/** * Displays a value within the given interval as a gauge. For example: * * @example * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'panel', * renderTo: document.body, * width: 200, * height: 200, * layout: 'fit', * items: { * xtype: 'gauge', * padding: 20, * value: 55, * minValue: 40, * maxValue: 80 * } * }); * * It's also possible to use gauges to create loading indicators: * * @example * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'panel', * renderTo: document.body, * width: 200, * height: 200, * layout: 'fit', * items: { * xtype: 'gauge', * padding: 20, * trackStart: 0, * trackLength: 360, * value: 20, * valueStyle: { * round: true * }, * textTpl: 'Loading...', * animation: { * easing: 'linear', * duration: 100000 * } * } * }).items.first().setAngleOffset(360 * 100); * * Gauges can contain needles as well. * * @example * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'panel', * renderTo: document.body, * width: 200, * height: 200, * layout: 'fit', * items: { * xtype: 'gauge', * padding: 20, * value: 55, * minValue: 40, * maxValue: 80, * needle: 'wedge' * } * }); * */Ext.define('Ext.ux.gauge.Gauge', { alternateClassName: 'Ext.ux.Gauge', extend: 'Ext.Gadget', xtype: 'gauge', requires: [ 'Ext.ux.gauge.needle.Abstract', 'Ext.util.Region' ], config: { /** * @cfg {Number/String} padding * Gauge sector padding in pixels or percent of width/height, whichever is smaller. */ padding: 10, /** * @cfg {Number} trackStart * The angle in the [0, 360) interval at which the gauge's track sector starts. * E.g. 0 for 3 o-clock, 90 for 6 o-clock, 180 for 9 o-clock, 270 for noon. */ trackStart: 135, /** * @cfg {Number} trackLength * The angle in the (0, 360] interval to add to the {@link #trackStart} angle * to determine the angle at which the track ends. */ trackLength: 270, /** * @cfg {Number} angleOffset * The angle at which the {@link #minValue} starts in case of a circular gauge. */ angleOffset: 0, /** * @cfg {Number} minValue * The minimum value that the gauge can represent. */ minValue: 0, /** * @cfg {Number} maxValue * The maximum value that the gauge can represent. */ maxValue: 100, /** * @cfg {Number} value * The current value of the gauge. */ value: 50, /** * @cfg {Ext.ux.gauge.needle.Abstract} needle * A config object for the needle to be used by the gauge. * The needle will track the current {@link #value}. * The default needle type is 'diamond', so if a config like * * needle: { * outerRadius: '100%' * } * * is used, the app/view still has to require * the `Ext.ux.gauge.needle.Diamond` class. * If a type is specified explicitly * * needle: { * type: 'arrow' * } * * it's straightforward which class should be required. */ needle: null, needleDefaults: { cached: true, $value: { type: 'diamond' } }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [clockwise=true] * `true` - {@link #cfg!value} increments in a clockwise fashion * `false` - {@link #cfg!value} increments in an anticlockwise fashion */ clockwise: true, /** * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate} textTpl * The template for the text in the center of the gauge. * The available data values are: * - `value` - The {@link #cfg!value} of the gauge. * - `percent` - The value as a percentage between 0 and 100. * - `minValue` - The value of the {@link #cfg!minValue} config. * - `maxValue` - The value of the {@link #cfg!maxValue} config. * - `delta` - The delta between the {@link #cfg!minValue} and {@link #cfg!maxValue}. */ textTpl: ['<tpl>{value:number("0.00")}%</tpl>'], /** * @cfg {String} [textAlign='c-c'] * If the gauge has a donut hole, the text will be centered inside it. * Otherwise, the text will be centered in the middle of the gauge's * bounding box. This config allows to alter the position of the text * in the latter case. See the docs for the `align` option to the * {@link Ext.util.Region#alignTo} method for possible ways of alignment * of the text to the guage's bounding box. */ textAlign: 'c-c', /** * @cfg {Object} textOffset * This config can be used to displace the {@link #textTpl text} from its default * position in the center of the gauge by providing values for