/** * @abstract * @class Ext.chart.series.Cartesian * @extend Ext.chart.series.Series * * Common base class for series implementations that plot values using cartesian coordinates. * * @constructor */ /** * @cfg {String} [xField=null] * The field used to access the x axis value from the items from the data source. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {String|String[]} [yField=null] * The field(s) used to access the y-axis value(s) of the items from the data source. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Ext.chart.axis.Axis|Number|String} [xAxis=null] * xAxis The chart axis the series is bound to in the 'X' direction. * Normally, this would be set automatically by the series. * For charts with multiple x-axes, this defines which x-axis is used by the series. * It refers to either axis' ID or the (zero-based) index of the axis * in the chart's {@link Ext.chart.AbstractChart#axes axes} config. * @accessor */ /** * @cfg {Ext.chart.axis.Axis|Number|String} [yAxis=null] * yAxis The chart axis the series is bound to in the 'Y' direction. * Normally, this would be set automatically by the series. * For charts with multiple y-axes, this defines which y-axis is used by the series. * It refers to either axis' ID or the (zero-based) index of the axis * in the chart's {@link Ext.chart.AbstractChart#axes axes} config. * @accessor */