/** @class Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Container */ /** * @var {number} * The border-width of the container's body that holds dimension fields. */$pivot-grid-config-container-body-border-width: dynamic(0 0 0 1px);/** * @var {string} * The border-style of the container's body that holds dimension fields. */$pivot-grid-config-container-body-border-style: dynamic(solid);/** * @var {color} * The border color of the container's body that holds dimension fields. */$pivot-grid-config-container-body-border-color: dynamic(top($panel-body-border-color)); /** * @var {string} * The icon of DND left indicator */$pivot-grid-left-indicator-icon: $fa-var-long-arrow-left 'Font Awesome 5 Free';/** * @var {string} * The icon of DND right indicator */$pivot-grid-right-indicator-icon: $fa-var-long-arrow-right 'Font Awesome 5 Free';/** * @var {string} * The icon of the valid state of the DND proxy placeholder */$pivot-drag-proxy-placeholder-valid-icon: $fa-var-check 'Font Awesome 5 Free';/** * @var {string} * The icon of the invalid state of the DND proxy placeholder */$pivot-drag-proxy-placeholder-invalid-icon: $fa-var-times 'Font Awesome 5 Free';