horizontal and * vertical displacement. * @cfg {Number} textOffset.dx Horizontal displacement. * @cfg {Number} textOffset.dy Vertical displacement. */ textOffset: { dx: 0, dy: 0 }, /** * @cfg {Object} trackStyle * Track sector styles. * @cfg {String/Object[]} trackStyle.fill Track sector fill color. Defaults to CSS value. * It's also possible to have a linear gradient fill that starts at the top-left corner * of the gauge and ends at its bottom-right corner, by providing an array of color stop * objects. For example: * * trackStyle: { * fill: [{ * offset: 0, * color: 'green', * opacity: 0.8 * }, { * offset: 1, * color: 'gold' * }] * } * * @cfg {Number} trackStyle.fillOpacity Track sector fill opacity. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {String} trackStyle.stroke Track sector stroke color. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number} trackStyle.strokeOpacity Track sector stroke opacity. * Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number} trackStyle.strokeWidth Track sector stroke width. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number/String} [trackStyle.outerRadius='100%'] The outer radius of the track * sector. * For example: * * outerRadius: '90%', // 90% of the maximum radius * outerRadius: 100, // radius of 100 pixels * outerRadius: '70% + 5', // 70% of the maximum radius plus 5 pixels * outerRadius: '80% - 10', // 80% of the maximum radius minus 10 pixels * * @cfg {Number/String} [trackStyle.innerRadius='50%'] The inner radius of the track sector. * See the `trackStyle.outerRadius` config documentation for more information. * @cfg {Boolean} [trackStyle.round=false] Whether to round the track sector edges or not. */ trackStyle: { outerRadius: '100%', innerRadius: '100% - 20', round: false }, /** * @cfg {Object} valueStyle * Value sector styles. * @cfg {String/Object[]} valueStyle.fill Value sector fill color. Defaults to CSS value. * See the `trackStyle.fill` config documentation for more information. * @cfg {Number} valueStyle.fillOpacity Value sector fill opacity. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {String} valueStyle.stroke Value sector stroke color. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number} valueStyle.strokeOpacity Value sector stroke opacity. Defaults to * CSS value. * @cfg {Number} valueStyle.strokeWidth Value sector stroke width. Defaults to CSS value. * @cfg {Number/String} [valueStyle.outerRadius='100% - 4'] The outer radius of the value * sector. * See the `trackStyle.outerRadius` config documentation for more information. * @cfg {Number/String} [valueStyle.innerRadius='50% + 4'] The inner radius of the value * sector. * See the `trackStyle.outerRadius` config documentation for more information. * @cfg {Boolean} [valueStyle.round=false] Whether to round the value sector edges or not. */ valueStyle: { outerRadius: '100% - 2', innerRadius: '100% - 18', round: false }, /** * @cfg {Object/Boolean} [animation=true] * The animation applied to the gauge on changes to the {@link #value} * and the {@link #angleOffset} configs. Defaults to 1 second animation * with the 'out' easing. * @cfg {Number} animation.duration The duraction of the animation. * @cfg {String} animation.easing The easing function to use for the animation. * Possible values are: * - `linear` - no easing, no acceleration * - `in` - accelerating from zero velocity * - `out` - (default) decelerating to zero velocity * - `inOut` - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration */ animation: true }, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'gauge', template: [{ reference: 'bodyElement', children: [{ reference: 'textElement', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'gauge-text' }] }], defaultBindProperty: 'value', pathAttributes: { // The properties in the `trackStyle` and `valueStyle` configs // that are path attributes. fill: true, fillOpacity: true, stroke: true, strokeOpacity: true, strokeWidth: true }, easings: { linear: Ext.identityFn, // cubic easings 'in': function(t) { return t * t * t; }, out: function(t) { return (--t) * t * t + 1; }, inOut: function(t) { return t < 