/** * @class Ext.grid.NavigationModel * @private * This class listens for events fired from a {@link Ext.grid.Panel GridPanel}, and * tracks the currently focused cell. */Ext.define('Ext.grid.NavigationModel', { extend: 'Ext.dataview.NavigationModel', alias: 'navmodel.grid', requires: [ 'Ext.grid.Location' ], locationClass: 'Ext.grid.Location', statics: { /** * We should ignore keydown events for certain keys pressed in an input field * e.g. while editing, to allow for native arrow key navigation, Home/End keys, * etc. However we can't ignore all keydown events in input fields wholesale, * that breaks Enter/Esc/Tab key processing. * This map defines what key names should be ignored if target is an input field. * @private * @since 6.5.1 */ ignoreInputFieldKeys: { PAGE_UP: true, PAGE_DOWN: true, END: true, HOME: true, LEFT: true, UP: true, RIGHT: true, DOWN: true } }, /** * Focuses the passed position, and optionally selects that position. * @param {Ext.grid.Location/Ext.data.Model/Number} location The location to focus. * This may be * - A `{@link Ext.grid.Location grid Location}` object; * - A `[column, row]` array; column is `X` coordinate, record is `Y` coordinate. * - An element which is used to locate the referenced cell. * - A number to locate column zero on the passed row * - A record to indicate column zero on the passed record's row. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.event] The UI event which caused the navigation if any. * @param {Object} [options.select] Pass as `true` to also select the location. */ setLocation: function(location, options) { var me = this, view = me.getView(), event = options && options.event; me.columnIndex = -1; // Massage the incoming location into a form the base class can work with if (location != null && !location.isGridLocation) { if (Ext.isArray(location)) { location = { column: location[0], record: location[1] }; } else if (typeof location === 'number') { location = view.store.getAt(location); } location = me.createLocation(location); if (event) { location.event = event; } } return me.callParent([location, options]); }, clearLocation: function() { var me = this, item; if (me.location) { me.previousLocation = me.location; item = me.location.sourceElement; if (item) { Ext.fly(item).removeCls(me.focusedCls); } me.location = null; } }, registerActionable: function(actionable) { var me = this, view = me.getView(), actionables = me.actionables || (me.actionables = []), triggerEvent, listeners; if (!Ext.Array.contains(actionables, actionable)) { actionables.push(actionable); triggerEvent = actionable.getTriggerEvent(); if (triggerEvent) { // create {click: triggerActionable, scope: me, args:[theActionable]} listeners = { scope: me, args: [actionable] }; listeners[triggerEvent] = 'triggerActionable'; // Trigger the actionable on the requested event. // Also, per ARIA standards: // "Enter or F2 pressed while focus is on a cell containing // an actionable item enters Actionable Mode" actionable.triggerEventListener = view.bodyElement.on(listeners); } } }, unregisterActionable: function(actionable) { var actionables = this.actionables; if (actionables) { Ext.Array.remove(actionables, actionable); } }, privates: { // In the case of a focus move invoked by assistive technologies, // we have to react to that and maintain correct state. onFocusMove: function(e) { var me = this, view = me.getView(), location = me.getLocation(); // Focus moved to the view from an inner location. // This can happen on mousedown on non-focusable parts of the grid // such as row lines (which are not part of a cell) and non-focusable // non-data items. We revert to the current location. if (e.toElement === view.el.dom && location) { me.clearLocation(); return me.setLocation(location); } location = me.createLocation(e); // If a setLocation call has been called with the synchronous option // handleLocationChange will already have been called. if (!location.equals(me.location)) { me.handleLocationChange(location, { event: e, navigate: false // We just navigated }); } }, processViewEvent: function(e) { var me = this, view = me.getView(), cell = view.mapToCell(e); if (Ext.fly(e.target).isInputField() && me.self.ignoreInputFieldKeys[e.getKeyName()]) { return