/** * This is the window that allows pivot matrix settings configuration. */Ext.define('Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.window.Settings', { extend: 'Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.window.Window', requires: [ 'Ext.form.field.Display' ], title: 'Settings', layoutText: 'Layout', outlineLayoutText: 'Outline', compactLayoutText: 'Compact', tabularLayoutText: 'Tabular', firstPositionText: 'First', hidePositionText: 'Hide', lastPositionText: 'Last', rowSubTotalPositionText: 'Row subtotal position', columnSubTotalPositionText: 'Column subtotal position', rowTotalPositionText: 'Row total position', columnTotalPositionText: 'Column total position', showZeroAsBlankText: 'Show zero as blank', yesText: 'Yes', noText: 'No', getSettingsForm: function() { var me = this, storePositions = { type: 'array', fields: ['text', 'value'], data: [ [me.firstPositionText, 'first'], [me.hidePositionText, 'none'], [me.lastPositionText, 'last'] ] }; return Ext.apply(me.callParent(arguments), { items: [{ xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: me.layoutText, editable: false, queryMode: 'local', valueField: 'value', name: 'viewLayoutType', store: { type: 'array', fields: ['text', 'value'], data: [ [me.outlineLayoutText, 'outline'], [me.compactLayoutText, 'compact'], [me.tabularLayoutText, 'tabular'] ] } }, { xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: me.rowSubTotalPositionText, editable: false, queryMode: 'local', valueField: 'value', name: 'rowSubTotalsPosition', store: storePositions }, { xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: me.columnSubTotalPositionText, editable: false, queryMode: 'local', valueField: 'value', name: 'colSubTotalsPosition', store: storePositions }, { xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: me.rowTotalPositionText, editable: false, queryMode: 'local', valueField: 'value', name: 'rowGrandTotalsPosition', store: storePositions }, { xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: me.columnTotalPositionText, editable: false, queryMode: 'local', valueField: 'value', name: 'colGrandTotalsPosition', store: storePositions }, { xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: me.showZeroAsBlankText, editable: false, queryMode: 'local', valueField: 'value', name: 'showZeroAsBlank', store: { type: 'array', fields: ['text', 'value'], data: [ [me.yesText, true], [me.noText, false] ] } }] }); }});