/** * @class Ext.draw.sprite.EllipticalArc * @extend Ext.draw.sprite.Ellipse * @alias sprite.ellipticalArc * * * A sprite that represents an elliptical arc. * * @example * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'draw', * renderTo: document.body, * width: 600, * height: 400, * sprites: [{ * type: 'ellipticalArc', * cx: 100, * cy: 100, * rx: 80, * ry: 50, * fillStyle: '#1F6D91', * startAngle: 0, * endAngle: Math.PI, * anticlockwise: true * }] * }); */ /** * @cfg {Number} [startAngle=0] * The beginning angle of the arc. */ /** * @cfg {Number} [endAngle=Math.PI*2] * The ending angle of the arc. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [anticlockwise=false] * Determines whether or not the arc is drawn clockwise. */