exporter.excel.PivotXlsx * @extend Ext.exporter.Base * @alias exporter.pivotxlsx * * This exporter class creates an XLSX file that has 2 sheets: * * - one sheet that has the pivot table * - one sheet that has the raw data * * To be able to correctly export the pivot table definition to Excel you need to ensure that: * * - only the following aggregator functions are used: min, max, avg, count, variance, varianceP, stdDev and stdDevP * - the pivot matrix provided should be {@link Ext.pivot.matrix.Local} * * This exporter can be used together with the {@link Ext.pivot.plugin.Exporter}. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style} titleStyle * * Default style applied to the title * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Ext.pivot.matrix.Local} [matrix=null] * * Reference to the pivot matrix that needs to be exported * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotTableStyleInfo} pivotTableStyle * * Represent information on style applied to the PivotTable. * * The following style names are predefined: * - `PivotStyleLight1` -> `PivotStyleLight28` * - `PivotStyleMedium1` -> `PivotStyleMedium28` * - `PivotStyleDark1` -> `PivotStyleDark28` *@accessor */ /** * @cfg data * @hide */