/** * The base class of every SVG D3 Component that can also be used standalone. * For example: * * @example * Ext.create({ * renderTo: document.body, * * width: 300, * height: 300, * * xtype: 'd3', * * listeners: { * scenesetup: function(component, scene) { * var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], * colors = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20c), * twoPi = 2 * Math.PI, * gap = twoPi / data.length, * r = 100; * * scene.append('g') * .attr('transform', 'translate(150,150)') * .selectAll('circle') * .data(data) * .enter() * .append('circle') * .attr('fill', function(d) { * return colors(d); * }) * .attr('stroke', 'black') * .attr('stroke-width', 3) * .attr('r', function(d) { * return d * 3; * }) * .attr('cx', function(d, i) { * return r * Math.cos(gap * i); * }) * .attr('cy', function(d, i) { * return r * Math.sin(gap * i); * }); * } * } * }); * */Ext.define('Ext.d3.svg.Svg', { extend: 'Ext.d3.Component', xtype: ['d3-svg', 'd3'], isSvg: true, config: { /** * The padding of the scene. * See {@link Ext.util.Format#parseBox} for syntax details, * if using a string for this config. * @cfg {Object/String/Number} [padding=0] * @cfg {Number} padding.top * @cfg {Number} padding.right * @cfg {Number} padding.bottom * @cfg {Number} padding.left */ padding: { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, /** * If the scene elements that go outside the scene and into the padding area * should be clipped. * Note: stock D3 components are not designed to work with this config set to `true`. * @cfg {Boolean} [clipScene=false] */ clipScene: false }, /** * @protected * @property * Class names used by this component. * See {@link #onClassExtended}. */ defaultCls: { wrapper: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-wrapper', scene: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-scene', hidden: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-hidden', invisible: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-invisible' }, /** * @private * See {@link #getDefs}. */ defs: null, /** * @private * The padding and clipping is applied to the scene's wrapper element, * not to the scene itself. See {@link #getWrapper}. */ wrapper: null, wrapperClipRect: null, wrapperClipId: 'wrapper-clip', /** * @private * See {@link #getScene}. */ scene: null, sceneRect: null, // object with scene's position and dimensions: x, y, width, height /** * @private * See {@link #getSvg}. */ svg: null, onClassExtended: function(subClass, data) { Ext.applyIf(data.defaultCls, subClass.superclass.defaultCls); }, applyPadding: function(padding, oldPadding) { var result; if (!Ext.isObject(padding)) { result = Ext.util.Format.parseBox(padding); } else if (!oldPadding) { result = padding; } else { result = Ext.apply(oldPadding, padding); } return result; }, getSvg: function() { // Spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/struct.html // Note: foreignObject is not supported in IE11 and below // (can't use HTML elements inside SVG). return this.svg || (this.svg = d3.select(this.element.dom).append('svg').attr('version', '1.1')); }, /** * @private * Calculates and sets scene size and position based on the given `size` object * and the {@link #padding} config. * @param {Object} size * @param {Number} size.width * @param {Number} size.height */ resizeHandler: function(size) { var me = this, svg = me.getSvg(), paddingCfg = me.getPadding(), isRtl = me.getInherited().rtl, wrapper = me.getWrapper(), wrapperClipRect = me.getWrapperClipRect(), scene = me.getScene(), width = size && size.width, height = size && size.height, rect; if (!(width && height)) { return; } svg .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height); rect = me.sceneRect || (me.sceneRect = {}); rect.x = isRtl ? paddingCfg.right : paddingCfg.left; rect.y = paddingCfg.top; rect.width = width - paddingCfg.left - paddingCfg.right; rect.height = height - paddingCfg.top - paddingCfg.bottom; wrapper .attr('transform', 'translate(' + rect.x + ',' + rect.y + ')'); wrapperClipRect .attr('width', rect.width) .attr('height', rect.height); me.onSceneResize(scene, rect); me.fireEvent('sceneresize', me, scene, rect); }, updatePadding: function() { var me = this; if (!me.isConfiguring) { me.resizeHandler(me.getSize()); } }, /** * @event sceneresize * Fires after scene size has changed. * Notes: the scene is a 'g' element, so it cannot actually have a size. * The size reported is the size the drawing is supposed to fit in. * @param {Ext.d3.svg.Svg} component * @param {d3.selection} scene * @param {Object} size An object with `width` and `height` properties. */ getSceneRect: function() { return this.sceneRect; }, getContentRect: function() { // Note that `getBBox` will also measure invisible elements in the scene. return this.scene && this.scene.node().getBBox(); }, getViewportRect: function() { return this.sceneRect; }, scaleRe: /scale\((.+),(.+)\)/i, alignContentTransitionName: null, alignMap: { 'c': 'cc', 't': 'ct', 'b': 'cb', 'l': 'lc', 'r': 'rc', 'lc': 'lc', 'cl': 'lc', 'rc': 'rc', 'cr': 'rc', 'ct': 'ct', 'tc': 'ct', 'cb': 'cb', 'bc': 'cb', 'rt': 'rt', 'tr': 'rt', 'rb': 'rb', 'br': 'rb', 'lt': 'lt', 'tl': 'lt', 'lb': 'lb', 'bl': 'lb' }, /** * Aligns rendered content in the scene. * @param {String} options Align options. * * c - center * * l - left * * r - right * * t - top * * b - bottom * Align options can be combined. E.g. 