/** * @private */Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.Scroller', { extend: 'Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.None', alternateClassName: 'Ext.layout.boxOverflow.Scroller', alias: [ 'box.overflow.scroller', 'box.overflow.Scroller' // capitalized for 4.x compat ], requires: [ 'Ext.util.ClickRepeater', 'Ext.Element' ], mixins: { observable: 'Ext.mixin.Observable' }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} animateScroll * True to animate the scrolling of items within the layout (ignored if enableScroll is false) */ animateScroll: false, /** * @cfg {Number} scrollIncrement * The number of pixels to scroll by on scroller click */ scrollIncrement: 20, /** * @cfg {Number} wheelIncrement * The number of pixels to increment on mouse wheel scrolling. */ wheelIncrement: 10, /** * @cfg {Number} scrollRepeatInterval * Number of milliseconds between each scroll while a scroller button is held down */ scrollRepeatInterval: 60, /** * @cfg {Number} scrollDuration * Number of milliseconds that each scroll animation lasts */ scrollDuration: 400, /** * @private */ scrollerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'box-scroller', beforeSuffix: '-before-scroller', afterSuffix: '-after-scroller', /** * @event scroll * @param {Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.Scroller} scroller The layout scroller * @param {Number} newPosition The new position of the scroller */ constructor: function(config) { var me = this; me.mixins.observable.constructor.call(me, config); me.layout.owner.on({ afterrender: me.onOwnerRender, scope: me, single: true }); me.layout.owner.getOverflowEl = me.ownerGetOverflowImpl; me.scrollPosition = 0; me.scrollSize = 0; }, onOwnerRender: function(owner) { var me = this, scrollable = { isBoxOverflowScroller: true, x: false, y: false, listeners: { scrollend: this.onScrollEnd, scope: this } }; // If no obstrusive scrollbars, allow natural scrolling on mobile touch devices if (!Ext.scrollbar.width() && !Ext.platformTags.desktop) { scrollable[owner.layout.horizontal ? 'x' : 'y'] = true; } else { me.wheelListener = me.layout.innerCt.on( 'wheel', me.onMouseWheel, me, { destroyable: true } ); } owner.setScrollable(scrollable); }, getPrefixConfig: function() { return { role: 'presentation', id: this.layout.owner.id + this.beforeSuffix, cls: this.createScrollerCls('beforeX'), style: 'display:none' }; }, getSuffixConfig: function() { return { role: 'presentation', id: this.layout.owner.id + this.afterSuffix, cls: this.createScrollerCls('afterX'), style: 'display:none' }; }, createScrollerCls: function(xName) { var me = this, layout = me.layout, owner = layout.owner, type = me.getOwnerType(owner), scrollerCls = me.scrollerCls, cls = scrollerCls + ' ' + scrollerCls + '-' + layout.names[xName] + ' ' + scrollerCls + '-' + type + ' ' + scrollerCls + '-' + type + '-' + owner.ui; if (owner.plain) { // Add plain class for components that need separate "plain" styling (e.g. tab bar) cls += ' ' + scrollerCls + '-plain'; } return cls; }, getOverflowCls: function(direction) { return this.scrollerCls + '-body-' + direction; }, beginLayout: function(ownerContext) { ownerContext.innerCtScrollPos = this.getScrollPosition(); this.callParent(arguments); }, finishedLayout: function(ownerContext) { var me = this, plan = ownerContext.state.boxPlan, layout = me.layout, names = layout.names, scrollPos = Math.min(me.getMaxScrollPosition(), ownerContext.innerCtScrollPos), lastProps; // If there is overflow... if (plan && plan.tooNarrow) { lastProps = ownerContext.childItems[ownerContext.childItems.length - 1].props; // capture this before callParent since it calls handle/clearOverflow: me.scrollSize = lastProps[names.x] + lastProps[names.width]; me.updateScrollButtons(); // Restore pre layout scroll position layout.innerCt[names.setScrollLeft](scrollPos); } me.callParent([ownerContext]); }, handleOverflow: function(ownerContext) { var me = this, names = me.layout.names, getWidth = names.getWidth, parallelMargins = names.parallelMargins, scrollerWidth, targetPaddingWidth, beforeScroller, afterScroller; me.showScrollers(); beforeScroller = me.getBeforeScroller(); afterScroller = me.getAfterScroller(); scrollerWidth = beforeScroller[getWidth]() + afterScroller[getWidth]() + beforeScroller.getMargin(parallelMargins) + afterScroller.getMargin(parallelMargins); targetPaddingWidth = ownerContext.targetContext.getPaddingInfo()[names.width]; return { reservedSpace: Math.max(scrollerWidth - targetPaddingWidth, 0) }; }, /** * @private * Returns a reference to the "before" scroller element. Creates click handlers on * the first call. */ getBeforeScroller: function() { var me = this; return me._beforeScroller || (me._beforeScroller = me.createScroller(me.beforeSuffix, 'beforeRepeater', 'scrollLeft')); }, /** * @private * Returns a reference to the "after" scroller element. Creates click handlers on * the first call. */ getAfterScroller: function() { var me = this; return me._afterScroller || (me._afterScroller = me.createScroller(me.afterSuffix, 'afterRepeater', 'scrollRight')); }, createScroller: function(suffix, repeaterName, scrollHandler) { var me = this, owner = me.layout.owner, scrollerCls = me.scrollerCls, scrollerEl; scrollerEl = owner.el.getById(owner.id + suffix); scrollerEl.addClsOnOver(scrollerCls + '-hover'); scrollerEl.addClsOnClick(scrollerCls + '-pressed'); scrollerEl.