0.5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1; } }, resizeDelay: 0, // in milliseconds resizeTimerId: 0, size: null, // cached size svgNS: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', svg: null, // SVG document defs: null, // the `defs` section of the SVG document trackArc: null, valueArc: null, trackGradient: null, valueGradient: null, fx: null, // either the `value` or the `angleOffset` animation fxValue: 0, // the actual value rendered/animated fxAngleOffset: 0, constructor: function(config) { var me = this; me.fitSectorInRectCache = { startAngle: null, lengthAngle: null, minX: null, maxX: null, minY: null, maxY: null }; me.interpolator = me.createInterpolator(); me.callParent([config]); me.el.on('resize', 'onElementResize', me); }, doDestroy: function() { var me = this; Ext.undefer(me.resizeTimerId); me.el.un('resize', 'onElementResize', me); me.stopAnimation(); me.setNeedle(null); me.trackGradient = Ext.destroy(me.trackGradient); me.valueGradient = Ext.destroy(me.valueGradient); me.defs = Ext.destroy(me.defs); me.svg = Ext.destroy(me.svg); me.callParent(); }, // <if classic> afterComponentLayout: function(width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight) { this.callParent([width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight]); if (Ext.isIE9) { this.handleResize(); } }, // </if> onElementResize: function(element, size) { this.handleResize(size); }, handleResize: function(size, instantly) { var me = this, el = me.element; if (!(el && (size = size || el.getSize()) && size.width && size.height)) { return; } me.resizeTimerId = Ext.undefer(me.resizeTimerId); if (!instantly && me.resizeDelay) { me.resizeTimerId = Ext.defer(me.handleResize, me.resizeDelay, me, [size, true]); return; } me.size = size; me.resizeHandler(size); }, updateMinValue: function(minValue) { var me = this; me.interpolator.setDomain(minValue, me.getMaxValue()); if (!me.isConfiguring) { me.render(); } }, updateMaxValue: function(maxValue) { var me = this; me.interpolator.setDomain(me.getMinValue(), maxValue); if (!me.isConfiguring) { me.render(); } }, updateAngleOffset: function(angleOffset, oldAngleOffset) { var me = this, animation = me.getAnimation(); me.fxAngleOffset = angleOffset; if (me.isConfiguring) { return; } if (animation.duration) { me.animate( oldAngleOffset, angleOffset, animation.duration, me.easings[animation.easing], function(angleOffset) { me.fxAngleOffset = angleOffset; me.render(); } ); } else { me.render(); } }, //<debug> applyTrackStart: function(trackStart) { if (trackStart < 0 || trackStart >= 360) { Ext.raise("'trackStart' should be within [0, 360)."); } return trackStart; }, applyTrackLength: function(trackLength) { if (trackLength <= 0 || trackLength > 360) { Ext.raise("'trackLength' should be within (0, 360]."); } return trackLength; }, //</debug> updateTrackStart: function(trackStart) { var me = this; if (!me.isConfiguring) { me.render(); } }, updateTrackLength: function(trackLength) { var me = this; me.interpolator.setRange(0, trackLength); if (!me.isConfiguring) { me.render(); } }, applyPadding: function(padding) { var ratio; if (typeof padding === 'string') { ratio = parseFloat(padding) / 100; return function(x) { return x * ratio; }; } return function() { return padding; }; }, updatePadding: function() { if (!this.isConfiguring) { this.render(); } }, applyValue: function(value) { var minValue = this.getMinValue(), maxValue = this.getMaxValue(); return Math.min(Math.max(value, minValue), maxValue); }, updateValue: function(value, oldValue) { var me = this, animation = me.getAnimation(); me.fxValue = value; if (me.isConfiguring) { return; } me.writeText(); if (animation.duration) { me.animate( oldValue, value, animation.duration, me.easings[animation.easing], function(value) { me.fxValue = value; me.render(); } ); } else { me.render(); } }, applyTextTpl: function(textTpl) { if (textTpl && !textTpl.isTemplate) { textTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(textTpl); } return textTpl; }, applyTextOffset: function(offset) { offset = offset || {}; offset.dx = offset.dx || 0; offset.dy = offset.dy || 0; return