/** * @class Ext.chart.series.Pie * @extends Ext.chart.series.Polar * * Creates a Pie Chart. A Pie Chart is a useful visualization technique to display * quantitative information for different categories that also have a meaning as a whole. * As with all other series, the Pie Series must be appended in the *series* Chart array * configuration. See the Chart documentation for more information. A typical configuration * object for the pie series could be: * * @example * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'polar', * renderTo: document.body, * width: 400, * height: 400, * theme: 'green', * interactions: ['rotate', 'itemhighlight'], * store: { * fields: ['name', 'data1'], * data: [{ * name: 'metric one', * data1: 14 * }, { * name: 'metric two', * data1: 16 * }, { * name: 'metric three', * data1: 14 * }, { * name: 'metric four', * data1: 6 * }, { * name: 'metric five', * data1: 36 * }] * }, * series: { * type: 'pie', * highlight: true, * angleField: 'data1', * label: { * field: 'name', * display: 'rotate' * }, * donut: 30 * } * }); * * In this configuration we set `pie` as the type for the series, then set the `highlight` config * to `true` (we can also specify an object with specific style properties for highlighting options) * which is triggered when hovering or tapping elements. * We set `data1` as the value of the `angleField` to determine the angular span for each pie slice. * We also set a label configuration object where we set the name of the store field * to be rendered as text for the label. The labels will also be displayed rotated. * And finally, we specify the donut hole radius for the pie series in percentages of the series * radius. * */Ext.define('Ext.chart.series.Pie', { extend: 'Ext.chart.series.Polar', requires: [ 'Ext.chart.series.sprite.PieSlice' ], type: 'pie', alias: 'series.pie', seriesType: 'pieslice', isPie: true, /** * @cfg {Object} style Custom style configuration for the sprite used in the series. * It overrides the style that is provided by the current theme. See * {@link Ext.chart.theme.series.Pie} */ config: { /** * @cfg {String} radiusField * The store record field name to be used for the pie slice lengths. * The values bound to this field name must be positive real numbers. */ /** * @cfg {Number} donut Specifies the radius of the donut hole, as a percentage * of the chart's radius. * Defaults to 0 (no donut hole). */ donut: 0, /** * @cfg {Number} rotation The starting angle of the pie slices. */ rotation: 0, /** * @cfg {Boolean} clockwise * Whether the pie slices are displayed clockwise. Default's true. */ clockwise: true, /** * @cfg {Number} [totalAngle=2*PI] The total angle of the pie series. */ totalAngle: 2 * Math.PI, /** * @cfg {Array} hidden Determines which pie slices are hidden. */ hidden: [], /** * @cfg {Number} [radiusFactor=100] Allows adjustment of the radius * by a specific percentage. */ radiusFactor: 100, /** * @cfg {Ext.chart.series.sprite.PieSlice/Object} highlightCfg * Default highlight config for the pie series. * Slides highlighted pie sector outward by default. * * highlightCfg accepts as its value a config object (or array of configs) for a * {@link Ext.chart.series.sprite.PieSlice pie sprite}. * * * Example config: * * Ext.create('Ext.chart.PolarChart', { * renderTo: document.body, * width: 600, * height: 400, * innerPadding: 5, * store: { * fields: ['name', 'data1'], * data: [{ * name: 'metric one', * data1: 10 * }, { * name: 'metric two', * data1: 7 * }, { * name: 'metric three', * data1: 5 * }] * }, * series: { * type: 'pie', * label: { * field: 'name', * display: 'rotate' * }, * xField: 'data1', * donut: 30, * highlightCfg: { * margin: 10, * fillOpacity: .7 * } * } * }); */ highlightCfg: { margin: 20 }, style: {} }, directions: ['X'], applyLabel: function(newLabel, oldLabel) { if (Ext.isObject(newLabel) && !Ext.isString(newLabel.orientation)) { // Override default label orientation from '' to 'vertical'. Ext.apply(newLabel = Ext.Object.chain(newLabel), { orientation: 'vertical' }); } return newLabel; }, updateLabelData: function() { var me = this, store = me.getStore(), items = store.getData().items, sprites = me.getSprites(), label = me.getLabel(), labelField = label && label.getTemplate().getField(), hidden = me.getHidden(), i, ln, labels, sprite; if (sprites.length && labelField) { labels = []; for (i = 0, ln = items.length; i < ln; i++) { labels.push(items[i].get(labelField)); } for (i = 0, ln = sprites.length; i < ln; i++) { sprite = sprites[i]; sprite.setAttributes({ label: labels[i] }); sprite.putMarker('labels', { hidden: hidden[i] }, sprite.attr.attributeId); } } }, coordinateX: function() { var me = this, store = me.getStore(), records = store.getData().items, recordCount = records.length, xField = me.getXField(), yField = me.getYField(), x, sumX = 0, unit, y, maxY = 0, hidden = me.getHidden(), summation = [], i, lastAngle = 0, totalAngle = me.getTotalAngle(), clockwise = me.getClockwise() ? 1 : -1, sprites = me.getSprites(), sprite, labels; if (!sprites) { return; } for (i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) { x = Math.abs(Number(records[i].get(xField))) || 0; y = yField && Math.abs(Number(records[i].get(yField))) || 0; if (!hidden[i]) { sumX += x; if (y > maxY) { maxY = y; } } summation[i] = sumX; if (i >= hidden.length) { hidden[i] = false; } } hidden.length = recordCount; me.maxY = maxY; if (sumX !== 0) { unit = totalAngle / sumX; } for (i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) { sprite = sprites[i]; if (sprite) { sprite.setAttributes({ startAngle: lastAngle, endAngle: lastAngle = (unit ? clockwise * summation[i] * unit : 0), globalAlpha: 1 }); } } if (recordCount < sprites.length) { for (i = recordCount; i < sprites.length; i++) { sprite = sprites[i]; labels = sprite.getMarker('labels'); if (labels) { // Don't want the 'labels' Markers and its 'template' sprite to be destroyed // with the PieSlice MarkerHolder, as it is also used by other pie slices. // So we release 'labels' before destroying the PieSlice. // But first, we have to clear the instances of the 'labels' // Markers created by the PieSlice MarkerHolder. labels.clear(sprite.getId()); sprite.releaseMarker('labels'); } sprite.destroy(); } sprites.length = recordCount; } for (i = recordCount; i < sprites.length; i++) { sprites[i].setAttributes({ startAngle: totalAngle, endAngle: totalAngle, globalAlpha: 0 }); } }, updateCenter: function(center) { this.setStyle({ translationX: center[0] + this.getOffsetX(), translationY: center[1] + this.getOffsetY() }); this.doUpdateStyles(); }, updateRadius: function(radius) { this.setStyle({ startRho: radius * this.getDonut() * 0.01, endRho: radius * this.getRadiusFactor() * 0.01 }); this.doUpdateStyles(); }, getStyleByIndex: function(i) { var me = this, store = me.getStore(), item = store.getAt(i), yField = me.getYField(), radius = me.getRadius(), style = {}, startRho, endRho, y; if (item) { y = yField && Math.abs(Number(item.get(yField))) || 0; startRho = radius * me.getDonut() * 0.01; endRho = radius * me.getRadiusFactor() * 0.01; style = me.callParent([i]); style.startRho = startRho; style.endRho = me.maxY ? (startRho + (endRho - startRho) * y / me.maxY) : endRho; } return style; }, updateDonut: function(donut) { var radius = this.getRadius(); this.setStyle({ startRho: radius * donut * 0.01, endRho: radius * this.getRadiusFactor() * 0.01 }); this.doUpdateStyles(); }, // Subtract 90 degrees from rotation, so that `rotation` config's default // value of 0 makes first pie sector start at noon, rather than 3 o'clock. rotationOffset: -Math.PI / 2, updateRotation: function(rotation) { this.setStyle({ rotationRads: rotation + this.rotationOffset }); this.doUpdateStyles(); }, updateTotalAngle: function(totalAngle) { this.processData(); }, getSprites: function() { var me = this, chart = me.getChart(), xField = me.getXField(), yField = me.getYField(), store = me.getStore(); if (!chart || !store) { return Ext.emptyArray; } me.getColors(); me.getSubStyle(); // eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top, one-var var items = store.getData().items, length = items.length, animation = me.getAnimation() || chart && chart.getAnimation(), sprites = me.sprites, sprite, spriteCreated = false, spriteIndex = 0, label = me.getLabel(), labelTpl = label && label.getTemplate(), i, rendererData; rendererData = { store: store, field: xField, // for backward compatibility only (deprecated in 5.5) angleField: xField, radiusField: yField, series: me }; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { sprite = sprites[i]; if (!sprite && items[i].get(xField)) { sprite = me.createSprite(); if (me.getHighlight()) { sprite.config.highlight = me.getHighlight(); sprite.addModifier('highlight', true); } if (labelTpl && labelTpl.getField()) { labelTpl.setAttributes({ labelOverflowPadding: me.getLabelOverflowPadding() }); labelTpl.getAnimation().setCustomDurations({ 'callout': 200 }); } sprite.setAttributes(me.getStyleByIndex(i)); sprite.setRendererData(rendererData); spriteCreated = true; } if (sprite) { sprite.setRendererIndex(spriteIndex++); sprite.setAnimation(animation); } } if (spriteCreated) { me.doUpdateStyles(); } return me.sprites; }, betweenAngle: function(x, a, b) { var pp = Math.PI * 2, offset = this.rotationOffset; if (a === b) { return false; } if (!this.getClockwise()) { x *= -1; a *= -1; b *= -1; a -= offset; b -= offset; } else { a += offset; b += offset; } x -= a; b -= a; // Normalize, so that both x and b are in the [0,360) interval. x %= pp; b %= pp; x += pp; b += pp; x %= pp; b %= pp; // Because 360 * n angles will be normalized to 0, // we need to treat b ~= 0 as a special case. return x < b || Ext.Number.isEqual(b, 0, 1e-8); }, getItemByIndex: function(index, category) { category = category || 'sprites'; return this.callParent([index, category]); }, /** * Returns the pie slice for a given angle * @param {Number} angle The angle to search for the slice * @return {Object} An object containing the reocord, sprite, scope etc. */ getItemForAngle: function(angle) { var me = this, sprites = me.getSprites(), attr, store, items, hidden, i, ln; angle %= Math.PI * 2; while (angle < 0) { angle += Math.PI * 2; } if (sprites) { store = me.getStore(); items = store.getData().items; hidden = me.getHidden(); for (i = 0, ln = store.getCount(); i < ln; i++) { if (!hidden[i]) { // Fortunately, item's id equals its index in the instances list. attr = sprites[i].attr; if (attr.startAngle <= angle && attr.endAngle >= angle) { return { series: me, sprite: sprites[i], index: i, record: items[i], field: me.getXField() }; } } } } return null; }, getItemForPoint: function(x, y) { var me = this, sprites = me.getSprites(), center = me.getCenter(), offsetX = me.getOffsetX(), offsetY = me.getOffsetY(), // Distance from the center of the series to the cursor. dx = x - center[0] + offsetX, dy = y - center[1] + offsetY, store = me.getStore(), donut = me.getDonut(), records = store.getData().items, direction = Math.atan2(dy, dx) - me.getRotation(), radius = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), startRadius = me.getRadius() * donut * 0.01, hidden = me.getHidden(), result = null, i, ln, attr, sprite; for (i = 0, ln = records.length; i < ln; i++) { if (hidden[i]) { continue; } sprite = sprites[i]; if (!sprite) { break; } attr = sprite.attr; if (radius >= startRadius + attr.margin && radius <= attr.endRho + attr.margin && me.betweenAngle(direction, attr.startAngle, attr.endAngle)) { result = { series: me, sprite: sprites[i], index: i, record: records[i], field: me.getXField() }; break; } } return result; }, provideLegendInfo: function(target) { var me = this, store = me.getStore(), items, labelField, xField, hidden, i, style, fill; if (store) { items = store.getData().items; labelField = me.getLabel().getTemplate().getField(); xField = me.getXField(); hidden = me.getHidden(); for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { style = me.getStyleByIndex(i); fill = style.fillStyle; if (Ext.isObject(fill)) { fill = fill.stops && fill.stops[0].color; } target.push({ name: labelField ? String(items[i].get(labelField)) : xField + ' ' + i, mark: fill || style.strokeStyle || 'black', disabled: hidden[i], series: me.getId(), index: i }); } } }});