/** * This store contains a flattened list of {@link Ext.calendar.model.EventBase events} * from multiple {@link Ext.calendar.store.Calendars calendars}. It provides a simpler * API for calendar views to interact with and monitors the attached {@link #source} * for changes. * * This store ensures that only events within the specified {@link #setRange range} are * included. Views will communicate with this store to set the range, which is then * forwarded to any appropriate {@link Ext.calendar.store.Events event stores}. * * Typically, this class is not created directly but rather via the * {@link Ext.calendar.store.Calendars#getEventSource} method. */Ext.define('Ext.calendar.store.EventSource', { extend: 'Ext.data.Store', requires: [ 'Ext.calendar.date.Range' ], config: { /** * @cfg {Ext.calendar.store.Calendars} source * The calendar source for events. */ source: null }, sorters: [{ direction: 'ASC', sorterFn: function(a, b) { return Ext.calendar.model.Event.sort(a, b); } }], trackRemoved: false, constructor: function(config) { this.calendarMap = {}; this.callParent([config]); }, createEvent: function(data) { //<debug> if (!this.getSource()) { Ext.raise('Cannot create event, no source specified.'); } if (!this.getSource().first()) { Ext.raise('Cannot create event, source is empty.'); } //</debug> // eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top var T = this.getSource().first().events().getModel(), event = new T(); if (data) { event.setData(data); } return event; }, updateSource: function(source) { var me = this; me.sourceListeners = Ext.destroy(me.sourceListeners); if (source) { me.sourceListeners = source.on({ // Run through the full set on change, it's not expected that // there will be a significant amount of calendars so it's not // really a performance concern. destroyable: true, scope: me, add: 'checkData', remove: 'checkData', refresh: 'checkData' }); me.checkData(); } }, add: function(record) { var events = this.getEventsForCalendar(record.getCalendarId()); if (!events) { //<debug> Ext.raise('Unknown calendar: ' + record.getCalendarId()); //</debug> return; } events.add(record); }, move: function(record, oldCalendar) { var store = this.getEventsForCalendar(oldCalendar), newCalendar = record.getCalendar(), removed; if (newCalendar) { store.suspendAutoSync(); ++store.isMoving; } store.remove(record); if (newCalendar) { --store.isMoving; store.resumeAutoSync(); record.unjoin(store); removed = store.removed; if (removed) { Ext.Array.remove(removed, record); } store = this.getEventsForCalendar(newCalendar); store.suspendAutoSync(); store.add(record); store.resumeAutoSync(); } }, remove: function(record) { var events = this.getEventsForCalendar(record.getCalendarId()); if (!events) { //<debug> Ext.raise('Unknown calendar: ' + record.getCalendarId()); //</debug> return; } events.remove(record); }, hasRangeCached: function(range) { var map = this.calendarMap, current = this.range, id, store, hasAny; if (!current) { return false; } for (id in map) { hasAny = true; store = this.getEventsForCalendar(map[id]); if (!store.hasRangeCached(range)) { return false; } } if (!hasAny) { return current.containsRange(range); } return true; }, setRange: function(range) { var me = this, map = me.calendarMap, success = true, allCached = true, cached, store, id, loads, hasAny; me.range = range.clone(); for (id in map) { hasAny = true; store = me.getEventsForCalendar(map[id]); // The store doesn't have the immediate range cached = store.hasRangeCached(range); allCached = allCached && cached; store.setRange(range); if (!cached) { loads = loads || []; store.on('load', function(s, records, successful) { Ext.Array.remove(loads, s); success = success && successful; if (loads.length === 0) { me.doBulkLoad(success); } }, null, { single: true }); loads.push(store); me.activeLoad = true; } } if (hasAny && allCached) { me.checkData(true); } else if (loads) { me.fireEvent('beforeload', me); } }, doDestroy: function() { var me = this, map = this.calendarMap, id; for (id in map) { me.untrackCalendar(map[id]); } me.calendarMap = me.stores = null; me.setSource(null); me.callParent(); }, privates: { checkData: function(fromSetRange) { var me = this, map = me.calendarMap, o = Ext.apply({}, map), source = me.getSource(), calendars = source.getRange(), len = calendars.length, records = [], range = me.range, i, id, calendar, events, start, end; if (range) { start = range.start; end = range.end; } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { calendar = calendars[i]; id = calendar.getId(); if (o[id]) { // We already know about it, but the object reference may // be different, so rebind listeners to be sure delete o[id]; me.untrackCalendar(map[id]); } me.trackCalendar(calendar); if (range) { events = me.getEventsForCalendar(calendar); if (events.getCount()) { Ext.Array.push(records, events.getInRange(start, end)); } } map[id] = calendar; } for (id in o) { // These are any leftovers, untrack them me.untrackCalendar(o[id]); delete map[id]; } if (fromSetRange !== true && range) { me.setRange(range); } me.loadRecords(records); }, doBulkLoad: function(success) { var me = this, map = me.calendarMap, range = me.range, records = [], id, events; if (success) { for (id in map) { events = me.getEventsForCalendar(map[id]); Ext.Array.push(records, events.getInRange(range.start, range.end)); } me.loadRecords(records); } me.fireEvent('load', me, records, success); me.activeLoad = false; }, fireChangeEvent: function() { return false; }, getEventsForCalendar: function(calendar) { var ret = null; if (!calendar.isModel) { calendar = this.calendarMap[calendar]; } if (calendar) { ret = calendar.events(); } return ret; }, onEventStoreAdd: function(store, records) { var range = this.range, len = records.length, toAdd = [], i, rec; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { rec = records[i]; if (rec.occursInRange(range.start, range.end)) { toAdd.push(rec); } } if (toAdd.length > 0) { this.getDataSource().add(toAdd); } }, onEventStoreBeforeUpdate: function(store, record) { if (!record.$moving) { this.suspendEvents(); this.lastIndex = this.indexOf(record); } }, onEventStoreClear: function(store, records) { var me = this, result; if (records.length > 0) { me.suspendEvents(); result = me.getDataSource().remove(records); me.resumeEvents(); if (result) { me.fireEvent('refresh', me); } } }, onEventStorePrefetch: function(store, added, pruned) { this.getDataSource().remove(pruned); }, onEventStoreRefresh: function() { if (this.activeLoad) { return; } this.checkData(); }, onEventStoreRemove: function(store, records) { this.getDataSource().remove(records); }, onEventStoreUpdate: function(store, record, type, modifiedFieldNames, info) { if (record.$moving) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top var me = this, oldIndex = me.lastIndex, contained = me.lastIndex !== -1, contains = me.contains(record); me.resumeEvents(); if (contained && contains) { me.fireEvent('update', me, record, type, modifiedFieldNames, info); } else if (contained && !contains) { me.fireEvent('remove', me, [record], oldIndex, false); } else if (!contained && contains) { me.fireEvent('add', me, [record], me.indexOf(record)); } }, trackCalendar: function(calendar) { var events = this.getEventsForCalendar(calendar); events.sourceListeners = events.on({ destroyable: true, scope: this, add: 'onEventStoreAdd', beforeupdate: 'onEventStoreBeforeUpdate', clear: 'onEventStoreClear', prefetch: 'onEventStorePrefetch', refresh: 'onEventStoreRefresh', remove: 'onEventStoreRemove', update: 'onEventStoreUpdate' }); }, untrackCalendar: function(calendar) { var events = this.getEventsForCalendar(calendar); events.sourceListeners = Ext.destroy(events.sourceListeners); } }});