offset; }, updateTextTpl: function() { this.writeText(); if (!this.isConfiguring) { this.centerText(); // text will be centered on first size } }, writeText: function(options) { var me = this, value = me.getValue(), minValue = me.getMinValue(), maxValue = me.getMaxValue(), delta = maxValue - minValue, textTpl = me.getTextTpl(); textTpl.overwrite(me.textElement, { value: value, percent: (value - minValue) / delta * 100, minValue: minValue, maxValue: maxValue, delta: delta }); }, centerText: function(cx, cy, sectorRegion, innerRadius, outerRadius) { var textElement = this.textElement, textAlign = this.getTextAlign(), alignedRegion, textBox; if (Ext.Number.isEqual(innerRadius, 0, 0.1) || sectorRegion.isOutOfBound({ x: cx, y: cy })) { alignedRegion = textElement.getRegion().alignTo({ align: textAlign, // align text region's center to sector region's center target: sectorRegion }); textElement.setLeft(alignedRegion.left); textElement.setTop(alignedRegion.top); } else { textBox = textElement.getBox(); textElement.setLeft(cx - textBox.width / 2); textElement.setTop(cy - textBox.height / 2); } }, camelCaseRe: /([a-z])([A-Z])/g, /** * @private */ camelToHyphen: function(name) { return name.replace(this.camelCaseRe, '$1-$2').toLowerCase(); }, applyTrackStyle: function(trackStyle) { var me = this, trackGradient; trackStyle.innerRadius = me.getRadiusFn(trackStyle.innerRadius); trackStyle.outerRadius = me.getRadiusFn(trackStyle.outerRadius); if (Ext.isArray(trackStyle.fill)) { trackGradient = me.getTrackGradient(); me.setGradientStops(trackGradient, trackStyle.fill); trackStyle.fill = 'url(#' + trackGradient.dom.getAttribute('id') + ')'; } return trackStyle; }, updateTrackStyle: function(trackStyle) { var me = this, trackArc = Ext.fly(me.getTrackArc()), name; for (name in trackStyle) { if (name in me.pathAttributes) { trackArc.setStyle(me.camelToHyphen(name), trackStyle[name]); } else { trackArc.setStyle(name, trackStyle[name]); } } }, applyValueStyle: function(valueStyle) { var me = this, valueGradient; valueStyle.innerRadius = me.getRadiusFn(valueStyle.innerRadius); valueStyle.outerRadius = me.getRadiusFn(valueStyle.outerRadius); if (Ext.isArray(valueStyle.fill)) { valueGradient = me.getValueGradient(); me.setGradientStops(valueGradient, valueStyle.fill); valueStyle.fill = 'url(#' + valueGradient.dom.getAttribute('id') + ')'; } return valueStyle; }, updateValueStyle: function(valueStyle) { var me = this, valueArc = Ext.fly(me.getValueArc()), name; for (name in valueStyle) { if (name in me.pathAttributes) { valueArc.setStyle(me.camelToHyphen(name), valueStyle[name]); } else { valueArc.setStyle(name, valueStyle[name]); } } }, /** * @private */ getRadiusFn: function(radius) { var result, pos, ratio, increment = 0; if (Ext.isNumber(radius)) { result = function() { return radius; }; } else if (Ext.isString(radius)) { radius = radius.replace(/ /g, ''); ratio = parseFloat(radius) / 100; pos = radius.search('%'); // E.g. '100% - 4' if (pos < radius.length - 1) { increment = parseFloat(radius.substr(pos + 1)); } result = function(radius) { return radius * ratio + increment; }; result.ratio = ratio; } return result; }, getSvg: function() { var me = this, svg = me.svg; if (!svg) { svg = me.svg = Ext.get(document.createElementNS(me.svgNS, 'svg')); me.bodyElement.append(svg); } return svg; }, getTrackArc: function() { var me = this, trackArc = me.trackArc; if (!trackArc) { trackArc = me.trackArc = document.createElementNS(me.svgNS, 'path'); me.getSvg().append(trackArc, true); // Note: Ext.dom.Element.addCls doesn't work on SVG elements, // as it simply assigns a class string to el.dom.className, // which in case of SVG is no simple string: // SVGAnimatedString {baseVal: "x-gauge-track", animVal: "x-gauge-track"} trackArc.setAttribute('class', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'gauge-track'); } return trackArc; }, getValueArc: function() { var me = this, valueArc = me.valueArc; me.getTrackArc(); // make sure the track arc is created first for proper draw order if (!valueArc) { valueArc = me.valueArc = document.createElementNS(me.svgNS, 