/** * @private * * This easing is typically used for {@link Ext.scroll.Scroller}. It's a combination of * {@link Ext.fx.easing.Momentum} and {@link Ext.fx.easing.Bounce}, which emulates deceleration * when the animated element is still within its boundary, then bouncing back (snapping) when * it's out-of-bound. */Ext.define('Ext.fx.easing.BoundMomentum', { extend: 'Ext.fx.easing.Abstract', requires: [ 'Ext.fx.easing.Momentum', 'Ext.fx.easing.Bounce' ], config: { /** * @cfg {Object} momentum * A valid config object for {@link Ext.fx.easing.Momentum} * @accessor */ momentum: null, /** * @cfg {Object} bounce * A valid config object for {@link Ext.fx.easing.Bounce} * @accessor */ bounce: null, minMomentumValue: 0, maxMomentumValue: 0, /** * @cfg {Number} minVelocity * The minimum velocity to end this easing * @accessor */ minVelocity: 0.01, /** * @cfg {Number} startVelocity * The start velocity * @accessor */ startVelocity: 0 }, applyMomentum: function(config, currentEasing) { return Ext.factory(config, Ext.fx.easing.Momentum, currentEasing); }, applyBounce: function(config, currentEasing) { return Ext.factory(config, Ext.fx.easing.Bounce, currentEasing); }, updateStartTime: function(startTime) { this.getMomentum().setStartTime(startTime); this.callParent(arguments); }, updateStartVelocity: function(startVelocity) { this.getMomentum().setStartVelocity(startVelocity); }, updateStartValue: function(startValue) { this.getMomentum().setStartValue(startValue); }, reset: function() { this.lastValue = null; this.isBouncingBack = false; this.isOutOfBound = false; return this.callParent(arguments); }, getValue: function() { var momentum = this.getMomentum(), bounce = this.getBounce(), startVelocity = momentum.getStartVelocity(), direction = startVelocity > 0 ? 1 : -1, minValue = this.getMinMomentumValue(), maxValue = this.getMaxMomentumValue(), boundedValue = (direction === 1) ? maxValue : minValue, lastValue = this.lastValue, value, velocity; if (startVelocity === 0) { return this.getStartValue(); } if (!this.isOutOfBound) { value = momentum.getValue(); velocity = momentum.getVelocity(); if (Math.abs(velocity) < this.getMinVelocity()) { this.isEnded = true; } if (value >= minValue && value <= maxValue) { return value; } this.isOutOfBound = true; bounce.setStartTime(Ext.Date.now()) .setStartVelocity(velocity) .setStartValue(boundedValue); } value = bounce.getValue(); if (!this.isEnded) { if (!this.isBouncingBack) { if (lastValue !== null) { if ((direction === 1 && value < lastValue) || (direction === -1 && value > lastValue)) { this.isBouncingBack = true; } } } else { if (Math.round(value) === boundedValue) { this.isEnded = true; } } } this.lastValue = value; return value; }});