false; } // We found our grid cell which contained the event. if (cell && cell.row.grid === view) { return e; } }, /** * Enters actionable mode at the passed location */ activateCell: function(location) { // Attempt to activate a Location based on the current location. location.clone().activate(); }, triggerActionable: function(actionable, e) { var actionLocation = this.createLocation(e); // Request the Actionable to activate a *cell* Location based on the event // location. The location could not relate to a cell if, for example, the // touchend event occurs on a scrollbar or other non-cell element. actionLocation = actionLocation.cell && actionable.activateCell(actionLocation); // If we successfully started actionable mode, set our location. // Note that this may pass the already active location if the trigger // event was inside the actionable, such as clicking in a cell editor. // This will be a no-op, so harmless. if (actionLocation) { this.setLocation(actionLocation); } }, onChildTouchStart: function(view, location) { var e = location.event; // Not a navigable child - do not disturb focus if (location.header || location.footer) { e.preventDefault(); } else { // Only react if we already have a location that is elsewhere in the grid, // so that we can move. // // If we do not, this means that there will be an impending // onFocusEnter call, and that event will be decoded to focus // the targeted location. if (this.location && !this.location.equalCell(location)) { this.setLocation(location, { event: location.event, navigate: this.getView().getTriggerEvent() === 'childtouchstart' }); } } }, onKeyUp: function(e) { // Do not scroll e.preventDefault(); if (!this.location.actionable) { if (this.location) { this.moveUp(e); } else { this.setLocation(0); } } }, onKeyDown: function(e) { // Do not scroll e.preventDefault(); if (!this.location.actionable) { if (this.location) { this.moveDown(e); } else { this.setLocation(0); } } }, onKeyLeft: function(e) { var location = this.location, isSimpleTree = location.isLastColumn() && location.isFirstColumn(); if (!location.actionable) { // Do not scroll e.preventDefault(); // On an expanded non-leaf tree cell. if ( location.isTreeLocation && !location.record.isLeaf() && location.record.isExpanded() ) { // If a simple Tree (just one column), or its a ctrl+RIGHT // expand the node. if (isSimpleTree === !e.ctrlKey) { return location.cell.collapse(); } } // Do not allow SHIFT+(left|right) to wrap. if (!(e.shiftKey && location.isFirstColumn())) { this.movePrevious({ event: e }); } } // From an input field - return true to *not* stop the event. else if (Ext.fly(e.target).isInputField()) { return true; } }, onKeyRight: function(e) { var location = this.location, isSimpleTree = location.isLastColumn() && location.isFirstColumn(); if (!location.actionable) { // Do not scroll e.preventDefault(); // On a collapsed non-leaf tree cell. if ( location.isTreeLocation && !location.record.isLeaf() && !location.record.isExpanded() ) { // If a simple Tree (just one column), or its a ctrl+RIGHT // expand the node. if (isSimpleTree === !e.ctrlKey) { return location.cell.expand(); } } // Do not allow SHIFT+(left|right) to wrap. if (!(e.shiftKey && location.isLastColumn())) { this.moveNext({ event: e }); } } // From an input field - return true to *not* stop the event. else if (Ext.fly(e.target).isInputField()) { return true; } }, onKeyF2: function(e) { // Events are tagged with information about the event target. // If the target is *within* the cell, it's actionable mode. // If the target *is* the cell, it's navigation mode. if (this.location.actionable) { this.onKeyEsc(); } else { this.activateCell(this.location); } }, onKeyEsc: function(e) { // Focus the item which the current location encpsulates, regardless of whether it // also encpsulates an inner, focusable targetElement.. if (this.location.actionable) { this.location.get().el.focus(); } }, onKeyTab: function(e) { var me = this, location = me.location, navigate; if (location.actionable) { navigate = function() { me.location = e.shiftKey ? location.previous() : location.next(); }; navigate(); } // Navigation mode - return true to *not* stop the event else { return true; } }, onKeyPageDown: function(e) { var me = this, view, y, candidate; // Do not scroll e.preventDefault(); if (!me.location.actionable) { view = me.getView(); y = ( view.infinite ? view.getItemTop(me.location.child) : me.location.child.el.dom.offsetTop ) + view.getVisibleHeight(); candidate = view.getRecordIndexFromPoint(0, y); view.ensureVisible(candidate).then(function() { candidate = new Ext.grid.Location(view, { record: candidate, column: me.location.column }); // Might have landed on a non-focusable item. // The up method moves to a focusable location. if (!