/** * This is used by {@link Ext.field.Select} as an `'edge'` picker. * * It implements parts the interface of {@link Ext.dataview.BoundList} which Select uses * to operate the picker without having to know whether it's floated or edge. * * @private */Ext.define('Ext.picker.SelectPicker', { extend: 'Ext.picker.Picker', xtype: 'selectpicker', constructor: function(config) { var ownerField = config.ownerCmp, id = ownerField.getId() + '-picker', realConfig = Ext.apply({ ownerField: ownerField, id: id, slots: [{ id: id + '-slot', ownerField: ownerField, selectable: config.selectable || true, align: ownerField.getPickerSlotAlign(), name: ownerField.getValueField(), valueField: ownerField.getValueField(), displayField: ownerField.getDisplayField(), value: ownerField.getValue(), store: ownerField._pickerStore || ownerField.getStore(), itemTpl: ownerField.getItemTpl(), itemCls: ownerField.getItemCls() }] }, config); // MultiSelect works in a fundamentally different way. // The Selection Model's collection is our valueCollection. // What you click in the picker becomes part of the value set immediately. // There's no "cancel" operation. if (ownerField.getMultiSelect()) { realConfig.cancelButton = false; realConfig.slots[0].selectable = { selected: ownerField.getValueCollection(), selectedRecord: ownerField.getSelection(), deselectable: true, mode: 'multi' }; } // But when single selecting, they have to click done, which fires // the Picker's change event, and only then sets our value. else { realConfig.listeners = { change: 'onPickerChange', scope: this }; } this.callParent([realConfig]); this.slot = Ext.getCmp(id + '-slot'); }, onPickerChange: function(picker, value) { var ownerField = this.ownerField; ownerField.setValue(ownerField.findRecordByValue(value[ownerField.getValueField()])); }, refresh: function() { this.slots.refresh(); }, setDisableSelection: function(disableSelection) { return this.slot.setDisableSelection(disableSelection); }, setValue: function(value) { if (this.slot) { this.slot.setValue(value); } return this; }, getEmptyText: function() { return this.slot.getEmptyText(); }, getItemCount: function() { return this.slot.getItemCount(); }, getNavigationModel: function() { return this.slot.getNavigationModel(); }, getSelectable: function() { return this.slot.getSelectable(); }, getViewItems: function() { return this.slot.getViewItems(); }, getStore: function() { return this.slot.getStore(); }, setStore: function(store) { this.slot.setStore(store); }, deselectAll: function() { this.slot.deselectAll(); }});