'path'); me.getSvg().append(valueArc, true); valueArc.setAttribute('class', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'gauge-value'); } return valueArc; }, applyNeedle: function(needle, oldNeedle) { // Make sure the track and value elements have been already created, // so that the needle element renders on top. this.getValueArc(); return Ext.Factory.gaugeNeedle.update(oldNeedle, needle, this, 'createNeedle', 'needleDefaults'); }, createNeedle: function(config) { return Ext.apply({ gauge: this }, config); }, getDefs: function() { var me = this, defs = me.defs; if (!defs) { defs = me.defs = Ext.get(document.createElementNS(me.svgNS, 'defs')); me.getSvg().appendChild(defs); } return defs; }, /** * @private */ setGradientSize: function(gradient, x1, y1, x2, y2) { gradient.setAttribute('x1', x1); gradient.setAttribute('y1', y1); gradient.setAttribute('x2', x2); gradient.setAttribute('y2', y2); }, /** * @private */ resizeGradients: function(size) { var me = this, trackGradient = me.getTrackGradient(), valueGradient = me.getValueGradient(), x1 = 0, y1 = size.height / 2, x2 = size.width, y2 = size.height / 2; me.setGradientSize(trackGradient.dom, x1, y1, x2, y2); me.setGradientSize(valueGradient.dom, x1, y1, x2, y2); }, /** * @private */ setGradientStops: function(gradient, stops) { var ln = stops.length, i, stopCfg, stopEl; while (gradient.firstChild) { gradient.removeChild(gradient.firstChild); } for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { stopCfg = stops[i]; stopEl = document.createElementNS(this.svgNS, 'stop'); gradient.appendChild(stopEl); stopEl.setAttribute('offset', stopCfg.offset); stopEl.setAttribute('stop-color', stopCfg.color); if ('opacity' in stopCfg) { stopEl.setAttribute('stop-opacity', stopCfg.opacity); } } }, getTrackGradient: function() { var me = this, trackGradient = me.trackGradient; if (!trackGradient) { trackGradient = me.trackGradient = Ext.get(document.createElementNS(me.svgNS, 'linearGradient')); // Using absolute values for x1, y1, x2, y2 attributes. trackGradient.dom.setAttribute('gradientUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'); me.getDefs().appendChild(trackGradient); Ext.get(trackGradient); // assign unique ID } return trackGradient; }, getValueGradient: function() { var me = this, valueGradient = me.valueGradient; if (!valueGradient) { valueGradient = me.valueGradient = Ext.get(document.createElementNS(me.svgNS, 'linearGradient')); // Using absolute values for x1, y1, x2, y2 attributes. valueGradient.dom.setAttribute('gradientUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'); me.getDefs().appendChild(valueGradient); Ext.get(valueGradient); // assign unique ID } return valueGradient; }, getArcPoint: function(centerX, centerY, radius, degrees) { var radians = degrees / 180 * Math.PI; return [ centerX + radius * Math.cos(radians), centerY + radius * Math.sin(radians) ]; }, isCircle: function(startAngle, endAngle) { return Ext.Number.isEqual(Math.abs(endAngle - startAngle), 360, 0.001); }, getArcPath: function(centerX, centerY, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, round) { var me = this, isCircle = me.isCircle(startAngle, endAngle), // It's not possible to draw a circle using arcs. endAngle = endAngle - 0.01, // eslint-disable-line no-redeclare innerStartPoint = me.getArcPoint(centerX, centerY, innerRadius, startAngle), innerEndPoint = me.getArcPoint(centerX, centerY, innerRadius, endAngle), outerStartPoint = me.getArcPoint(centerX, centerY, outerRadius, startAngle), outerEndPoint = me.getArcPoint(centerX, centerY, outerRadius, endAngle), large = endAngle - startAngle <= 180 ? 