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY); me[repeaterName] = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(scrollerEl, { interval: me.scrollRepeatInterval, handler: scrollHandler, scope: me, mousedownPreventDefault: true // Stop IE from scrolling to improperly focused element }); return scrollerEl; }, onMouseWheel: function(e) { var cmp = Ext.Component.from(e.target), cmpScroller = cmp.getScrollable && cmp.getScrollable(); // Only stop the event if we are not scrolling a scrollable component // inside this container. if (!cmpScroller || (cmpScroller === this.layout.owner.getScrollable())) { e.stopEvent(); this.scrollBy(this.getWheelDelta(e) * this.wheelIncrement, false); } }, getWheelDelta: function(e) { return e.getWheelDelta(); }, /** * @private */ clearOverflow: function() { this.hideScrollers(); }, /** * @private * Shows the scroller elements. Creates the scrollers first if they are not already present. */ showScrollers: function() { var me = this; me.getBeforeScroller().show(); me.getAfterScroller().show(); me.layout.owner.addClsWithUI( me.layout.direction === 'vertical' ? 'vertical-scroller' : 'scroller' ); // TODO - this may invalidates data in the ContextItem's styleCache }, /** * @private * Hides the scroller elements. */ hideScrollers: function() { var me = this, beforeScroller = me.getBeforeScroller(), afterScroller = me.getAfterScroller(); if (beforeScroller) { beforeScroller.hide(); afterScroller.hide(); me.layout.owner.removeClsWithUI( me.layout.direction === 'vertical' ? 'vertical-scroller' : 'scroller' ); // TODO - this may invalidates data in the ContextItem's styleCache } }, destroy: function() { Ext.destroyMembers(this, 'beforeRepeater', 'afterRepeater', '_beforeScroller', '_afterScroller', 'wheelListener'); this.callParent(); }, /** * @private * Scrolls left or right by the number of pixels specified * @param {Number} delta Number of pixels to scroll to the right by. * Use a negative number to scroll left * @param {Boolean} animate */ scrollBy: function(delta, animate) { var layout = this.layout, scroller = layout.owner.getScrollable(), args = [0, 0, animate ? this.getScrollAnim() : false]; args[layout.horizontal ? 0 : 1] = delta; scroller.scrollBy.apply(scroller, args); }, /** * @private * @return {Object} Object passed to scrollTo when scrolling */ getScrollAnim: function() { return { duration: this.scrollDuration, callback: this.updateScrollButtons, scope: this }; }, /** * @private * Enables or disables each scroller button based on the current scroll position */ updateScrollButtons: function() { var me = this, beforeScroller = me.getBeforeScroller(), afterScroller = me.getAfterScroller(), scrollPos = me.getScrollPosition(), disabledCls; if (!beforeScroller || !afterScroller) { return; } disabledCls = me.scrollerCls + '-disabled'; beforeScroller[scrollPos ? 'removeCls' : 'addCls'](disabledCls); afterScroller[scrollPos >= me.getMaxScrollPosition() ? 'addCls' : 'removeCls'](disabledCls); }, /** * @private * Scrolls to the left by the configured amount */ scrollLeft: function() { this.scrollBy(-this.scrollIncrement, false); }, /** * @private * Scrolls to the right by the configured amount */ scrollRight: function() { this.scrollBy(this.scrollIncrement, false); }, /** * Returns the current scroll position of the innerCt element * @return {Number} The current scroll position */ getScrollPosition: function() { var layout = this.layout; return layout.owner.getScrollable().getPosition()[layout.horizontal ? 'x' : 'y']; }, /** * @private * Returns the maximum value we can scrollTo * @return {Number} The max scroll value */ getMaxScrollPosition: function() { var layout = this.layout; return layout.owner.getScrollable().getMaxPosition()[layout.horizontal ? 'x' : 'y']; }, /** * @private */ setVertical: function() { var me = this, beforeScroller = me.getBeforeScroller(), afterScroller = me.getAfterScroller(), names = me.layout.names, scrollerCls = me.scrollerCls; beforeScroller.removeCls(scrollerCls + '-' + names.beforeY); afterScroller.removeCls(scrollerCls + '-' + names.afterY); beforeScroller.addCls(scrollerCls + '-' + names.beforeX); afterScroller.addCls(scrollerCls + '-' + names.afterX); me.callParent(); }, /** * @private * Scrolls to the given position. Performs bounds checking. * @param {Number} position The position to scroll to. This is constrained. * @param {Boolean} animate True to animate. If undefined, falls back to value * of this.animateScroll */ scrollTo: function(position, animate) { var layout = this.layout, scroller = layout.owner.getScrollable(), args = [0, 0, animate ? this.getScrollAnim() : false]; args[layout.horizontal ? 0 : 1] = position; scroller.scrollTo.apply(scroller, args); }, onScrollEnd: function(scroller, x, y) { this.updateScrollButtons(); this.fireEvent('scroll', this, this.layout.horizontal ? x : y, false); }, /** * Scrolls to the given component. * @param {String/Number/Ext.Component} item The item to scroll to. Can be a numerical index, * component id or a reference to the component itself. * @param {Boolean} animate True to animate the scrolling */ scrollToItem: function(item, animate) { item = this.getItem(item); if (item !== undefined) { this.layout.owner.getScrollable().ensureVisible(item.el, { animation: animate }); } }, privates: { // This is injected into the owner component because the scroller // must be applied to the element this this class scrolls ownerGetOverflowImpl: function() { return this.layout.innerCt; } }});