/** * @class Ext.dataview.List * @extend Ext.dataview.DataView * @xtype list * * List is a custom styled DataView which allows Grouping, Indexing, Icons, and a Disclosure. * * @example packages=[reactor] * import React, { Component } from 'react' * import { List } from '@extjs/ext-react'; * * export default class MyExample extends Component { * * store = new Ext.data.Store({ * data: [ * {title: 'Item 1'}, * {title: 'Item 2'}, * {title: 'Item 3'}, * {title: 'Item 4'} * ] * }); * * render() { * return ( * <List * itemTpl="{title}" * store={this.store} * /> * ) * } * } * * A more advanced example showing a list of people grouped by last name: * * @example packages=[reactor] * import React, {Component} from 'react' * import {List, Button} from '@extjs/ext-react'; * * export default class MyExample extends Component { * * store = new Ext.data.Store({ * data: [{ * firstName: 'Peter', * lastName: 'Venkman' * }, { * firstName: 'Raymond', * lastName: 'Stantz' * }, { * firstName: 'Egon', * lastName: 'Spengler' * }, { * firstName: 'Winston', * lastName: 'Zeddemore' * }], * * sorters: 'lastName', * * grouper: { * groupFn: function(record) { * return record.get('lastName')[0]; * } * } * }); * * render() { * return ( * <List * itemTpl="{firstName} {lastName}" * store={this.store} * grouped * /> * ) * } * } * * If you want to dock items to the bottom or top of a List, you can use the scrollDock configuration on child items in this List. The following example adds a button to the bottom of the List. * * @example packages=[reactor] * import React, { Component } from 'react' * import { List, Button } from '@extjs/ext-react'; * * export default class MyExample extends Component { * * store = new Ext.data.Store({ * data: [{ * firstName: 'Peter', * lastName: 'Venkman' * }, * { * firstName: 'Raymond', * lastName: 'Stantz' * }, * { * firstName: 'Egon', * lastName: 'Spengler' * }, * { * firstName: 'Winston', * lastName: 'Zeddemore' * }] * }); * * render() { * return ( * <List * itemTpl="{firstName} {lastName}" * store={this.store} * > * <Button * scrollDock="bottom" * docked="bottom" * text="load more..." * /> * </List> * ) * } * } */ /** * @method onNavigate * This method is called by the {@link #cfg!navigationModel} when navigation events are * detected within this DataView. * * It may be overridden to control the linkage of navigation events such as * taps, clicks or keystrokes detected by the {@link #cfg!navigationModel} to * the {@link #cfg!selectionModel}. * * `callParent` if you wish selection to proceed from the passed event. * @param {Ext.event.Event} e The UI event which caused the navigation. */ /** * @event disclose * @preventable * Fires whenever a disclosure is handled * @param {Ext.dataview.List} this The List instance * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record associated to the item * @param {HTMLElement} target The element disclosed * @param {Number} index The index of the item disclosed * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object */ /** * @method getItem * Gets a list item by record. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record * @return {Ext.dataview.component.(Simple)ListItem} The list item, if found. * `null` if no matching item exists. */ /** * @method getScrollDockedItems * Returns all the items that are docked in the scroller in this list. * @return {Ext.Component[]} An array of the scrollDock items */ /** * @method scrollToRecord * Scrolls the list so that the specified record is at the top. <-- NO. Scroll *into view*. * === TODO: fix scrollTo API * @param {Ext.data.Model} record Record in the store to scroll to. * @param {Boolean} [animate=false] Determines if scrolling is animated. * @param {Boolean} [overscroll=true] Determines if list can be overscrolled. */ /** * @cfg {Object} container * This config is used to control the internal {@link Ext.Container} created to * manage this list's items. One common use for this is to apply a {@link #userCls} * to the item container. * * { * xtype: 'list', * container: { * userCls: 'mylist-cls' * }, * ... * } * * @accessor * @since 6.0.1 */ /** * @cfg {Boolean/Object} [indexBar=false] * Set to `true` to render an alphabet IndexBar docked on the right. This can also * be a config object for the {@link Ext.dataview.IndexBar IndexBar} component. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [preventSelectionOnDisclose=true] * `true` to prevent the item selection when the user * taps a disclose icon. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [pinHeaders=true] * Whether or not to pin headers on top of item groups while scrolling for an iPhone native list experience. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Object} pinnedHeader * A config object for the pinned header. Only applicable when {@link #pinHeaders} * is `true`. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [grouped=null] * Whether or not to group items in the provided Store with a header for each item. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String/String[]/Ext.XTemplate} groupHeaderTpl * A single string or an array of strings (optionally followed by an * object containing template methods) used to create an `Ext.XTemplate`, or an * `Ext.XTemplate` instance. * * A single string: * * groupHeaderTpl: 'Group: {name}' * * Using a string array (followed by an options object): * * groupHeaderTpl: [ * 'Group: ', * '<div>{name:this.formatName}</div>', * { * formatName: function(name) { * return Ext.String.trim(name); * } * } * ] * * The data object available to the template provides the following properties: * * * `name` The grouping string of the {@link Ext.data.Store#groupField groupField} * for the group header. This string is the string produced by grouper's * {@link Ext.util.Grouper#groupFn groupFn}. * * `value` The value of the {@link Ext.data.Store#groupField groupField} * for the group header being rendered. * * `columnName` The column header associated with the field being grouped * by *if there is a column for the field*, falls back to the `groupField`. * * `groupField` The field name being grouped by. * * `html` The rendering of the `value` as handled by the cell (for a grid, * otherwise the same as `name`). * * `children` An array containing the child records for the group. **This is not * available if the store is a {@link Ext.data.BufferedStore BufferedStore}.** * * @accessor * @since 6.5.0 */ /** * @cfg {Boolean/Function/String/Object} [onItemDisclosure=null] * `true` to display a disclosure icon on each list item. * The list will still fire the disclose event, and the event can be stopped before itemtap. * By setting this config to a function, the function passed will be called when the disclosure * is tapped. * Finally you can specify an object with a 'scope' and 'handler' * property defined. This will also be bound to the tap event listener * and is useful when you want to change the scope of the handler. * @accessor * @controllable */ /** * @cfg {String} [disclosureProperty='disclosure'] * A property to check on each record to display the disclosure on a per record basis. This * property must be false to prevent the disclosure from being displayed on the item. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} useComponents * @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} [defaultType=undefined] * The xtype used for the component based DataView. Defaults to dataitem. * Note this is only used when useComponents is true. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [itemHeight=null] * This allows you to set the default item height and is used to roughly calculate the amount * of items needed to fill the list. By default items are around 50px high. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [refreshHeightOnUpdate=true] * Set this to false if you make many updates to your list (like in an interval), but updates * won't affect the item's height. Doing this will increase the performance of these updates. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [infinite=false] * Set this to false to render all items in this list, and render them relatively. * Note that this configuration can not be dynamically changed after the list has instantiated. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [useSimpleItems=true] * Set this to true if you just want to have the list create simple items that use the itemTpl. * These simple items still support headers, grouping and disclosure functionality but avoid * container layouts and deeply nested markup. For many Lists using this configuration will * drastically increase the scrolling and render performance. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [scrollDock=null] * The dock position of a list's child items relative to the list itself. Can be `top` or `bottom`. * * Ext.create('Ext.List', { * fullscreen: true, * itemTpl: '{firstName}', * data: [ * { firstName: 'Peter'}, * { firstName: 'Raymond'}, * { firstName: 'Egon'}, * { firstName: 'Winston'} * ], * items: [{ * xtype: 'component', * html: 'Docked!', * docked: 'top' * },{ * xtype: 'component', * html: 'Scroll Docked!', * scrollDock: 'top' * }] * }); * * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [bufferSize=20] * The amount of items we render additionally besides the ones currently visible. * We try to prevent the rendering of items while scrolling until the next time you stop scrolling. * If you scroll close to the end of the buffer, we start rendering individual items to always * have the {@link #minimumBufferSize} prepared. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [striped=false] * Set this to true if you want the items in the list to be zebra striped, alternating their * background color. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [rowLines=null] * Set this to `false` to suppress the borders in between the items in this list. * By default the presence of borders in between the items is determined by the stylesheet. * @accessor */ /** * @method getItemAt * Returns an item at the specified index. * @param {Number} index Index of the item. * @return {Ext.dom.Element/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem} item Item at the specified index. */ /** * @method getItemIndex * Returns an index for the specified item. * @param {Number} item The item to locate. * @return {Number} Index for the specified item. */ /** * @method getViewItems * Returns an array of the current items in the DataView. * @return {Ext.dom.Element[]/Ext.dataview.component.DataItem[]} Array of Items. */