0 : 1, path = [ 'M', innerStartPoint[0], innerStartPoint[1], 'A', innerRadius, innerRadius, 0, large, 1, innerEndPoint[0], innerEndPoint[1] ], capRadius = (outerRadius - innerRadius) / 2; if (isCircle) { path.push('M', outerEndPoint[0], outerEndPoint[1]); } else { if (round) { path.push('A', capRadius, capRadius, 0, 0, 0, outerEndPoint[0], outerEndPoint[1]); } else { path.push('L', outerEndPoint[0], outerEndPoint[1]); } } path.push('A', outerRadius, outerRadius, 0, large, 0, outerStartPoint[0], outerStartPoint[1]); if (round && !isCircle) { path.push('A', capRadius, capRadius, 0, 0, 0, innerStartPoint[0], innerStartPoint[1]); } path.push('Z'); return path.join(' '); }, resizeHandler: function(size) { var me = this, svg = me.getSvg(); svg.setSize(size); me.resizeGradients(size); me.render(); }, /** * @private * Creates a linear interpolator function that itself has a few methods: * - `setDomain(from, to)` * - `setRange(from, to)` * - `getDomain` - returns the domain as a [from, to] array * - `getRange` - returns the range as a [from, to] array * @param {Boolean} [rangeCheck=false] * Whether to allow out of bounds values for domain and range. * @return {Function} The interpolator function: * `interpolator(domainValue, isInvert)`. * If the `isInvert` parameter is `true`, the start of domain will correspond * to the end of range. This is useful, for example, when you want to render * increasing domain values counter-clockwise instead of clockwise. */ createInterpolator: function(rangeCheck) { var domainStart = 0, domainDelta = 1, rangeStart = 0, rangeEnd = 1, interpolator = function(x, invert) { var t = 0; if (domainDelta) { t = (x - domainStart) / domainDelta; if (rangeCheck) { t = Math.max(0, t); t = Math.min(1, t); } if (invert) { t = 1 - t; } } return (1 - t) * rangeStart + t * rangeEnd; }; interpolator.setDomain = function(a, b) { domainStart = a; domainDelta = b - a; return this; }; interpolator.setRange = function(a, b) { rangeStart = a; rangeEnd = b; return this; }; interpolator.getDomain = function() { return [domainStart, domainStart + domainDelta]; }; interpolator.getRange = function() { return [rangeStart, rangeEnd]; }; return interpolator; }, applyAnimation: function(animation) { if (true === animation) { animation = {}; } else if (false === animation) { animation = { duration: 0 }; } if (!('duration' in animation)) { animation.duration = 1000; } if (!(animation.easing in this.easings)) { animation.easing = 'out'; } return animation; }, updateAnimation: function() { this.stopAnimation(); }, /** * @private * @param {Number} from * @param {Number} to * @param {Number} duration * @param {Function} easing * @param {Function} fn Function to execute on every frame of animation. * The function takes a single parameter - the value in the [from, to] * range, interpolated based on current time and easing function. * With certain easings, the value may overshoot the range slighly. * @param {Object} scope */ animate: function(from, to, duration, easing, fn, scope) { var me = this, start = Ext.now(), interpolator = me.createInterpolator().setRange(from, to); function frame() { var now = Ext.AnimationQueue.frameStartTime, t = Math.min(now - start, duration) / duration, value = interpolator(easing(t)); if (scope) { if (typeof fn === 'string') { scope[fn].call(scope, value); } else { fn.call(scope, value); } } else { fn(value); } if (t >= 1) { Ext.AnimationQueue.stop(frame, scope); me.fx = null; } } me.stopAnimation(); Ext.AnimationQueue.start(frame, scope); me.fx = { frame: frame, scope: scope }; }, /** * Stops the current {@link #value} or {@link #angleOffset} animation. */ stopAnimation: function() { var me = this; if (me.fx) { Ext.AnimationQueue.stop(me.fx.frame, me.fx.scope); me.fx = null; } }, unitCircleExtrema: { 0: [1, 0], 90: [0, 1], 180: [-1, 0], 270: [0, -1], 360: [1, 0], 450: [0, 1], 540: [-1, 0], 630: [0, -1] }, /** * @private */ getUnitSectorExtrema: function(startAngle, lengthAngle) { var extrema = this.unitCircleExtrema, points = [], angle; for (angle in extrema) { if (angle > startAngle && angle < startAngle + lengthAngle) { points.push(extrema[angle]); } } return points; }, /** * @private * Given a rect with a known width and height, find the maximum radius of the donut * sector that can fit into it, as well as the center point of such a sector. * The end and start angles of the sector are also known, as well as the relationship * between the inner and outer radii. */ fitSectorInRect: function(width, height, startAngle, lengthAngle, ratio) { if (Ext.Number.isEqual(lengthAngle, 360, 0.001)) { return { cx: width / 2, cy: height / 2, radius: Math.min(width, height) / 2, region: new Ext.util.Region(0, width, height, 