/** * A toolbar used for paging in grids. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use * the {@link Ext.grid.plugin.PagingToolbar #toolbar} config of the Paging Toolbar grid * plugin to configure its options */Ext.define('Ext.grid.PagingToolbar', { extend: 'Ext.Toolbar', xtype: 'pagingtoolbar', classCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pagingtoolbar', config: { /** * @cfg {Object} * A configuration object for the "previous" button */ prevButton: { xtype: 'button', iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pagingtoolbar-prev' }, /** * @cfg {Object} * A configuration object for the "next" button */ nextButton: { xtype: 'button', iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pagingtoolbar-next' }, /** * @cfg {Object} * A configuration object for the slider field */ sliderField: { xtype: 'singlesliderfield', liveUpdate: true, value: 1, flex: 1, minValue: 1 }, // TODO: // this is private because the API may change in a future release. // We need more than just a "num / count" summary text, the current page should be // displayed in a textfield that can be modified by the user /** * @cfg {Object} * A configuration object for the paging toolbar's summary component * @private */ summaryComponent: { xtype: 'component', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pagingtoolbar-summary' } }, inheritUi: true, initialize: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); me.add([ me.getPrevButton(), me.getSummaryComponent(), me.getSliderField(), me.getNextButton() ]); }, applyPrevButton: function(prevButton, oldPrevButton) { return Ext.factory(prevButton, Ext.Button, oldPrevButton); }, applyNextButton: function(nextButton, oldNextButton) { return Ext.factory(nextButton, Ext.Button, oldNextButton); }, applySliderField: function(sliderField, oldSliderField) { return Ext.factory(sliderField, Ext.field.SingleSlider, oldSliderField); }, applySummaryComponent: function(summaryComponent, oldSummaryComponent) { return Ext.factory(summaryComponent, Ext.Component, oldSummaryComponent); }});