/** * Private class which acts as a HeaderContainer for the Lockable which aggregates all columns * from both sides of the Lockable. It is never rendered, it's just used to interrogate the * column collection. * @private */Ext.define('Ext.grid.locking.HeaderContainer', { extend: 'Ext.grid.header.Container', requires: [ 'Ext.grid.ColumnManager' ], headerCtRelayEvents: [ "blur", "focus", "move", "resize", "destroy", "beforedestroy", "boxready", "afterrender", "render", "beforerender", "removed", "hide", "beforehide", "show", "beforeshow", "enable", "disable", "added", "deactivate", "beforedeactivate", "activate", "beforeactivate", "remove", "add", "beforeremove", "beforeadd", "afterlayout", "menucreate", "sortchange", "columnschanged", "columnshow", "columnhide", "columnmove", "headertriggerclick", "headercontextmenu", "headerclick", "columnresize", "statesave", "beforestatesave", "staterestore", "beforestaterestore" ], constructor: function(lockable) { var me = this, lockedGrid = lockable.lockedGrid, normalGrid = lockable.normalGrid; me.lockable = lockable; me.callParent(); // Create the unified column manager for the lockable grid assembly lockedGrid.visibleColumnManager.rootColumns = normalGrid.visibleColumnManager.rootColumns = lockable.visibleColumnManager = me.visibleColumnManager = new Ext.grid.ColumnManager(true, lockedGrid.headerCt, normalGrid.headerCt); lockedGrid.columnManager.rootColumns = normalGrid.columnManager.rootColumns = lockable.columnManager = me.columnManager = new Ext.grid.ColumnManager(false, lockedGrid.headerCt, normalGrid.headerCt); // Relay *all* events from the two HeaderContainers me.lockedEventRelayers = me.relayEvents(lockedGrid.headerCt, me.headerCtRelayEvents); me.normalEventRelayers = me.relayEvents(normalGrid.headerCt, me.headerCtRelayEvents); }, getRefItems: function() { return this.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getRefItems().concat( this.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getRefItems() ); }, // This is the function which all other column access methods are based upon // Return the full column set for the whole Lockable assembly getGridColumns: function() { return this.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getGridColumns().concat( this.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getGridColumns() ); }, // Lockable uses its headerCt to gather column state getColumnsState: function() { var me = this, locked = me.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getColumnsState(), normal = me.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getColumnsState(); return locked.concat(normal); }, // Lockable uses its headerCt to apply column state applyColumnsState: function(columnsState, storeState) { var me = this, lockedGrid = me.lockable.lockedGrid, normalGrid = me.lockable.normalGrid, lockedHeaderCt = lockedGrid.headerCt, normalHeaderCt = me.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt, columns = lockedHeaderCt.items.items.concat(normalHeaderCt.items.items), length = columns.length, i, colState, column, lockedCount, switchSides; // Loop through the column set, applying state from the columnsState object. // Columns which have their "locked" property changed must be added to the appropriate // headerCt. for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { column = columns[i]; colState = columnsState[column.getStateId()]; if (colState) { // See if the state being applied needs to cause column movement // Coerce possibly absent locked config to boolean. switchSides = colState.locked != null && !!column.locked !== colState.locked; if (column.applyColumnState) { column.applyColumnState(colState, storeState); } // If the column state means it has to change sides // move the column to the other side if (switchSides) { (column.locked ? lockedHeaderCt : normalHeaderCt).add(column); } } } lockedCount = lockedHeaderCt.items.items.length; // We must now restore state in each side's HeaderContainer. // This means passing the state down into each side's applyColumnState // to get sortable, hidden and width states restored. // We must ensure that the index on the normal side is zero based. for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { column = columns[i]; colState = columnsState[column.getStateId()]; if (colState && !column.locked) { colState.index = Math.max(0, colState.index - lockedCount); } } // Each side must apply individual column's state lockedHeaderCt.applyColumnsState(columnsState, storeState); normalHeaderCt.applyColumnsState(columnsState, storeState); // Account for columns being hidden or moved by state application. if (!lockedGrid.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns().length) { lockedGrid.hide(); } if (!normalGrid.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns().length) { normalGrid.hide(); } }, disable: function() { var topGrid = this.lockable; topGrid.lockedGrid.headerCt.disable(); topGrid.normalGrid.headerCt.disable(); }, enable: function() { var topGrid = this.lockable; topGrid.lockedGrid.headerCt.enable(); topGrid.normalGrid.headerCt.enable(); }});