/** * @class Ext.chart.sprite.Label * @extend Ext.draw.sprite.Text * * Sprite used to represent labels in series. * * Important: the actual default values are determined by the theme used. * Please see the `label` config of the {@link Ext.chart.theme.Base#axis}. *//** * @cfg {Object} animation Animation configuration. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean|Object} [calloutLine=true] * * True to draw a line between the label and the chart with the default settings, * or an Object that defines the 'color', 'width' and 'length' properties of the line. * This config is only applicable when the label is displayed outside the chart. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [hideLessThan=20] * Hides labels for pie slices with segment length less than this value (in pixels). * @accessor */