0) }; } // eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top var me = this, points, xx, yy, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, cache = me.fitSectorInRectCache, sameAngles = cache.startAngle === startAngle && cache.lengthAngle === lengthAngle; if (sameAngles) { minX = cache.minX; maxX = cache.maxX; minY = cache.minY; maxY = cache.maxY; } else { points = me.getUnitSectorExtrema(startAngle, lengthAngle).concat([ // start angle outer radius point me.getArcPoint(0, 0, 1, startAngle), // start angle inner radius point me.getArcPoint(0, 0, ratio, startAngle), // end angle outer radius point me.getArcPoint(0, 0, 1, startAngle + lengthAngle), // end angle inner radius point me.getArcPoint(0, 0, ratio, startAngle + lengthAngle) ]); xx = points.map(function(point) { return point[0]; }); yy = points.map(function(point) { return point[1]; }); // The bounding box of a unit sector with the given properties. minX = Math.min.apply(null, xx); maxX = Math.max.apply(null, xx); minY = Math.min.apply(null, yy); maxY = Math.max.apply(null, yy); cache.startAngle = startAngle; cache.lengthAngle = lengthAngle; cache.minX = minX; cache.maxX = maxX; cache.minY = minY; cache.maxY = maxY; } // eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top, one-var var sectorWidth = maxX - minX, sectorHeight = maxY - minY, scaleX = width / sectorWidth, scaleY = height / sectorHeight, scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY), // Region constructor takes: top, right, bottom, left. sectorRegion = new Ext.util.Region(minY * scale, maxX * scale, maxY * scale, minX * scale), rectRegion = new Ext.util.Region(0, width, height, 0), alignedRegion = sectorRegion.alignTo({ align: 'c-c', // align sector region's center to rect region's center target: rectRegion }), dx = alignedRegion.left - minX * scale, dy = alignedRegion.top - minY * scale; return { cx: dx, cy: dy, radius: scale, region: alignedRegion }; }, /** * @private */ fitSectorInPaddedRect: function(width, height, padding, startAngle, lengthAngle, ratio) { var result = this.fitSectorInRect( width - padding * 2, height - padding * 2, startAngle, lengthAngle, ratio ); result.cx += padding; result.cy += padding; result.region.translateBy(padding, padding); return result; }, /** * @private */ normalizeAngle: function(angle) { return (angle % 360 + 360) % 360; }, render: function() { if (!this.size) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top var me = this, textOffset = me.getTextOffset(), trackArc = me.getTrackArc(), valueArc = me.getValueArc(), needle = me.getNeedle(), clockwise = me.getClockwise(), value = me.fxValue, angleOffset = me.fxAngleOffset, trackLength = me.getTrackLength(), width = me.size.width, height = me.size.height, paddingFn = me.getPadding(), padding = paddingFn(Math.min(width, height)), // in the range of [0, 360) trackStart = me.normalizeAngle(me.getTrackStart() + angleOffset), // in the range of (0, 720) trackEnd = trackStart + trackLength, valueLength = me.interpolator(value), trackStyle = me.getTrackStyle(), valueStyle = me.getValueStyle(), sector = me.fitSectorInPaddedRect( width, height, padding, trackStart, trackLength, trackStyle.innerRadius.ratio ), cx = sector.cx, cy = sector.cy, radius = sector.radius, trackInnerRadius = Math.max(0, trackStyle.innerRadius(radius)), trackOuterRadius = Math.max(0, trackStyle.outerRadius(radius)), valueInnerRadius = Math.max(0, valueStyle.innerRadius(radius)), valueOuterRadius = Math.max(0, valueStyle.outerRadius(radius)), trackPath = me.getArcPath( cx, cy, trackInnerRadius, trackOuterRadius, trackStart, trackEnd, trackStyle.round ), valuePath = me.getArcPath( cx, cy, valueInnerRadius, valueOuterRadius, clockwise ? trackStart : trackEnd - valueLength, clockwise ? trackStart + valueLength : trackEnd, valueStyle.round ); me.centerText( cx + textOffset.dx, cy + textOffset.dy, sector.region, trackInnerRadius, trackOuterRadius ); trackArc.setAttribute('d', trackPath); valueArc.setAttribute('d', valuePath); if (needle) { needle.setRadius(radius); needle.setTransform(cx, cy, -90 + trackStart + valueLength); } me.fireEvent('render', me); }});