/** * @class Ext.grid.plugin.PagingToolbar * @extend Ext.plugin.Abstract * @alias plugin.pagingtoolbar * @alias plugin.gridpagingtoolbar * * The Paging Toolbar is a specialized toolbar that is * bound to a `Ext.data.Store` and provides automatic paging control. * * @example packages=[reactor] * import React, { Component } from 'react' * import { Grid, Column } from '@extjs/ext-react'; * * Ext.require('Ext.grid.plugin.PagingToolbar'); * * export default class MyExample extends Component { * * store = new Ext.data.Store({ * pageSize: 3, * data: [ * { 'fname': 'Barry', 'lname': 'Allen', 'talent': 'Speedster'}, * { 'fname': 'Oliver', 'lname': 'Queen', 'talent': 'Archery'}, * { 'fname': 'Kara', 'lname': 'Zor-El', 'talent': 'All'}, * { 'fname': 'Helena', 'lname': 'Bertinelli', 'talent': 'Weapons Expert'}, * { 'fname': 'Hal', 'lname': 'Jordan', 'talent': 'Willpower' } * ] * }); * * render() { * return ( * <Grid * height="180" * store={this.store} * plugins={['pagingtoolbar']} * > * <Column * text="First Name" * dataIndex="fname" * flex={1} * /> * <Column * text="Last Name" * dataIndex="lname" * flex={1} * /> * <Column * text="Talent" * dataIndex="talent" * flex={1} * /> * </Grid> * ) * } * } */