'tr' - top-right. * If the align options string is only one character long, the other component * is assumed to be 'c'. E.g. 'c' - center vertically and horizontally. * @param {d3.transition/String} [transition] * The transition to use (a D3 transition instance) * or create (a key in the {@link #transitions} map). */ alignContent: function(options, transition) { var me = this, scale = '', sx = 1, sy = 1, sceneRect = me.getSceneRect(), contentRect = me.getContentRect(), scene = me.scene.interrupt(me.alignContentTransitionName), tx, ty, translation, transform, scaleMatch, xy, x, y; if (sceneRect && contentRect) { transform = scene.attr('transform'); if (transform) { scaleMatch = transform.match(me.scaleRe); if (scaleMatch) { scale = scaleMatch[0]; sx = scaleMatch[1]; sy = scaleMatch[2]; } } xy = me.alignMap[options]; if (!xy) { Ext.raise('Invalid content align options.'); } x = xy[0]; y = xy[1]; switch (x) { case 'c': tx = sceneRect.width / 2 - (contentRect.x + contentRect.width / 2) * sx; break; case 'l': tx = -contentRect.x * sx; break; case 'r': tx = sceneRect.width - (contentRect.x + contentRect.width) * sx; break; } switch (y) { case 'c': ty = sceneRect.height / 2 - (contentRect.y + contentRect.height / 2) * sy; break; case 't': ty = -contentRect.y * sy; break; case 'b': ty = sceneRect.height - (contentRect.y + contentRect.height) * sy; break; } } if (Ext.isNumber(tx) && Ext.isNumber(ty)) { translation = [tx, ty]; if (transition) { if (typeof transition === 'string') { transition = me.createTransition(transition); } me.alignContentTransitionName = transition._name; scene = scene.transition(transition); } scene.attr('transform', 'translate(' + translation + ')' + scale); if (me.panZoom) { me.panZoom.setPanZoomSilently(translation); } } }, /** * @protected * This method is called after the scene gets its position and size. * It's a good place to recalculate layout(s) and re-render the scene. * @param {d3.selection} scene * @param {Object} rect * @param {Number} rect.x * @param {Number} rect.y * @param {Number} rect.width * @param {Number} rect.height */ onSceneResize: Ext.emptyFn, /** * Whether or not the component got its first size. * Can be used in the `sceneresize` event handler to do user-defined setup on first * resize, for example: * * listeners: { * sceneresize: function(component, scene, rect) { * if (!component.size) { * // set things up * } else { * // handle resize * } * } * } * * @cfg {Object} size * @accessor */ /** * Get the scene element as a D3 selection. * If the scene doesn't exist, it will be created. * @return {d3.selection} */ getScene: function() { var me = this, padding = me.getWrapper(), scene = me.scene; if (!scene) { me.scene = scene = padding.append('g').classed(me.defaultCls.scene, true); me.setupScene(scene); me.fireEvent('scenesetup', me, scene); } return scene; }, /** * @private */ clearScene: function() { var me = this, scene = me.scene, defs = me.defs; if (scene) { scene = scene.node(); scene.removeAttribute('transform'); while (scene.firstChild) { scene.removeChild(scene.firstChild); } } if (defs) { defs = defs.node(); while (defs.firstChild) { defs.removeChild(defs.firstChild); } } }, showScene: function() { var scene = this.scene; if (scene) { scene.classed(this.defaultCls.invisible, false); } }, hideScene: function() { var scene = this.scene; if (scene) { scene.classed(this.defaultCls.invisible, true); } }, /** * @protected * Called once when the scene (main group) is created. * @param {d3.selection} scene The scene as a D3 selection. */ setupScene: Ext.emptyFn, onPanZoom: function(interaction, scaling, translation) { // The order of transformations matters here. this.scene.attr('transform', 'translate(' + translation + ')scale(' + scaling + ')'); }, removeInteraction: function(interaction) { if (interaction.isPanZoom) { this.scene.attr('transform', null); } this.callParent([interaction]); }, /** * @event scenesetup * Fires once after the scene has been created. * Note that at this time the component doesn't have a size yet. * @param {Ext.d3.svg.Svg} component * @param {d3.selection} scene */ getWrapper: function() { var me = this, padding = me.wrapper; if (!padding) { padding = me.wrapper = me.getSvg().append('g').classed(me.defaultCls.wrapper, true); } return padding; }, getWrapperClipRect: function() { var me = this, rect = me.wrapperClipRect; if (!rect) { rect = me.wrapperClipRect = me.getDefs() .append('clipPath').attr('id', me.wrapperClipId) .append('rect').attr('fill', 'white'); } return rect; }, updateClipScene: function(clipScene) { this.getWrapper().attr('clip-path', clipScene ? 'url(#' + this.wrapperClipId + ')' : ''); }, /** * SVG ['defs'](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/defs) element * as a D3 selection. * @return {d3.selection} */ getDefs: function() { var defs = this.defs; if (!defs) { defs = this.defs = this.getSvg().append('defs'); } return defs; }, destroy: function() { this.getSvg().remove(); this.callParent(); } });