/** * A helper class to facilitate common operations on points and vectors. */Ext.define('Ext.draw.Point', { requires: [ 'Ext.draw.Draw', 'Ext.draw.Matrix' ], isPoint: true, x: 0, y: 0, length: 0, angle: 0, angleUnits: 'degrees', statics: { /** * @method * @static * Creates a flyweight Ext.draw.Point instance. * Takes the same parameters as the {@link Ext.draw.Point#method!constructor}. * Do not hold the instance of the flyweight point. * * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} point * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ fly: (function() { var point = null; return function(x, y) { if (!point) { point = new Ext.draw.Point(); } point.constructor(x, y); return point; }; })() }, /** * Creates a point. * * new Ext.draw.Point(3, 4); * new Ext.draw.Point(3); // both x and y equal 3 * new Ext.draw.Point([3, 4]); * new Ext.draw.Point({x: 3, y: 4}); * new Ext.draw.Point(p); // where `p` is a Ext.draw.Point instance. * * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} x * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} y */ constructor: function(x, y) { var me = this; if (typeof x === 'number') { me.x = x; if (typeof y === 'number') { me.y = y; } else { me.y = x; } } else if (Ext.isArray(x)) { me.x = x[0]; me.y = x[1]; } else if (x) { me.x = x.x; me.y = x.y; } me.calculatePolar(); }, calculateCartesian: function() { var me = this, length = me.length, angle = me.angle; if (me.angleUnits === 'degrees') { angle = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(angle); } me.x = Math.cos(angle) * length; me.y = Math.sin(angle) * length; }, calculatePolar: function() { var me = this, x = me.x, y = me.y; me.length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); me.angle = Math.atan2(y, x); if (me.angleUnits === 'degrees') { me.angle = Ext.draw.Draw.degrees(me.angle); } }, /** * Sets the x-coordinate of the point. * @param {Number} x */ setX: function(x) { this.x = x; this.calculatePolar(); }, /** * Sets the y-coordinate of the point. * @param {Number} y */ setY: function(y) { this.y = y; this.calculatePolar(); }, /** * Sets coordinates of the point. * Takes the same parameters as the {@link #method!constructor}. * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} x * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} y */ set: function(x, y) { this.constructor(x, y); }, /** * Sets the angle of the vector (measured from the x-axis to the vector) * without changing its length. * @param {Number} angle */ setAngle: function(angle) { this.angle = angle; this.calculateCartesian(); }, /** * Sets the length of the vector without changing its angle. * @param {Number} length */ setLength: function(length) { this.length = length; this.calculateCartesian(); }, /** * Sets both the angle and the length of the vector. * A point can be thought of as a vector pointing from the origin to the point's location. * This can also be interpreted as setting coordinates of a point in the polar * coordinate system. * @param {Number} angle * @param {Number} length */ setPolar: function(angle, length) { this.angle = angle; this.length = length; this.calculateCartesian(); }, /** * Returns a copy of the point. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ clone: function() { return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x, this.y); }, /** * Adds another vector to this one and returns the resulting vector * without changing this vector. * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} x * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} y * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ add: function(x, y) { var fly = Ext.draw.Point.fly(x, y); return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x + fly.x, this.y + fly.y); }, /** * Subtracts another vector from this one and returns the resulting vector * without changing this vector. * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} x * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} y * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ sub: function(x, y) { var fly = Ext.draw.Point.fly(x, y); return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x - fly.x, this.y - fly.y); }, /** * Returns the result of scalar multiplication of this vector by the given factor. * This vector is not modified. * @param {Number} n The factor. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ mul: function(n) { return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x * n, this.y * n); }, /** * Returns a vector which coordinates are the result of division of this vector's * coordinates by the given number. This vector is not modified. * This vector is not modified. * @param {Number} n The denominator. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ div: function(n) { return new Ext.draw.Point(this.x / n, this.y / n); }, /** * Returns the dot product of this vector and the given vector. * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} x * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} y * @return {Number} */ dot: function(x, y) { var fly = Ext.draw.Point.fly(x, y); return this.x * fly.x + this.y * fly.y; }, /** * Checks whether coordinates of the point match those of the point provided. * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} x * @param {Number/Number[]/Object/Ext.draw.Point} y * @return {Boolean} */ equals: function(x, y) { var fly = Ext.draw.Point.fly(x, y); return this.x === fly.x && this.y === fly.y; }, /** * Rotates the point by the given angle. This point is not modified. * @param {Number} angle The rotation angle. * @param {Ext.draw.Point} [center] The center of rotation (optional). Defaults to origin. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} The rotated point. */ rotate: function(angle, center) { var sin, cos, cx, cy, point; if (this.angleUnits === 'degrees') { angle = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(angle); sin = Math.sin(angle); cos = Math.cos(angle); } if (center) { cx = center.x; cy = center.y; } else { cx = 0; cy = 0; } point = Ext.draw.Matrix.fly([ cos, sin, -sin, cos, cx - cos * cx + cy * sin, cy - cos * cy + cx * -sin ]).transformPoint(this); return new Ext.draw.Point(point); }, /** * Transforms the point from one coordinate system to another * using the transformation matrix provided. This point is not modified. * @param {Ext.draw.Matrix/Number[]} matrix A trasformation matrix or its elements. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ transform: function(matrix) { if (matrix && matrix.isMatrix) { return new Ext.draw.Point(matrix.transformPoint(this)); } else if (arguments.length === 6) { return new Ext.draw.Point(Ext.draw.Matrix.fly(arguments).transformPoint(this)); } else { Ext.raise("Invalid parameters."); } }, /** * Returns a new point with rounded x and y values. This point is not modified. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ round: function() { return new Ext.draw.Point( Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y) ); }, /** * Returns a new point with ceiled x and y values. This point is not modified. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ ceil: function() { return new Ext.draw.Point( Math.ceil(this.x), Math.ceil(this.y) ); }, /** * Returns a new point with floored x and y values. This point is not modified. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ floor: function() { return new Ext.draw.Point( Math.floor(this.x), Math.floor(this.y) ); }, /** * Returns a new point with absolute values of the x and y values of this point. * This point is not modified. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ abs: function(x, y) { return new Ext.draw.Point( Math.abs(this.x), Math.abs(this.y) ); }, /** * Normalizes the vector by changing its length to 1 without changing its angle. * The returned result is a normalized vector. This vector is not modified. * @param {Number} [factor=1] Multiplication factor. Defaults to 1. * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ normalize: function(factor) { var x = this.x, y = this.y, k = (factor || 1) / Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); return new Ext.draw.Point(x * k, y * k); }, /** * Returns the vector from the point perpendicular to the line (shortest distance). * Where line is specified using two points or the coordinates of those points. * @param {Ext.draw.Point} p1 * @param {Ext.draw.Point} p2 * @return {Ext.draw.Point} */ getDistanceToLine: function(p1, p2) { var n, pp1; if (arguments.length === 4) { p1 = new Ext.draw.Point(arguments[0], arguments[1]); p2 = new Ext.draw.Point(arguments[2], arguments[3]); } // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_from_a_point_to_a_line#Vector_formulation n = p2.sub(p1).normalize(); pp1 = p1.sub(this); return pp1.sub(n.mul(pp1.dot(n))); }, /** * Checks if both x and y coordinates of the point are zero. * @return {Boolean} */ isZero: function() { return this.x === 0 && this.y === 0; }, /** * Checks if both x and y coordinates of the point are valid numbers. * @return {Boolean} */ isNumber: function() { return Ext.isNumber(this.x) && Ext.isNumber(this.y); }});