/** * @class Ext.sparkline.Pie * @extend Ext.sparkline.Base * @alias widget.sparklinepie * * Plots a pie chart based upon the input {#values} array. * * See {@link Ext.sparkline.Base the base class} for a simple example. */ /** * @cfg {Number} [offset=0] * Angle in degrees to offset the first slice. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String[]} [sliceColors=['#3366cc','#dc3912','#ff9900','#109618','#66aa00','#dd4477','#0099c6','#990099']] * An array of CSS colro values to apply to the chart slices. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Number} [borderWidth=0] * Border width in pixels of line round slices. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String} [borderColor=#000] * Border color of line round slices. * @accessor */