( candidate.sourceElement && Ext.fly(candidate.sourceElement).isFocusable()) ) { candidate = candidate.up(); } // Go down by the visible page size me.setLocation(candidate, { event: e }); }); } }, onKeyPageUp: function(e) { var me = this, view, y, candidate; // Do not scroll e.preventDefault(); if (!me.location.actionable) { view = me.getView(); y = ( view.infinite ? view.getItemTop(me.location.child) : me.location.child.el.dom.offsetTop ) - view.getVisibleHeight(); candidate = view.getRecordIndexFromPoint(0, y); view.ensureVisible(candidate).then(function() { candidate = new Ext.grid.Location(view, { record: candidate, column: me.location.column }); // Might have landed on a non-focusable item. // The down method advances to a focusable location. if (!( candidate.sourceElement && Ext.fly(candidate.sourceElement).isFocusable()) ) { candidate = candidate.down(); } // Go up by the visible page size me.setLocation(candidate, { event: e }); }); } }, onKeyHome: function(e) { // Do not scroll e.preventDefault(); if (!this.location.actionable) { // Go to first cell in current column if (e.ctrlKey) { this.setLocation({ record: this.getView().getStore().first(), column: this.location.column }, { event: e }); } // Go to first cell in row else { this.setLocation({ record: this.location.record, column: this.getView().getFirstVisibleColumn() }, { event: e }); } } }, onKeyEnd: function(e) { // Do not scroll e.preventDefault(); if (!this.location.actionable) { // Go to last cell in current column if (e.ctrlKey) { this.setLocation({ record: this.getView().getStore().last(), column: this.location.column }, { event: e }); } // Go to last cell in row else { this.setLocation({ record: this.location.record, column: this.getView().getLastVisibleColumn() }, { event: e }); } } }, onKeySpace: function(e) { var target = Ext.fly(e.target), events, focusables, result; // SPACE hits up the Selection Model. // But also click the first focusable inner el. this.onNavigate(e); if (!this.location.actionable) { focusables = this.location.getFocusables(); if (focusables.length) { events = Ext.get(focusables[0]).events; } } // In actionable mode, SPACE clicks the focused el // if it is not an input field. else { if (target.isInputField()) { result = true; } else { events = target.events; } } // Fire any click or tap handlers on the discovered action element. if (events) { if (events.tap) { events.tap.fire(e); } if (events.click) { events.click.fire(e); } } return result; }, // ENTER emulates an childtap event at the View level onKeyEnter: function(e) { var l = this.location; // Stop the keydown event so that an ENTER keyup does not get delivered to // any element which focus is transferred to in a click handler. e.stopEvent(); // Navigation mode drops into actionable mode if (!l.actionable) { // Enter on a CheckNode, toggles it. if (l.isTreeLocation && l.record.data.checked != null) { l.record.set('checked', !l.record.data.checked); } else { this.activateCell(l); } } // Actionable mode clicks the target, same as SPACE else { this.onKeySpace(e); } }, onSelectAllKeyPress: function(e) { // Return true to not stop the event if it's in an input field if (Ext.fly(e.target).isInputField()) { return true; } // Superclass selects all else { return this.callParent([e]); } }, moveUp: function(e) { var location = this.getLocation(); if (location) { location = location.up(); if (location) { this.setLocation(location, { event: e }); } } }, moveDown: function(e) { var location = this.getLocation(); if (location) { location = location.down(); if (location) { this.setLocation(location, { event: e }); } } } }});